package Apache::imsimport; use strict; use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http :methods); use Apache::loncacc; use Apache::loncommon(); use Apache::Log(); use Apache::lonnet; use HTML::Parser; use HTML::Entities(); use Apache::lonlocal; use Apache::lonupload; use File::Basename(); # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Display Control sub display_control { # figure out what page we're on and where we're heading. my $page = $ENV{''}; my $command = $ENV{'form.go'}; my $current_page = &calculate_page($page,$command); return $current_page; } # CALCULATE THE CURRENT PAGE sub calculate_page($$) { my ($prev,$dir) = @_; return 0 if $prev eq ''; # start with first page return $prev + 1 if $dir eq 'NextPage'; return $prev - 1 if $dir eq 'PreviousPage'; return $prev if $dir eq 'ExitPage'; return 0 if $dir eq 'BackToStart'; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Jscript Zero sub jscript_zero { my ($fullpath,$jsref,$uname,$dom) = @_; my $source = ''; if (exists($ENV{'form.go'}) ) { $source = $ENV{'form.go'}; } my %crsentry = (); my $course_list; my $title_list; my @crslist = (); @crslist = &get_ccroles($uname,$dom,\%crsentry); if (@crslist > 0) { $crsentry{$crslist[0]} =~ s/("|,)//g; $title_list = '"'.$crsentry{$crslist[0]}.'"'; if (@crslist > 1) { for (my $i=1; $i<@crslist; $i++) { $crsentry{$crslist[$i]} =~ s/("|,)//g; $title_list .= ',"'.$crsentry{$crslist[$i]}.'"'; } } } $course_list = '"'.join('","',@crslist).'"'; $$jsref = <<"END_OF_ONE"; function verify() { if ((document.forms.dataForm.newdir.value == '') || (!document.forms.dataForm.newdir.value)) { alert("You must choose a destination directory for the import") return false } if (document.forms.dataForm.source.selectedIndex == 0) { alert("You must choose the Course Management System from which the IMS package was exported"); return false } return true } function nextPage() { if (verify()) { document.forms.dataForm.go.value="NextPage" document.forms.dataForm.submit() } } function createWin() { document.dataForm.newdir.value = ""; newWindow ="","CreateDir","HEIGHT=400,WIDTH=750,scrollbars=yes") newWindow.document.write("Create IMS import directory\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("[Author Header]\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("\\n") newWindow.document.write("

Location: $fullpath

New Directory

\\n") newWindow.document.write("Enter the name of the new directory where you will store the contents of your IMS package.

") newWindow.document.write("") newWindow.document.write("") newWindow.document.write("") newWindow.document.write("$fullpath") newWindow.document.write("") newWindow.document.write("
") newWindow.document.close() newWindow.focus() } function setCourse(caller) { courseID_array = new Array($course_list) courseTitle_array = new Array($title_list) var step1Form = document.forms.dataForm var curVal = step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].options[step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].selectedIndex].value step1Form.elements[caller*2+4].length = 0 if (step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].options[step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].selectedIndex].value == "-1") { step1Form.elements[caller*2+4].options[0] = new Option("<--- Set type ","-1",true,true) } else { if ((step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].selectedIndex == 2 ) || (step1Form.elements[caller*2+3].selectedIndex == 3)) { step1Form.elements[caller*2+4].options[0] = new Option("Please Select","-1",true,true) if (courseID_array.length > 0) { step1Form.elements[caller*2+4].options[0] = new Option("Please Select","-1",true,true) for (var i=0; iprint(<<"END_OF_ONE");
     Specify the Course Management system used to create the package.  
  Please choose the CMS used to create your IMS content package.  
   Create a directory where you will unpack your IMS package.  
  Please choose a destination LON-CAPA directory in which to store the contents of the IMS package file.

   Indicate how any discussion boards and user data in the package should be handled
Type of data Action Target course
  Discussion boards              
  User information              

  If you have created a destination directory, and have made your selections for the disposition of bulletin boards and user information, you should click the 'Convert' button to unpack your IMS package.
END_OF_ONE } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Expand bb5 sub expand_bb5 { my ($r,$uname,$udom,$fn,$page,$bb_crs,$bb_cdom,$bb_handling,$users_crs,$users_cdom,$users_handling) = @_; my @state = (); my @seq = "Top"; my $lastitem; my %resnum = (); my %title = (); my %filepath = (); my %contentscount = ('Top' => 0); my %contents = (); my %parentseq = (); my %base = (); my %file = (); my %type = (); my %href = (); my $identifier = ''; my %resinfo = (); my $numfolders = 0; my $numpages = 0; my @timestamp = (); my @boards = (); my @groups = (); my $board_count = 0; my $board_id = time; my $totseq = 0; my $totpage = 0; my $totprob = 0; my $docroot = $ENV{'form.newdir'}; if (!-e "$docroot/temp") { mkdir "$docroot/temp"; } my $newdir = ''; if ($docroot =~ m|public_html/(.+)$|) { $newdir = $1; } my $dirname = "/res/$udom/$uname/$newdir"; my $zipfile = '/home/'.$uname.'/public_html'.$fn; if ($fn =~ m|\.zip$|i) { open(OUTPUT, "unzip -o $zipfile -d $docroot/temp 2> /dev/null |"); while () { print "$_
"; } close(OUTPUT); } my $xmlfile = $docroot.'/temp/imsmanifest.xml'; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; my $num = @state - 3; my $start = $num; my $statestr = ''; foreach (@state) { $statestr .= "$_ "; } if ( ($state[0] eq "manifest") && ($state[1] eq "organizations") && ($state[2] eq "tableofcontents") ) { my $searchstr = "manifest organizations tableofcontents"; while ($num > 0) { $searchstr .= " item"; $num --; } if (("@state" eq $searchstr) && (@state > 3)) { my $itm = $attr->{identifier}; $resnum{$itm} = $attr->{identifierref}; $title{$itm} = $attr->{title}; if ($start > @seq) { unless ($lastitem eq '') { push @seq, $lastitem; unless ( defined($contents{$seq[-1]}) ) { @{$contents{$seq[-1]}} = (); } push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}},$itm; $parentseq{$itm} = $seq[-1]; } } elsif ($start < @seq) { my $diff = @seq - $start; while ($diff > 0) { pop @seq; $diff --; } if (@seq) { push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}}, $itm; } } else { push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}}, $itm; } my $path; if (@seq > 1) { $path = join(',',@seq); } elsif (@seq > 0) { $path = $seq[0]; } $filepath{$itm} = $path; $contentscount{$seq[-1]} ++; $lastitem = $itm; } } elsif ("@state" eq "manifest resources resource" ) { $identifier = $attr->{identifier}; $base{$identifier} = $attr->{baseurl}; $file{$identifier} = $attr->{file}; $type{$identifier} = $attr->{type}; } elsif ("@state" eq "manifest resources resource file") { push @{$href{$identifier}},$attr->{href}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $topnum = 0; my $destdir = $docroot; if (!-e "$destdir") { mkdir("$destdir",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/sequences") { mkdir("$destdir/sequences",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/pages") { mkdir("$destdir/pages",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/problems") { mkdir("$destdir/problems",0755); } foreach my $key (sort keys %href) { foreach my $file (@{$href{$key}}) { my $filepath = $file; if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles/$key") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles/$key",0755); } while ($filepath =~ m-(\w+)/(.+)-) { $filepath = $2; if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles/$key/$1") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles/$key/$1",0755); } } system("cp $docroot/temp/$key/$file $destdir/resfiles/$key/$file"); } } foreach my $key (sort keys %type) { if ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-document") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_content($key,$docroot,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}},$udom,$uname); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-staffinfo") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_staff($key,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-externallink") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_link($key,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-discussionboard") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); unless ($bb_handling eq 'ignore') { $contentscount{Top} ++; push @boards, $key; $timestamp[$board_count] = $board_id; &process_db($key,$docroot,$destdir,$board_id,$bb_crs,$bb_cdom,$bb_handling,$uname,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); $board_id ++; $board_count ++; } } elsif ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-announcement") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_announce($key,$docroot,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "assessment/x-bb-pool") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_assessment($key,$docroot,'pool',$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}},\$totpage,\$totprob); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "assessment/x-bb-quiz") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_assessment($key,$docroot,'quiz',$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}},\$totpage,\$totprob); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "assessment/x-bb-survey") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); &process_assessment($key,$docroot,'survey',$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}},\$totpage,\$totprob); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "assessment/x-bb-group") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); $contentscount{Top} ++; push @groups, $key; &process_group($key,$docroot,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "resource/x-bb-user") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); unless ($users_handling eq 'ignore') { &process_user($key,$docroot,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}},$users_crs,$users_cdom,$users_handling); } } } my $nextnum = 0; open(TOPFILE,">$destdir/sequences/ims_import.sequence"); print TOPFILE "\n"; my $fileopen = 0; my $areakey; my $areacount = 0; my $lastentry = ''; my $notlastentry = ''; my %pagecount = (); my %pagecontents = (); my %pageflag = (); my %seqflag = (); my %seqcount = (); foreach my $key (sort keys %resnum) { $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 0; $seqcount{$key} = 0; $pagecount{$key} = -1; if ($filepath{$key} eq 'Top') { $topnum ++; $nextnum = $topnum +1; print TOPFILE qq| \n|; if ($topnum == $contentscount{'Top'}) { print TOPFILE qq|\n|; } } else { if ($topnum == $contentscount{'Top'}) { print TOPFILE qq| type="finish">\n|; } else { print TOPFILE qq|> \n|; } } my $seqname = $title{$key}; $seqname =~ s/\s//g; $seqname =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if ($fileopen) { if ($areacount == 0) { print AREAFILE qq| \n|; } elsif ($areacount == 1) { print AREAFILE qq|\n|; } else { print AREAFILE qq|$lastentry\n|; } print AREAFILE "\n"; close(AREAFILE); $fileopen = 0; } $areakey = $key; @{$pagecontents{$areakey}} = (); open(AREAFILE,">$destdir/sequences/$key.sequence"); print AREAFILE "\n"; $fileopen = 1; $areacount = 0; } else { if ($filepath{$key} eq "Top,$areakey") { my $src = ''; if ($areacount == 0) { if ($resinfo{$resnum{$key}}{'isfolder'} eq "true") { $src = 'sequences/'.$key.".sequence"; $pageflag{$areakey} = 0; $seqflag{$areakey} = 1; } else { if ($pageflag{$areakey}) { push @{$pagecontents{$areakey}[$pagecount{$areakey}]},$key; } else { $pagecount{$areakey} ++; $src = 'pages/'.$areakey.'_'.$pagecount{$areakey}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$areakey}[$pagecount{$areakey}]} = ("$key"); $seqflag{$areakey} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$areakey}) { print AREAFILE qq| \n|; $areacount ++; $notlastentry = ""; unless ($seqflag{$areakey}) { $pageflag{$areakey} = 1; } } } else { my $id = $areacount +1; my $nextid = $id +1; $areacount ++; if ($resinfo{$resnum{$key}}{'isfolder'} eq "true") { $src = 'sequences/'.$key.".sequence"; $pageflag{$areakey} = 0; $seqflag{$areakey} = 1; } else { if ($pageflag{$areakey}) { push @{$pagecontents{$areakey}[$pagecount{$areakey}]},$key; } else { $pagecount{$areakey} ++ ; $src = 'pages/'.$areakey.'_'.$pagecount{$areakey}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$areakey}[$pagecount{$areakey}]} = ("$key"); $seqflag{$areakey} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$areakey}) { print AREAFILE $notlastentry.qq||; $notlastentry = qq|> \n|; } } my $src =""; my $next_id = 1; my $curr_id = 0; if ( (($type{$resnum{$key}} eq "resource/x-bb-document") || ($type{$resnum{$key}} eq "resource/x-bb-staffinfo") || ($type{$resnum{$key}} eq "resource/x-bb-externallink")) && ($resinfo{$resnum{$key}}{'isfolder'} eq "true") ) { open(LOCFILE,">$destdir/sequences/$key.sequence"); print LOCFILE "\n"; $totseq ++; if ($contentscount{$key} == 0) { print LOCFILE qq| \n|; } else { if ($resinfo{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}}{'isfolder'} eq "true") { $src = 'sequences/'.$contents{$key}[0].".sequence"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 1; $seqcount{$key} ++; } else { if ($pageflag{$key}) { push @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]},$contents{$key}[0]; } else { $pagecount{$key} ++; $src = 'pages/'.$key.'_'.$pagecount{$key}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]} = ("$contents{$key}[0]"); $seqflag{$key} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$key}) { print LOCFILE qq| \n|; } else { if ($contentscount{$key} > 2 ) { for (my $i=1; $i<$contentscount{$key}-1; $i++) { if ($resinfo{$resnum{$contents{$key}[$i]}}{'isfolder'} eq "true") { $src = 'sequences/'.$contents{$key}[$i].".sequence"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 1; $seqcount{$key} ++; } else { if ($pageflag{$key}) { push @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]},$contents{$key}[$i]; } else { $pagecount{$key} ++; $src = 'pages/'.$key.'_'.$pagecount{$key}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]} = ("$contents{$key}[$i]"); $seqflag{$key} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$key}) { $curr_id ++; $next_id ++; print LOCFILE qq|> \n|; } else { print LOCFILE qq| type="finish">\n|; } } else { $curr_id ++; $next_id ++; print LOCFILE qq|> \n|; } } } print LOCFILE "\n"; close(LOCFILE); } } } if (@boards > 0) { $topnum ++; print TOPFILE qq| \n|; if ($topnum == $contentscount{'Top'}) { print TOPFILE qq|\n|; } } else { if ($topnum == $contentscount{'Top'}) { print TOPFILE qq| type="finish">\n|; } else { print TOPFILE qq|> \n|; } } open(BOARD,">$destdir/sequences/bulletinboards.sequence"); print BOARD qq| |; if (@boards == 1) { print BOARD qq| \n|; } else { for (my $i=1; $i<@boards; $i++) { print BOARD qq|\n|; } else { print BOARD qq|> \n|; } } } print BOARD qq||; close(BOARD); } print TOPFILE ""; close(TOPFILE); foreach my $key (sort keys %pagecontents) { for (my $i=0; $i<@{$pagecontents{$key}}; $i++) { my $filestem = "/res/$udom/$uname/$newdir"; my $filename = $destdir.'/pages/'.$key.'_'.$i.'.page'; $totpage ++; open(PAGEFILE,">$filename"); print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; if (@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]} == 1) { print PAGEFILE qq||; } elsif (@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]} == 2) { print PAGEFILE qq||; } else { for (my $j=1; $j<@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]}-1; $j++) { my $curr_id = $j+1; my $next_id = $j+2; my $resource = $filestem.'/resfiles/'.$resnum{$pagecontents{$key}[$i][$j]}.'.html'; print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; } my $final_id = @{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]}; print PAGEFILE qq|\n|; } print PAGEFILE ""; close(PAGEFILE); } } system(" rm -r $docroot/temp"); return($totseq,$totpage,$totprob); } sub process_user { my ($res,$docroot,$destdir,$settings,$user_crs,$user_cdom,$user_handling) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my $filecount = 0; my @state; my $userid = ''; my $linknum = 0; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if (@state eq "USERS USER") { $userid = $attr->{value}; %{$$settings{$userid}} = (); @{$$settings{$userid}{links}} = (); } elsif (@state eq "USERS USER LOGINID") { $$settings{$userid}{loginid} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "USERS USER PASSPHRASE") { $$settings{$userid}{passphrase} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER STUDENTID" ) { $$settings{$userid}{studentid} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER NAMES FAMILY" ) { $$settings{$userid}{family} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER NAMES GIVEN" ) { $$settings{$userid}{given} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER ADDRESSES BUSINESS DATA EMAIL") { $$settings{$userid}{email} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER USER_ROLE") { $$settings{$userid}{user_role} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER FLAGS ISAVAILABLE") { $$settings{$userid}{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER PERSONALPAGE FILELIST IMAGE") { $$settings{$userid}{image} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[-2] eq "LINKLIST") && ($state[-1] eq "LINK") ) { %{$$settings{$userid}{links}[$linknum]} = (); $$settings{$userid}{links}[$linknum]{url} = $attr->{value}; $linknum ++; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "USERS USER PERSONALPAGE TITLE") { $$settings{$userid}{title} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "USERS USER PERSONALPAGE DESCRIPTION") { $$settings{$userid}{description} = $text; } elsif (($state[-2] eq "LINK") && ($state[-1] eq "TITLE")) { $$settings{$userid}{links}[$linknum]{title} = $text; } elsif (($state[-3] eq "LINK") && ($state[-2] eq "DESCRIPTION") && ($state[-1] eq "TEXT")) { $$settings{$userid}{links}[$linknum]{text} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; if (@state eq "USERS USER") { $linknum = 0; } pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $configvars = &LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf'); my $xmlstem = $$configvars{'lonDaemons'}."/tmp/".$user_cdom."_".$user_crs."_"; foreach my $user_id (keys %{$settings}) { if ($$settings{$user_id}{user_role} eq "s") { } elsif ($user_handling eq 'enrollall') { } } } sub process_group { my ($res,$docroot,$destdir,$settings) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/".$res.".dat"; my $filecount = 0; my @state; my $grp; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if (@state eq "GROUPS GROUP") { $grp = $attr->{id}; } if (@state eq "GROUPS GROUP TITLE") { $$settings{$grp}{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "GROUPS GROUP FLAGS ISAVAILABLE") { $$settings{$grp}{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "GROUPS GROUP FLAGS HASCHATROOM") { $$settings{$grp}{chat} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "GROUPS GROUP FLAGS HASDISCUSSIONBOARD") { $$settings{$grp}{discussion} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "GROUPS GROUP FLAGS HASTRANSFERAREA") { $$settings{$grp}{transfer} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "GROUPS GROUP FLAGS ISPUBLIC") { $$settings{$grp}{public} = $attr->{value}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "GROUPS DESCRIPTION") { $$settings{$grp}{description} = $text; # print "Staff text is $text\n"; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; } sub process_staff { my ($res,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,$settings) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my $filecount = 0; my @state; %{$$settings{name}} = (); %{$$settings{office}} = (); my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if (@state eq "STAFFINFO TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "STAFFINFO BIOGRAPHY TEXTCOLOR") { $$settings{textcolor} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "STAFFINFO BIOGRAPHY FLAGS ISHTML") { $$settings{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO FLAGS ISAVAILABLE" ) { $$settings{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO FLAGS ISFOLDER" ) { $$settings{isfolder} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO POSITION" ) { $$settings{position} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO HOMEPAGE" ) { $$settings{homepage} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO IMAGE") { $$settings{image} = $attr->{value}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO BIOGRAPHY TEXT") { $$settings{text} = $text; # print "Staff text is $text\n"; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT PHONE") { $$settings{phone} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT EMAIL") { $$settings{email} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT NAME FORMALTITLE") { $$settings{name}{formaltitle} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT NAME FAMILY") { $$settings{name}{family} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT NAME GIVEN") { $$settings{name}{given} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT OFFICE HOURS") { $$settings{office}{hours} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "STAFFINFO CONTACT OFFICE ADDRESS") { $$settings{office}{address} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $fontcol = ''; if (defined($$settings{textcolor})) { $fontcol = qq|color="$$settings{textcolor}"|; } if (defined($$settings{text})) { if ($$settings{ishtml} eq "true") { $$settings{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$settings{text}); } } my $staffentry = qq|

$$settings{name}{formaltitle} $$settings{name}{given} $$settings{name}{family}
|; if ( defined($$settings{email}) && $$settings{email} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } if (defined($$settings{phone}) && $$settings{phone} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } if (defined($$settings{office}{address}) && $$settings{office}{address} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } if (defined($$settings{office}{hours}) && $$settings{office}{hours} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } if ( defined($$settings{homepage}) && $$settings{homepage} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } if (defined($$settings{text}) && $$settings{text} ne '') { $staffentry .= qq| |; } $staffentry .= qq|
Email: $$settings{email}
Phone: $$settings{phone}
Address: $$settings{office}{address}
Office Hours: $$settings{office}{hours}
Personal Link: $$settings{homepage}
Other Information:
|; if ( defined($$settings{image}) ) { $staffentry .= qq| |; } $staffentry .= qq|
|; open(FILE,">$destdir/resfiles/$res.html"); print FILE qq| $$settings{title} $staffentry |; close(FILE); } sub process_link { my ($res,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,$settings) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my @state = (); my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if (@state eq "EXTERNALLINK TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "EXTERNALLINK TEXTCOLOR") { $$settings{textcolor} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "EXTERNALLINK DESCRIPTION FLAGS ISHTML") { $$settings{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS FLAGS ISAVAILABLE" ) { $$settings{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS FLAGS LAUNCHINNEWWINDOW" ) { $$settings{newwindow} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS FLAGS ISFOLDER" ) { $$settings{isfolder} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS POSITION" ) { $$settings{position} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS URL" ) { $$settings{url} = $attr->{value}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "EXTERNALLINKS DESCRIPTION TEXT") { $$settings{text} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $linktag = ''; my $fontcol = ''; if (defined($$settings{textcolor})) { $fontcol = qq||; } if (defined($$settings{text})) { if ($$settings{ishtml} eq "true") { $$settings{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$settings{text}); } } if (defined($$settings{url}) ) { $linktag = qq|$$settings{title}|; } open(FILE,">$destdir/resfiles/$res.html"); print FILE qq| $$settings{title} $fontcol $linktag $$settings{text} |; if (defined($$settings{textcolor})) { print FILE qq||; } print FILE qq| |; close(FILE); } sub process_db { my ($res,$docroot,$destdir,$timestamp,$crs,$cdom,$handling,$uname,$settings) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my @state = (); my @allmsgs = (); my %msgidx = (); my $longcrs = ''; if ($crs =~ m/^(\d)(\d)(\d)/) { $longcrs = $1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3.'/'.$crs; } my %threads; # all quotes, keyed by message ID my $msg_id; # the current message ID my %message; # the current message being accumulated for $msg_id my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; my $depth = 0; my @seq = (); if ("@state" eq "FORUM TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM DESCRIPTION TEXTCOLOR") { $$settings{textcolor} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM DESCRIPTION FLAGS ISHTML") { $$settings{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM DESCRIPTION FLAGS ISNEWLINELITERAL") { $$settings{newline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM POSITION" ) { $$settings{position} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM FLAGS ISREADONLY") { $$settings{isreadonly} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM FLAGS ISAVAILABLE" ) { $$settings{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "FORUM FLAGS ALLOWANONYMOUSPOSTINGS" ) { $$settings{allowanon} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq "FORUM") && ($state[1] eq "MESSAGETHREADS") && ($state[2] eq "MSG") ) { if ($state[-1] eq "MSG") { unless ($msg_id eq '') { push @{$threads{$msg_id}}, { %message }; $depth = @state - 3; if ($depth > @seq) { push @seq, $msg_id; } } if ($depth < @seq) { pop @seq; } $msg_id = $attr->{id}; push @allmsgs, $msg_id; $msgidx{$msg_id} = @allmsgs; %message = (); $message{depth} = $depth; if ($depth > 0) { $message{parent} = $seq[-1]; } else { $message{parent} = "None"; } } elsif ($state[-1] eq "TITLE") { $message{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ( $state[-3] eq "MESSAGETEXT" ) && ( $state[-2] eq "FLAGS" ) && ( $state[-1] eq "ISHTML" ) ) { $message{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ( $state[-3] eq "MESSAGETEXT" ) && ( $state[-2] eq "FLAGS" ) && ( $state[-1] eq "ISNEWLINELITERAL" ) ) { $message{newline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ( $state[-2] eq "DATES" ) && ( $state[-1] eq "CREATED" ) ) { $message{created} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( $state[@state-2] eq "FLAGS") { if ($state[@state-1] eq "ISANONYMOUS") { $message{isanonymous} = $attr->{value}; } } elsif ( $state[-2] eq "USER" ) { if ($state[-1] eq "USERID") { $message{userid} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ($state[@state-1] eq "USERNAME") { $message{username} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ($state[@state-1] eq "EMAIL") { $message{email} = $attr->{value}; } } elsif ( ($state[-2] eq "FILELIST") && ($state[-1] eq "IMAGE") ) { $message{attachment} = $attr->{value}; } } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "FORUM DESCRIPTION TEXT") { $$settings{text} = $text; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq "FORUM") && ($state[1] eq "MESSAGETHREADS") && ($state[2] eq "MSG") ) { if ( ($state[-2] eq "MESSAGETEXT") && ($state[-1] eq "TEXT") ){ $message{text} = $text; } } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; if ( $state[-1] eq "MESSAGETHREADS" ) { push @{$threads{$msg_id}}, { %message }; } pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; if (defined($$settings{text})) { if ($$settings{ishtml} eq "false") { if ($$settings{isnewline} eq "true") { $$settings{text} =~ s#\n#
#g; } } else { $$settings{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$settings{text}); } if (defined($$settings{fontcolor}) ) { $$settings{text} = "".$$settings{text}.""; } } my $boardname = 'bulletinpage_'.$timestamp; my %boardinfo = ( 'aaa_title' => $$settings{title}, 'bbb_content' => $$settings{text}, 'ccc_webreferences' => '', 'uploaded.lastmodified' => time, ); my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put($boardname,\%boardinfo,$cdom,$crs); if ($handling eq 'importall') { foreach my $msg_id (@allmsgs) { foreach my $message ( @{$threads{$msg_id}} ) { my %contrib = ( 'sendername' => $$message{userid}, 'senderdomain' => $cdom, 'screenname' => '', 'plainname' => $$message{username}, ); unless ($$message{parent} eq 'None') { $contrib{replyto} = $msgidx{$$message{parent}}; } if (defined($$message{isanonymous}) ) { if ($$message{isanonymous} eq 'true') { $contrib{'anonymous'} = 'true'; } } if ( defined($$message{attachment}) ) { my $url = $$message{attachment}; my $oldurl = $url; my $newurl = $url; unless ($url eq '') { $newurl =~ s/\//_/g; unless ($longcrs eq '') { if (!-e "/home/httpd/lonUsers/$cdom/$longcrs/userfiles") { mkdir("/home/httpd/lonUsers/$cdom/$longcrs/userfiles",0755); } if (!-e "/home/httpd/lonUsers/$cdom/$longcrs/userfiles/$newurl") { system("cp $destdir/resfiles/$res/$$message{attachment} /home/httpd/lonUsers/$cdom/$longcrs/userfiles/$newurl"); } $contrib{attachmenturl} = '/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$crs.'/'.$newurl; } } } if (defined($$message{title}) ) { $contrib{'message'} = $$message{title}; } if (defined($$message{text})) { if ($$message{ishtml} eq "false") { if ($$message{isnewline} eq "true") { $$message{text} =~ s#\n#
#g; } } else { $$message{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$message{text}); } $contrib{'message'} .= '

'.$$message{text}; my $symb = 'bulletin___'.$timestamp.'___adm/wrapper/adm/'.$cdom.'/'.$uname.'/'.$timestamp.'/bulletinboard'; my $postresult = &addposting($symb,\%contrib,$cdom,$crs); } } } } } sub addposting { my ($symb,$contrib,$cdom,$crs)=@_; my $status=''; if (($symb) && ($$contrib{message})) { my $crsdom = $cdom.'_'.$crs; &Apache::lonnet::store($contrib,$symb,$crsdom,$cdom,$crs); my %storenewentry=($symb => time); &Apache::lonnet::put('discussiontimes',\%storenewentry,$cdom,$crs); } my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore('_discussion'); my ($temp)=keys %record; unless ($temp=~/^error\:/) { my %newrecord=(); $newrecord{'resource'}=$symb; $newrecord{'subnumber'}=$record{'subnumber'}+1; &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,'_discussion'); $status = 'ok'; } else { $status.='Failed.'; } return $status; } sub process_assessment { my ($res,$docroot,$container,$dirname,$destdir,$settings,$totpageref,$totprobref) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; # print "XML file is $xmlfile\n"; my @state = (); my @allids = (); my %allanswers = (); my %allchoices = (); my $id; # the current question ID my $answer_id; # the current answer ID my %toptag = ( pool => 'POOL', quiz => 'ASSESSMENT', survey => 'ASSESSMENT' ); # print "process_assessment is called, incoming: $res,$docroot,$container,$destdir\n"; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; my $depth = 0; my @seq = (); my $class; my $state_str = join(" ",@state); # print "Current state is $state_str\n"; if ($container eq "pool") { if ("@state" eq "POOL TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; # print "Title is $attr->{value}\n"; } } else { if ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAG" ) { $$settings{isnewline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS ISAVAILABLE") { $$settings{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS ISANONYMOUS" ) { $$settings{isanonymous} = $attr->{id}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS GIVE FEEDBACK" ) { $$settings{feedback} = $attr->{id}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS SHOWCORRECT" ) { $$settings{showcorrect} = $attr->{id}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS SHOWRESULTS" ) { $$settings{showresults} = $attr->{id}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT FLAGS ALLOWMULTIPLE" ) { $$settings{allowmultiple} = $attr->{id}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT ASSESSMENTTYPE" ) { $$settings{type} = $attr->{id}; } } if ("@state" eq "$toptag{$container} QUESTIONLIST QUESTION") { $id = $attr->{id}; unless ($container eq 'pool') { push @allids, $id; } %{$$settings{$id}} = (); @{$allanswers{$id}} = (); $$settings{$id}{class} = $attr->{class}; unless ($container eq "pool") { $$settings{$id}{points} = $attr->{points}; } @{$$settings{$id}{correctanswer}} = (); } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[-1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) ) { $id = $attr->{id}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "BODY") && ($state[3] eq "FLAGS") && ($state[4] eq "ISHTML") ) { $$settings{$id}{html} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "BODY") && ($state[3] eq "FLAGS") && ($state[4] eq "ISNEWLINELITERAL") ) { $$settings{$id}{newline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "IMAGE") ) { $$settings{$id}{image} = $attr->{value}; $$settings{$id}{style} = $attr->{style}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "URL") ) { $$settings{$id}{url} = $attr->{value}; $$settings{$id}{name} = $attr->{name}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[-1] eq "ANSWER") ) { $answer_id = $attr->{id}; push @{$allanswers{$id}},$answer_id; %{$$settings{$id}{$answer_id}} = (); $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{position} = $attr->{position}; if ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_MATCH') { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{placement} = $attr->{placement}; $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{type} = 'answer'; } } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[-1] eq "CHOICE") ) { $answer_id = $attr->{id}; push @{$allchoices{$id}},$answer_id; %{$$settings{$id}{$answer_id}} = (); $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{position} = $attr->{position}; $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{placement} = $attr->{placement}; $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{type} = 'choice'; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "ANSWER") && ($state[3] eq "IMAGE") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{image} = $attr->{value}; $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{style} = $attr->{style}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "ANSWER") && ($state[3] eq "URL") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{url} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "CHOICE") && ($state[3] eq "IMAGE") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{image} = $attr->{value}; $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{style} = $attr->{style}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "CHOICE") && ($state[3] eq "URL") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{url} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "GRADABLE") && ($state[3] eq "CORRECTANSWER") ) { my $corr_answer = $attr->{answer_id}; push @{$$settings{$id}{correctanswer}}, $corr_answer; # print "Answer $corr_answer for question $id is correct\n"; my $type = $1; if ($type eq 'TRUEFALSE') { $$settings{$id}{$corr_answer}{answer_position} = $attr->{position}; } elsif ($type eq 'ORDER') { $$settings{$id}{$corr_answer}{order} = $attr->{order}; } elsif ($type eq 'MATCH') { $$settings{$id}{$corr_answer}{choice_id} = $attr->{choice_id}; } } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; unless ($container eq "pool") { if ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION TEXT") { $$settings{description} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "ASSESSMENT INSTRUCTIONS ") { $$settings{instructions}{text} = $text; } } if ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "BODY") && ($state[3] eq "TEXT") ) { $$settings{$id}{text} = $text; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "ANSWER") && ($state[3] eq "TEXT") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{text} = $text; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "CHOICE") && ($state[3] eq "TEXT") ) { $$settings{$id}{$answer_id}{text} = $text; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "GRADABLE") && ($state[3] eq "FEEDBACK_WHEN_CORRECT") ) { $$settings{$id}{feedback_corr} = $text; } elsif ( ($state[0] eq $toptag{$container}) && ($state[1] =~ m/^QUESTION_(\w+)$/) && ($state[2] eq "GRADABLE") && ($state[3] eq "FEEDBACK_WHEN_INCORRECT") ) { $$settings{$id}{feedback_incorr} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $dirtitle = $$settings{'title'}; $dirtitle =~ s/\W//g; $dirtitle .= '_'.$res; if (!-e "$destdir/problems/$dirtitle") { mkdir("$destdir/problems/$dirtitle",0755); } my $newdir = "$destdir/problems/$dirtitle"; my $pagedir = "$destdir/pages"; my $curr_id = 0; my $next_id = 0; unless ($container eq 'pool') { open(PAGEFILE,">$pagedir/$"); print PAGEFILE qq| |; $$totpageref ++; } foreach my $id (@allids) { $curr_id ++; $next_id = $curr_id + 1; if ($curr_id == 0) { print PAGEFILE qq|\n|; } else { print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; } else { print PAGEFILE qq|>|; } } # print "Current ID is $id, type is $$settings{$id}{class} \n"; if (@allids == 1) { print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; } my $output = qq| |; $$totprobref ++; if ($$settings{$id}{class} eq "QUESTION_ESSAY") { $output .= qq|$$settings{$id}{text} $$settings{$id}{feedbackcorr} |; } else { $output .= qq|$$settings{$id}{text}\n|; if ( defined($$settings{$id}{image}) ) { if ( $$settings{$id}{style} eq 'embed' ) { $output .= qq|

|; } else { $output .= qq|
Link to file
|; } } if ( defined($$settings{$id}{url}) ) { $output .= qq|
|; } $output .= qq| |; if ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_MULTIPLECHOICE') { my $numfoils = @{$allanswers{$id}}; $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= "
|; } else { $output .= qq|
Link to file
|; } } $output .= qq|
\n|; } chomp($output); $output .= qq|
|; } elsif ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_TRUEFALSE') { my $numfoils = @{$allanswers{$id}}; # print "Number of foils is $numfoils\n"; $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= " \n"; } chomp($output); $output .= qq| |; } elsif ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_MULTIPLEANSWER') { my $numfoils = @{$allanswers{$id}}; # print "Number of foils is $numfoils\n"; $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= " \n"; } chomp($output); $output .= qq| |; } elsif ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_ORDER') { my $numfoils = @{$allanswers{$id}}; $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= " ".$$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text}."\n"; } chomp($output); $output .= qq| |; } elsif ($$settings{$id}{class} eq 'QUESTION_FILLINBLANK') { my $numerical = 1; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { if ($$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text} =~ m/([^\d\.]|\.\.)/) { $numerical = 0; } } if ($numerical) { my $numans; my $tol; if (@{$allanswers{$id}} == 1) { $tol = 5; $numans = $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[0]}{text}; } else { my $min = $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[0]}{text}; my $max = $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[0]}{text}; for (my $k=1; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { if ($$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text} <= $min) { $min = $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text}; } if ($$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text} >= $max) { $max = $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text}; } } $numans = ($max + $min)/2; $tol = 100*($max - $min)/($numans*2); } $output .= qq| |; } else { if (@{$allanswers{$id}} == 1) { $output .= qq| |; } else { my @answertext = (); for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text} =~ s/\|/\|/g; push @answertext, $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text}; } my $regexpans = join('|',@answertext); $regexpans = '/^('.$regexpans.')\b/'; $output .= qq| |; } } } elsif ($$settings{$id}{class} eq "QUESTION_MATCH") { $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allchoices{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= qq| $$settings{$id}{$allchoices{$id}[$k]}{text} |; } $output .= qq| |; for (my $k=0; $k<@{$allanswers{$id}}; $k++) { $output .= qq| $$settings{$id}{$allanswers{$id}[$k]}{text} |; } $output .= qq| |; } } $output .= qq|
|; open(PROB,">$newdir/$id.problem"); print PROB $output; close PROB; } unless ($container eq 'pool') { print PAGEFILE qq|
|; close(PAGEFILE); } } sub create_ess { my ($newdir,$qnid,$qsettings,$container) = @_; my $output; if ($container eq 'pool') { $output = qq| $$qsettings{text} |; } else { $output = qq| $$qsettings{text} |; } $output .= qq| $$qsettings{feedbackcorr} |; if ($container eq 'pool') { $output .= qq| |; open(PROB,">$newdir/$qnid.problem"); print PROB $output; close PROB; } else { $output .= qq| |; open(PROB,">$newdir/$qnid.problem"); print PROB $output; close PROB; } return; } sub process_announce { my ($res,$docroot,$destdir,$settings) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my @state = (); my @assess = (); my $id; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if ("@state" eq "ANNOUNCEMENT TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $attr->{value}; $$settings{startassessment} = (); # print "Title is $$settings{title}\n"; } elsif (@state eq "ANNOUNCEMENT DESCRIPTION FLAGS ISHTML") { $$settings{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ANNOUNCEMENT DESCRIPTION FLAGS ISNEWLINELITERAL" ) { $$settings{isnewline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT ISPERMANENT" ) { $$settings{ispermanent} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "ANNOUNCEMENT FILES STARTASSESSMENT" ) { $id = $attr->{id}; %{$$settings{startassessment}{$id}} = (); push @assess,$id; } elsif ("@state" eq "ANNOUNCEMENT FILES STARTASSESSMENT ATTRIB" ) { my $key = $attr->{key}; $$settings{startassessment}{$id}{$key} = $attr->{value}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "ANNOUNCEMENT DESCRIPTION TEXT") { $$settings{text} = $text; # print "TEXT $text\n"; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; if (defined($$settings{text})) { if ($$settings{ishtml} eq "false") { if ($$settings{isnewline} eq "true") { $$settings{text} =~ s#\n#
#g; } } else { $$settings{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$settings{text}); } } if (@assess > 0) { foreach my $id (@assess) { $$settings{text} .= "Please use 'NAV' to locate the link to the folder of problems entitled -"; foreach my $key (keys %{$$settings{startassessment}{$id}}) { # print STDERR "Quiz announcement - $id, key: $key, value: $$settings{startassessment}{$id}{$key}\n"; } } } open(FILE,">$destdir/resfiles/$res.html"); print FILE qq| $$settings{title} $$settings{text} |; print FILE qq| |; close(FILE); } sub process_content { my ($res,$docroot,$destdir,$settings,$dom,$user) = @_; my $xmlfile = $docroot."/temp/".$res.".dat"; my $destresdir = $destdir; $destresdir =~ s|/home/$user/public_html/|/res/$dom/$user/|; my $filecount = 0; my @state; @{$$settings{files}} = (); my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; if (@state eq "CONTENT MAINDATA") { %{$$settings{maindata}} = (); } elsif (@state eq "CONTENT MAINDATA TEXTCOLOR") { $$settings{maindata}{color} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "CONTENT MAINDATA FLAGS ISHTML") { $$settings{maindata}{ishtml} = $attr->{value}; } elsif (@state eq "CONTENT MAINDATA FLAGS ISNEWLINELITERAL") { $$settings{maindata}{isnewline} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FLAGS ISAVAILABLE" ) { $$settings{isavailable} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FLAGS ISFOLDER" ) { $$settings{isfolder} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FLAGS LAUNCHINNEWWINDOW" ) { $$settings{newwindow} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES") { # @{$$settings{files}} = (); } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF") { %{$$settings{files}[$filecount]} = (); %{$$settings{files}[$filecount]{registry}} = (); } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF RELFILE" ) { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{'relfile'} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF MIMETYPE") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{mimetype} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF CONTENTTYPE") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{contenttype} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF FILEACTION") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{fileaction} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF PACKAGEPARENT") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{packageparent} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF LINKNAME") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{linkname} = $attr->{value}; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF REGISTRY REGISTRYENTRY") { my $key = $attr->{key}; $$settings{files}[$filecount]{registry}{$key} = $attr->{value}; } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "CONTENT TITLE") { $$settings{title} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT MAINDATA TEXT") { $$settings{maindata}{text} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF REFTEXT") { $$settings{files}[$filecount]{reftext} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; if ("@state" eq "CONTENT FILES FILEREF") { $filecount ++; } pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->unbroken_text(1); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $linktag = ''; my $fontcol = ''; if (@{$$settings{files}} > 0) { for (my $filecount=0; $filecount<@{$$settings{files}}; $filecount++) { if ($$settings{files}[$filecount]{'fileaction'} eq 'embed') { if ( $$settings{files}[$filecount]{reftext} =~ m#<\!\-\-\s_(\d+)\\_\s\-\-\>#) { my $newtag = qq||; $$settings{maindata}{text} =~ s#<\!\-\-\s_/($1)\\_\s\-\-\>#$newtag#; } elsif ( $$settings{files}[$filecount]{reftext} =~m#^_/(\d+)\\_$# ) { my $reftag = $1; my $newtag; if ($$settings{files}[$filecount]{mimetype} =~ m/^image/) { $newtag = qq|$$settings{files}[$filecount]{registry}{alttext}//; # $$settings{maindata}{text} =~ s//$newtag/; # print STDERR $$settings{maindata}{text}; } } else { my $filename=$$settings{files}[$filecount]{'relfile'}; # print "File is $filename\n"; my $newfilename="$destresdir/resfiles/$res/$$settings{files}[$filecount]{relfile}"; # print "New filename is $newfilename\n"; $$settings{maindata}{text} =~ s#(src|SRC|value)="$filename"#$1="$newfilename"#g; } } elsif ($$settings{files}[$filecount]{fileaction} eq 'link') { $linktag = qq|$$settings{files}[$filecount]{linkname}|; } elsif ($$settings{files}[$filecount]{fileaction} eq 'package') { # print "Found a package\n"; } } } if (defined($$settings{maindata}{textcolor})) { $fontcol = qq||; } if (defined($$settings{maindata}{text})) { if ($$settings{maindata}{ishtml} eq "false") { if ($$settings{maindata}{isnewline} eq "true") { $$settings{maindata}{text} =~ s#\n#
#g; } } else { $$settings{maindata}{text} = &HTML::Entities::decode($$settings{maindata}{text}); } } open(FILE,">$destdir/resfiles/$res.html"); print FILE qq| $$settings{title} $fontcol |; unless ($$settings{title} eq '') { print FILE qq|$$settings{title}

\n|; } print FILE qq| $$settings{maindata}{text} $linktag|; if (defined($$settings{maindata}{textcolor})) { print FILE qq|
|; } print FILE qq| |; close(FILE); } sub expand_angel { my ($r,$uname,$udom,$fn,$page,$bb_crs,$bb_cdom,$bb_handling) = @_; my @state = (); my @seq = "Top"; my $lastitem; my $itm = ''; my %resnum = (); my %revitm = (); my %title = (); my %filepath = (); my %contentscount = ("Top" => 0); my %contents = (); my %parentseq = (); my %file = (); my %type = (); my %href = (); my $identifier = ''; my %resinfo = (); my $numfolders = 0; my $numpages = 0; my $docroot = $ENV{'form.newdir'}; if (!-e "$docroot/temp") { mkdir "$docroot/temp"; } my $newdir = ''; if ($docroot =~ m|public_html/(.+)$|) { $newdir = $1; } my $dirname = "/res/$udom/$uname/$newdir"; my $zipfile = '/home/'.$uname.'/public_html'.$fn; if ($fn =~ m|\.zip$|i) { open(OUTPUT, "unzip -o $zipfile -d $docroot/temp 2> /dev/null |"); while () { print "$_
"; } close(OUTPUT); } my $xmlfile = $docroot.'/temp/imsmanifest.xml'; my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; my $num = @state - 3; my $start = $num; my $statestr = ''; foreach (@state) { $statestr .= "$_ "; } if ( ($state[0] eq "manifest") && ($state[1] eq "organizations") && ($state[2] eq "organization") ) { my $searchstr = "manifest organizations organization"; while ($num > 0) { $searchstr .= " item"; $num --; } if (("@state" eq $searchstr) && (@state > 3)) { $itm = $attr->{identifier}; if ($attr->{identifierref} =~ m/^res(.+)$/) { $resnum{$itm} = $1; } $revitm{$resnum{$itm}} = $itm; if ($start > @seq) { unless ($lastitem eq '') { push @seq, $lastitem; unless ( defined($contents{$seq[-1]}) ) { @{$contents{$seq[-1]}} = (); } push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}},$itm; $parentseq{$itm} = $seq[-1]; } } elsif ($start < @seq) { my $diff = @seq - $start; while ($diff > 0) { pop @seq; $diff --; } if (@seq) { push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}}, $itm; } } else { push @{$contents{$seq[-1]}}, $itm; } my $path; if (@seq > 1) { $path = join(',',@seq); } elsif (@seq > 0) { $path = $seq[0]; } $filepath{$itm} = $path; $contentscount{$seq[-1]} ++; $lastitem = $itm; } } elsif ("@state" eq "manifest resources resource" ) { $identifier = $attr->{identifier}; $identifier = substr($identifier,3); if ($attr->{href} =~ m-^_assoc/$identifier/(.+)$-) { $file{$identifier} = $1; } @{$href{$identifier}} = (); } elsif ("@state" eq "manifest resources resource file") { if ($attr->{href} =~ m/^_assoc\\$identifier\\(.+)$/) { push @{$href{$identifier}},$1; } elsif ($attr->{href} =~ m/^Icons\\icon(\w+)\.gif/) { $type{$identifier} = $1; } } }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ($state[0] eq "manifest" && $state[1] eq "organizations" && $state[2] eq "organization" && $state[-1] eq "title") { $title{$itm} = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my $topnum = 0; my $destdir = $docroot; if (!-e "$destdir") { mkdir("$destdir",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/sequences") { mkdir("$destdir/sequences",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/pages") { mkdir("$destdir/pages",0755); } if (!-e "$destdir/problems") { mkdir("$destdir/problems",0755); } foreach my $key (sort keys %href) { foreach my $file (@{$href{$key}}) { print STDERR "File is $file, for $key\n"; $file =~ s-\\-/-g; my $filepath = $file; if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles/$key") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles/$key",0755); } while ($filepath =~ m-(\w+)/(.+)-) { $filepath = $2; if (!-e "$destdir/resfiles/$key/$1") { mkdir("$destdir/resfiles/$key/$1",0755); } } system("cp $docroot/temp/_assoc/$key/$file $destdir/resfiles/$key/$file"); } } # ANGEL types FILE FOLDER PAGE LINK MESSAGE FORM QUIZ BOARD my $currboard = ''; my @boards = (); my %messages = (); my @timestamp = (); my %boardnum = (); my $board_id = time; my $board_count = 0; foreach my $key (sort keys %type) { if ($type{$key} eq "BOARD") { push @boards, $key; $boardnum{$revitm{$key}} = $board_count ; $currboard = $key; @{$messages{$key}} = (); $timestamp[$board_count] = $board_id; $board_id ++; $board_count ++; } elsif ($type{$key} eq "MESSAGE") { push @{$messages{$currboard}}, $key; } elsif ($type{$key} eq "FILE" || $type{$key} eq "FOLDER" || $type{$key} eq "PAGE" || $type{$key} eq "LINK") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "QUIZ") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); # &angel_assessment($key,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } elsif ($type{$key} eq "FORM") { %{$resinfo{$key}} = (); # &angel_assessment($key,$docroot,$dirname,$destdir,\%{$resinfo{$key}}); } } my $longcrs = ''; if ($bb_crs =~ m/^(\d)(\d)(\d)/) { $longcrs = $1.'/'.$2.'/'.$3.'/'.$bb_crs; } for (my $i=0; $i<@boards; $i++) { my %msgidx = (); my $forumtext = ''; my $boardname = 'bulletinpage_'.$timestamp[$i]; my $forumfile = "$destdir/resfiles/$boards[$i]/$file{$boards[$i]}"; my @state = (); my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "html body div div") { $forumtext = $text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; my %boardinfo = ( 'aaa_title' => $title{$revitm{$boards[$i]}}, 'bbb_content' => $forumtext, 'ccc_webreferences' => '', 'uploaded.lastmodified' => time, ); my $msgcount = 0; my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put($boardname,\%boardinfo,$bb_cdom,$bb_crs); if ($bb_handling eq 'importall') { foreach my $msg_id (@{$messages{$boards[$i]}}) { $msgcount ++; $msgidx{$msg_id} = $msgcount; my %contrib = ( 'sendername' => 'Username not recorded', 'senderdomain' => $bb_cdom, 'screenname' => '', 'message' => $title{$revitm{$msg_id}} ); unless ( $parentseq{$revitm{$msg_id}} eq $revitm{$boards[$i]} ) { $contrib{replyto} = $msgidx{$resnum{$parentseq{$revitm{$msg_id}}}}; } if ( @{$href{$msg_id}} > 1 ) { my $newurl = ''; foreach my $file (@{$href{$msg_id}}) { unless ($file eq 'pg'.$msg_id.'.htm') { $newurl = $msg_id.$file; unless ($longcrs eq '') { if (!-e "/home/httpd/lonUsers/$bb_cdom/$longcrs/userfiles") { mkdir("/home/httpd/lonUsers/$bb_cdom/$longcrs/userfiles",0755); } if (!-e "/home/httpd/lonUsers/$bb_cdom/$longcrs/userfiles/$newurl") { system("cp $destdir/resfiles/$file /home/httpd/lonUsers/$bb_cdom/$longcrs/userfiles/$newurl"); } $contrib{attachmenturl} = '/uploaded/'.$bb_cdom.'/'.$bb_crs.'/'.$newurl; } } } } my $xmlfile = "$destdir/resfiles/$msg_id/$file{$msg_id}"; &angel_message($msg_id,\%contrib,$xmlfile); unless ($file{$msg_id} eq '') { unlink($xmlfile); } my $symb = 'bulletin___'.$timestamp[$i].'___adm/wrapper/adm/'.$bb_cdom.'/'.$uname.'/'.$timestamp[$i].'/bulletinboard'; my $postresult = &addposting($symb,\%contrib,$bb_cdom,$bb_crs); } } } my @resources = sort keys %resnum; unshift @resources, "Top"; $resnum{'Top'} = 'toplevel'; $type{'toplevel'} = "FOLDER"; my %pagecount = (); my %pagecontents = (); my %pageflag = (); my %seqflag = (); my %seqcount = (); my %boardflag = (); my %boardcount = (); foreach my $key (@resources) { print STDERR "Key is $key, resnum is $resnum{$key}, type is $type{$resnum{$key}}\n"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 0; $seqcount{$key} = 0; $pagecount{$key} = -1; $boardflag{$key} = 0; $boardcount{$key} = 0; my $src =""; my $next_id = 1; my $curr_id = 0; if ($type{$resnum{$key}} eq "FOLDER") { open(LOCFILE,">$destdir/sequences/$key.sequence"); print LOCFILE "\n"; if ($contentscount{$key} == 0) { print LOCFILE qq| \n|; } else { if ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}} eq "FOLDER") { $src = 'sequences/'.$contents{$key}[0].".sequence"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 1; $seqcount{$key} ++; } elsif ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}} eq "BOARD") { $src = "/adm/$bb_cdom/$uname/$timestamp[$boardnum{$key}]/bulletinboard"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $boardflag{$key} = 1; $boardcount{$key} ++; } elsif ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}} ne "MESSAGE") { if ($pageflag{$key}) { push @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]},$contents{$key}[0]; } else { $pagecount{$key} ++; $src = 'pages/'.$key.'_'.$pagecount{$key}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]} = ("$contents{$key}[0]"); $seqflag{$key} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$key}) { print LOCFILE qq| \n|; } else { if ($contentscount{$key} > 2 ) { for (my $i=1; $i<$contentscount{$key}-1; $i++) { if ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[$i]}} eq "FOLDER") { $src = 'sequences/'.$contents{$key}[$i].".sequence"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $seqflag{$key} = 1; $seqcount{$key} ++; } elsif ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}} eq "BOARD") { $src = "/adm/$bb_cdom/$uname/$timestamp[$boardnum{$key}]/bulletinboard"; $pageflag{$key} = 0; $boardflag{$key} = 1; $boardcount{$key} ++; } elsif ($type{$resnum{$contents{$key}[0]}} ne "MESSAGE") { if ($pageflag{$key}) { push @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]},$contents{$key}[$i]; } else { $pagecount{$key} ++; $src = 'pages/'.$key.'_'.$pagecount{$key}.'.page'; @{$pagecontents{$key}[$pagecount{$key}]} = ("$contents{$key}[$i]"); $seqflag{$key} = 0; } } unless ($pageflag{$key}) { $curr_id ++; $next_id ++; print LOCFILE qq|> \n|; } else { print LOCFILE qq| type="finish">\n|; } } else { $curr_id ++; $next_id ++; print LOCFILE qq|> \n|; } } } print LOCFILE "\n"; close(LOCFILE); } } foreach my $key (sort keys %pagecontents) { for (my $i=0; $i<@{$pagecontents{$key}}; $i++) { my $filestem = "/res/$udom/$uname/$newdir"; my $filename = $destdir.'/pages/'.$key.'_'.$i.'.page'; open(PAGEFILE,">$filename"); print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; if (@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]} == 1) { print PAGEFILE qq||; } elsif (@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]} == 2) { print PAGEFILE qq||; } else { for (my $j=1; $j<@{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]}-1; $j++) { my $curr_id = $j+1; my $next_id = $j+2; my $resource = $filestem.'/resfiles/'.$resnum{$pagecontents{$key}[$i][$j]}.'.html'; print PAGEFILE qq| \n|; } my $final_id = @{$pagecontents{$key}[$i]}; print PAGEFILE qq|\n|; } print PAGEFILE ""; close(PAGEFILE); } } # system(" rm -r $docroot/temp"); } sub angel_message { my ($msg_id,$contrib,$xmlfile) = @_; my @state = (); my $p = HTML::Parser->new ( xml_mode => 1, start_h => [sub { my ($tagname, $attr) = @_; push @state, $tagname; }, "tagname, attr"], text_h => [sub { my ($text) = @_; if ("@state" eq "html body table tr td div small span") { $$contrib{'plainname'} = $text; } elsif ("@state" eq "html body div div") { $$contrib{'message'} .= '

'.$text; } }, "dtext"], end_h => [sub { my ($tagname) = @_; pop @state; }, "tagname"], ); $p->parse_file($xmlfile); $p->eof; } sub get_ccroles { my ($uname,$dom,$crsentry) = @_; my %roles = (); unless ($uname eq '') { %roles = &Apache::lonnet::dump('roles',$dom,$uname); } my $iter = 0; my @codes = (); my %courses = (); my @crslist = (); my %descrip =(); foreach my $key (keys %roles ) { if ($key =~ m/^\/(\w+)\/(\w+)_cc$/) { my $cdom = $1; my $crs = $2; my $role_end = 0; my $role_start = 0; my $active_chk = 1; if ( $roles{$key} =~ m/^cc_(\d+)/ ) { $role_end = $1; if ( $roles{$key} =~ m/^cc_($role_end)_(\d+)$/ ) { $role_start = $2; } } if ($role_start > 0) { if (time < $role_start) { $active_chk = 0; } } if ($role_end > 0) { if (time > $role_end) { $active_chk = 0; } } if ($active_chk) { my $currcode = ''; my %settings = &Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['internal.coursecode','description'],$cdom,$crs); if (defined($settings{'description'}) ) { $descrip{$crs} = $settings{'description'}; } else { $descrip{$crs} = 'Unknown'; } if (defined($settings{'internal.coursecode'}) ) { $currcode = $settings{'internal.coursecode'}; if ($currcode eq '') { $currcode = "____".$iter; $iter ++; } } else { $currcode = "____".$iter; $iter ++; } unless (grep/^$currcode$/,@codes) { push @codes,$currcode; @{$courses{$currcode}} = (); } push @{$courses{$currcode}}, $cdom.'/'.$crs; } } } foreach my $code (sort @codes) { foreach my $crsdom (@{$courses{$code}}) { my ($cdom,$crs) = split/\//,$crsdom; my $showcode = ''; unless ($code =~m/^____\d+$/) { $showcode = $code; } $$crsentry{$crsdom} = $showcode.':'.$descrip{$crs}; push @crslist, $crsdom; } } return @crslist; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Main Handler sub handler { my $r=shift; my $uname; my $udom; my $javascript = ''; my $page_name = ''; my $current_page = ''; my $loadentries = ''; my $qcount = ''; # # phase two: re-attach user # if ($ENV{'form.uploaduname'}) { $ENV{'form.filename'}='/priv/'.$ENV{'form.uploaduname'}.'/'. $ENV{'form.filename'}; } ($uname,$udom)= &Apache::loncacc::constructaccess($ENV{'form.filename'}, $r->dir_config('lonDefDomain')); unless (($uname) && ($udom)) { $r->log_reason($uname.' at '.$udom. ' trying to publish file '.$ENV{'form.filename'}. ' - not authorized', $r->filename); return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; } my $fn; if ($ENV{'form.filename'}) { $fn=$ENV{'form.filename'}; $fn=~s/^http\:\/\/[^\/]+\///; $fn=~s/^\///; $fn=~s/(\~|priv\/)(\w+)//; $fn=~s/\/+/\//g; } else { $r->log_reason($ENV{''}.' at '.$ENV{'user.domain'}. ' unspecified filename for upload', $r->filename); return HTTP_NOT_FOUND; } my $pathname = &File::Basename::dirname($fn); my $fullpath = '/priv/'.$uname.$pathname; unless ($pathname eq '/') { $fullpath .= '/'; } my $loadentries = ''; # ----------------------------------------------------------- Start page output &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); $r->send_http_header; if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'three') { $current_page = &display_control(); my @PAGES = ('ChooseDir','Confirmation'); $page_name = $PAGES[$current_page]; if ($page_name eq 'ChooseDir') { &jscript_zero($fullpath,\$javascript,$uname,$udom); } elsif ($page_name eq 'Confirmation') { # &jscript_two(\$javascript,$uname); } } elsif ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'two') { &jscript_zero($fullpath,\$javascript,$uname,$udom); } $r->print("LON-CAPA Construction Space\n"); $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Upload IMS package to Construction Space',undef,$loadentries)); if (($uname ne $ENV{''}) || ($udom ne $ENV{'user.domain'})) { $r->print('

'.&mt('Co-Author').': '.$uname. &mt(' at ').$udom.'

'); } if ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'three') { my $bb_crs = ''; my $bb_cdom = ''; my $bb_handling = ''; my $source = $ENV{'form.source'}; if ( defined($ENV{'form.bb_crs'}) ) { ($bb_cdom,$bb_crs) = split/\//,$ENV{'form.bb_crs'}; } if ( defined($ENV{'form.bb_handling'}) ) { $bb_handling = $ENV{'form.bb_handling'}; } my $users_crs = ''; my $users_cdom = ''; my $users_handling = ''; if ( defined($ENV{'form.user_crs'}) ) { ($users_cdom,$users_crs) = split/\//,$ENV{'form.user_crs'}; } if ( defined($ENV{'form.user_handling'}) ) { $users_handling = $ENV{'form.user_handling'}; } my ($totseq,$totpage,$totprob); print STDERR "Page name is $page_name\n"; if ($page_name eq 'ChooseDir') { &display_zero ($r,$uname,$fn,$current_page,$fullpath); } elsif ($page_name eq 'Confirmation') { ($totseq,$totpage,$totprob) = &expand_bb5 ($r,$uname,$udom,$fn,$current_page,$bb_crs,$bb_cdom,$bb_handling,$users_crs,$users_cdom,$users_handling) if $source eq 'bb5'; ($totseq,$totpage,$totprob) = &expand_angel ($r,$uname,$udom,$fn,$current_page,$bb_crs,$bb_cdom,$bb_handling) if $source eq 'angel'; &expand_webct ($r,$uname,$udom,$fn,$current_page) if $source eq 'webct'; } $r->print("

Step 3: Publish your new LON-CAPA materials

"); $r->print("Your IMS package has been processed successfully. A total of $totseq sequences, $totpage pages, and $totprob problems have been created.

\n"); } elsif ($ENV{'form.phase'} eq 'two') { my $flag = &Apache::lonupload::phasetwo($r,$fn,$uname,$udom,'imsimport'); if ($flag eq 'ok') { my $current_page = 0; &display_zero($r,$uname,$fn,$current_page,$fullpath); } } else { &Apache::lonupload::phaseone($r,$fn,$uname,$udom,'imsimport'); } $r->print(''); return OK; } 1; __END__