/ /home/httpd/lonUsers print "Checking to be sure the Network Time Protocol is running properly.\n"; print "For more information on ntpd please see http://www.ntp.org/\n"; if (! -e "/etc/init.d/ntpd") { print "ntp is not installed.\n"; exit; } my $value = `/etc/init.d/ntpd status`; if ($value !~ / running/) { print "WARNING: ntp is installed but is not currently running.\nPlease verify the configuration of ntp in /etc/ntp.conf and /etc/ntp/step-tickers\nStart ntp by executing\n /etc/init.d/ntpd start\n"; } # chkconfig barfs to stderr if the target isn't set up right. my $restartchk = `/sbin/chkconfig --list ntpd 2>/dev/null`; if ($restartchk eq '') { print "**** WARNING: ntpd is either not installed or not configured to run at boot.\n"; exit; } if ($restartchk =~ /^error reading information on service / || $restartchk !~ /\d:(on|off)/) { print "**** WARNING: Unable to check status of ntpd with /sbin/chkconfig.\n"; exit; } if ($restartchk !~ /\s3:on/) { print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 3. To correct this run:\n/sbin/chkconfig --level 3 ntpd on\n"; exit; } if ($restartchk !~ /\s5:on/) { print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 5. To correct this run:\n/sbin/chkconfig --level 5 ntpd on\n"; exit; }