#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl'; use GDBM_File; use File::Find; use LONCAPA; use LONCAPA::Configuration; use Fcntl qw(:flock); my $dump_db = '/home/httpd/perl/debug/dump_db_static_32'; my $create_db = '/home/httpd/perl/debug/create_db_dynamic_64'; if (!-x $dump_db || !-x $create_db) { print("Unable to run needed helper programs\n $dump_db\n $create_db\n."); exit(-1); } my %perlvar=%{&LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf')}; my $do_locks = 1; { sub lock_db { my ($fname) = @_; my $sym; if ($do_locks) { open($sym,">>$fname.lock"); flock($sym,(LOCK_EX)); } return $sym; } sub unlock_db { my ($sym) = @_; if (ref($sym)) { flock($sym,(LOCK_UN)); } } } my $count=0; sub count_db { return if ($_!~m/\.db$/); $count++; } my $done=0; my $skip=0; my $starttime; my $last_100_start_time; sub process_db { return if ($_!~m/\.db$/); if (!-e "$_.old") { my $file = $_; my $dbref =&lock_db($file); #print("attempting $file\n"); system("$dump_db -f $file|$create_db -f $file.new"); # print("finishing $dbref\n"); rename($file,"$file.old"); rename("$file.new","$file"); &unlock_db($dbref); } else { #print("skip $_\n"); $skip++; } $done++; if (!($done %100)) { print("$_\n"); my $took = time()-$starttime; my $togo = int(($took/$done) * ($count-$done)); my $total = $togo+$took; my $per = ($done-$skip)?$took/($done-$skip):0; my $last_per = (time()-$last_100_start_time)/100; printf("%6d (%6d) in %6d, togo %6d, overall %6d, %.3f (each), %.3f\n", $done,$skip,$took,$togo,$total,$per,$last_per); $last_100_start_time = time(); } } sub main { my $dir = $perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}; print("Doing $dir\n"); &find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => \&count_db, }, $dir); print("Found $count db to do\n"); $last_100_start_time = $starttime = time(); &find({ no_chdir => 1, wanted => \&process_db, }, $dir); } &main();