XML / Style Files

XML Files

All HTML / XML files are run through the lonxml handler before being served to a user. This allows us to rewrite many portion of a document and to support serverside tags. There are 2 ways to add new tags to the xml parsing engine, either through LON-CAPA style files or by writing Perl tag handlers for the desired tags.

Global Variables

In common usage, $Apache::lonxml::prevent_entity_encode, $Apache::lonxml::evaluate, $Apache::lonxml::metamode, $Apache::lonxml::import, should never be set to a value directly, but rather incremented when you want the effect on, and decremented when you want the effect off.

Notable Perl subroutines

If not specified these functions are in Apache::lonxml

Functions Tag Handlers can use

If not specified these functions are in Apache::lonxml

Style Files

Style File specific tags

Guy Albertelli
Last modified: Mon Oct 21 13:23:28 EDT 2002