Annotation of loncom/html/adm/nicescroll/README, revision 1.2

1.1       raeburn     1: jquery.nicescroll
1.2     ! raeburn     2: v. 3.5.1 06-27-2013
1.1       raeburn     3: copyright 2011-12-13 InuYaksa*2013
                      4: licensed under the MIT
                      9: Nicescroll as a Greasemonkey plugin:
                     12: Nicescroll is a jquery plugin, for nice scrollbars with a very similar ios/mobile style.
1.2     ! raeburn    14: NOW supports HORIZONAL scrollbar too!
1.1       raeburn    15: 
                     16: It supports DIVs, IFrames, textarea, and document page (body) scrollbars.
                     17: Compatible with all desktop browser: Firefox 4+, Chrome 5+, Safari 4+ (win/mac), Opera 10+, IE 6+. (all A-grade browsers)
                     18: Compatible with mobile device: iPad/iPhone/iPod, Android 2.2+, Blackberry phones and Playbook (WebWorks/Table OS), Windows Phone 7.5 Mango.
                     19: Compatible with all touch devices: iPad, Window Surface.
                     20: Compabible with multi-input device (mouse with touch or pen): Window Surface, Chrome Desktop on touch notebook.
                     21: Compatible with 2 directions mice: Apple Magic Mouse, Apple Mouser with 2-dir wheel, PC mouse with 2-dir wheel (if browser support it).
                     23: So you have scrollable divs with momentum for iPad 4+ and you have consistent scrollable areas for all desktop and mobile platforms.
                     25: Sexy zoom feature, you can "zoom-in" the content of any nicescroll'ed div.
                     26: Nice to use and nice to see, all the content of the div in fullscreen mode.
                     27: It works on desktop (double click on div) either in mobile/touch devices using pinch gesture.
                     29: On modern browsers hardware accelerated scrolling has implemented.
                     30: Using animationFrame for a smoothest and cpu-saving scrolling. (when browser supports)
                     32: Warning for IE6 users (why do you uses IE6 yet? Please updgrade to a more stable and modern browser), some feature can't work for limitation of the browser.
                     33: Document (body) scrollbars can't appears, old (native browser) one is used. Some issues with IFrame scrolling.
                     36: * FEATURES
                     38: - simple installation and activation, it works with NO modification of your code. (some exceptions can happen, so you can write to me)
                     39: - very stylish scrollbars, with no occupation on your window (original browser scrollbars need some of page space and reduces window/div usable width)
                     40: - you can style main document scrollbar (body) too!! (not all script implements this feature)
                     41: - on all browsers you can scroll: dragging the cursor, mouse wheel (speed customizable), keyboard navigation (cursor keys, pagup/down keys, home/end keys)
                     42: - scroll is smooth (as modern tablet browsing), speed is customizable
                     43: - zoom feature
                     44: - hardware accelerated scroll (where available)
                     45: - animation frame support for smoth scrolling and cpu-saving
                     46: - dragging scroll mode with scrolling momentum (as touch device)
                     47: - tested for all major browsers desktop and mobile versions
                     48: - support for touch devices
                     49: - support for multi-input devices (IE10 with MSPointer)
                     50: - compatible with many other browsers, including IE6, Safari on Mac and WP7 Mango!
                     51: - very customizable aspect of bar
                     52: - native scroll events are working yet
                     53: - fully integrated with jQuery
                     54: - compatibile with jQuery UI, jQuery Touch, jQuery Mobile
                     57: * DEPENDENCIES
                     58: It's a plugin for the jquery framework, you need to include jquery in your scripts.
                     59: From 1.5.x version and on. (you can try with 1.4.2+ also)
                     62: * INSTALLATION
                     63: Put loading script tag after jquery script tag and loading the zoom image in the same folder of the script:
                     65: <script src="jquery.nicescroll.js"></script>
                     67: Copy image "zoomico.png" in the same folder of jquery.nicescroll.js.
                     70: * HOW TO USE
                     72: Initialize nicescroll ALWAYS in (document) ready statement.
                     74: 1. Simple mode, it styles document scrollbar:
1.2     ! raeburn    76: 		$(document).ready(
        !            77: 			function() {  
        !            78: 				$("html").niceScroll();
        !            79: 			}
        !            80: 		);
1.1       raeburn    81: 
                     82: 2. Instance with object returned:
1.2     ! raeburn    84: 		var nice = false;
        !            85: 		$(document).ready(
        !            86: 			function() {  
        !            87: 				nice = $("html").niceScroll();
        !            88: 			}
        !            89: 		);
1.1       raeburn    90: 
                     91: 3. Style a DIV and chage cursor color:
1.2     ! raeburn    93: 		$(document).ready(
        !            94: 			function() {  
        !            95: 				$("#thisdiv").niceScroll({cursorcolor:"#00F"});
        !            96: 			}
        !            97: 		);
1.1       raeburn    98: 
                     99: 4. DIV with "wrapper", formed by two divs, the first is the vieport, the latter is the content:
1.2     ! raeburn   101: 		$(document).ready(
        !           102: 			function() {
        !           103: 				$("#viewportdiv").niceScroll("#wrapperdiv",{cursorcolor:"#00F"});
        !           104: 			}
        !           105: 		);
1.1       raeburn   106: 
                    107: 5. Get nicescroll object:
1.2     ! raeburn   109: 		var nice = $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll();
1.1       raeburn   110: 
                    111: 6. Hide scrollbars:
1.2     ! raeburn   113: 		$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().hide();
1.1       raeburn   114: 
                    115: 7. Check for scrollbars resize (when content or position have changed):
1.2     ! raeburn   117: 		$("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().resize();
        !           118: 
        !           119: 8. Scrolling to a position:
        !           120: 
        !           121: 		Scroll X Axis - $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().doScrollLeft(x, duration);
        !           122: 		Scroll Y Axis - $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().doScrollTop(y, duration);
        !           123: 
        !           124: 8. Scrolling to a position:
        !           125: 
        !           126: Scroll X Axis - $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().doScrollLeft(x, duration);
        !           127: Scroll Y Axis - $("#mydiv").getNiceScroll().doScrollTop(y, duration);
1.1       raeburn   128: 
                    130: * CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS
                    132: When you call "niceScroll" you can pass some parameters to custom visual aspects:
                    134: . cursorcolor - change cursor color in hex, default is "#000000"
                    135: . cursoropacitymin - change opacity very cursor is inactive (scrollabar "hidden" state), range from 1 to 0, default is 0 (hidden)
                    136: . cursoropacitymax - change opacity very cursor is active (scrollabar "visible" state), range from 1 to 0, default is 1 (full opacity)
                    137: . cursorwidth - cursor width in pixel, default is 5 (you can write "5px" too)
                    138: . cursorborder - css definition for cursor border, default is "1px solid #fff"
                    139: . cursorborderradius - border radius in pixel for cursor, default is "4px"
                    140: . zindex - change z-index for scrollbar div, default value is 9999
                    141: . scrollspeed - scrolling speed, default value is 60
                    142: . mousescrollstep - scrolling speed with mouse wheel, default value is 40 (pixel)
                    143: . touchbehavior - enable cursor-drag scrolling like touch devices in desktop computer, default is false
                    144: . hwacceleration - use hardware accelerated scroll when supported, default is true
                    145: . boxzoom - enable zoom for box content, default is false
                    146: . dblclickzoom - (only when boxzoom=true) zoom activated when double click on box, default is true
                    147: . gesturezoom - (only when boxzoom=true and with touch devices) zoom activated when pinch out/in on box, default is true
                    148: . grabcursorenabled, display "grab" icon for div with touchbehavior = true, default is true
                    149: . autohidemode, how hide the scrollbar works, true=default / "cursor" = only cursor hidden / false = do not hide
                    150: . background, change css for rail background, default is ""
                    151: . iframeautoresize, autoresize iframe on load event (default:true)
                    152: . cursorminheight, set the minimum cursor height in pixel (default:20)
                    153: . preservenativescrolling, you can scroll native scrollable areas with mouse, bubbling mouse wheel event (default:true)
                    154: . railoffset, you can add offset top/left for rail position (default:false)
                    155: . bouncescroll, enable scroll bouncing at the end of content as mobile-like (only hw accell) (default:false)
                    156: . spacebarenabled, enable page down scrolling when space bar has pressed (default:true)
                    157: . railpadding, set padding for rail bar (default:{top:0,right:0,left:0,bottom:0})
                    158: . disableoutline, for chrome browser, disable outline (orange hightlight) when selecting a div with nicescroll (default:true)
                    159: . horizrailenabled, nicescroll can manage horizontal scroll (default:true)
                    160: . railalign, alignment of vertical rail (defaul:"right")
                    161: . railvalign, alignment of horizontal rail (defaul:"bottom")
                    162: . enabletranslate3d, nicescroll can use css translate to scroll content (default:true)
                    163: . enablemousewheel, nicescroll can manage mouse wheel events (default:true)
                    164: . enablekeyboard, nicescroll can manage keyboard events (default:true)
                    165: . smoothscroll, scroll with ease movement (default:true)
                    166: . sensitiverail, click on rail make a scroll (default:true)
                    167: . enablemouselockapi, can use mouse caption lock API (same issue on object dragging) (default:true)
                    168: . cursorfixedheight, set fixed height for cursor in pixel (default:false)
                    169: . hidecursordelay, set the delay in microseconds to fading out scrollbars (default:400)
                    170: . directionlockdeadzone, dead zone in pixels for direction lock activation (default:6)
                    171: . nativeparentscrolling , detect bottom of content and let parent to scroll, as native scroll does (default:true)
                    172: . enablescrollonselection, enable auto-scrolling of content when selection text (default:true)
                    173: . rtlmode, horizontal div scrolling starts at left side (default:false)
                    174: . cursordragontouch, drag cursor in touch / touchbehavior mode also (default:false)
1.2     ! raeburn   175: . oneaxismousemode, it permits horizontal scrolling with mousewheel on horizontal only content, if false (vertical-only) mousewheel don't scroll horizontally, if value is auto detects two-axis mouse (default:"auto")
1.1       raeburn   176: 
                    177: * LICENSE
                    179: Copyright 2011-13*InuYaksa
                    180: Licensed under the MIT License,
                    181: Images used for zoom icons have derived from OLPC interface,

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