Annotation of doc/help/print1helpExample.tex, revision 1.1

1.1     ! felicia     1: \documentclass[english]{article}
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        !            10:  
        !            11: \begin{document}
        !            12: \pagestyle{empty}
        !            13: 
        !            14: 
        !            15: The \textbf{L}earning\textbf{O}nline \textbf{N}etwork with a \textbf{C}omputer
        !            16: \textbf{A}ssisted \textbf{P}ersonalized \textbf{A}pproach (LON-CAPA)
        !            17: is an integrated system for online learning and assessment. It consists
        !            18: of a learning content authoring and management system allowing new
        !            19: and existing content to be used flexibly, a course management system,
        !            20: an individualized homework and automatic grading system, data collection
        !            21: and data mining system, and a content delivery system that will provide
        !            22: gateways to and from NSF's National STEM Digital Library.
        !            23: 
        !            24: In particular:
        !            25: 
        !            26: \begin{itemize}
        !            27: \item The LON-CAPA software provides instructors with a common, scalable
        !            28: platform to assist in all aspects of teaching a course, from lecture
        !            29: preparation to administration of homework assignments and exams. It
        !            30: allows instructors to create educational materials and to share such
        !            31: learning resources with colleagues across institutions in a simple
        !            32: and efficient manner. 
        !            33: \item It provides an extremely sophisticated assignment engine that can
        !            34: create unique homework assignments and examinations for each student
        !            35: in a class. Its formative and summative assessment tools grade a broad
        !            36: variety of objective problems and assist in evaluation of essays. 
        !            37: \item It provides prompt feedback for students and instructors, as well
        !            38: as statistical information on performance and on effectiveness of
        !            39: materials. Discussion pages attached to every homework assignment
        !            40: encourage communication among students and faculty.
        !            41: \end{itemize}
        !            42: The LON-CAPA software is freely available and free (GNU General Public
        !            43: License), and may be modified and adapted.
        !            44: 
        !            45: LON-CAPA is being developed and implemented by an enthusiastic group
        !            46: of faculty and professionals who recognize that Information Technology
        !            47: can play an important role in improving students' learning and understanding.
        !            48: Current members of the project include faculty from universities,
        !            49: colleges, and K-12 schools in the US, Canada, Asia, Africa, and Europe.
        !            50: The core development group is located at Michigan State University.
        !            51: 
        !            52: 
        !            53: 
        !            54: 
        !            55: \end{document}

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