\setcounter{page}{0} \vspace*{-1.2in} \leftline{\sl \scriptsize $ MSUCL - 1133 \ $} \vskip 0.2in \parbox{2.7in }{\centerline{\epsfxsize=2.3in \epsffile{figures/yyslant.eps}}} \parbox{4.0in}{\large \vspace*{ -0.13in} \strut \hspace*{0.01in} \hfill \vskip -.17in{\strut \hspace*{0.01in} \hfill \Huge \capa{\large}} \\ \vskip .5in \strut \hspace*{0.01in} \hfill {\LARGE \sl C}{\it omputer-}{\LARGE \sl A}{\it ssisted} {\LARGE \sl P}$\!${\it ersonalized} {\LARGE \sl A}{\it pproach \\ \vskip -.15in \strut \hspace*{0.01in} \hfill for Assignments, Quizzes and Examinations.}} \hrule height 3pt \vskip 0.25in \begin{center} {\Large \sl \capa{} System User's Manual}\\ \normalsize {\sl Version 5.0} \\ \vskip 0.08in \normalsize {\sl Y. Tsai, \ E. Kashy, \ D.J. Morrissey, N.E. Davis, \ G. Albertelli, \ and F. Berryman }\\ \vskip 0.02in {\sl Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824, USA.}\\ \today \\ \end{center} \vskip 0.4in \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {1}Installation{} }{x} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {2}{} Software Components}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {3}Running {\protect \sl C\kern -.10em\raise -.00ex\hbox {\protect \rm A}\kern -.22em{\protect \sl P}\kern -.14em\kern -.01em{\protect \rm A}}\ via X-Server software}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {4}{\protect \sl C\kern -.10em\raise -.00ex\hbox {\protect \rm A}\kern -.22em{\protect \sl P}\kern -.14em\kern -.01em{\protect \rm A}}{} Functions}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {5}Using {\protect \sl C\kern -.10em\raise -.00ex\hbox {\protect \rm A}\kern -.22em{\protect \sl P}\kern -.14em\kern -.01em{\protect \rm A}} for Exams and Quizzes}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {6}Coding Templates}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {7}Prototype Set with Three Problems}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {8}Sample Problem Set} {xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {9}Guided Tour}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {10}Sample Login Instructions}{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {11}Technical Support, Acknowledgments }{xx} \protect \contentsline {section}{\protect \numberline {12}Publications }{xx} % % % %\parbox{2.9in}{\strut} %\parbox{2.1in}{{\vspace*{ .6in} \Large \it \hfill February 1996 }} % \parbox{1.6in}{\centerline {\epsfxsize=1.3in \epsffile{figures/msulogo.eps}} } % % \vspace*{0.2in} \begin{center} \parbox{1.1in}{\centerline {\epsfxsize=1.2in \epsffile{figures/msulogo.eps}} } \end{center} \begin{center} \vspace*{0.1in} {\small\it Copyright \copyright 1993-1999, by the Michigan State University Board of Trustees. All Rights Reserved.\\ } {\footnotesize \it Original \capa\ by E. Kashy, Y. Tsai, D. Thaler, D. Weinshank, B.M. Sherrill, M. Engelmann, and D.J. Morrissey.} \end{center} \strut