#!/usr/bin/perl =pod =head1 NAME B - automated status report about RPMs on a system =head1 SYNOPSIS ./B [I] or B B [I] If I is left blank, the mode is "interactive". Otherwise, other modes can be specified as shown in the listing below: =over 4 =item DEFAULT When left blank, the script runs in interactive mode. First, a proposed list of RPMs is presented to the user. Then, the user is asked if he or she wants to download the RPMs to /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates/. =item view A proposed list of RPMs to update is presented to the user. =item download A proposed set of RPMs to update are downloaded into /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates/. Note that prior information inside /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates/ is removed. =item redownload A proposed set of RPMs to update are downloaded into /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates/. Note that prior information inside /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates/ is not removed. (This helps support continual attempts from dialup connections.) =item html Similar to view mode. XHTML-formatted output is delivered; presumably to a web client. html mode is automatically chosen if $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} is defined. =back =head1 DESCRIPTION This file automates the usage of Martin Siegert's "check-rpms" script. It runs through a list of possible mirror sites until it finds one with a reasonably good FTP connection. For instructions on usage, see L. =head1 AUTHOR Scott Harrison, sharrison@users.sourceforge.net, 2002 =cut # ================================================== READ IN COMMAND ARGUMENTS. # ---------------------------------------------------- Process download option. my $argument = shift(@ARGV); my $document; my $mode; if ($argument eq '--download' or $argument eq '--redownload') { if ($< != 0) # Download mode requires 'root'. { print($out '**** ERROR **** Download mode needs to be run as root'."\n"); exit(0); # Exit. } `rm -Rf /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates` if $argument eq '--download'; $download='-v -dl -d /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates'; # Part of check-rpms args. $mode = 'download'; } elsif ($argument eq '--view') { $mode = 'view'; } elsif ($argument eq '--cronmail') { $mode = 'cronmail'; } elsif ($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'} or $argument eq '--html') { $mode = 'html'; } else { $mode = 'interactive'; } # ================================================== GENERAL INITIAL VARIABLES. my $command_name=$0; # ---------------- The FTP servers (and their directory paths) to check against my @serverpaths_to_try = ( 'distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/distributions/redhat/updates/', 'mirror.pa.msu.edu/linux/redhat/linux/updates/', 'limestone.uoregon.edu/redhat/updates/', 'rufus.w3.org/linux/redhat/linux/updates/', 'opnsrc.support.compaq.com/linux/redhat/updates.redhat.com/', ); # -------------------------------------------- Use check-rpms command this way. my $checkcommand = 'check-rpms '.$download.' --rpmuser www -ftp'; my $FTPSERVER; # ------------------------- the server portion of the serverpath my $FTPUPDATES; # ----------------------------- the actual update root location my @rpms; # ---------------------------------- this will store the list of RPMs my $goodoutput; # ------------------------------------ good stuff was returned! my $reallygoodoutput; # ------------------------------- you are 100% up-to-date # ===================================================== Control flow of output. my $out = \*STDOUT; # Default: go to standard output (directly to terminal). if ($mode eq 'cronmail') # If cronmail mode, then save to file. { open(FOUT,'>/tmp/CHECKRPMS.'.$$); $out = \*FOUT; } $| = 1; # Flush to output whenever possible. # ========================================== Variables that must be defineable. # --------------------------------------------------- Determine RedHat version. my $RHversion = (split /\s/, `cat /etc/redhat-release`)[4]; # - 6.2 or 7.3 or ? unless ($RHversion) { terminate($mode,$out, '**** ERROR **** /etc/redhat-release not found'."\n". 'This script does not appear to be running on RedHat.'."\n"); } # ----------------------------------------- Find the check-rpms script location if (-e './check-rpms') { $commandpre='perl ./'; # Use the check-rpms in the current directory. } elsif (-e 'loncom/build/check-rpms') { $commandpre='perl loncom/build/'; # Use check-rpms in the loncom/build dir. } elsif (-e '/usr/local/loncapa/bin/check-rpms') { $commandpre='perl /usr/local/loncapa/bin/'; # Use /usr/local dir. } else # Cannot find check-rpms, so abort. { terminate($mode,$out, '**** ERROR **** CANNOT FIND THE check-rpms SCRIPT'."\n"); } # Define check-rpms invocation based on the path to the check-rpms command. $checkcommand = $commandpre.$checkcommand; # ============================================================= Initial output. print($out < CHECKRPMS STATUS REPORT



# Notify user of current action.
print($out </dev/null`; # Ping ftp server (are you out there?).
    if ($?==0) # If the ftp server can be pinged.
	print($out "$FTPSERVER found...\n"); # Tell user ftp server is found.
	`ncftpls ftp://$FTPSERVER`; # Try to access server with ftp protocol.
	if ($?==0) # If the ftp server can be accessed with the ftp protocol.
	    $FTPUPDATES="$serverpath$RHversion/en/os"; # The full update path.
	    # Print the check-rpms command that will be executed.
	    print($out $checkcommand.' '.$FTPUPDATES."\n");
	    if ($mode eq 'download') # Was CHECKRPMS run in download mode?
		$|=1; # Try to send things immediately to stdout; err umm....
		# Tell the user about the /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates directory.
		print($out '**** NOTE **** '.
		      'To check the status of the download, you can '.
		      'periodically inspect the contents of the '.
		      '/tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates directory.  '.
		      'Please be patient; this download may take a while.'.
		# Do the download.
		print($out `$checkcommand $FTPUPDATES 2>\&1`);
		# Tell the user about what action they need to take with the
		# downloaded RPMs.
		      'You may now wish to visit the /tmp/loncapa_rpm_updates'.
		      ' directory and upgrade the RPMs.  '."\n".
		      'If this is a critical server (it is currently being'.
		      ' used for classes) and you do not know how to upgrade'.
		      ' RPMs, you should consult someone who has experience '.
		      'with the "rpm" command.'."\n");
		clean_exit($mode,$out,0); # Assume everything is okay and exit.
	    @rpms=`$checkcommand $FTPUPDATES 2>\&1`; # Read in list of RPMs.
	    # Create a text string that can be pattern matched.
	    my $rpmtext=join('',@rpms);
	    if ($rpmtext=~/You do not seem to have a/) # No www?
		print($out "You do not have a 'www' user on your system.\n".
		      "Please add this user and try this command again.\n");
	    if ($rpmtext=~/This account is currently not/) # ------------ uh-oh
		print($out "...strange error, moving on ($FTPSERVER)\n");
	    else # --------------------------------------- the output is "good"
		unless (@rpms) # If there are no RPMs to update.
		    $reallygoodoutput = <;
	if ($in=~/^y/)
            print($out 'Please be patient... downloading into '.
            print($out `perl $command_name --download`);
    print($out <


sub terminate
    my ($mode,$out,$output);
    if ($mode eq 'html')
        print($out <



END } print($out $output); if ($mode eq 'html') { print($out <

END } } # - read_conf: read LON-CAPA server configuration, especially PerlSetVar values sub read_conf { my (@conf_files)=@_; my %perlvar; my $confdir='/etc/httpd/conf/'; foreach my $filename (@conf_files,'loncapa_apache.conf') { open(CONFIG,'<'.$confdir.$filename) or die("Can't read $confdir$filename"); while (my $configline=) { if ($configline =~ /^[^\#]*PerlSetVar/) { my ($unused,$varname,$varvalue)=split(/\s+/,$configline); chomp($varvalue); $perlvar{$varname}=$varvalue; } } close(CONFIG); } my $perlvarref=\%perlvar; return ($perlvarref); }