
When you log into LON-CAPA, you are automatically brought to the roles page.

Roles in LON-CAPA are ways of specifying which privileges you have. You should be familiar with the following three roles and their basic privileges:

  1. Author/Co-Author: This role allows you to access construction space.
  2. Course Coordinator: This role allows you to access the different course management tools available on LON-CAPA, such as setting homework due dates, points for problems, enrolling students, hand-grading, course statistics, and the spreadsheet for calculating grades.
  3. Student: This role is for accessing a course in order to read content pages, answer homework questions, and communicate with the instructor and other students.

If you want to read more about which permissions different roles have, then click the ROLES button and at the bottom of the roles page, you will see a description of your current role.