File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface / Attic /
Revision 1.15: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Fri Feb 28 23:42:18 2003 UTC (21 years, 7 months ago) by bowersj2
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Can't CVS f'in check for updated-ness *before* I write a lengthy commit

Fixing some stylistic issues.

message_after parameter dropped from all states due to Rule of Three;
three wizards have been built and none of them need it, so axe the

Removed a couple of places where there was code trying to handle the
user going back, before I realized I could just lean on the browser's
"back" button to do a better job then I could code.

# This is the LON-CAPA HTML Wizard framework, for wrapping easy
# functionality easily.

package Apache::lonwizard;

use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http);
use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonnet;

=head1 lonwizard - HTML "Wizard" framework for LON-CAPA

Wizards are a well-established UI widget that users feel comfortable with. It can take a complicated multi-dimensional problem the user has (such as the canonical Course Parameter example) and turn in into a series of bite-sized one-dimensional questions. Or take the some four-question form and put it in a Wizard, and present the same user with the same form outside of the Wizard, and the user will *think* the Wizard is easier.

For the developer, wizards do provide an easy way to bundle easy bits of functionality for the user, without having to write the tedious code for maintaining state between frames. It can be easier to write a Wizard then provide another custom interface.

All classes are in the Apache::lonwizard namespace.

(For a perldoc'ed example of a wizard you can use as an example, see


# To prevent runaway file counts, this file has lonwizard,
# lonwizstate, and other wizard classes.
use strict;

use HTML::Entities;
use Apache::loncommon;


=head1 Class: lonwizard

FIXME: Doc the parameters of the wizard well: Title, Data (Query string), URL.

=head2 lonwizard Attributes

=over 4

=item B<STATE>: The string name of the current state.

=item B<TITLE>: The human-readable title of the wizard

=item B<STATES>: A hash mapping the string names of states to references to the actual states.

=item B<VARS>: Hash that maintains the persistent variable values.

=item B<HISTORY>: An array containing the names of the previous states. Used for "back" functionality.

=item B<DONE>: A boolean value, true if the wizard has completed.

=item B<DATA>: The data the wizard is drawing from, which will be passed to Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi, and may be used by states that do multi-selection.



sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = {};

    $self->{TITLE} = shift;
    $self->{DATA} = shift;
    $self->{URL} = shift;

    # If there is a state from the previous form, use that. If there is no
    # state, use the start state parameter.
    if (defined $ENV{"form.CURRENT_STATE"})
	$self->{STATE} = $ENV{"form.CURRENT_STATE"};
	$self->{STATE} = "START";

    if (defined $ENV{"form.RETURN_PAGE"})
	$self->{RETURN_PAGE} = $ENV{"form.RETURN_PAGE"};

    $self->{STATES} = {};
    $self->{VARS} = {};
    $self->{HISTORY} = {};
    $self->{DONE} = 0;

    bless($self, $class);
    return $self;


=head2 lonwizard methods

=over 2

=item * B<new>(title): Returns a new instance of the given wizard type. "title" is the human-readable name of the wizard. A new wizard always starts on the B<START> state name.

=item * B<declareVars>(varList): Call this function to declare the var names you want the wizard to maintain for you. The wizard will automatically output the hidden form fields and parse the values for you on the next call. 

=over 2

=item * B<Note>: These form variables are reserved for the wizard; if you output other form values in your state, you must use other names. For example, declaring "student" will cause the wizard to emit a form value with the name "student"; if your state emits form entries, do not name them "student". If you use the variable name followed by '.forminput', the wizard will automatically store the user's choice in the appropriate form variable.

=item * B<Note>: If you want to preserve incoming form values, such as ones from the remote, you can simply declare them and the wizard will automatically preserve them. For instance, you might want to store 'url' or 'postdata' from the remote; see lonprintout for example.



# Sometimes the wizard writer will want to use the result of the previous
# state to change the text of the next state. In order to do that, it
# has to be done during the declaration of the states, or it won't be
# available. Therefore, basic form processing must occur before the
# actual display routine is called and the actual pre-process is called,
# or it won't be available.
# This also factors common code out of the preprocess calls.
sub declareVars {
    my $self = shift;
    my $varlist = shift;

    # for each string in the passed in list,
    foreach my $element ( @{$varlist} )
	# assign the var the default of ""
	$self->{VARS}{$element} = "";

	# if there's a form in the env, use that instead
	my $envname = "form." . $element;
	if (defined ($ENV{$envname})) {
	    $self->{VARS}->{$element} = $ENV{$envname};
        # If there's an incoming form submission, use that
        $envname = "form." . $element . ".forminput";
        if (defined ($ENV{$envname})) {
            $self->{VARS}->{$element} = $ENV{$envname};

# Private function; takes all of the declared vars and returns a string
# corresponding to the hidden input fields that will re-construct the 
# variables.
sub _saveVars {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = "";
    foreach my $varname (keys %{$self->{VARS}})
	$result .= '<input type="hidden" name="' .
	           HTML::Entities::encode($varname) . '" value="' .
		   HTML::Entities::encode($self->{VARS}{$varname}) . 
		   "\" />\n";

    # also save state & return page
    $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="CURRENT_STATE" value="' .
               HTML::Entities::encode($self->{STATE}) . '" />' . "\n";
    $result .= '<input type="hidden" name="RETURN_PAGE" value="' .
               HTML::Entities::encode($self->{RETURN_PAGE}) . '" />' . "\n";

    return $result;


=item B<registerState>(referenceToStateObj): Registers a state as part of the wizard, so the wizard can use it. The 'referenceToStateObj' should be a reference to an instantiated lonwizstate object. This is normally called at the end of the lonwizard::state constructor, so you should not normally need it as a user.


sub registerState {
    my $self = shift;
    my $state = shift;

    my $stateName = $state->name();
    $self->{STATES}{$stateName} = $state;


=item B<changeState>(stateName): Given a string representing the name of some registered state, this causes the wizard to change to that state. Generally, states will call this.


sub changeState {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->{STATE} = shift;


=item B<display>(): This is the main method that the handler using the wizard calls.


# Done in four phases
# 1: Do the post processing for the previous state.
# 2: Do the preprocessing for the current state.
# 3: Check to see if state changed, if so, postprocess current and move to next.
#    Repeat until state stays stable.
# 4: Render the current state to the screen as an HTML page.
sub display {
    my $self = shift;

    my $result = "";

    # Phase 1: Post processing for state of previous screen (which is actually
    # the "current state" in terms of the wizard variables), if it wasn't the 
    # beginning state.
    if ($self->{STATE} ne "START" || $ENV{"form.SUBMIT"} eq "Next ->") {
	my $prevState = $self->{STATES}{$self->{STATE}};
    # Note, to handle errors in a state's input that a user must correct,
    # do not transition in the postprocess, and force the user to correct
    # the error.

    # Phase 2: Preprocess current state
    my $startState = $self->{STATE};
    my $state = $self->{STATES}{$startState};
    # Error checking; it is intended that the developer will have
    # checked all paths and the user can't see this!
    if (!defined($state)) {
        $result .="Error! The state ". $startState ." is not defined.";
        return $result;

    # Phase 3: While the current state is different from the previous state,
    # keep processing.
    while ( $startState ne $self->{STATE} )
	$startState = $self->{STATE};
	$state = $self->{STATES}{$startState};

    # Phase 4: Display.
    my $stateTitle = $state->title();
    my $bodytag = &Apache::loncommon::bodytag("$self->{TITLE}",'','');

    $result .= <<HEADER;
        <title>LON-CAPA Wizard: $self->{TITLE}</title>
    if (!$state->overrideForm()) { $result.="<form name='wizform' method='GET'>"; }
    $result .= <<HEADER;
        <table border="0"><tr><td>

    if (!$state->overrideForm()) {
        $result .= $self->_saveVars();
    $result .= $state->render() . "<p>&nbsp;</p>";

    if (!$state->overrideForm()) {
        $result .= '<center>';
        if ($self->{STATE} ne $self->{START_STATE}) {
            #$result .= '<input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" value="&lt;- Previous" />&nbsp;&nbsp;';
        if ($self->{DONE} {
            my $returnPage = $self->{RETURN_PAGE};
            $result .= "<a href=\"$returnPage\">End Wizard</a>";
        else {
            $result .= '<input name="back" type="button" ';
            $result .= 'value="&lt;- Previous" onclick="history.go(-1)" /> ';
            $result .= '<input name="SUBMIT" type="submit" value="Next -&gt;" />';
        $result .= "</center>\n";

    $result .= <<FOOTER;

    return $result;


=item B<name>([name]): Returns the name of the wizard. If a parameter is passed, that will be saved as the name.


# Returns/sets the name of this wizard, i.e., "Assignment Parameter"
sub title {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{TITLE} = shift};
    return $self->{TITLE};


=item B<getVars>(): Returns a hash reference containing the stored vars for this wizard. The states use this for variables maintained across states. Example: C<my %vars = %{$wizard-E<gt>getVars()};> This provides read-only access, apparently.


sub getVars {
    my $self = shift;
    return ($self->{VARS});


=item B<setVar>(key, val): Sets the var named "key" to "val" in the wizard's form array.


# This may look trivial, but it's here as a hook for possible later processing
sub setVar {
    my $self = shift;
    my $key = shift;
    my $val = shift;
    $self->{VARS}{$key} = $val;


=item B<queryStringVars>(): Returns a string representing the current state of the wizard, suitable for use directly as part of a query string. (See resource_state for an example.)


sub queryStringVars {
    my $self = shift;

    my @queryString = ();
    for my $varname (keys %{$self->{VARS}}) {
        push @queryString, Apache::lonnet::escape($varname) . "=" .
    push @queryString, 'CURRENT_STATE=' . Apache::lonnet::escape($self->{STATE});
    push @queryString, 'RETURN_PAGE=' . Apache::lonnet::escape($self->{RETURN_PAGE});

    return join '&', @queryString;


=item B<setDone>(): If a state calls this, the wizard will consider itself completed. The state should display a friendly "Done" message, and the wizard will display a link returning the user to the invoking page, rather then a "Next" button.


# A temp function for debugging
sub handler {
    my $r = shift;


    if ($r->header_only) {
        if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
        } else {
        return OK;

    # Send header, don't cache this page
    if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) {
    } else {

    my $mes = <<WIZBEGIN;
<p>This wizard will allow you to <b>set open, due, and answer dates for problems</b>. You will be asked to select a problem, what kind of date you want to set, and for whom the date should be effective.</p>

<p>After the wizard is done, you will be shown where in the advanced interface you would have gone to change the parameter you have chosen, so in the future you can do it directly.</p>

<p>Press <b>Next -&gt;</b> to begin, or select <b>&lt;- Previous</b> to go back to the previous screen.</p>
    my $wizard = Apache::lonwizard->new("Course Parameter Wizard");
    my %dateTypeHash = ('open_date' => "opening date",
                        'due_date' => "due date",
                        'answer_date' => "answer date");
    my %levelTypeHash = ('whole_course' => "all problems in the course",
                         'map' => 'the selected folder',
                         'resource' => 'the selected problem');
    Apache::lonwizard::message_state->new($wizard, "START", "Welcome to the Assignment Parameter Wizard", $mes, "CHOOSE_LEVEL");
    Apache::lonwizard::switch_state->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_LEVEL", "Which Problem or Problems?", "GRANULARITY", [
       ["whole_course", "<b>Every problem</b> in the course", "CHOOSE_ACTION"],
       ["map", "Every problem in a particular <b>folder</b>", "CHOOSE_FOLDER"],
       ["resource", "One particular <b>problem</b>", "CHOOSE_RESOURCE"]],
                                         "Which problems do you wish to change a date for?");
    Apache::lonwizard::resource_choice->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_FOLDER", "Select Folder", "Select the folder you wish to set the date for:", "CHOOSE_ACTION", "RESOURCE_ID", sub {my $res = shift; return $res->is_map();});
    Apache::lonwizard::resource_choice->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_RESOURCE", "Select Resource", "", "CHOOSE_ACTION", "RESOURCE_ID", sub {my $res = shift; return $res->is_map() || $res->is_problem();}, sub {my $res = shift; return $res->is_problem(); });
    my $levelType = $levelTypeHash{$wizard->{VARS}->{GRANULARITY}};
    Apache::lonwizard::switch_state->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_ACTION", "Parameter Type", "ACTION_TYPE", [ 
       ["open_date", "Set an <b>open date</b>", "CHOOSE_DATE"], 
       ["due_date", "Set a <b>due date</b>", "CHOOSE_DATE"],
       ["answer_date", "Set an <b>answer open date</b>", "CHOOSE_DATE" ] ],
       "What parameters do you want to set for $levelType?");
    my $dateType = $dateTypeHash{$wizard->{VARS}->{ACTION_TYPE}};
    Apache::lonwizard::date_state->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_DATE", "Set Date", "PARM_DATE", "CHOOSE_STUDENT_LEVEL", "What should the $dateType be set to?");
    Apache::lonwizard::switch_state->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_STUDENT_LEVEL", "Students Affected", "TARGETS", [
       ["course", ". . . for <b>all students</b> in the course", "FINISH"],
       ["section", ". . . for a particular <b>section</b>", "CHOOSE_SECTION"],
       ["student", ". . . for an individual <b>student</b>", "CHOOSE_STUDENT"]],
                                       "Set $dateType of $levelType for. . .");

    Apache::lonwizard::choose_section->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_SECTION", "Select Section", "Please select the section you wish to set the $dateType for:", "FINISH", "SECTION_NAME");
    Apache::lonwizard::choose_student->new($wizard, "CHOOSE_STUDENT", "Select Student", "Please select the student you wish to set the $dateType for:", "FINISH", "USER_NAME");
    Apache::lonwizard::parmwizfinal->new($wizard, "FINISH", "Confirm Selection");


    return OK;


=head1 Class: lonwizstate

A "lonwizstate" object represents a lonwizard state. A "state" is basically what is visible on the screen. For instance, a state may display a radio button dialog with three buttons, and wait for the user to choose one.

Several pre-prepared child classes are include in lonwizard. If you create a new wizard type, be sure to add it to so others can use it too.

It is importent to remember when constructing states that the user may use the "Previous" button to go back and revisit a state previously filled out. Thus, states should consult the wizard variables they are intended to set to see if the user has already selected something, and when displaying themselves should reselect the same values, such that the user paging from the end to the beginning, back to the end, will not change any settings.

None of the pre-packaged states correctly handle there being B<no> input, as the wizard does not currently have any protection against errors in the states themselves. (The closest thing you can do is set the wizard to be done and display an error message, which should be adequate.)

By default, the wizard framework will take form elements of the form {VAR_NAME}.forminput and automatically insert the contents of that form element into the wizard variable {VAR_NAME}. You only need to use postprocess to do something fancy if that is not sufficient, for instance, processing a multi-element selection. (See resource choice for an example of that.)

=head2 lonwizstate methods

These methods should be overridden in derived states, except B<new> which may be sufficient.

=over 2

=item B<new> (parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle): Creates a new state and returns it. The first argument is a reference to the parent wizard. The second is the name of the state, which I<must> be unique. The third is the title, which will be displayed on the screen to the human.

=item B<preprocess>(): preprocess sets up all of the information the state needs to do its job, such as querying data bases to obtain lists of choices, and sets up data for the render method. If preprocess decides to jump to a new state, it is responsible for manually running post-process, if it so desires.

=over 2

=item If this method calls the parent lonwizard's B<changeState> method to another state, then the state will never be rendered on the screen, and the wizard will move to the specified state. This is useful if the state may only be necessary to clarify an ambiguous input, such as selecting a part from a multi-part problem, which isn't necessary if the problem only has one state.


=item B<render>(): render returns a string of itself to be rendered to the screen, which the wizard will display.


package Apache::lonwizard::state;

use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = {};
    $self->{WIZARD} = shift;
    $self->{NAME} = shift;
    $self->{TITLE} = shift;


    return $self;

sub name {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{NAME} = shift};
    return $self->{NAME};

sub title {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) { $self->{TITLE} = shift};
    return $self->{TITLE};

sub preprocess {
    return 1;


=item * B<process_multiple_choices>(formname, var_name): A service function that correctly handles resources with multiple selections, such as checkboxes. It delimits the selections with triple pipes and stores them in the given wizard variable. 'formname' is the name of the form element to process.



sub process_multiple_choices {
    my $self = shift;
    my $formname = shift;
    my $var = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};

    my $formvalue = $ENV{'form.' . $formname};
    if ($formvalue) {
        # Must extract values from $wizard->{DATA} directly, as there
        # may be more then one.
        my @values;
        for my $formparam (split (/&/, $wizard->{DATA})) {
            my ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $formparam);
            if ($name ne $formname) {
            $value =~ tr/+/ /;
            $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
            push @values, $value;
        $wizard->setVar($var, join('|||', @values));

sub render {
    return "This is the empty state. If you can see this, it's a bug.\n"

sub postprocess {
    return 1;

# If this is 1, the wizard assumes the state will override the 
# wizard's form, useful for some final states
sub overrideForm {
    return 0;




=head1 Prepackaged States

lonwizard provides several pre-packaged states that you can drop into your Wizard and obtain common functionality.

=head2 Class: message_state

message_state is a state the simply displays a message. It does not do any pre- or postprocessing. It makes a good initial state, which traditionally is a short message telling the user what they are about to accomplish, and may contain warnings or preconditions that should be fulfilled before using the wizard.

=over 4

=item overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, message, nextState): Two new parameters "message" will be the HTML message displayed to the user, and "nextState" is the name of the next state.



package Apache::lonwizard::message_state;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;

    # This cute looking statement correctly handles subclassing
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{MESSAGE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;

    return $self;

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    return 1;

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->{MESSAGE};


package Apache::lonwizard::choice_state;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;


=head2 Class: choice_state

Choice state provides a single choice to the user as a text selection box. You pass it a message and hash containing [human_name] -> [computer_name] entries, and it will display the choices and store the result in the provided variable.

If there is only one choice, the state will automatically make it and go to the next state.

=over 4

=item overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, messageBefore, nextState, varName, choiceHash, multichoice): messageBefore is the HTML text that will be displayed before the choice display. Keys will be sorted according to human name. nextState is the state to proceed to after the choice. varName is the name of the wizard var to store the computer_name answer in. choiceHash is the hash described above. It is optional because you may override it. multichoice is true if the user can make multiple choices, false otherwise. (Multiple choices will be seperated with ||| in the wizard variable.



sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{CHOICE_HASH} = shift;
    $self->{MULTICHOICE} = shift;
    $self->{NO_CHOICES} = 0;
    return $self;

sub preprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $choices = $self->{CHOICE_HASH};
    if (!defined($self->{CHOICE_HASH})) {
        $choices = $self->{CHOICE_HASH} = $self->determineChoices();
    my $wizvars = $self->{WIZARD}->getVars();

    my @keys = keys(%$choices);
    @keys = sort @keys;

    if (scalar(@keys) == 0)
	# No choices... so prepare to display error message and cancel further execution.
	$self->{NO_CHOICES} = 1;
	$self->{WIZARD}->{DONE} = 1;
    if (scalar(@keys) == 1)
	# If there is only one choice, pick it and move on.
	$wizvars->{$self->{VAR_NAME}} = $choices->{$keys[0]};

    # Otherwise, do normal processing in the render routine.


sub determineChoices {
    # Return no choices, which will terminate the wizard
    return {};

sub render { 
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = "";
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $buttons = '';

    if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) {
        $result = <<SCRIPT;
    function checkall(value) {
	for (i=0; i<document.forms.wizform.elements.length; i++) {
        $buttons = <<BUTTONS;
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(true)" value="Select All" />
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(false)" value="Unselect All" />
<br />
    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    if (defined $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE}) {
	$result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} . '<br /><br />';

    $result .= $buttons;

    my $choices = $self->{CHOICE_HASH};
    my @keys = keys (%$choices);

    my $type = "radio";
    if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) { $type = 'checkbox'; }
    foreach (@keys) {
        $result .= "<input type='$type' name='" .
            $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput' .
            "' value=\"" . 
            . "\"/> " . HTML::Entities::encode($_) . "<br />\n";

    return $result;

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $formvalue = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput'};
    if ($formvalue) {
        if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) {
        # For non-multichoice, value already stored by Wizard
    } else {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "Can't continue the wizard because you must make"
            . ' a selection to continue.';
    return 1;

package Apache::lonwizard::switch_state;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;


=head2 Class; switch_state

Switch state provides the ability to present the user with several radio-button choices. The state can store the user response in a wizard variable, and can also send the user to a different state for each selection, which is the intended primary purpose.

Each choice may have arbitrary HTML associated with it, which will be used as the label. The first choice will be selected by default.

=over 4

=item overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, varName, choiceList, messageBefore): varName is the name of the wizard variable the state will set with the choice made. choiceHash is list reference of a list of list references to three element lists, where the first element is what the wizard var varName will be set to, the second is the HTML that will be displayed for that choice, and the third is the destination state. The special setting 'ILLEGAL' can be used in the first place to state that it is not a legal chocie (see for real-life usage of that). messageBefore is an optional HTML string that will be placed before the message.

Note that ILLEGAL is desirable because some choices may not always be good choices, but they should not necessarily disappear with no explanantion of why they are no good. In, for instance, the choice "Problems from current sequence" may be no good because there are no problems in the sequence, but it should not silently disappear; it should announce that there are no problems in the sequence.

An example of a legit choiceList: C<my $choicelist = [ ["flunk", "Flunk Student", "FLUNK_STATE"], ["pass", "Pass Student", "PASS_STATE"]  ];>



sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{CHOICE_LIST} = shift;
    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;

    return $self;

# Don't need a preprocess step; we assume we know the choices

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = "";
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my @choices = @{$self->{CHOICE_LIST}};
    my $curVal = $self->{WIZARD}->{VARS}->{$var};

    $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} if (defined $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE});

    $result .= "<table>\n\n";

    my $checked = 0;
    foreach my $choice (@choices) {
	my $value = $choice->[0];
	my $text = $choice->[1];
	$result .= "<tr>\n<td width='20'>&nbsp;</td>\n<td>";
	$result .= "<td valign=\"top\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"$var.forminput\"";
        if (!$checked) {
            $result .= " selected";
            $checked = 1;
	$result .= " value=\"$value\"></td>\n<td>$text</td>\n</tr>\n\n";

    $result .= "<table>\n\n";

    return $result;

sub postprocess {
    # Value already stored by wizard
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $chosenValue = $ENV{"form." . $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput'};

    foreach my $choice (@{$self->{CHOICE_LIST}}) {
	if ($choice->[0] eq $chosenValue) {

# If there is only one choice, make it and move on
sub preprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $choiceList = $self->{CHOICE_LIST};
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    if (scalar(@{$choiceList}) == 1) {
	my $choice = $choiceList->[0];
	my $chosenVal = $choice->[0];
	my $nextState = $choice->[2];

	$wizard->setVar($self->{VAR_NAME}, $chosenVal)
	    if (defined ($self->{VAR_NAME}));


package Apache::lonwizard::date_state;

use Time::localtime;
use Time::Local;
use Time::tm;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

my @months = ("January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July",
	      "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");


=head2 Class: date_state

Date state provides a state for selecting a date/time, as seen in the course parmset wizard.. You can choose to display date entry if that's what you need.

=over 4

=item overriddent method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, varName, nextState, messageBefore, displayJustDate): varName is where the date/time will be stored as seconds since the epoch. messageBefore and messageAfter as other states. displayJustDate is a flag defaulting to false that if true, will only display the date selection (defaulting to midnight on that date). Otherwise, minutes and hours will be shown.



sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{DISPLAY_JUST_DATE} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{DISPLAY_JUST_DATE})) {$self->{DISPLAY_JUST_DATE} = 0;}
    return $self;

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = "";
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $name = $self->{NAME};
    my $wizvars = $self->{WIZARD}->getVars();

    my $date;
    # Default date: Now
    $date = localtime($wizvars->{$var});

    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    if (defined ($self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE})) {
        $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE};
        $result .= "<br /><br />\n\n";

    # Month
    my $i;
    $result .= "<select name='$self->{VAR_NAME}month'>\n";
    for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) {
        if ($i == $date->mon) {
            $result .= "<option value='$i' selected>";
        } else {
            $result .= "<option value='$i'>";
        $result .= $months[$i] . "</option>\n";
    $result .= "</select>\n";

    # Day
    $result .= "<select name='$self->{VAR_NAME}day'>\n";
    for ($i = 1; $i < 32; $i++) {
        if ($i == $date->mday) {
            $result .= '<option selected>';
        } else {
            $result .= '<option>';
        $result .= "$i</option>\n";
    $result .= "</select>,\n";

    # Year
    $result .= "<select name='$self->{VAR_NAME}year'>\n";
    for ($i = 2000; $i < 2030; $i++) { # update this after 64-bit dates
        if ($date->year + 1900 == $i) {
            $result .= "<option selected>";
        } else {
            $result .= "<option>";
        $result .= "$i</option>\n";
    $result .= "</select>,\n";

    # Display Hours and Minutes if they are called for
    if (!$self->{DISPLAY_JUST_DATE}) {
        # Build hour
        $result .= "<select name='$self->{VAR_NAME}hour'>\n";
        $result .= "<option " . ($date->hour == 0 ? 'selected ':'') .
            " value='0'>midnight</option>\n";
        for ($i = 1; $i < 12; $i++) {
            if ($date->hour == $i) {
                $result .= "<option selected value='$i'>$i a.m.</option>\n";
            } else {
                $result .= "<option value='$i'>$i a.m</option>\n";
        $result .= "<option " . ($date->hour == 12 ? 'selected ':'') .
            " value='12'>noon</option>\n";
        for ($i = 13; $i < 24; $i++) {
            my $printedHour = $i - 12;
            if ($date->hour == $i) {
                $result .= "<option selected value='$i'>$printedHour p.m.</option>\n";
            } else {
                $result .= "<option value='$i'>$printedHour p.m.</option>\n";

        $result .= "</select> :\n";

        $result .= "<select name='$self->{VAR_NAME}minute'>\n";
        for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i++) {
            my $printedMinute = $i;
            if ($i < 10) {
                $printedMinute = "0" . $printedMinute;
            if ($date->min == $i) {
                $result .= "<option selected>";
            } else {
                $result .= "<option>";
            $result .= "$printedMinute</option>\n";
        $result .= "</select>\n";

    if (defined ($self->{MESSAGE_AFTER})) {
        $result .= "<br /><br />" . $self->{MESSAGE_AFTER};

    return $result;

# Stick the date stored into the chosen variable.
sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};

    my $month = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . 'month'}; 
    my $day = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . 'day'}; 
    my $year = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . 'year'}; 
    my $min = 0; 
    my $hour = 0;
    if (!$self->{DISPLAY_JUST_DATE}) {
        $min = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . 'minute'};
        $hour = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . 'hour'};

    my $chosenDate = Time::Local::timelocal(0, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year);
    # Check to make sure that the date was not automatically co-erced into a 
    # valid date, as we want to flag that as an error
    # This happens for "Feb. 31", for instance, which is coerced to March 2 or
    # 3, depending on if it's a leapyear
    my $checkDate = localtime($chosenDate);

    if ($checkDate->mon != $month || $checkDate->mday != $day ||
        $checkDate->year + 1900 != $year) {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "Can't use " . $months[$month] . " $day, $year as a "
            . "date because it doesn't exist. Please enter a valid date.";

    $wizard->setVar($self->{VAR_NAME}, $chosenDate);



package Apache::lonwizard::parmwizfinal;

# This is the final state for the parmwizard. It is not generally useful,
# so it is not perldoc'ed. It does its own processing.

no strict;
@ISA = ('Apache::lonwizard::state');
use strict;

use Time::localtime;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    # No other variables because it gets it all from the wizard.

# Renders a form that, when submitted, will form the input to
sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $wizvars = $wizard->{VARS};

    # FIXME: Unify my designators with the standard ones
    my %dateTypeHash = ('open_date' => "Opening Date",
                        'due_date' => "Due Date",
                        'answer_date' => "Answer Date");
    my %parmTypeHash = ('open_date' => "0_opendate",
                        'due_date' => "0_duedate",
                        'answer_date' => "0_answerdate");
    my $result = "<form name='wizform' method='get' action='/adm/parmset'>\n";
    $result .= '<p>Confirm that this information is correct, then click &quot;Finish Wizard&quot; to complete setting the parameter.<ul>';
    my $affectedResourceId = "";
    my $parm_name = $parmTypeHash{$wizvars->{ACTION_TYPE}};
    my $level = "";
    # Print the type of manipulation:
    $result .= '<li>Setting the <b>' . $dateTypeHash{$wizvars->{ACTION_TYPE}}
               . "</b></li>\n";
    if ($wizvars->{ACTION_TYPE} eq 'due_date' || 
        $wizvars->{ACTION_TYPE} eq 'answer_date') {
        # for due dates, we default to "date end" type entries
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='recent_date_end' " .
            "value='" . $wizvars->{PARM_DATE} . "' />\n";
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='pres_value' " . 
            "value='" . $wizvars->{PARM_DATE} . "' />\n";
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='pres_type' " .
            "value='date_end' />\n";
    } elsif ($wizvars->{ACTION_TYPE} eq 'open_date') {
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='recent_date_start' ".
            "value='" . $wizvars->{PARM_DATE} . "' />\n";
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='pres_value' " .
            "value='" . $wizvars->{PARM_DATE} . "' />\n";
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='pres_type' " .
            "value='date_start' />\n";
    # Print the granularity, depending on the action
    if ($wizvars->{GRANULARITY} eq 'whole_course') {
        $result .= '<li>for <b>all resources in the course</b></li>';
        $level = 9; # general course, see perldoc
        $affectedResourceId = "0.0";
    } elsif ($wizvars->{GRANULARITY} eq 'map') {
        my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(
                           $ENV{"request.course.fn"}."_parms.db", 0, 0);
        my $res = $navmap->getById($wizvars->{RESOURCE_ID});
        my $title = $res->compTitle();
        $result .= "<li>for the map named <b>$title</b></li>";
        $level = 8;
        $affectedResourceId = $wizvars->{RESOURCE_ID};
    } else {
        my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(
                           $ENV{"request.course.fn"}."_parms.db", 0, 0);
        my $res = $navmap->getById($wizvars->{RESOURCE_ID});
        my $title = $res->compTitle();
        $result .= "<li>for the resource named <b>$title</b></li>";
        $level = 7;
        $affectedResourceId = $wizvars->{RESOURCE_ID};

    # Print targets
    if ($wizvars->{TARGETS} eq 'course') {
        $result .= '<li>for <b>all students in course</b></li>';
    } elsif ($wizvars->{TARGETS} eq 'section') {
        my $section = $wizvars->{SECTION_NAME};
        $result .= "<li>for section <b>$section</b></li>";
        $level -= 3;
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='csec' value='" .
            HTML::Entities::encode($section) . "' />\n";
    } else {
        # FIXME: This is probably wasteful! 
        my $classlist = Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
        my $name = $classlist->{$wizvars->{USER_NAME}}->[6];
        $result .= "<li>for <b>$name</b></li>";
        $level -= 6;
        my ($uname, $udom) = split /:/, $wizvars->{USER_NAME};
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='uname' value='".
            HTML::Entities::encode($uname) . "' />\n";
        $result .= "<input type='hidden' name='udom' value='".
            HTML::Entities::encode($udom) . "' />\n";

    # Print value
    $result .= "<li>to <b>" . ctime($wizvars->{PARM_DATE}) . "</b> (" .
        . ")</li>\n";

    # print pres_marker
    $result .= "\n<input type='hidden' name='pres_marker'" .
        " value='$affectedResourceId&$parm_name&$level' />\n";

    $result .= "<br /><br /><center><input type='submit' value='Finish Wizard' /></center></form>\n";

    return $result;
sub overrideForm {
    return 1;


package Apache::lonwizard::resource_choice;


=head2 Class: resource_choice

resource_choice gives the user an opportunity to select one resource from the current course, and will stick the ID of that choice (#.#) into the desired variable.

Note this state will not automatically advance if there is only one choice, because it might confuse the user in this case.

=over 4

=item overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, messageBefore, nextState, varName, filterFunction, choiceFunction): messageBefore and messageAfter appear before and after the state choice, respectively. nextState is the state to proceed to after the choice. varName is the wizard variable to store the choice in.

filterFunction is a function reference that receives the current resource as an argument, and returns 1 if it should be displayed, and 0 if it should not be displayed. By default, the class will use sub {return 1;}, which will show all resources. choiceFunction is a reference to a function that receives the resource object as a parameter and returns 1 if it should be a *selectable choice*, and 0 if not. By default, this is the same as the filterFunction, which means all displayed choices will be choosable. See parm wizard for an example of this in the resource selection routines.



no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

sub new { 
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{FILTER_FUNC})) {
        $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = sub {return 1;};
    $self->{CHOICE_FUNC} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{CHOICE_FUNC})) {
        $self->{CHOICE_FUNC} = $self->{FILTER_FUNC};

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};

    # If we were just manipulating a folder, do not proceed to the
    # next state
    if ($ENV{'form.folderManip'}) {

    if (!$ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput'}) {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "Can't continue wizard because you must ".
            "select a resource.";

    # Value stored by wizard framework


# A note, in case I don't get to this before I leave.
# If someone complains about the "Back" button returning them
# to the previous folder state, instead of returning them to
# the previous wizard state, the *correct* answer is for the wizard
# to keep track of how many times the user has manipulated the folders,
# and feed that to the history.go() call in the wizard rendering routines.
# If done correctly, the wizard itself can keep track of how many times
# it renders the same states, so it doesn't go in just this state, and
# you can lean on the browser back button to make sure it all chains
# correctly.
# Either that, or force all folders open and don't allow the user
# to close them.

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $result = "";
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $curVal = $self->{WIZARD}->{VARS}->{$var};
    my $vals = {};
    if ($curVal =~ /,/) { # multiple choices
        foreach (split /,/, $curVal) {
            $vals->{$_} = 1;
    } else {
        $vals->{$curVal} = 1;

    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} . '<br /><br />'
        if (defined $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE});

    my $filterFunc = $self->{FILTER_FUNC};
    my $choiceFunc = $self->{CHOICE_FUNC};

    # Create the composite function that renders the column on the nav map
    # have to admit any language that lets me do this can't be all bad
    #  - Jeremy (Pythonista) ;-)
    my $renderColFunc = sub {
        my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_;
        if (!&$choiceFunc($resource)) {
            return '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        } else {
            my $col = "<td><input type='radio' name='${var}.forminput' ";
            if ($vals->{$resource->{ID}}) {
                $col .= "checked ";
            $col .= "value='" . $resource->{ID} . "' /></td>";
            return $col;

    $result .= 
        &Apache::lonnavmaps::render( { 'cols' => [$renderColFunc, 
                                       'showParts' => 0,
                                       'queryString' => $wizard->queryStringVars() . '&folderManip=1',
                                       'url' => $wizard->{URL},
                                       'filterFunc' => $filterFunc } );
    return $result;

package Apache::lonwizard::resource_multichoice;


=head2 Class: resource_multichoice

resource_multichoice gives the user an opportunity to select multiple resources from some map in the current course, and will stick a list of the IDs of those choices in its variable.

Note this state will not automatically advance if there is only one choice, because it might confuse the user. Also, the state will not advance until at least I<one> choice is taken, because it is generally nonsense to select nothing when this state is used.

This is generally intended for use on a specific sequence, not the entire course, as for technical reasons the user can't open and close folders, so they must all be shown as open. To fix this would require making the folders image form submitters and remembering the selected state of each resource, which is not impossible but is too much error-prone work to do until it seems many people will want that feature.

Note this class is generally useful for multi-choice selections, by overridding "determineChoices" to return the choice hash.

=over 4

=item overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, messageBefore, nextState, varName, filterFunction, choiceFunction, map): Arguments like resource_choice. map is the ID number of a specific map that, if given is all that will be shown to the user, instead of the whole course.



no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{FILTER_FUNC})) {
        $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = sub {return 1;};
    $self->{CHOICE_FUNC} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{CHOICE_FUNC})) {
        $self->{CHOICE_FUNC} = $self->{FILTER_FUNC};
    $self->{MAP} = shift;
    if (!defined($self->{MAP})) {
        $self->{MAP} = 1; # 0? trying to default to entire course

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};


    # If nothing was selected...
    if (!$wizard->{VARS}->{$self->{VAR_NAME}}) {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "You must select one or more resources to continue.";


sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $result = <<SCRIPT;
    function checkall(value) {
	for (i=0; i<document.forms.wizform.elements.length; i++) {

    my $buttons = <<BUTTONS;
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(true)" value="Select All" />
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(false)" value="Unselect All" />
<br />

    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} . '<br /><br />'
        if (defined $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE});

    my $filterFunc = $self->{FILTER_FUNC};
    my $choiceFunc = $self->{CHOICE_FUNC};

    # Create the composite function that renders the column on the nav map
    my $renderColFunc = sub {
        my ($resource, $part, $params) = @_;

        if (!&$choiceFunc($resource)) {
            return '<td>&nbsp;</td>';
        } else {
            my $col = "<td><input type='checkbox' name='${var}.forminput'".
                " value='" . $resource->{ID} . "' /></td>";
            return $col;

    $result .= $buttons;

    $result .= 
        &Apache::lonnavmaps::render( { 'cols' => [$renderColFunc,
                                       'showParts' => 0,
                                       'filterFunc' => $filterFunc,
                                       'iterator_map' => $self->{MAP},
                                       'resource_no_folder_link' => 1 } );

    $result .= $buttons;

    return $result;

package Apache::lonwizard::choose_student;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);

    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{MULTICHOICE} = shift;

    return $self;

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = '';
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $buttons = '';

    if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) {
        $result = <<SCRIPT;
    function checkall(value) {
	for (i=0; i<document.forms.wizform.elements.length; i++) {
        $buttons = <<BUTTONS;
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(true)" value="Select All" />
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(false)" value="Unselect All" />
<br />

    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    if (defined $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE}) {
        $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} . '<br /><br />';

    $result .= $buttons;

    my $choices = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();

    my @keys = keys %{$choices};
    # Sort by: Section, name

    my $section = Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SECTION();
    my $fullname = Apache::loncoursedata::CL_FULLNAME();

    @keys = sort {
        if ($choices->{$a}->[$section] ne $choices->{$b}->[$section]) {
            return $choices->{$a}->[$section] cmp $choices->{$b}->[$section];
        return $choices->{$a}->[$fullname] cmp $choices->{$b}->[$fullname];
    } @keys;

    my $type = 'radio';
    if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) { $type = 'checkbox'; }
    $result .= "<table cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2' border='0'>\n";
    $result .= "<tr><td></td><td align='center'><b>Student Name</b></td>".
        "<td align='center'><b>Section</b></td></tr>";

    foreach (@keys) {
        $result .= "<tr><td><input type='$type' name='" .
            $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput' .
            "' value='" . HTML::Entities::encode($_)
            . "' /></td><td>"
            . HTML::Entities::encode($choices->{$_}->[$fullname])
            . "</td><td align='center'>" 
            . HTML::Entities::encode($choices->{$_}->[$section])
            . "</td></tr>\n";

    $result .= "</table>\n\n";
    $result .= $buttons;

    return $result;

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};
    my $formvalue = $ENV{'form.' . $self->{VAR_NAME} . '.forminput'};
    if ($formvalue) {
        if ($self->{MULTICHOICE}) {
    } else {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "Can't continue the wizard because you must make"
            . ' a selection to continue.';
    return 1;


package Apache::lonwizard::choose_section;

no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::choice_state");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift, shift,
                                        shift, shift, shift);
    return $self;

sub determineChoices {
    my %choices;

    my $classlist = Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
    foreach (keys %$classlist) {
        my $sectionName = $classlist->{$_}->[5];
        if (!$sectionName) {
            $choices{"No section assigned"} = "";
        } else {
            $choices{$sectionName} = $sectionName;
    return \%choices;


package Apache::lonwizard::choose_files;


=head2 Class: choose_file

choose_file offers a choice of files from a given directory. It will store them as a triple-pipe delimited list in its given wizard variable, in the standard HTML multiple-selection tradition. A filter function can be passed, which will examine the filename and return 1 if it should be displayed, or 0 if not. 

=over 4

=item * overridden method B<new>(parentLonWizReference, stateName, stateTitle, messageBefore, nextState, varName, subdir, filterFunc): As in previous states, where filterFunc is as described in choose_file. subdir is the name of the subdirectory to offer choices from.



no strict;
@ISA = ("Apache::lonwizard::state");
use strict;

sub new {
    my $proto = shift;
    my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
    my $self = bless $proto->SUPER::new(shift, shift, shift);
    $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} = shift;
    $self->{NEXT_STATE} = shift;
    $self->{VAR_NAME} = shift;
    $self->{SUB_DIR} = shift;
    $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = shift;

    if (!defined($self->{FILTER_FUNC})) {
        $self->{FILTER_FUNC} = sub {return 1;};

    return $self;

sub render {
    my $self = shift;
    my $result = '';
    my $var = $self->{VAR_NAME};
    my $subdir = $self->{SUB_DIR};
    my $filterFunc = $self->{FILTER_FUNC};

    $result = <<SCRIPT;
    function checkall(value) {
	for (i=0; i<document.forms.wizform.elements.length; i++) {
            ele = document.forms.wizform.elements[i];
            if (ele.type == "checkbox") {

    my $buttons = <<BUTTONS;
<br /> &nbsp;
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(true)" value="Select All" />
<input type="button" onclick="checkall(false)" value="Unselect All" />
<br /> &nbsp;

    if (defined $self->{ERROR_MSG}) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">' . $self->{ERROR_MSG} . '</font><br /><br />';

    if ($self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE}) {
        $result .= $self->{MESSAGE_BEFORE} . '<br />';

    # Get the list of files in this directory.
    my @fileList;

    # If the subdirectory is in local CSTR space
    if ($subdir =~ m|/home/([^/]+)/public_html|) {
        my $user = $1;
        my $domain = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDefDomain'};
        @fileList = &Apache::lonnet::dirlist($subdir, $domain, $user, '');
    } else {
        # local library server resource space
        @fileList = &Apache::lonnet::dirlist($subdir, $ENV{'user.domain'}, $ENV{''}, '');

    $result .= $buttons;
    $result .= '<table border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1">';

    # Keeps track if there are no choices, prints appropriate error
    # if there are none. 
    my $choices = 0;
    # Print each legitimate file choice.
    for my $file (@fileList) {
        $file = (split(/&/, $file))[0];
        my $fileName = $subdir .'/'. $file;
        if (&$filterFunc($file)) {
            $result .= '<tr><td align="right">' .
                "<input type='checkbox' name='" . $self->{VAR_NAME}
            . ".forminput' value='" . HTML::Entities::encode($fileName) .
                "' /></td><td>" . $file . "</td></tr>\n";

    $result .= "</table>\n";

    if (!$choices) {
        $result .= '<font color="#FF0000">There are no files available to select in this directory. Please go back and select another option.</font><br /><br />';

    $result .= $buttons;

    return $result;

sub postprocess {
    my $self = shift;
    print $self->{NEXT_STATE};
    my $wizard = $self->{WIZARD};

    if (!$wizard->{VARS}->{$self->{VAR_NAME}}) {
        $self->{ERROR_MSG} = "Can't continue the wizard because you ".
            "must make a selection to continue.";
    return 1;


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