File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / configuration /
Revision 1.24: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Dec 21 13:57:47 2021 UTC (2 years, 5 months ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
- Support CentOS Stream 8 and 9.

    1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
    2: # Firewall configuration to allow internal LON-CAPA communication between servers   
    3: #
    4: # $Id:,v 1.24 2021/12/21 13:57:47 raeburn Exp $
    5: #
    6: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
    7: #
    8: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
    9: #
   10: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
   11: #
   12: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   13: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   14: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   15: # (at your option) any later version.
   16: #
   17: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   18: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   20: # GNU General Public License for more details.
   21: #
   22: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   23: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
   24: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   25: #
   26: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
   27: #
   28: #
   29: #
   30: # Startup script for the LON-CAPA network processes
   31: #
   33: package LONCAPA::Firewall;
   35: use strict;
   36: use lib '/home/httpd/perl/lib';
   37: use LONCAPA::Configuration;
   38: use LONCAPA;
   40: sub uses_firewalld {
   41:     my ($distro) = @_;
   42:     if ($distro eq '') {
   43:         $distro = &get_distro();
   44:     }
   45:     my ($inuse,$checkfirewalld);
   46:     if ($distro =~ /^(suse|sles)([\d\.]+)$/) {
   47:         if (($1 eq 'sles') && ($2 >= 15)) {
   48:             $checkfirewalld = 1;
   49:         }
   50:     } elsif ($distro =~ /^fedora(\d+)$/) {
   51:         if ($1 >= 18) {
   52:             $checkfirewalld = 1;
   53:         }
   54:     } elsif ($distro =~ /^(?:centos|rhes|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)(\d+)/) {
   55:         if ($1 >= 7) {
   56:             $checkfirewalld = 1;
   57:         }
   58:     }
   59:     if ($checkfirewalld) {
   60:         my ($loaded,$active);
   61:         if (open(PIPE,"systemctl status firewalld 2>&1 |")) {
   62:             while (<PIPE>) {
   63:                 chomp();
   64:                 if (/^\s*Loaded:\s+(\w+)/) {
   65:                     $loaded = $1;
   66:                 }
   67:                 if (/^\s*Active\s+(\w+)/) {
   68:                     $active = $1;
   69:                 }
   70:             }
   71:             close(PIPE);
   72:         }
   73:         if (($loaded eq 'loaded') || ($active eq 'active')) {
   74:             $inuse = 1;
   75:         }
   76:     }
   77:     return $inuse;
   78: }
   80: sub firewall_open_port {
   81:     my ($iptables,$fw_chains,$lond_port,$iphost,$ports,$firewalld) = @_;
   82:     return 'inactive firewall' if (!&firewall_is_active());
   83:     return 'port number unknown' if !$lond_port;
   84:     return 'invalid firewall chain' unless (ref($fw_chains) eq 'ARRAY');
   85:     my (@opened,@okchains,$zone);
   86:     if ($firewalld) {
   87:         $zone = &get_default_zone();
   88:         return 'invalid zone' if ($zone eq '');
   89:     } else {
   90:         my @badchains;
   91:         foreach my $chain (@{$fw_chains}) {
   92:             if ($chain =~ /^([\w\-]+)$/) {
   93:                 push(@okchains,$1);
   94:             } else {
   95:                 push(@badchains,$chain);
   96:             }
   97:         }
   98:         if (!@okchains) {
   99:             return 'None of the chain names has the expected format.'."\n";
  100:         }
  101:     }
  102:     if (ref($ports) ne 'ARRAY') {
  103:         return 'List of ports to open needed.';
  104:     }
  105:     foreach my $portnum (@{$ports}) {
  106:         my $port = '';
  107:         if ($portnum =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
  108:             $port = $1;
  109:         } else {
  110:             print "Skipped non-numeric port: $portnum.\n";
  111:             next;
  112:         }
  113:         print "Opening firewall access on port $port.\n";
  114:         my $result;
  115:         if ($port eq $lond_port) {
  116:             # For lond port, restrict the servers allowed to attempt to communicate
  117:             # to include only source IPs in the LON-CAPA cluster.
  118:             my (@port_error,%command_error,@lond_port_open,
  119:                 @lond_port_curropen);
  120:             if (ref($iphost) eq 'HASH') {
  121:                 if (keys(%{$iphost}) > 0) {
  122:                     my $count = scalar(keys(%{$iphost}));
  123:                     if ($count > 1) {
  124:                         print "Please be patient. Checking $count IPs.\n";
  125:                     }
  126:                     my %curropen;
  127:                     if ($firewalld) {
  128:                         &firewall_close_anywhere($iptables,$zone,$port,$firewalld);
  129:                         my $current = &firewall_is_port_open($iptables,$zone,$port,
  130:                                                              $lond_port,$iphost,\%curropen,
  131:                                                              $firewalld);
  132:                     } else {
  133:                         foreach my $fw_chain (@okchains) {
  134:                             &firewall_close_anywhere($iptables,$fw_chain,$port);
  135:                             my $current = &firewall_is_port_open($iptables,$fw_chain,$port,
  136:                                                                  $lond_port,$iphost,\%curropen);
  137:                         }
  138:                     }
  139:                     my $countok = 0;
  140:                     foreach my $key (keys(%{$iphost})) {
  141:                         my $ip = '';
  142:                         if ($key =~ /^(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})$/) {
  143:                             if (($1<=255) && ($2<=255) && ($3<=255) && ($4<=255)) {
  144:                                 $ip = "$1.$2.$3.$4";
  145:                             } else {
  146:                                 print "IP address: $key does not have expected format.\n";
  147:                                 next;
  148:                             }
  149:                         } else {
  150:                             print "IP address: $key does not have expected format.\n";
  151:                             next;
  152:                         }
  153:                         if ($curropen{$ip}) {
  154:                             push(@lond_port_curropen,$ip);
  155:                         } else {
  156:                             if ($firewalld) {
  157:                                 my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --zone='.$zone.' --add-rich-rule \'rule family="ipv4" source address="'.$ip.'/32" port port="'.$port.'" protocol="tcp" accept\'';
  158:                                 if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  159:                                     my $result = <PIPE>;
  160:                                     chomp($result);
  161:                                     close(PIPE);
  162:                                     if ($result eq 'success') {
  163:                                         push(@lond_port_open,$ip);
  164:                                     } else {
  165:                                         push(@port_error,$ip);
  166:                                     }
  167: 				}	 
  168:                             } else {
  169:                                 foreach my $fw_chain (@okchains) {
  170:                                     my $firewall_command =
  171:                                         "$iptables -I $fw_chain -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
  172:                                     system($firewall_command);
  173:                                     my $return_status = $?>>8;
  174:                                     if ($return_status == 1) {
  175:                                         unless(grep(/^\Q$ip\E$/,@port_error)) {
  176:                                             push(@port_error,$ip);
  177:                                         }
  178:                                     } elsif ($return_status == 2) {
  179:                                         push(@{$command_error{$fw_chain}},$ip);
  180:                                     } elsif ($return_status == 0) {
  181:                                         push(@lond_port_open,$ip);
  182:                                         last;
  183:                                     }
  184:                                 }
  185:                             }
  186:                         }
  187:                         if ($count > 1) {
  188:                             $countok ++;
  189:                             print '.';
  190:                             if ($countok%40 == 0) {
  191:                                 print "\n";
  192:                             }
  193:                         }
  194:                     }
  195:                     if ($count > 1) {
  196:                         if ($countok%40) { 
  197:                             print "\n"; 
  198:                         }
  199:                     }
  200:                 } else {
  201:                     print "no key found in \$iphost hash ref.\n".
  202:                           "Domain Name Service (DNS) may not be available.\n".
  203:                           "If this LON-CAPA node is standalone, then you can fix this issue by modifying /etc/hosts.\n".
  204:                           "Use a text editor to add: IPaddress Hostname\n";
  205:                 }
  206:             } else {
  207:                 print "\$iphost is not a reference to a hash\n";
  208:             }
  209:             if (@lond_port_curropen) {
  210:                 unless (grep(/^\Q$port\E$/,@opened)) {
  211:                     push(@opened,$port);
  212:                 }
  213:                 print "Port already open for ".scalar(@lond_port_curropen)." IP addresses.\n";
  214:             }
  215:             if (@lond_port_open) {
  216:                 unless (grep(/^\Q$port\E$/,@opened)) {   
  217:                     push(@opened,$port);
  218:                 }
  219:                 print "Port opened for ".scalar(@lond_port_open)." IP addresses.\n";
  220:             }
  221:             if (@port_error) {
  222:                 print "Error opening port for following IP addresses: ".join(', ',@port_error)."\n";
  223:             }
  224:             if (keys(%command_error) > 0) {
  225:                 foreach my $chain (sort(keys(%command_error))) {
  226:                     if (ref($command_error{$chain}) eq 'ARRAY') {
  227:                         if (@{$command_error{$chain}}) {
  228:                             print "Bad command error opening port for following IP addresses: ".
  229:                                   join(', ',@{$command_error{$chain}})."\n".
  230:                                  'Command was: "'."$iptables -I $chain -p tcp -s ".'$ip'." -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT".'", where $ip is IP address'."\n";
  231:                         }
  232:                     }
  233:                 }
  234:             }
  235:         } else {
  236:             if ($firewalld) {
  237:                 my ($port_error);
  238:                 my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --zone='.$zone.' --add-rich-rule \'rule family="ipv4" port port="'.$port.'" protocol="tcp" accept\'';
  239:                 if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  240:                     my $result = <PIPE>;
  241:                     chomp($result);
  242:                     close(PIPE);
  243:                     if ($result eq 'success') {
  244:                         push(@opened,$port);
  245:                     } else {
  246:                         $port_error = $port;
  247:                     }
  248:                 } else {
  249:                     $port_error = $port;
  250:                 }
  251:                 if ($port_error) {
  252:                     print "Error opening port: $port\n";
  253:                 }
  254:             } else {
  255:                 my (@port_errors,%command_errors);
  256:                 foreach my $fw_chain (@okchains) {
  257:                     my $firewall_command =
  258:                         "$iptables -I $fw_chain -p tcp -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
  259:                     system($firewall_command);
  260:                     my $return_status = $?>>8;
  261:                     if ($return_status == 1) {
  262:                         push(@port_errors,$fw_chain);
  263:                     } elsif ($return_status == 2) {
  264:                         $command_errors{$fw_chain} = $firewall_command;
  265:                     } elsif ($return_status == 0) {
  266:                         push(@opened,$port);
  267:                         last;
  268:                     }
  269:                 }
  270:                 unless (grep(/^\Q$port\E$/,@opened)) {
  271:                     if (@port_errors) {
  272:                         print "Error opening port for chains: ".
  273:                               join(', ',@port_errors).".\n";
  274:                     }
  275:                     if (keys(%command_errors)) {
  276:                         foreach my $fw_chain (sort(keys(%command_errors))) {
  277:                             print "Bad command error opening port for chain: $fw_chain.  Command was\n".
  278:                                   "  ".$command_errors{$fw_chain}."\n";
  279:                         }
  280:                     }
  281:                 }
  282:             }
  283:         }
  284:     }
  285:     foreach my $port (@{$ports}) {
  286:         if (!grep(/^\Q$port\E$/,@opened)) {
  287:             return 'Required port not open: '.$port."\n";
  288:         }
  289:     }
  290:     return 'ok';
  291: }
  293: sub firewall_is_port_open {
  294:     my ($iptables,$fw_chain,$port,$lond_port,$iphost,$curropen,$firewalld) = @_;
  295:     # for lond port returns number of source IPs for which firewall port is open
  296:     # for other ports returns 1 if the firewall port is open, 0 if not.
  297:     # if firewalld is in use, checks for rich rules only.
  298:     my $count = 0;
  299:     # check if firewall is active or installed
  300:     return $count if (! &firewall_is_active());
  301:     if ($firewalld) {
  302:         my $zone = &get_default_zone();
  303:         return $count if ($zone eq ''); 
  304:         if ($port eq $lond_port) {
  305:             if (open(PIPE,"firewall-cmd --zone=$zone --list-rich-rules |")) {
  306:                 while(<PIPE>) {
  307:                     chomp();
  308:                     if (/\Qrule family="ipv4" source address="\E([\d.]+)\Q\/32" port port="$port" protocol="tcp" accept\E/) {
  309:                         my $ip = $1;
  310:                         if ($iphost->{$ip}) {
  311:                             $count ++;
  312:                             if (ref($curropen) eq 'HASH') {
  313:                                 $curropen->{$ip} ++;
  314:                             }
  315:                         }
  316:                     }
  317:                 }
  318:                 close(PIPE);
  319:             }
  320:         } else {
  321:             if (open(PIPE,"firewall-cmd --zone=$zone --list-rich-rules |")) {
  322:                 while(<PIPE>) {
  323:                     if (/\Qrule family="ipv4" port port="$port" protocol="tcp" accept\E/) {
  324:                         $count ++;
  325:                         last;
  326:                     }
  327:                 }
  328:                 close(PIPE);
  329:             }
  330:         }
  331:     } elsif (($fw_chain =~ /^[\w-]+$/) && (open(PIPE,"$iptables -L $fw_chain -n |"))) {
  332:         while(<PIPE>) {
  333:             if ($port eq $lond_port) {
  334:                 if (ref($iphost) eq 'HASH') {
  335:                     if (/^ACCEPT\s+tcp\s+\-{2}\s+(\S+)\s+\S+\s+tcp\s+dpt\:\Q$port\E/) {
  336:                         my $ip = $1;
  337:                         if ($iphost->{$ip}) {
  338:                             $count ++;
  339:                             if (ref($curropen) eq 'HASH') {
  340:                                 $curropen->{$ip} ++;
  341:                             }
  342:                         }
  343:                     }
  344:                 }
  345:             } elsif (/tcp dpt\:\Q$port\E/) {
  346:                 $count ++;
  347:                 last;
  348:             }
  349:         }
  350:         close(PIPE);
  351:     }
  352:     return $count;
  353: }
  355: sub firewall_is_active {
  356:     my $status = 0;
  357:     if (-e '/proc/net/ip_tables_names') {
  358:         if (open(PIPE,'cat /proc/net/ip_tables_names |')) {
  359:             while(<PIPE>) {
  360:                 chomp();
  361:                 if (/^filter$/) {
  362:                     $status = 1;
  363:                     last;
  364:                 }
  365:             }
  366:             close(PIPE);
  367:         }
  368:     }
  369:     unless ($status) {
  370:         $status = &uses_firewalld();
  371:     }
  372:     return $status;
  373: }
  375: sub firewall_close_port {
  376:     my ($iptables,$fw_chains,$lond_port,$iphost,$ports,$firewalld) = @_;
  377:     return 'inactive firewall' if (!&firewall_is_active());
  378:     return 'port number unknown' if !$lond_port;
  379:     return 'invalid firewall chain' unless (ref($fw_chains) eq 'ARRAY');
  380:     my (@okchains,$zone);
  381:     if ($firewalld) {
  382:         $zone = &get_default_zone();
  383:         return 'no default zone' if ($zone eq '');
  384:     } else {
  385:         my @badchains;
  386:         foreach my $chain (@{$fw_chains}) {
  387:             if ($chain =~ /^([\w\-]+)$/) {
  388:                 push(@okchains,$1);
  389:             } else {
  390:                 push(@badchains,$chain);
  391:             }
  392:         }
  393:         if (!@okchains) {
  394:             return 'None of the chain names has the expected format.'."\n";
  395:         }
  396:     }
  397:     if (ref($ports) ne 'ARRAY') {
  398:         return 'List of ports to close needed.';
  399:     }
  400:     foreach my $portnum (@{$ports}) {
  401:         my $port = '';
  402:         if ($portnum =~ /^(\d+)$/) {
  403:             $port = $1;
  404:         } else {
  405:             print "Skipped non-numeric port: $portnum\n"; 
  406:             next;
  407:         }
  408:         print "Closing firewall access on port $port.\n";
  409:         if (($port ne '') && ($port eq $lond_port)) {
  410:             my $output;
  411:             if ($firewalld) {
  412:                 my (%to_close,@port_error,@lond_port_close);
  413:                 my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --list-rich-rules';
  414:                 if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  415:                     while(<PIPE>) {
  416:                         if (/\Qrule family="ipv4" source address="\E([\d.]+)\Q\/32" port port="$port" protocol="tcp" accept\E/) {
  417:                             my $ip = $1;
  418:                             my $keepopen = 0;
  419:                             if (ref($iphost) eq 'HASH') {
  420:                                 if (exists($iphost->{$ip})) {
  421:                                     $keepopen = 1;
  422:                                 }
  423:                             }
  424:                             unless ($keepopen) {
  425:                                 $to_close{$ip} = $port;
  426:                             }
  427:                         }
  428:                     }
  429:                     close(PIPE);
  430:                 }
  431:                 if (keys(%to_close) > 0) {
  432:                     foreach my $ip (sort(keys(%to_close))) {
  433:                         my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --zone='.$zone.' --remove-rich-rule \'rule family="ipv4" source address="'.$ip.'/32" port port="'.$port.'" protocol="tcp" accept\'';
  434:                         if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  435:                             my $result = <PIPE>;
  436:                             chomp($result);
  437:                             close(PIPE);
  438:                             if ($result eq 'success') {
  439:                                 push(@lond_port_close,$ip);
  440:                             } else {
  441:                                 push(@port_error,$ip);
  442:                             }
  443:                         } else {
  444:                             push(@port_error,$ip);
  445:                         }
  446:                     }
  447:                 }
  448:                 if (@lond_port_close) {
  449:                     $output .= "Port closed for ".scalar(@lond_port_close)." IP addresses.\n";
  450:                 }
  451:                 if (@port_error) {
  452:                     $output .= "Error closing port for following IP addresses: ".join(', ',@port_error)."\n";
  453:                 }
  454:             } else {
  455:                 foreach my $fw_chain (@okchains) {
  456:                     my (%to_close,@port_error,@command_error,@lond_port_close);
  457:                     if (open(PIPE, "$iptables -n -L $fw_chain |")) {
  458:                         while (<PIPE>) {
  459:                             chomp();
  460:                             next unless (/dpt:\Q$port\E/);
  461:                             if (/^ACCEPT\s+tcp\s+\-{2}\s+(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\s+/) {
  462:                                 my $ip = $1;
  463:                                 my $keepopen = 0;
  464:                                 if (ref($iphost) eq 'HASH') {
  465:                                     if (exists($iphost->{$ip})) {
  466:                                         $keepopen = 1; 
  467:                                     }
  468:                                 }
  469:                                 unless ($keepopen) {
  470:                                     $to_close{$ip} = $port;
  471:                                 }
  472:                             }
  473:                         }
  474:                         close(PIPE);
  475:                     }
  476:                     if (keys(%to_close) > 0) {
  477:                         foreach my $ip (keys(%to_close)) {
  478:                             my $firewall_command =
  479:                                 "$iptables -D $fw_chain -p tcp -s $ip -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
  480:                             system($firewall_command);
  481:                             my $return_status = $?>>8;
  482:                             if ($return_status == 1) {
  483:                                 push(@port_error,$ip);
  484:                             } elsif ($return_status == 2) {
  485:                                 push(@command_error,$ip);
  486:                             } elsif ($return_status == 0) {
  487:                                 push(@lond_port_close,$ip);
  488:                             }
  489:                         }
  490:                     }
  491:                     if (@lond_port_close) {
  492:                         $output .= "Port closed for ".scalar(@lond_port_close)." IP addresses.\n";
  493:                     }
  494:                     if (@port_error) {
  495:                         $output .= "Error closing port for following IP addresses: ".join(', ',@port_error)."\n";
  496:                     }
  497:                     if (@command_error) {
  498:                         $output .= "Bad command error opening port for following IP addresses: ".
  499:                               join(', ',@command_error)."\n".
  500:                               'Command was: "'."$iptables -D $fw_chain -p tcp -s ".'$ip'." -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT".'", where $ip is IP address'."\n";
  501:                     }
  502:                 }
  503:             }
  504:             if ($output) {
  505:                  print $output;
  506:             } else {
  507:                 print "No IP addresses required discontinuation of access.\n";
  508:             }
  509:         } else {
  510:             if ($firewalld) {
  511:                 my $to_close;
  512:                 if (open(PIPE,"firewall-cmd --list-rich-rules |")) {
  513:                     while(<PIPE>) {
  514:                         next unless (/\Qrule family="ipv4" port port="$port" protocol="tcp" accept\E/);
  515:                         $to_close = 1;
  516:                         last;
  517:                     }
  518:                     close(PIPE);
  519:                 }
  520:                 if ($to_close) {
  521:                     my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --zone='.$zone.' --remove-rich-rule \'rule family="ipv4" port port="'.$port.'" protocol="tcp" accept\'';
  522:                     if (open(PIPE,"$cmd|")) {
  523:                         my $result = <PIPE>;
  524:                         chomp($result);
  525:                         close(PIPE);
  526:                         if ($result eq 'success') {
  527:                             print "Port: $port closed in zone: $zone.\n";
  528:                         } else {
  529:                             print "Error closing port: $port in zone: $zone.\n";
  530:                         }
  531:                     } else {
  532:                         print "Error closing port: $port in zone: $zone.\n";
  533:                     }
  534:                 }
  535:             } else {
  536:                 foreach my $fw_chain (@okchains) {
  537:                     my (@port_error,@command_error,@lond_port_close);
  538:                     my $to_close;
  539:                     if (open(PIPE, "$iptables -n -L $fw_chain |")) {
  540:                         while (<PIPE>) {
  541:                             chomp();
  542:                             next unless (/dpt:\Q$port\E/);
  543:                             $to_close = 1;
  544:                             last;
  545:                         }
  546:                         close(PIPE);
  547:                     }
  548:                     if ($to_close) {
  549:                         my $firewall_command =
  550:                             "$iptables -D $fw_chain -p tcp -d 0/0 --dport $port -j ACCEPT";
  551:                         system($firewall_command);
  552:                         my $return_status = $?>>8;
  553:                         if ($return_status == 1) {
  554:                             # Error
  555:                             print "Error closing port: $port for chain: $fw_chain.\n";
  556:                         } elsif ($return_status == 2) {
  557:                             # Bad command
  558:                             print "Bad command error closing port.  Command was\n".
  559:                                   "  ".$firewall_command."\n";
  560:                         } else {
  561:                             print "Port closed for chain $fw_chain.\n";
  562:                         }
  563:                     }
  564:                 }
  565:             }
  566:         }
  567:     }
  568:     return;
  569: }
  571: sub firewall_close_anywhere {
  572:     my ($iptables,$fw_chain,$port,$firewalld) = @_;
  573:     my $zone; 
  574:     if ($firewalld) {
  575:         $zone = &get_default_zone();
  576:         if ($zone eq '') {
  577:             print 'no default zone';
  578: 	    return;
  579:         }
  580:     } else {
  581:         unless ($fw_chain =~ /^([\w\-]+)$/) {
  582:             print 'invalid chain';
  583: 	    return;
  584:         }
  585:     }
  586:     if ($firewalld) { 
  587:         my $to_close;
  588:         my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --list-ports';
  589:         if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  590:             my $currports = <PIPE>;
  591:             close(PIPE);
  592:             chomp($currports);
  593:             if (grep(/^\Q$port\E\/tcp/,split(/\s+/,$currports))) {
  594:                 $to_close = 1;
  595:             }
  596:         }
  597:         if ($to_close) {
  598:             my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --zone='.$zone.' --remove-port='.$port.'/tcp';
  599:             if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  600:                 my $result = <PIPE>;
  601:                 chomp($result);
  602:                 close(PIPE);
  603:                 if ($result eq 'success') {
  604:                     print 'Port '.$port.' closed for source "anywhere"'."\n";
  605:                 } else {
  606:                     print 'Error closing port '.$port.' for source "anywhere".'."\n";
  607:                 }
  608:             } else {
  609:                 print 'Error closing port '.$port.' for source "anywhere".'."\n";
  610:             }
  611:         }    
  612:     } elsif (open(PIPE, "$iptables --line-numbers -n -L $fw_chain |")) {
  613:         while (<PIPE>) {
  614:             next unless (/dpt:\Q$port\E/);
  615:             chomp();
  616:             if (/^(\d+)\s+ACCEPT\s+tcp\s+\-{2}\s+0\.0\.0\.0\/0\s+0\.0\.0\.0\/0/) {
  617:                 my $firewall_command = "$iptables -D $fw_chain $1";
  618:                 system($firewall_command);
  619:                 my $return_status = $?>>8;
  620:                 if ($return_status == 1) {
  621:                     print 'Error closing port '.$port.' for source "anywhere".'."\n";
  622:                 } elsif ($return_status == 2) {
  623:                     print 'Bad command error closing port '.$port.' for source "anywhere".  Command was'."\n".
  624:                           ' '.$firewall_command."\n";
  625:                 } else {
  626:                     print 'Port '.$port.' closed for source "anywhere"'."\n";
  627:                 }
  628:             }
  629:         }
  630:         close(PIPE);
  631:     }
  632: }
  634: sub get_lond_port {
  635:     my $perlvarref=&LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf();
  636:     my $lond_port;
  637:     if (ref($perlvarref) eq 'HASH') {
  638:         if (defined($perlvarref->{'londPort'})) {
  639:             $lond_port = $perlvarref->{'londPort'};
  640:         }
  641:     }
  642:     if (!$lond_port) {
  643:         print("Unable to determine lond port number from LON-CAPA configuration.\n");
  644:     }
  645:     return $lond_port;
  646: }
  648: sub get_fw_chains {
  649:     my ($iptables,$distro) = @_;
  650:     if ($distro eq '') {
  651:         $distro = &get_distro();
  652:     }
  653:     my @fw_chains;
  654:     my $suse_config = "/etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2";
  655:     my $ubuntu_config = "/etc/ufw/ufw.conf";
  656:     my $firewalld = &uses_firewalld($distro);
  657:     if ($firewalld) {
  658:         my ($dist,$version) = ($distro =~ /^([\D]+)(\d+)(?:|\-stream)$/);
  659:         if (((($dist eq 'rhes') || ($dist eq 'centos') || ($dist eq 'rocky') || ($dist eq 'alma')) &&
  660:              ($version >= 8)) || (($dist eq 'oracle') && ($version >= 7))) {
  661:             push(@fw_chains,'INPUT');
  662:         } else {
  663:             my $zone = &get_default_zone();
  664: 	    if ($zone ne '') {
  665:                 push(@fw_chains,'IN_'.$zone.'_allow');
  666:             } else {
  667:                 push(@fw_chains,'IN_public_allow');
  668:             }
  669:         }  
  670:     } elsif (-e $suse_config) {
  671:         push(@fw_chains,'input_ext');
  672:     } else {
  673:         my @posschains;
  674:         if (-e $ubuntu_config) {
  675:             @posschains = ('ufw-user-input','INPUT');
  676:         } else {
  677:             if ($distro =~ /^(debian|ubuntu|suse|sles)/) {
  678:                 @posschains = ('INPUT'); 
  679:             } elsif ($distro =~ /^(fedora|rhes|centos|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)(\d+)(?:|\-stream)$/) {
  680:                 if ((($1 eq 'fedora') && ($2 > 15)) || (($1 ne 'fedora') && ($2 >= 7))) {
  681:                     @posschains = ('INPUT');
  682:                 } else {
  683:                     @posschains = ('RH-Firewall-1-INPUT','INPUT');
  684:                 }
  685:             }
  686:             if (!-e '/etc/sysconfig/iptables') {
  687:                 if (!-e '/var/lib/iptables') {
  688:                     unless ($distro =~ /^(debian|ubuntu)/) {
  689:                         print("Unable to find iptables file containing static definitions.\n");
  690:                     }
  691:                 }
  692:                 if ($distro =~ /^(fedora|rhes|centos|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)(\d+){?:|\-stream)$/) {
  693:                     unless ((($1 eq 'fedora') && ($2 > 15)) || (($1 ne 'fedora') && ($2 >= 7))) {
  694:                         push(@fw_chains,'RH-Firewall-1-INPUT');
  695:                     }
  696:                 }
  697:             }
  698:         }
  699:         if ($iptables eq '') {
  700:             $iptables = &get_pathto_iptables();
  701:         }
  702:         my %counts;
  703:         if (open(PIPE,"$iptables -L -n |")) {
  704:             while(<PIPE>) {
  705:                 foreach my $chain (@posschains) {
  706:                     if (/(\Q$chain\E)/) {
  707:                         $counts{$1} ++;
  708:                     }
  709:                 }
  710:             }
  711:             close(PIPE);
  712:         }
  713:         foreach my $fw_chain (@posschains) {
  714:             if ($counts{$fw_chain}) {
  715:                 unless(grep(/^\Q$fw_chain\E$/,@fw_chains)) {
  716:                     push(@fw_chains,$fw_chain);
  717:                 }
  718:             }
  719:         }
  720:     }
  721:     return @fw_chains;
  722: }
  724: sub get_default_zone {
  725:     my $cmd = 'firewall-cmd --get-default-zone';
  726:     my $zone;
  727:     if (open(PIPE,"$cmd |")) {
  728:         my $result = <PIPE>;
  729:         chomp($result);
  730:         close(PIPE);
  731:         ($zone) = ($result =~ /^(\w+)$/);
  732:     }
  733:     return $zone;
  734: }
  736: sub get_pathto_iptables {
  737:     my $iptables;
  738:     if (-e '/sbin/iptables') {
  739:         $iptables = '/sbin/iptables';
  740:     } elsif (-e '/usr/sbin/iptables') {
  741:         $iptables = '/usr/sbin/iptables';
  742:     } else {
  743:         print("Unable to find iptables command.\n");
  744:     }
  745:     return $iptables;
  746: }
  748: sub get_distro {
  749:     my $distro;
  750:     if (open(PIPE,"/home/httpd/perl/distprobe |")) {
  751:         $distro = <PIPE>;
  752:         close(PIPE);
  753:     }
  754:     return $distro;
  755: }
  757: 1;
  758: __END__
  760: =pod
  762: =head1 NAME
  764: B<LONCAPA::Firewall> - dynamic opening/closing of firewall ports
  766: =head1 SYNOPSIS
  768:  use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
  769:  use LONCAPA::Firewall;
  771:  LONCAPA::Firewall::uses_firewalld();
  772:  LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_open_port();
  773:  LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_close_port();
  774:  LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_is_port_open();
  775:  LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_is_active();
  776:  LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_close_anywhere();
  778: =head1 DESCRIPTION
  780: The scripts: /etc/init.d/loncontrol, used to stop or start LON-CAPA services, 
  781: as well as the setuid script /home/httpd/perl/lciptables, called by loncron 
  782: for housekeeping tasks, make use of the methods provided by this module to 
  783: open and close firewall ports (currently the default port: 5663), used
  784: for socket-based communication between LON-CAPA servers in the cluster
  785: of networked servers to which the server belongs. 
  787: The following methods are available:
  789: =over 4
  791: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::uses_firewalld( $distro );
  793: =back
  795: =over 4
  797: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_open_port( $iptables,$fw_chains,$lond_port,$iphost,$ports,$firewalld );
  799: =back
  801: =over 4
  803: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_close_port( $iptables,$fw_chains,$lond_port,$iphost,$ports,$firewalld );
  805: =back
  807: =over 4
  809: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_is_port_open( $iptables,$fw_chain,$port,$lond_port,$iphost,$curropen,$firewalld );
  811: =back
  813: =over 4
  815: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_is_active();
  817: =back
  819: =over 4
  821: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::firewall_close_anywhere( $iptables,$fw_chain,$port,$firewalld );
  823: =back
  825: =over 4
  827: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::get_lond_port();
  829: =back
  831: =over 4
  833: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::get_fw_chains( $iptables,$distro );
  835: =back
  837: =over 4
  839: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::get_pathto_iptables();
  841: =back
  843: =over 4
  845: =item LONCAPA::Firewall::get_distro();
  847: =back
  849: =head1 AUTHORS
  851: This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  852: modify it under the same terms as LON-CAPA itself.
  854: =cut

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