%% LyX 1.3 created this file. For more info, see http://www.lyx.org/. %% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing. \documentclass[twocolumn,english]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \makeatletter \usepackage{babel} \makeatother \begin{document} \part*{A Guide to Building Your Exam} http://www.lon-capa.org \section*{CREATING A FOLDER} \begin{itemize} \item Select {[}DOCS{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Course Documents screen, where you can import or upload new documents to use in your course. \item Click the {[}New Folder{]} button and name accordingly. \item You can choose to hide the folder by using the {[}Parameters{]} button. If you donât hide the folder, you will need to set the open and due dates so that students will not be able to access the problems. \end{itemize} \section*{CHOOSING QUIZ QUESTIONS} \begin{itemize} \item Click the {[}Import{]} button on the DOCS screen. \item Browse published quiz problems from the LON-CAPA resource pool. \item Select the quiz questions you wish to use. \item Click the {[}Import{]} button to add questions to your course folder. \item Make changes and click the {[}re-initializing course{]} button to load your quiz questions into the selected folder. \end{itemize} \section*{SETTING THE QUESTION TYPE } \begin{itemize} \item Select {[}PARM{]} on the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters screen. \item Scroll down to the {[}Course Assessment Parameter - Table Mode{]} section. \item Choose your quiz folder from the drop-down menu under {[}Select Enclosing Map or Folder{]}. \item Click the {[}Set/Modify Course Parameters{]} button. This will load a new page, with your Parameter Table at the bottom. \item Click the {[}--{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Question Type (type){]}. This will give you a pop-up menu of question type options. \item Select the {[}Exam{]} option and then click the Store link to save your choice. \item Your Parameter Table will now show âexamâ in both the {[}Default Value{]} column and the {[}Parameter in Effect{]} column. \end{itemize} \section*{PRINTING YOUR EXAM} \subsection*{Run a Test Print} \begin{itemize} \item You will first want to run a test print of one of your quiz questions. \item Select {[}NAV{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu to return to the Navigate Course Contents page. \item Select one problem from the quiz folder you created. \item Select {[}PRT{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Printing Helper screen. \item The problem you selected will be your first printing option. Click the {[}Next{]} button to continue. \item You will be directed to the Creating PDF screen. Click the Click here to download pdf link. \item After the PDF is downloaded, print a copy of the question to complete your test print. \end{itemize} \subsection*{Print Your Exams} \begin{itemize} \item Use the {[}NAV{]} button to return to your quiz folder. \item Select one problem from the quiz folder you created. \item Select {[}PRT{]} from the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Printing Helper screen. \item This time, choose the {[}Problems from Quiz 1 for anonymous students{]} printing option. Click the {[}Next{]} button to continue. \item At the Select Students and Resources screen, you can choose the number of exams you want to print. \end{itemize} NOTE: It is recommended that you store (save) the CODEs to a file for later, though it is not necessary. \begin{itemize} \item Click the {[}Next{]} button to continue. \item You will be directed to the Creating PDF screen. Click the Click here to download pdf link. \item After the PDFs are downloaded, you can print your exams. \end{itemize} NOTE: You will need to do some testing to add blank pages/columns to make sure the different student exams donât run together. \section*{SCORING YOUR EXAM } \section*{PROVIDING ANSWERS} \begin{itemize} \item After scoring the exam, unhide the folder if it is hidden. However, make sure your students canât access and retake the exam. \item You can make the answers visible to your students by setting the answer date parameter. \item Select {[}PARM{]} on the Remote Control or Main Menu. This will take you to the Set/Modify Course Parameters screen. \item Scroll down to the {[}Course Assessment Parameter - Table Mode{]} section. \item Choose your quiz folder from the drop-down menu under {[}Select Enclosing Map or Folder{]}. \item Click the {[}Set/Modify Course Parameters{]} button. This will load a new page, with your Parameter Table at the bottom. \item Click the {[}--{]} in the {[}Default Value{]} column next to {[}Problem Answer Date (answerdate){]}. This will give you a pop-up menu of open answer date options. \item Set the open answer date and then click the Store link to save your choice. \item Your Parameter Table will now show the open date in both the {[}Default Value{]} column and the {[}Parameter in Effect{]} column. \end{itemize} \end{document}