/ / my $configfiles = 'yum and MySQL'; my $mysqlcmd = '/etc/init.d/mysqld restart'; if ('' eq 'suse9.2' || '' eq 'suse9.3' || '' eq 'sles9' || '' eq 'sles10' || '' eq 'sles11' || '' eq 'suse10.1' || '' eq 'suse10.2' || '' eq 'suse10.3' || '' eq 'suse11.1' || '' eq 'suse11.2' || '' eq 'suse11.3' || '' eq 'suse11.4' || '' eq 'suse12.1') { $mysqlcmd = '/etc/init.d/mysql restart'; $configfiles = 'MySQL'; } elsif ('' eq 'rhes4') { $configfiles = 'MySQL'; } elsif ('' eq 'debian5' || '' eq 'debian6' || '' eq 'ubuntu6' || '' eq 'ubuntu8' || '' eq 'ubuntu10') { $configfiles = 'Apt and MySQL'; $mysqlcmd = '/etc/init.d/mysql restart'; } elsif (('' eq 'fedora16') || ('' eq 'fedora17')) { $mysqlcmd = '/bin/systemctl restart mysqld.service'; } print "\nUpdating $configfiles configuration files\n"; system("/home/httpd/perl/modify_config_files.pl"); my $returnvalue = $?>>8; if ($returnvalue == 1) { ## the /etc/my.cnf file was modified. print "**** WARNING: You need to restart MySQL at this time.\n". " Use the command \"$mysqlcmd\"\n"; }