#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; if ($#ARGV != 0) { print("Correct command usage: \n"); print(" perl buildTexxml.pl all\n"); print("Or \n"); print(" perl buildTexxml.pl section\n"); } my $option = $ARGV[0]; my @section = `cat section_order.txt`; chomp(@section); if ($option eq 'all') { my $section_list; foreach my $section (@section) { $section_list .= 'sections/'.$section.' '; } system("cat sections/start.texxml $section_list sections/end.texxml > course.manual.texxml"); } if ($option eq 'section') { print("Choose from the following manual sections:\n"); my $num=0; foreach my $section (@section) { print("$num - $section\n"); $num++; } $num--; print("Enter a number 0 - $num for the section you want to print: "); my $selection=; chomp($selection); if ($selection < 0 || $selection > $#section) { print("Invalid selection ($selection)\n"); exit(1); } print("builing section $section[$selection]\n"); system("cat sections/start.texxml sections/$section[$selection] sections/end.texxml > section.manual.texxml"); }