# LearningOnline Network with CAPA # option list style responses # # $Id: optionresponse.pm,v 1.201 2018/02/28 13:20:50 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # package Apache::optionresponse; use strict; use Apache::response(); use Apache::lonlocal; use Apache::lonnet; BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::optionresponse',('optionresponse')); } sub start_optionresponse { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; #when in a option response use these &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::optionresponse',('foilgroup','foil','conceptgroup','drawoptionlist')); push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'optionresponse'); my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval); %Apache::hint::option=(); undef(%Apache::response::foilnames); if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::start_table($token) .''.&Apache::loncommon::insert_folding_button().' ' .&mt('Multiple Option Response Question').' ' .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Option_Response_Problems')."" .''.&mt('Delete?').' ' .&Apache::edit::deletelist($target,$token) .'' ." " .&Apache::edit::end_row() .&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row() ."\n"; $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Max Number Of Shown Foils:','max', $token,'4'). &Apache::edit::select_arg('Randomize Foil Order:','randomize', ['yes','no'],$token). &Apache::edit::select_arg('Display of options when printed','TeXlayout', [['horizontal','Normal list'], ['vertical','Listed in a vertical column']],$token). &Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack, $safeeval,'max','randomize', 'TeXlayout'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } elsif ($target eq 'meta') { $result=&Apache::response::meta_package_write('optionresponse'); } elsif ($target eq 'analyze') { my $part_id="$Apache::inputtags::part.$id"; $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"$part_id.type"} = 'optionresponse'; push (@{ $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"parts"} },$part_id); push (@{ $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"$part_id.bubble_lines"} }, 1); } return $result; } sub end_optionresponse { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; &Apache::response::end_response; pop @Apache::lonxml::namespace; &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::optionresponse',('foilgroup','foil','conceptgroup','drawoptionlist')); my $result; if ($target eq 'edit') { $result=&Apache::edit::end_table(); } undef(%Apache::response::foilnames); return $result; } %Apache::response::foilgroup=(); sub start_foilgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; %Apache::response::foilgroup=(); $Apache::optionresponse::conceptgroup=0; &Apache::response::pushrandomnumber(undef,$target); if ($target eq 'edit') { my $optionlist="\n"; my $option; my @opt; my @raw_options = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('options', $parstack, $safeeval, 0, 0, 1); eval '@opt ='. &Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval, 0, 0, 1); my $count=1; foreach $option (@opt) { $optionlist.="\n"; $count++; } my $insertlist=&Apache::edit::insertlist($target,$token); $result.=&Apache::edit::start_table($token); my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash( sel => 'Select Options', add => 'Add new Option:', del => 'Delete an Option:', maxcheck => 'Enter maximum number students may check (e.g., 3)', mincheck => 'Enter minimum number students need to check (e.g., 1)', ); $result.= sprintf(<%s $lt{'sel'} $lt{'add'} $lt{'del'} ENDTABLE $result.= ''.&Apache::edit::checked_arg('Print options:','texoptions', [ ['nochoice',"Don't show option list"] ] ,$token).''; $result.= ' '; my %checknumtxt = ( maxcheck => 'Max. boxes permitted to check', mincheck => 'Min. boxes required to check', ); my (%onclicknum,%checknum); foreach my $item ('maxcheck','mincheck') { $onclicknum{$item} = 'onclick="'."updateNumber('$item','$Apache::lonxml::curdepth','check','$lt{$item}');".'"'; $checknum{$item} = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($item,$parstack,$safeeval); } $result.=&Apache::edit::checked_arg('Checkbox options:','checkboxoptions', [ ['nochoice',"Don't show option list"] ] ,$token).' '. &Apache::edit::checked_arg('','noprompt', [ ['nochoice','Omit "Select all that are ... "' ] ] ,$token); foreach my $item ('maxcheck','mincheck') { my $currnum = $checknum{$item}; unless ($currnum =~ /^\d+$/) { $currnum = 'nochoice'; } $result.= ' '. &Apache::edit::checked_arg('',$item,[ [$currnum,$checknumtxt{$item}] ], $token,$onclicknum{$item},1).' '. ''; if ($checknum{$item} ne '') { $result .= ': '. $checknum{$item}.''; } $result .= ''; } $result.= ''; $result.= &Apache::edit::end_row(); $result.= &Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); $result.= $insertlist.'
'; } if ($target eq 'modified') { my @options; my $optchanged=0; eval '@options ='.&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval, 0, 0, 1); if ($env{"form.$Apache::lonxml::curdepth.deleteopt"}) { my $delopt=$env{"form.$Apache::lonxml::curdepth.deleteopt"}; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Deleting :$delopt:"); splice(@options,$delopt-1,1); $optchanged=1; } if ($env{"form.$Apache::lonxml::curdepth.options"} ne '') { my $newopt = $env{"form.$Apache::lonxml::curdepth.options"}; push(@options,$newopt); $optchanged=1; } my $rebuildtag = &Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,$safeeval, 'texoptions','checkboxvalue','checkboxoptions', 'noprompt','maxcheck','mincheck'); if ($rebuildtag) { my $maxcheck = $token->[2]->{'maxcheck'}; my $mincheck = $token->[2]->{'mincheck'}; if ($mincheck =~ /D/) { $token->[2]->{'mincheck'}=''; } if ($maxcheck =~ /D/) { $token->[2]->{'maxcheck'}=''; } if (($mincheck ne '') && ($maxcheck ne '')) { if ($mincheck > $maxcheck) { $token->[2]->{'mincheck'}=$maxcheck; } } } if ($optchanged || $rebuildtag ) { $result = "[2]{'texoptions'}.'" '; $result .= 'checkboxoptions="'.$token->[2]{'checkboxoptions'}.'" '; $result .= 'checkboxvalue="'.$token->[2]{'checkboxvalue'}.'" '; $result .= 'noprompt="'.$token->[2]{'noprompt'}.'" '; $result .= 'maxcheck="'.$token->[2]{'maxcheck'}.'" '; $result .= 'mincheck="'.$token->[2]{'mincheck'}.'"'; $result .= '>'; } # else nothing changed so just use the default mechanism } if ($target eq 'tex' and $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { if($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} ne 'yes') { $result .= ' \begin{itemize} '; } else { $result .= "\\\\"; } } return $result; } sub end_foilgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result; if ($target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'web' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { my $tex_option_switch=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('texoptions',$parstack,$safeeval); my $name; my @opt; eval '@opt ='.&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval); &Apache::lonxml::debug("options:".join(':',@opt)); my $TeXlayout=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('TeXlayout',$parstack,$safeeval, -2,0); my $checkboxvalue=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('checkboxvalue',$parstack,$safeeval); my $checkboxchoices=(&Apache::lonxml::get_param('checkboxoptions',$parstack,$safeeval) ne 'nochoice'); my $maxcheck=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('maxcheck', $parstack, $safeeval); $maxcheck =~ s/\D+//g; my $mincheck=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('mincheck', $parstack, $safeeval); $mincheck =~ s/\D+//g; my $noprompt=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('noprompt', $parstack, $safeeval); if ($target eq 'tex' && $tex_option_switch eq 'nochoice') {@opt=();} &Apache::lonxml::debug("Options are $#opt"); my $max = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('max',$parstack,$safeeval,'-2'); my $randomize = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('randomize',$parstack, $safeeval,'-2'); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $result.=&displayfoils($target,$max,$randomize,$TeXlayout,$checkboxvalue,$checkboxchoices,$tex_option_switch, $noprompt,$maxcheck,$mincheck, @opt); $Apache::lonxml::post_evaluate=0; } elsif ( $target eq 'answer') { $result.=&displayanswers($max,$randomize,@opt); } elsif ( $target eq 'analyze') { my @shown = &whichfoils($max,$randomize); &Apache::response::analyze_store_foilgroup(\@shown, ['text','value','location']); my $part_id="$Apache::inputtags::part.$Apache::inputtags::response[-1]"; push (@{ $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"$part_id.options"} },@opt); } elsif ( $target eq 'grade') { if ( &Apache::response::submitted()) { my @whichopt = &whichfoils($max,$randomize); my $temp=1;my $name; my %responsehash; my %grade; my $right=0; my $wrong=0; my $ignored=0; my $checked=0; my $corrchkd=0; my $corrunchkd=0; my $incorrchkd=0; my $incorrunchkd=0; my ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row); if ($Apache::lonhomework::scantronmode) { my $numitems = scalar(@opt); ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row) = &Apache::optionresponse::getnumrows($numitems); } if ($numrows < 1) { $numrows = 1; } my $checkboxopt; if ($checkboxvalue) { $checkboxopt = &check_box_opt($target,$checkboxvalue,@opt); if (($checkboxopt) && ($Apache::lonhomework::type !~ /survey/)) { my $corrnumcheck = 0; if (($maxcheck ne '') || ($mincheck ne '')) { foreach $name (@whichopt) { if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq $checkboxopt) { $corrnumcheck ++; } } if (($maxcheck ne '') && ($corrnumcheck > $maxcheck)) { $maxcheck = $corrnumcheck; } if (($mincheck ne '') && ($corrnumcheck < $mincheck)) { $mincheck = $corrnumcheck; } } } } my $part=$Apache::inputtags::part; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my @relweights; my $nonlenient=&grading_is_nonlenient($part,$id,\@relweights); foreach $name (@whichopt) { my $response; if ($env{'form.submitted'} eq 'scantron') { if ($numrows > 1) { my $num = $temp; my $totalnum; for (my $i=0; $i<$numrows; $i++) { my $item = &Apache::response::getresponse($num); if ($item =~ /^\d+$/) { $totalnum = $i*$bubbles_per_row + $item; } $num ++; } if ($totalnum =~ /^\d+$/) { $response = $opt[$totalnum]; } $temp += $numrows; } else { $response=&Apache::response::getresponse($temp); if ($response=~/\S/) { $response = $opt[$response]; } $temp ++; } } else { $response=&Apache::response::getresponse($temp); $temp ++; } if ( $response =~ /[^\s]/) { $responsehash{$name}=$response; my $value=$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}; &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response for $value
\n"); if ($value eq $response) { $grade{$name}='1'; $right++; } else { $grade{$name}='0'; $wrong++; } if ($checkboxopt) { if ($response eq $checkboxopt) { $checked++; if ($grade{$name}) { $corrchkd ++; } else { $incorrchkd ++; } } else { if ($grade{$name}) { $corrunchkd ++; } else { $incorrunchkd ++; } } } } else { $ignored++; } } my $responsestr=&Apache::lonnet::hash2str(%responsehash); my $gradestr =&Apache::lonnet::hash2str(%grade); my %previous=&Apache::response::check_for_previous($responsestr, $part,$id); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Got $right right and $wrong wrong, and $ignored were ignored"); $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}= $responsestr; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.submissiongrading"}=$gradestr; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'randomizetry') { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.foilorder"} = &Apache::lonnet::array2str(@whichopt); } my $skipaward; if ($checkboxvalue) { if ((($maxcheck ne '') && ($checked > $maxcheck)) || (($mincheck ne '') && ($checked < $mincheck))) { my $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='WRONG_NUMBOXESCHECKED'; &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); $skipaward = 1; } } unless ($skipaward) { if (($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'survey') || ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'surveycred') || ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'anonsurvey') || ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'anonsurveycred')) { if ($ignored == 0) { my $ad; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'anonsurveycred') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='ANONYMOUS_CREDIT'; } elsif ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'anonsurvey') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='ANONYMOUS'; } elsif ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'surveycred') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='SUBMITTED_CREDIT'; } else { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='SUBMITTED'; } &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); } elsif ($wrong==0 && $right==0) { } else { my $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='MISSING_ANSWER'; &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); } } elsif ($nonlenient) { # # Non-lenient mode. All right or all wrong # my $ad; if ($wrong==0 && $ignored==0) { $ad='EXACT_ANS'; } elsif ($wrong==0 && $right==0) { #nothing submitted } else { if ($ignored==0) { $ad='INCORRECT'; } else { $ad='MISSING_ANSWER'; } } $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}=$ad; &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); } else { # # This is lenient mode # my $ad; if ($wrong==0 && $right==0) { #nothing submitted only assign a score if we #need to override a previous grade if (defined($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"})) { $ad='ASSIGNED_SCORE'; } } else { $ad='ASSIGNED_SCORE'; } $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}=$ad; my $awarded; my $totalfoils = $#{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }+1; if (($checkboxopt) && ($max >= $totalfoils) && (@relweights > 0)) { if ($right == scalar(@whichopt)) { $awarded = 1; } else { $awarded = ($corrchkd*$relweights[0] + $corrunchkd*$relweights[1] + $incorrchkd*$relweights[2] + $incorrunchkd*$relweights[3])/(scalar(@whichopt)); $awarded = 1 if ($awarded > 1); $awarded = 0 if ($awarded < 0); } } else { $awarded = $right/(scalar(@whichopt)); } $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarded"}= $awarded; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.numfoils"}= scalar(@whichopt); } } } } my $part_id = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $response_id = $Apache::inputtags::response[-1]; my ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row); if (($target eq 'tex') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam')) { ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row) = &Apache::optionresponse::getnumrows(scalar(@opt)); } if ($numrows < 1) { $numrows = 1; } my $increment = &getfoilcounts($max) * $numrows; &Apache::lonxml::increment_counter($increment,"$part_id.$response_id"); if ($target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::lonhomework::set_bubble_lines(); } } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::end_table(); } if ($target eq 'tex' and $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { if($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} ne 'yes') { $result .= '\end{itemize}'; } else { $result .= "\\\\"; } } &Apache::response::poprandomnumber(); return $result; } sub grading_is_nonlenient { my ($part,$id,$relweights) = @_; # Web mode: we are non-lenient unless told otherwise my $defaultparm = 'off'; my $nonlenient = 1; # Grading a bubblesheet exam: we are grading lenient unless told otherwise if ($Apache::lonhomework::scantronmode) { $defaultparm = 'on'; $nonlenient = 0; } my $lenientparm = &Apache::response::get_response_param($part,'lenient',$defaultparm); if ($lenientparm eq 'default') { $lenientparm = $defaultparm; } $lenientparm = &Apache::response::get_response_param($part.'_'.$id,'lenient',$lenientparm); if ($lenientparm eq 'default') { $lenientparm = $defaultparm; } if ($lenientparm=~/^(?:0|off|no)$/i) { $nonlenient = 1; } elsif ($lenientparm=~/^(?:1|on|yes)$/i) { $nonlenient = 0; } elsif ($lenientparm =~ /^\-?[.\d]+,\-?[.\d]+,\-?[.\d]+,\-?[.\d]+$/) { if (ref($relweights) eq 'ARRAY') { @{$relweights} = split(/,/,$lenientparm); } $nonlenient = 0; } if (!$nonlenient) { $Apache::inputtags::leniency=1; } return $nonlenient; } sub getfoilcounts { my ($max)=@_; # +1 since instructors will count from 1 my $count = $#{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }+1; if (&Apache::response::showallfoils()) { $max=$count; } if ($count>$max) { $count=$max } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Count is $count from $max"); return $count; } sub whichfoils { my ($max,$randomize)=@_; return &Apache::response::whichorder($max,$randomize, &Apache::response::showallfoils(), \%Apache::response::foilgroup); } sub displayanswers { my ($max,$randomize,@opt)=@_; my @names; if (ref($Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'}) eq 'ARRAY') { @names = @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } return if (!@names); my @whichopt = &whichfoils($max,$randomize); my $result; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { my $i = 0; my %opt = map { ($_,$i++) } @opt; $i = 0; my @alphabet = ('A'..'Z'); foreach my $name (@whichopt) { $result.=&Apache::response::answer_header('optionresponse',$i++); $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('optionresponse', $alphabet[$opt{$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}}]); $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('optionresponse', $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}); $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('optionresponse'); } } else { $result=&Apache::response::answer_header('optionresponse'); foreach my $name (@whichopt) { $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('optionresponse', $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}); } $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('optionresponse'); } return $result; } sub check_box_opt { my ($target,$checkboxvalue,@opt)=@_; # Check if we are in checkbox mode: checkboxvalue specified, on web, only two options. # If so, return "checked" value if ($#opt!=1) { return ''; } unless (($target eq 'web') || ($target eq 'grade')) { return ''; } return $checkboxvalue; } sub check_for_invalid { my ($names,$options) = @_; my %bad_names; foreach my $name (@{ $names }) { my $value=$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}; my $found=0; foreach my $option (@{ $options }) { if ($value eq $option) { $found=1; } } if (!$found) { $bad_names{$name}=$value; } } if (%bad_names) { my $error=&mt('The question can not be gotten correct, '. 'the following foils in the <optionresponse> '. 'have invalid correct options').'
'. join('
',(map { $_=&mt("[_1] with value [_2]",$_,$bad_names{$_}) } (keys(%bad_names)))). "
"; &Apache::lonxml::error($error); } } sub displayfoils { my ($target,$max,$randomize,$TeXlayout,$checkboxvalue,$checkboxchoices, $tex_option_switch, $no_tfprompt, $maxcheck, $mincheck, @opt)=@_; my @names; if (ref($Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'}) eq 'ARRAY') { @names = @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } unless (@names > 0) { return;} my @truelist; my @falselist; my $result; my $name; my $displayoptionintex=1; my @alphabet = ('A'..'Z'); my @whichopt = &whichfoils($max,$randomize); unless (($target eq 'tex') && ($tex_option_switch eq 'nochoice')) { &check_for_invalid(\@whichopt,\@opt); } my $part=$Apache::inputtags::part; my $id=$Apache::inputtags::response[-1]; my $break; if ( ($target ne 'tex') && &Apache::response::show_answer() ) { my $temp=1; foreach $name (@whichopt) { my $text=$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.text'}; my $lastresp; if ((($env{'form.grade_username'} eq '') && ($env{'form.grade_domain'} eq '')) || (($env{'form.grade_username'} eq $env{'user.name'}) && ($env{'form.grade_domain'} eq $env{'user.domain'}))) { $lastresp = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}; } else { unless (($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurvey') || ($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurveycred')) { $lastresp = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}; } } my %lastresponse=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($lastresp); my $lastopt=$lastresponse{$name}; if ($text!~/^\s*$/) { $break='
'; } $result.=$break; if ($target eq 'web') { my $value=$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}; if (!($text=~s||$value|)) { if ($text=~/^\s*$/) { $text=$value.$text; } else { $text=''.$value.': '.$text; } } else { if (@whichopt > 1) { $text='•'.$text; } } $result.=$text."\n"; } if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $result.=&webbubbles(\@opt,\@alphabet,$temp,$lastopt); } $temp++; } } else { my $temp=1; my %lastresponse; my $newvariation; if ((($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'randomizetry') || ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'randomizetry')) && ($Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER')) { if ($env{'form.'.$part.'.rndseed'} ne $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.rndseed"}) { $newvariation = 1; } } unless ($newvariation) { if ((($env{'form.grade_username'} eq '') && ($env{'form.grade_domain'} eq '')) || (($env{'form.grade_username'} eq $env{'user.name'}) && ($env{'form.grade_domain'} eq $env{'user.domain'}))) { %lastresponse = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}); } else { unless (($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurvey') || ($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurveycred')) { %lastresponse = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}); } } } my $internal_counter=$Apache::lonxml::counter; my $checkboxopt; if ($target eq 'web') { $checkboxopt=&check_box_opt($target,$checkboxvalue,@opt); } if ($checkboxopt && (!$no_tfprompt)) { $result.='
'. ($checkboxchoices?&mt('Choices: ').''.$opt[0].','.$opt[1].'. ':''). &mt('Select all that are [_1].',''.$checkboxopt.''); } foreach $name (@whichopt) { my $text=$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.text'}; if ($text!~/^\s*$/) { if ($target eq 'tex') { $break='\vskip 0 mm '; } elsif ($target eq 'web') { $break='
'; } } my $lastopt=$lastresponse{$name}; my $optionlist="\n"; if($target eq 'tex' and $env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { my $fieldname = $env{'request.symb'}.'&part_'.$Apache::inputtags::part.'&optionresponse'.'&HWVAL_'.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1'].':'.$temp; $optionlist = &Apache::lonxml::print_pdf_start_combobox($fieldname); } foreach my $option (@opt) { my $escopt=&HTML::Entities::encode($option,'\'"&<>'); if ($option eq $lastopt) { if ($target eq 'tex' && $env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER' && $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { $optionlist .= &Apache::lonxml::print_pdf_add_combobox_option($option); } else { $optionlist.="\n"; } } else { if ($target eq 'tex' && $env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER' && $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { $optionlist .= &Apache::lonxml::print_pdf_add_combobox_option($option); } else { $optionlist.="\n"; } } } if ($target ne 'tex') { if ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { # we are on the web, this is not an exam, and the problem can be answered if ($checkboxopt) { # generate checkboxes my $fieldname=$Apache::inputtags::response['-1'].':'.$temp; my $altopt=$opt[0]; if ($opt[0] eq $checkboxopt) { $altopt=$opt[1]; } my $defopt=$lastopt; unless ($defopt) { $defopt=$altopt; } my $escdefopt=&HTML::Entities::encode($defopt,'\'"&<>'); my $esccheckboxopt=&HTML::Entities::encode($checkboxopt,'\'"&<>'); my $escaltopt=&HTML::Entities::encode($altopt,'\'"&<>'); # checkboxopt is how the box is labelled # altopt is the alternative option # lastopt is what the user submitted before # defopt is what the field is going to start out with: either previous choice or altopt # fieldname is this input field's name after HWVAL_ $optionlist=''. '\n"; } else { # classic selection list $optionlist='\n"; } } else { $optionlist=''.(' 'x10).''; } if ($text=~s||$optionlist|) { if ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { if (@whichopt > 1) { $text='•'.$text; } } } else { if ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { $text=$optionlist.$text; } } $result.=$break.$text."\n"; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $result.=&webbubbles(\@opt,\@alphabet,$temp,$lastopt); } $temp++; } else { my $texoptionlist=''; if ($displayoptionintex && $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { $texoptionlist = &optionlist_correction($TeXlayout,@opt); } if ($text=~//) { $text=~s|| \\makebox\[0\.3in\]\[b\]\{\\hrulefill\} |g; } if ($text=~m/\\item /) { if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $text=~s/\\item/\\vskip 2 mm/; } elsif ($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} ne 'yes') { $result.= $texoptionlist.$text; } } else { if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $result.= $texoptionlist.' '.$text; } elsif ($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} ne 'yes') { if ($text=~/\S/) { $result.= $texoptionlist.'\vspace*{-2 mm}\item '.$text; } else { $result.= $texoptionlist; } } } if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $result.='\vskip -1 mm\noindent'; my ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row) = &getnumrows(scalar(@opt)); if ($numrows == 1) { $result .= '\textbf{'.$internal_counter.'}. \vskip -3mm'; } else { my $linetext; for (my $i=0; $i<$numrows; $i++) { $linetext .= $internal_counter+$i.', '; } $linetext =~ s/,\s$//; $result .= '\small {\textbf{'.$linetext.'}} '. '\hskip 2 mm {\footnotesize '. &mt('(Bubble once in [_1] lines)',$numrows). '} \vskip 1 mm'; } $result.= &bubbles(\@alphabet,\@opt,undef,undef,$numrows, $bubbles_per_row,$internal_counter). ' \strut '; $internal_counter += $numrows; } if ($target eq 'tex' && $env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER' && $Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') { $text =~ s/\\item//m; $result .= " $optionlist ". &Apache::lonxml::print_pdf_end_combobox($text).'\strut \\\\'; $temp++; } $displayoptionintex=0; } } } if ($target eq 'web') { my $data = [\@whichopt,'submissiongrading']; my $questiontype; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'randomizetry') { $questiontype = $Apache::lonhomework::type, } &Apache::response::setup_prior_tries_hash(\&Apache::rankresponse::format_prior_answer,$data,$questiontype); } if ($target ne 'tex') { return $result.$break; } else { return $result; } } sub optionlist_correction { my ($TeXlayout,@options) = @_; my $texoptionlist='\\item [] '.&mt('Choices:').' '; if ($TeXlayout eq 'vertical') {$texoptionlist='\\item []';} if (scalar(@options) > 0) { foreach my $option (@options) { $texoptionlist.='{\bf '. &Apache::lonxml::latex_special_symbols($option). '}'; if ($TeXlayout eq 'vertical') { $texoptionlist.=' \vskip 0 mm ', } else { $texoptionlist.=', '; } } $texoptionlist=~s/, $//; if ($TeXlayout ne 'vertical') {$texoptionlist.='.';} } else { if ($TeXlayout ne 'vertical') {$texoptionlist='\\item [] \\vskip -5 mm';} } return $texoptionlist; } sub webbubbles { my ($ropt,$ralphabet,$temp,$lastopt)=@_; my @opt=@$ropt; my @alphabet=@$ralphabet; my $result=''; my $number_of_bubbles = $#opt + 1; $result.= ''; for (my $ind=0;$ind<$number_of_bubbles;$ind++) { my $checked=''; if ($lastopt eq $opt[$ind]) { $checked=' checked="on" '; } $result.=''; } $result.='
'; if ($alphabet[$ind]) { $result.=$alphabet[$ind].': '; } $result.=$opt[$ind].'
'; return $result; } sub bubbles { my ($ralphabet,$ropt,$response,$max_width,$numrows,$bubbles_per_row, $internal_counter) = @_; my @alphabet = @$ralphabet; my @opt = @$ropt; my ($result,$head,$line) =('','',''); my $number_of_bubbles = $#opt + 1; my $current_length = 0; my $textwidth; if (defined($max_width)) { $textwidth=$max_width; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Max width passed in: $max_width"); } elsif ($env{'form.textwidth'} ne '') { $env{'form.textwidth'}=~/(\d+)/; $textwidth=$1; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Max width from form: $textwidth"); } else { $env{'form.textwidth'}=~/(\d*)\.?(\d*)/; $textwidth=$1.'.'.$2; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Max width defaults? $textwidth"); } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Final maxwidth: $textwidth"); for (my $ind=0;$ind<=$number_of_bubbles;$ind++) { my $item; if ($numrows > 1) { my $num = $internal_counter+int($ind/$bubbles_per_row); my $idx = int($ind % $bubbles_per_row); $item = $num.$alphabet[$idx]; } else { $item = $alphabet[$ind]; } my $leftmargin; $opt[$ind]=&Apache::lonxml::latex_special_symbols($opt[$ind]); if ($response eq 'rankresponse') {$opt[$ind]='Rank '.$opt[$ind];} if ($ind==0) {$leftmargin=6;} else {$leftmargin=10;} $current_length += (length($opt[$ind])+length($item)+5)*2; if ($current_length<($textwidth-$leftmargin) and $ind!=$number_of_bubbles) { $line.='\hskip 4 mm {\small \textbf{'.$item.'}}$\bigcirc$\hskip -1 mm & \hskip -3 mm {\small '.$opt[$ind].'} & '; $head.='lr'; } else { $line=~s/\&\s*$//; $result.='\vskip -1 mm\noindent\setlength{\tabcolsep}{2 mm}\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}\begin{tabular}{'.$head.'}'.$line.'\\\\\end{tabular}\vskip 0 mm'; $line = '\hskip 4 mm {\small \textbf{'.$item.'}}$\bigcirc$\hskip -1 mm & \hskip -3 mm {\small '.$opt[$ind].'} & '; $head ='lr'; $current_length = (length($opt[$ind])+length($item))*2; } } return $result; } sub start_conceptgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; $Apache::optionresponse::conceptgroup=1; %Apache::response::conceptgroup=(); my $result; if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,"Concept Grouped Foils"); $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Concept:','concept',$token,'50'). &Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } if ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,$safeeval,'concept'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_conceptgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; $Apache::optionresponse::conceptgroup=0; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { #if not there aren't any foils to display and thus no question &Apache::response::pick_foil_for_concept($target, ['value','text','location'], \%Apache::hint::option, $parstack,$safeeval); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result=&Apache::edit::end_table(); } return $result; } sub insert_conceptgroup { my $result="\n\t\t".&insert_foil()."\n\t\t\n"; return $result; } sub start_foil { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze' ) { &Apache::lonxml::startredirection; if ($target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::response::check_if_computed($token,$parstack,$safeeval,'value'); } } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,"Foil"); my $level='-2'; if ($$tagstack['-2'] eq 'conceptgroup') { $level = '-3'; } my @opt; eval '@opt ='.&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval,$level); $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Name:','name',$token); $result.= &Apache::edit::select_or_text_arg('Correct Option:','value', ['unused',(@opt)],$token,'15'); my $randomize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('randomize',$parstack, $safeeval,'-3'); if ($randomize ne 'no') { $result.=&Apache::edit::select_arg('Location:','location', ['random','top','bottom'],$token); } $result .=&Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,$safeeval, 'value','name','location'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_foil { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $text =''; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { $text=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection; if ($target eq 'tex') {$text=~s/\\strut\s*\\\\\s*\\strut/\\vskip 0 mm/;} if (($target eq 'tex') and ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam') and ($text=~/\S/)) {$text = '\vspace*{-2 mm}\item '.$text;} } if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { my $value = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,$safeeval); if ($target eq 'tex' && $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { $text='\vskip 5mm $\triangleright$ '.$text; } if ($value ne 'unused') { my $name = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Got a name of :$name:"); if ($name eq "") { &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt('Foils without names exist. This can cause problems to malfunction.')); $name=$Apache::lonxml::curdepth; } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Using a name of :$name:"); if (defined($Apache::response::foilnames{$name})) { &Apache::lonxml::error(&mt("Foil name [_1] appears more than once. Foil names need to be unique.",''.$name.'')); } $Apache::response::foilnames{$name}++; my $location =&Apache::lonxml::get_param('location',$parstack,$safeeval); if ( $Apache::optionresponse::conceptgroup && !&Apache::response::showallfoils() ) { push @{ $Apache::response::conceptgroup{'names'} }, $name; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.value"} = $value; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.text"} = $text; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.location"} = $location; } else { push @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }, $name; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.value"} = $value; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.text"} = $text; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.location"} = $location; } } } if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.= &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token,''); } return $result; } sub start_drawoptionlist { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; if ($target !~ /^(?:meta|answer|modified|edit)$/) { return $token->[4]; } } sub end_drawoptionlist { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; if ($target !~ /^(?:meta|answer|modified|edit)$/) { return $token->[2]; } } sub insert_foil { return ' '; } sub insert_drawoptionlist { return ''; } sub getnumrows { my ($numitems) = @_; my $bubbles_per_row; my $default_numbubbles = 10; if (($env{'form.bubbles_per_row'} =~ /^\d+$/) && ($env{'form.bubbles_per_row'} > 0)) { $bubbles_per_row = $env{'form.bubbles_per_row'}; } else { $bubbles_per_row = $default_numbubbles; } my $numrows = int ($numitems/$bubbles_per_row); if (($numitems % $bubbles_per_row) != 0) { $numrows ++; } return ($numrows,$bubbles_per_row); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::optionresponse.pm; =head1 SYNOPSIS Handles tags associated with showing a list of options. This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project described at http://www.lon-capa.org. =head1 HANDLER SUBROUTINE start_optionresponse() =head1 OTHER SUBROUTINES =over =item end_optionresponse() =item start_foilgroup() =item end_foilgroup() =item getfoilcounts() =item displayanswers() =item check_for_invalid() =item displayfoils() =item optionlist_correction() =item webbubbles() =item bubbles() =item start_conceptgroup() =item end_conceptgroup() =item insert_conceptgroup() =item start_foil() =item end_foil() =item start_drawoptionlist() =item end_drawoptionlist() =item insert_foil() =item insert_drawoptionlist() =back =cut