# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # mutliple choice style responses # 11/23,11/24,11/28 Gerd Kortemeyer package Apache::radiobuttonresponse; use strict; sub BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::radiobuttonresponse',('radiobuttonresponse')); } sub start_radiobuttonresponse { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; #when in a radiobutton response use these &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::radiobuttonresponse',('foilgroup','foil')); my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval); return ''; } sub end_radiobuttonresponse { &Apache::response::end_response; return ''; } %Apache::response::foilgroup={}; sub start_foilgroup { %Apache::response::foilgroup={}; return ''; } sub setrandomnumber { my $rndseed=&Apache::lonnet::rndseed(); $rndseed=unpack("%32i",$rndseed); $rndseed=$rndseed +&Apache::lonnet::numval($Apache::inputtags::part) +&Apache::lonnet::numval($Apache::inputtags::response['-1']); srand($rndseed); return ''; } #FIXME needs to stablely do random picks sub end_foilgroup { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $name; my $result; &setrandomnumber(); my ($truecnt,$falsecnt,$max) = &getfoilcounts($parstack,$safeeval); my $count=0; # we will add in 1 of the true statements if (($falsecnt+1)>$max) { $count=$max } else { $count=$falsecnt+1; } my $answer = int(rand ($count)); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Answer is $answer, $count from $max, $falsecnt"); if ($target eq 'web') { $result=&displayfoils($max,$answer); } elsif ( $target eq 'grade') { if ( defined $ENV{'form.submit'}) { my $response = $ENV{'form.HWVAL'.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1']}; if ( $response =~ /[^\s]/) { my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.$id.submission"}=$response; &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response
\n"); if ($response == $answer) { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.$id.awarddetail"}='EXACT_ANS'; } else { $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.$id.awarddetail"}='INCORRECT'; } } } } return $result; } sub getfoilcounts { my ($parstack,$safeeval)=@_; my $rrargs =''; if ( $#$parstack > 0 ) { $rrargs=$$parstack['-2']; } my $max = &Apache::run::run("{$rrargs;".'return $max}',$safeeval); my @names = @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; my $truecnt=0; my $falsecnt=0; my $name; foreach $name (@names) { if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'true') { $truecnt++; } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'false') { $falsecnt++; } } return ($truecnt,$falsecnt,$max); } sub displayfoils { my ($max,$answer)=@_; my @names = @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; my @truelist; my @falselist; my $result; my $name; foreach $name (@names) { #result.="
$name is $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} "; if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'true') { push (@truelist,$name); } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'false') { push (@falselist,$name); } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'unused') { } else { &Apache::lonxml::error("Unknown state $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} for $name in "); } } my $whichtrue = rand $#truelist; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Max is $max, From $#truelist elms, picking $whichtrue"); my @whichfalse =(); while ((($#whichfalse+2) < $max) && ($#falselist > -1)) { my $afalse=rand $#falselist; &Apache::lonxml::debug("From $#falselist elms, picking $afalse"); $afalse=splice(@falselist,$afalse,1); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Picked $afalse"); push (@whichfalse,$afalse); } splice(@whichfalse,$answer,0,$truelist[$whichtrue]); my $temp=0; &Apache::lonxml::debug("the true statement is $answer"); foreach $name (@whichfalse) { $result.="
".$Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.text'}."\n"; $temp++; } return $result."
"; } sub start_foil { $Apache::lonxml::redirection--; return ''; } sub end_foil { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { my $args =''; if ( $#$parstack > -1 ) { $args=$$parstack[$#$parstack]; } my $name = &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $name}',$safeeval); push @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }, $name; my $value = &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $value}',$safeeval); $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.value"} = $value; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.text"} = $Apache::lonxml::outputstack; } $Apache::lonxml::redirection++; if ($Apache::lonxml::redirection == 1) { $Apache::lonxml::outputstack=''; } return ''; } 1; __END__