% System Installation \rm \hrule \vskip 0.2in \section{Installation of \capa{} } \vskip 0.2in \hrule \vskip 0.2in % \vskip 0.2in % \begin{itemize} \item Expand the \capa\ file by typing: \\ {\tt uncompress} {\em Your\_OS}{\tt .tar.Z} \\ at the prompt. \item Untar the \capa\ directories by typing: \\ {\tt tar xf} {\em Your\_OS}{\tt .tar} \\ at the prompt. \item This will create a {\sl DIST5} directory which will contain the following items: \begin{verbatim} drwxr-xr-x 2 owner group 8192 May 21 20:05 LinkToBin -rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 1862901 May 21 20:05 Manual46.ps drwxr-xr-x 4 owner group 8192 May 21 20:05 PutInCAPA5 drwxr-xr-x 3 owner group 8192 May 21 20:05 PutInPublic drwxr-xr-x 3 owner group 8192 May 21 20:05 PutInPublicWeb -rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 11489 May 21 20:05 README.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 owner group 10163 May 21 20:05 UPGRADE.txt drwxr-xr-x 22 owner group 8192 May 21 20:05 demolibrary \end{verbatim} \item Print the file {\sl README.txt}. This gives instructions for system installation. If you are upgrading to \capa\ version 5.0, print the file {\sl UPGRADE.txt} instead and follow those instructions for a system upgrade. \item When checking your permissions with those given in either the {\sl UPGRADE.txt} file or {\sl README.txt} file, be informed that your file sizes may differ. \item {\bf Some Notes:} \begin{itemize} \item The \LaTeX{} and dvi programs must be properly installed on the host machine in order for {\sf Quizzer} to format the problem sets. See your system administrator for help in installing these programs. \item For a broad range of terminal emulators to be able to access the system\footnote{by G. Perkins, MSU Physics-Astronomy Dept.}, it is necessary to modify the {\tt /etc/termcap} file to accommodate the appropriate vt100 \label{vtEmul} terminal attributes, including handling non-standard nomenclature used by terminal emulation programs on Macs and PCs. A notable example is the widely used {\it tn} program that is part of FTP Software, Inc.'s PC/TCP package. This program negotiates its terminal type with the host computer using the prefix {\tt dec-} for the {\tt vt} family of terminals ({\it e.g.,} it requests terminal type {\tt dec-vt100} instead of {\tt vt100}). This prefix, if unknown to the Unix host, may cause the negotiation to result in an incorrect terminal type or to fail completely. \newpage The line in the standard {\tt /etc/termcap} file that reads: \\ \\ {\tt d0|vt100|vt100-am|vt100am|dec vt100:$\backslash$ } \\ \\ should be edited to read:\\ \\ {\tt d0|vt100|vt100-am|vt100am|dec-vt100|dec vt100:$\backslash$ } \\ \\ thereby establishing {\tt dec-vt100} as an official synonym for {\tt vt100}. Note that the ``{\tt dec-vt100}'' entry is different from the ``{\tt dec vt100}'' entry. We advise adding the new alias rather than changing the existing alias and possibly causing other problems. A similar change can be made on other operating systems which use the {\tt /etc/termcap} method of terminal definition. Unix systems using the {\it terminfo} program instead will support similar minor changes to the appropriate file or files in the {\tt /usr/lib/terminfo} directory tree (consult your system administrator for details). Be prepared to make similar changes in case other terminal emulation programs at your site use their own non-standard terminal type nomenclature. \end{itemize} \item The \capa\ system should now be completely installed. We recommend taking the guided tour, skimming through the manual, and reading about the \capa\ functions before coding problems and building sets. \end{itemize}