# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA - LON-CAPA # Quantity # # $Id: Quantity.pm,v 1.2 2023/03/13 22:31:22 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2014 Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ## # A quantity (value and units) ## package Apache::math_parser::Quantity; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use POSIX; use Math::Complex; # must be after POSIX for redefinition of log10 use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::CalcException'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Quantity'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QVector'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QMatrix'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QSet'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QInterval'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QIntervalUnion'; use overload '""' => \&toString, '+' => \&qadd, '-' => \&qsub, '*' => \&qmult, '/' => \&qdiv, '^' => \&qpow, '<' => \&qlt, '<=' => \&qle, '>' => \&qgt, '>=' => \&qge, '<=>' => \&perl_compare; # compare() return codes: use enum qw(IDENTICAL WRONG_TYPE WRONG_DIMENSIONS MISSING_UNITS ADDED_UNITS WRONG_UNITS WRONG_VALUE WRONG_ENDPOINT); ## # Constructor # @param {complex} value # @optional {Object.} units - hash: unit name -> exponent for each SI unit ## sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = { _value => shift, _units => shift, }; if ("".$self->{_value} eq "i") { $self->{_value} = i; } elsif ("".$self->{_value} eq "inf") { $self->{_value} = 9**9**9; } if (!defined $self->{_units}) { $self->{_units} = { s => 0, m => 0, kg => 0, K => 0, A => 0, mol => 0, cd => 0 }; } else { foreach my $unit ('s', 'm', 'kg', 'K', 'A', 'mol', 'cd') { if (!defined $self->{_units}->{$unit}) { $self->{_units}->{$unit} = 0; } } } bless $self, $class; return $self; } # Attribute helpers ## # Value. # @returns {Complex} ## sub value { my $self = shift; return $self->{_value}; } ## # Units # @returns {Object.} hash: unit name -> exponent for each SI unit ## sub units { my $self = shift; return $self->{_units}; } ## # Returns a readable view of the object # @returns {string} ## sub toString { my ( $self ) = @_; my $s; # complex display in polar notation can be confused with vectors # normally we should just have to call Math::Complex::display_format('cartesian'); # actually, it's supposed to be the default... # but this is not working, so... if ($self->value =~ /\[/) { my $v = $self->value; $v->display_format('cartesian'); $s = "".$v; } else { $s = $self->value; } foreach my $unit (keys %{$self->units}) { my $e = $self->units->{$unit}; if ($e != 0) { $s .= " ".$unit; if ($e != 1) { $s .= "^".$e; } } } return $s; } ## # Equality test # @param {Quantity} # @optional {string|float} tolerance # @returns {boolean} ## sub equals { my ( $self, $q, $tolerance ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { return 0; } if (!defined $tolerance) { $tolerance = 0; } if ($tolerance =~ /%/) { my $perc = $tolerance; $perc =~ s/%//; $perc /= 100; if (abs($self->value - $q->value) > abs($self->value * $perc)) { return 0; } } else { if (abs($self->value - $q->value) > $tolerance) { return 0; } } my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { if ($units{$unit} != $q->units->{$unit}) { return 0; } } return 1; } ## # Compare this quantity with another one, and returns a code. # Returns Quantity->WRONG_TYPE if the parameter is not a Quantity. # @param {Quantity|QVector|QMatrix|QSet|QInterval} q # @optional {string|float} tolerance # @returns {int} WRONG_TYPE|MISSING_UNITS|ADDED_UNITS|WRONG_UNITS|WRONG_VALUE|IDENTICAL ## sub compare { my ( $self, $q, $tolerance ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { return WRONG_TYPE; } if (!defined $tolerance) { $tolerance = 0; } my %units = %{$self->units}; my $this_has_units = 0; my $other_has_units = 0; my $wrong_units = 0; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { if ($units{$unit} != 0) { $this_has_units = 1; } if ($q->units->{$unit} != 0) { $other_has_units = 1; } if ($units{$unit} != $q->units->{$unit}) { $wrong_units = 1; } } if ($this_has_units && !$other_has_units) { return MISSING_UNITS; } elsif (!$this_has_units && $other_has_units) { return ADDED_UNITS; } if ($wrong_units) { return WRONG_UNITS; } if ($tolerance =~ /%/) { my $perc = $tolerance; $perc =~ s/%//; $perc /= 100; if (abs($self->value - $q->value) > abs($self->value * $perc)) { return WRONG_VALUE; } } else { if (abs($self->value - $q->value) > $tolerance) { return WRONG_VALUE; } } return IDENTICAL; } ## # <=> operator. # Compare this quantity with another one, and returns -1, 0 or 1. # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {int} ## sub perl_compare { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity comparison: second member is not a quantity."); } $self->unitsMatch($q, 'perl_compare'); return($self->value <=> $q->value); } ## # Not equal # @param {Quantity} q # @optional {string|float} tolerance # @returns {boolean} ## sub ne { my ( $self, $q, $tolerance ) = @_; if ($self->equals($q, $tolerance)) { return(0); } else { return(1); } } ## # Less than # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {boolean} ## sub lt { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity smaller than: second member is not a quantity."); } $self->unitsMatch($q, 'lt'); if ($self->value < $q->value) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } ## # Less than or equal # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {boolean} ## sub le { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity smaller or equal: second member is not a quantity."); } $self->unitsMatch($q, 'le'); if ($self->value <= $q->value) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } ## # Greater than # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {boolean} ## sub gt { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity greater than: second member is not a quantity."); } $self->unitsMatch($q, 'gt'); if ($self->value > $q->value) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } ## # Greater than or equal # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {boolean} ## sub ge { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity greater or equal: second member is not a quantity."); } $self->unitsMatch($q, 'ge'); if ($self->value >= $q->value) { return(1); } else { return(0); } } ## # Clone this object # @returns {Quantity} ## sub clone { my ( $self ) = @_; my %units = %{$self->units}; return Quantity->new($self->value, \%units); } ## # Addition # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qadd { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity addition: second member is not a quantity."); } my $v = $self->value + $q->value; $self->unitsMatch($q, 'addition'); return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Substraction # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qsub { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Quantity substraction: second member is not a quantity."); } my $v = $self->value - $q->value; $self->unitsMatch($q, 'substraction'); return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Negation # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qneg { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = - $self->value; my %units = %{$self->units}; return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Multiplication # @param {Quantity|QVector|QMatrix|QSet|QInterval|QIntervalUnion} qv # @returns {Quantity|QVector|QMatrix|QSet|QInterval|QIntervalUnion} ## sub qmult { my ( $self, $qv ) = @_; if (!$qv->isa(Quantity) && !$qv->isa(QVector) && !$qv->isa(QMatrix) && !$qv->isa(QSet) && !$qv->isa(QInterval) && !$qv->isa(QIntervalUnion)) { die CalcException->new("Cannot multiply with something that is not a quantity, vector, matrix, set, or interval."); } if ($qv->isa(QVector) || $qv->isa(QMatrix) || $qv->isa(QSet) || $qv->isa(QInterval) || $qv->isa(QIntervalUnion)) { return($qv->qmult($self)); } my $q = $qv; my $v = $self->value * $q->value; my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { $units{$unit} = $units{$unit} + $q->units->{$unit}; } return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Division # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qdiv { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Cannot divide by something that is not a quantity."); } if ($q->value == 0) { die CalcException->new("Division by zero."); } my $v = $self->value / $q->value; my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { $units{$unit} = $units{$unit} - $q->units->{$unit}; } return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Power # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qpow { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Cannot raise to the power of something that is not a number."); } my $v = $self->value ** $q->value; $q->noUnits("Power"); my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %{$q->units}) { $units{$unit} = $units{$unit} * $q->value; } return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Factorial # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qfact { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = $self->value; if ($v < 0) { die CalcException->new("Factorial of a number smaller than zero."); } # should check if integer my $n = $v; for (my $i=$n - 1; $i > 1; $i--) { $v *= $i; } return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Square root # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qsqrt { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = sqrt($self->value); my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { $units{$unit} = $units{$unit} / 2; } return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Absolute value # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qabs { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = abs($self->value); my %units = %{$self->units}; return Quantity->new($v, \%units); } ## # Exponential # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qexp { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("exp"); return Quantity->new(exp($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Natural logarithm # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qln { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("ln"); # this will return a complex if the value is < 0 #if ($self->value < 0) { # die CalcException->new("Ln of number < 0"); #} if ($self->value == 0) { die CalcException->new("Natural logarithm of zero."); } return Quantity->new(log($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Decimal logarithm # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qlog10 { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("log10"); # this will return a complex if the value is < 0 #if ($self->value < 0) { # die CalcException->new("Log10 of number < 0"); #} if ($self->value == 0) { die CalcException->new("Logarithm of zero."); } return Quantity->new(log10($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Modulo # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qmod { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Cannot calculate the modulus with respect to something that is not a quantity."); } my $v = $self->value % $q->value; return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on the sign of the value # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qsgn { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v; if ($self->value < 0) { $v = -1; } elsif ($self->value > 0) { $v = 1; } else { $v = 0; } return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Returns the least integer that is greater than or equal to the value. # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qceil { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = ceil($self->value); return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Returns the largest integer that is less than or equal to the value. # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qfloor { my ( $self ) = @_; my $v = floor($self->value); return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Sine # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qsin { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("sin"); return Quantity->new(sin($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Cosine # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qcos { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("cos"); return Quantity->new(cos($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Tangent # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qtan { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("tan"); return Quantity->new(tan($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Arcsinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qasin { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("asin"); return Quantity->new(asin($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Arccosinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qacos { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("acos"); return Quantity->new(acos($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Arctangent # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qatan { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("atan"); return Quantity->new(atan($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Arctangent of self/x in the range -pi to pi # @param {Quantity} x # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qatan2 { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; if (!$q->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Cannot calculate atan2 if second argument is not a quantity."); } $self->noUnits("atan2"); my $v = atan2($self->value, $q->value); return Quantity->new($v, $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic sinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qsinh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("sinh"); return Quantity->new(sinh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic cosinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qcosh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("cosh"); return Quantity->new(cosh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic tangent # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qtanh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("tanh"); return Quantity->new(tanh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic arcsinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qasinh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("asinh"); return Quantity->new(asinh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic arccosinus # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qacosh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("acosh"); return Quantity->new(acosh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Hyperbolic arctangent # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qatanh { my ( $self ) = @_; $self->noUnits("atanh"); return Quantity->new(atanh($self->value), $self->units); } ## # Equals # @param {Quantity|QVector|QMatrix|QSet|QInterval} q # @optional {string|float} tolerance # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qeq { my ( $self, $q, $tolerance ) = @_; my $v = $self->equals($q, $tolerance); return Quantity->new($v); } ## # Less than # @param {Quantity} # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qlt { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; my $v = $self->lt($q); return Quantity->new($v); } ## # Less than or equal # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qle { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; my $v = $self->le($q); return Quantity->new($v); } ## # Greater than # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qgt { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; my $v = $self->gt($q); return Quantity->new($v); } ## # Greater than or equal # @param {Quantity} q # @returns {Quantity} ## sub qge { my ( $self, $q ) = @_; my $v = $self->ge($q); return Quantity->new($v); } ## # Dies if units do not match. ## sub unitsMatch { my ( $self, $q, $fct_name ) = @_; my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { if ($units{$unit} != $q->units->{$unit}) { die CalcException->new("Units [_1] do not match.", $fct_name); } } } ## # Dies if there are any unit. ## sub noUnits { my ( $self, $fct_name ) = @_; my %units = %{$self->units}; foreach my $unit (keys %units) { if ($units{$unit} != 0) { die CalcException->new("Cannot calculate [_1] of something with units.", $fct_name); } } } 1; __END__