# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # input definitons # 2/19 Guy package Apache::inputtags; use strict; sub BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::inputtags',('textarea','textline','datasubmission')); } sub initialize_inputtags { # list of current input ids @Apache::inputtags::input=(); # list of all input ids seen in this problem @Apache::inputtags::inputlist=(); # list of all current response ids @Apache::inputtags::response=(); #list of all response ids seen in this problem @Apache::inputtags::responselist=(); # id of current part, 0 means that no part is current (inside only $Apache::inputtags::part=''; # list of problem date statuses, the first element is for #if there is a second element it is for the current @Apache::inputtags::status=(); #hash of defined params for the current response %Apache::inputtags::params=(); } sub start_input { my ($parstack,$safeeval)=@_; my $id = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('id',$parstack,$safeeval); push (@Apache::inputtags::input,$id); push (@Apache::inputtags::inputlist,$id); return $id; } sub end_input { pop @Apache::inputtags::input; return ''; } sub start_textarea { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $result = ""; my $id = &start_input($parstack,$safeeval); if ($target eq 'web') { my $oldresponse = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1'].submission"}; my $cols = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('cols',$parstack,$safeeval); if ( $cols eq '') { $cols = 80; } my $rows = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('rows',$parstack,$safeeval); if ( $rows eq '') { $rows = 10; } $result= '"; } &end_input; return ''; } sub start_textline { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $result = ""; if ($target eq 'web') { my $size = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('size',$parstack,$safeeval); if ($size eq '') { $size=20; } my $oldresponse = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1'].submission"}; $result= ''; } if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,&Apache::lonxml::description($token)); $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Size:','size',$token,'5').""; $result.=&Apache::edit::end_table; } if ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,$safeeval,'size'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_textline { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ($target eq 'edit') { return ('','no'); } return ""; } sub start_datasubmission { return ''; } sub end_datasubmission { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ( $target == 'web' ) { return ''; } return ''; } sub finalizeawards { my $result=''; my $award; if ($#_ == '-1') { $result = "NO_RESPONSE"; } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq '') {$result='MISSING_ANSWER'; last;}} } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'ERROR') {$result='ERROR'; last;}} } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'NO_RESPONSE') {$result='NO_RESPONSE'; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'UNIT_FAIL' || $award eq 'NO_UNIT' || $award eq 'UNIT_NOTNEEDED') { $result=$award; last; } } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'WANTED_NUMERIC' || $award eq 'BAD_FORMULA') {$result=$award; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'SIG_FAIL') {$result=$award; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'INCORRECT') {$result=$award; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'SUBMITTED') {$result=$award; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { foreach $award (@_) { if ($award eq 'APPROX_ANS') {$result=$award; last;} } } if ($result eq '' ) { $result='EXACT_ANS'; } return $result } sub decideoutput { my ($award,$solved)=@_; my $message=''; my $button=0; if ($solved =~ /^correct/) { $message = "You are correct. Your receipt is ". &Apache::lonnet::receipt; $button=0; } elsif ($solved =~ /^excused/) { $message = "You are excused from the problem."; $button=0; } elsif ($award eq 'EXACT_ANS' || $award eq 'APPROX_ANS' ) { if ($solved =~ /^incorrect/ || $solved eq '') { $message = "Incorrect"; $button=1; } else { $message = "You are correct. Your receipt is ". &Apache::lonnet::receipt; $button=0; } } elsif ($award eq 'NO_RESPONSE') { $message = ''; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'MISSING_ANSWER') { $message = 'Some parts were not submitted'; $button = 1; } elsif ($award eq 'WANTED_NUMERIC') { $message = "This question expects a numeric answer"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'SIG_FAIL') { $message = "Please adjust significant figures.";# you provided %s significant figures"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'UNIT_FAIL') { $message = "Units incorrect."; #Computer reads units as %s"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'UNIT_NOTNEEDED') { $message = "Only a number required.";# Computer reads units of %s"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'NO_UNIT') { $message = "Units required"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'BAD_FORMULA') { $message = "Unable to understand formula"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'INCORRECT') { $message = "Incorrect"; $button=1; } elsif ($award eq 'SUBMITTED') { $message = "Your submission has been recorded."; $button=1; } else { $message = "Unknown message: $award"; $button=1; } return ($button,$message); } sub setgradedata { my ($award,$id) = @_; if ( $award eq 'APPROX_ANS' || $award eq 'EXACT_ANS' ) { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.tries"} = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.tries"} + 1; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.solved"} = 'correct_by_student'; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.awarded"} = '1'; } elsif ( $award eq 'INCORRECT' ) { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.tries"} = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.tries"} + 1; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.solved"} = 'incorrect_attempted'; } elsif ( $award eq 'SUBMITTED' ) { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.tries"} = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.tries"} + 1; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.solved"} = 'ungraded_attempted'; } else { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.solved"} = 'incorrect_attempted'; } $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.award"} = $award; } sub grade { my ($target) = @_; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::part; # my $result=''; my $response=''; if ( $target == 'web' ) { if ( defined $ENV{'form.submitted'}) { my @awards = (); &Apache::lonxml::debug("$#Apache::inputtags::responselist"); foreach $response (@Apache::inputtags::responselist) { &Apache::lonxml::debug("looking for response.$id.$response.awarddetail"); my $value=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$id.$response.awarddetail"}; if ( $value ne '' ) { &Apache::lonxml::debug("keeping $value from $response for $id"); push (@awards,$value); } else { &Apache::lonxml::debug("skipping $value from $response for $id"); } } my $finalaward = &finalizeawards(@awards); &Apache::lonxml::debug("final award $finalaward"); &setgradedata($finalaward,$id); } } return ''; } sub gradestatus { my ($id) = @_; my $showbutton = 1; my $message = ''; my $trystr=''; my $button=''; my $status = $Apache::inputtags::status['-1']; &Apache::lonxml::debug("gradestatus has :$status:"); if ( $status ne 'CLOSED' ) { my $award = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.award"}; my $solved = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.solved"}; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Found Award |$award|$solved|"); if ( $award ne '' ) { &Apache::lonxml::debug('Getting message'); ($showbutton,$message) = &decideoutput($award,$solved); $message="
"; } my $tries = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.tries"}; my $maxtries = &Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.$id.maxtries"); &Apache::lonxml::debug("got maxtries of :$maxtries:"); if ( $tries eq '' ) { $tries = '0'; } if ( $maxtries eq '' ) { $maxtries = '2'; } if ( $maxtries eq 'con_lost' ) { $maxtries = '0'; } if ( $showbutton ) { $trystr = "
Tries $tries/$maxtries"; } if ( $status eq 'SHOW_ANSWER' || $status eq 'CANNOT_ANSWER') {$showbutton = 0;} if ( $showbutton ) { $button = '
'; } } return $button.$message.$trystr; } 1; __END__