-- Changes from 4.6.5 to 4.6.6 (distributed to capa2) sourcing new common.tcl and utils.tcl in .c Changed main to call Quizzer_Init, and compile in quizzer.init.c, along with adding compile date info to global var gCompileDate Changed version defs to be prepended with QUIZZER -- Changes from 4.6.4 to 4.6.5 In answer only mode, student information is always placed atop the page. (no matter the parsing mode) Signals SEGV ILL FPE and BUS, are caught, global variable capaParsing is used to detect whether these signals were thrown while parsing, if so an error message as to the location we were parsing at when the error occured is thrown up otherewise we just notify the user that some action they performed has caused its death. global variable gInterp exists in both standalone and tcl dependant modes -- Changes from 4.6.3 to 4.6.4 changed capaRunLatex to return a 2 if gStopPrinting becomes a one -- Changes from 4.6.2 to 4.6.3 added the target quizzer.2 and supporting targets to the makefile, this target creates a standalone version of quizzer, it needs the utility tcl2c-qz (a modified version of tcl2c), that takes quizzer.tcl and generates a .c file. added new file quizzer.init.c, basically is a stripped down main that implements the new standalone functionality of quizzer -- Changes from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2 capaPrintWholeClass removed (functionality moved to the Tcl code) capaPrintSection removed (functionality moved to the Tcl code) capaGetExisitingSections added, uses the capa call capa_get_section_count and returns the info to the Tcl code capaGetHeaderInfo checks capa_get_header's result code -- Changes from 4.5.1 to 4.6.1 (Given to Ed to use on capa2) now puts the student's name, number, PIN, etc at the top of an enscript preview -- Changes from 1.3 to 4.5.1 Fixed latent bug in Devel code, sourced grader.tcl rather than quizzer.tcl Fixed problem where if results directory didn't exist, it quietly fails. Updated version number to new scheme