#!/usr/bin/perl -w # use strict; use GDBM_File; use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; use LONCAPA; my %resourceaccess; sub main { my $file=$ARGV[0]; my $target = $ARGV[1]; my ($owner) = ($target =~ m:.*/(.*)/nohist_accesscount.db:); print STDERR "source: $file\ntarget: $target\nowner: $owner\n"; my $accesstime = 0; my $starttime = time; if (-e $target) { my $accessDB = &LONCAPA::locking_hash_tie($target,&GDBM_READER()); if (! $accessDB) { warn "Unable to tie to $target"; return; } # if (exists($accessDB->{'tabulated '.$file})) { $accesstime = $accessDB->{'tabulated '.$file}; } &LONCAPA::locking_hash_untie($accessDB); } # my $line; open FILEID,'<'.$file; my @allaccess; print STDERR "Access by resource after $accesstime\n\n"; my $numlines = 0; while ($line=) { $numlines++; if (int($numlines / 1000)*1000 == $numlines) { if (int($numlines / 10000)*10000 == $numlines) { print STDERR '*'; } else { print STDERR '.'; } if (int($numlines / 50000)*50000 == $numlines) { print STDERR $/; } } next if ($line eq '' || $line !~ /:/); chomp($line); my ($time,$machine,$what)=split(':',$line); $what=&unescape($what); my @accesses = split(/(\d{10}):/,$what); shift(@accesses); while (@accesses) { my $date = shift(@accesses); next if ($date =~ /\D/ || $date < $accesstime); my $access = shift(@accesses); next if (! defined($access) || $access eq '' || ! defined($date) || $date eq ''); $access =~ s/(\&$|^:)//g; my ($resource,$who,$domain,$post,@posts)=split(':',$access); if (!$resource || $resource eq '') { next; } $resource = &unescape($resource); if ($resource !~ m:/$owner/:) { next; } if ($resource =~ /___\d+___/) { (undef,$resource) = split(/___\d+___/,$resource); } next if ($resource =~ m:^/(res/adm|adm)/:); $resource =~ s:^/?res/::; $resourceaccess{$resource}++; } } print STDERR 'done. Updating '.$target.$/; my $accessDB = &LONCAPA::locking_hash_tie($target,&GDBM_WRCREAT()); if (! $accessDB) { warn "Unable to open $target to store data".$/; return; } # while (my ($resource,$count) = each(%resourceaccess)) { $resource = &escape($resource); if (exists($accessDB->{$resource})) { $accessDB->{$resource}+=$count; } else { $accessDB->{$resource} = $count; } print sprintf("%10.0f",$count).':'.$resource."\n"; } $accessDB->{'tabulated '.$file} = $starttime; &LONCAPA::locking_hash_untie($accessDB); } main;