#!/usr/bin/perl -w =pod =NAME generate_web_pages.pl - generate the web pages for the install site =SYNOPSIS Yeah, it does that. Basically, there's a few comments in shell.hemp that we replace with what we really want in the files. Pretty simple. The point of this is to look like the main site. =cut # This is the list of pages to generate: Change this to # add/subtract/etc. pages. Index is done seperately. # Title, source my @pages = ( # ['Red Hat 7.3 Install', 'rh73'], # ['Fedora Install', 'fedora_install'], ['Fedora Core 3 Install', 'FC3_install'], ['Fedora Core 4 Install', 'FC4_install'], ['Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 Install','RHEL4_install'], ['SuSE Linux Professional 9.2 Install', 'suse9.2_install'], # ['Manual Install from Tarballs', 'manual_install'], ['Upgrading from Previous LON-CAPA install', 'upgrade'], ['LON-CAPA License (Gnu Public License)', 'license'] ); my @other_pages = ( ['Developer Information', 'dev'], ['Configuration Information', 'config'], ); open SHELL, '<', "shell.html"; my $shell = join '', ; $shell =~ s/\r/\n/g; # Call with: The title, breadcrumb, and content sub replaceText { my ($title, $breadcrumb, $content) = @_; my $page = $shell; $page =~ s/\