Diff for /loncom/interface/entities.pm between versions 1.2 and 1.5

version 1.2, 2008/02/19 12:09:02 version 1.5, 2008/04/09 10:24:32
Line 656  my %entities = { Line 656  my %entities = {
     8659     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',      8659     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',
     'dArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',      'dArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Downarrow\}',
     8660     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Leftrightarrow\}',      8660     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Leftrightarrow\}',
       'vArr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Updownarrow\}',
       8661     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Updownarrow\}',
       'lAarr'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\Lleftarrow\}',
       8666     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Lleftarrow\}',
       'rAarr'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\Rrightarrow\}',
       8667     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Rrightarrow\}',
       'rarrw'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightsquigarrow\}',
       8669     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightsquigarrow\}',
     # Mathematical operators.      # Mathematical operators.
       'forall' => '\\ensuremath\{\\forall\}',
       8704     => '\\ensuremath\{\\forall\}',
       'comp'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\complement\}',
       8705     => '\\ensuremath\{\\complement\}',
       'part'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\partial\}',
       8706     => '\\ensuremath\{\\partial\}',
       'exist'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\exists\}',
       8707     => '\\ensuremath\{\\exists\}',
       'nexist' => '\\ensuremath\{\\nexists\}',
       8708     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nexists\}',
       'empty'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\emptysset\}',
       8709     => '\\ensuremath\{\\emptysset\}',
       8710     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Delta\}',
       'nabla'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\nabla\}',
       8711     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nabla\}',
       'isin'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\in\}',
       8712     => '\\ensuremath\{\\in\}',
       'notin'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\notin\}',
       8713     => '\\ensuremath\{\\notin\}',
       ni       => '\\ensuremath\{\\ni\}',
       8715     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ni\}',
       8716     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\ni\}',
       'prod'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\prod\}',
       8719     => '\\ensuremath\{\\prod\}',
       8720     => '\\ensuremath\{\\coprod\}',
       'sum'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\sum\}',
       8721     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sum\}',
       'minus'  => '\\ensuremath\{-\}',
       8722     => '\\ensuremath\{-\}',
       8723     => '\\ensuremath\{\\mp\}',
       8724     => '\\ensuremath\{\\dotplus\}',
       8725     => '\\ensuremath\{\\diagup\}',
       8726     => '\\ensuremath\{\\smallsetminus\}',
       'lowast' => '\\ensuremath\{*\}',
       8727     => '\\ensuremath\{*\}',
       8728     => '\\ensuremath\{\\circ\}',
       8729     => '\\ensuremath\{\\bullet\}',
       'radic'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\surd\}',
       8730     => '\\ensuremath\{\\surd\}',
       8731     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqrt[3]\{\}\}',
       8732     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqrt[4]\{\}\}',
       'prop'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\propto\}',
       8733     => '\\ensuremath\{\\propto\}',
       'infin'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\infty\}',
       8734     => '\\ensuremath\{\\infty\}',
       'ang90'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqangle\}',
       8735     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqangle\}',
       'ang'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\angle\}',
       8736     => '\\ensuremath\{\\angle\}',
       'angmsd' => '\\ensuremath\{\\measuredangle\}',
       8737     => '\\ensuremath\{\\measuredangle\}',
       'angsph' => '\\ensuremath\{\\sphiericalangle\}',
       8738     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sphiericalangle\}',
       8739     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vert\}',
       8740     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Vert\}',
       'and'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\land\}',
       8743     => '\\ensuremath\{\\land\}',
       'or'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lor\}',
       8744     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lor\}',
       'cap'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\cap\}',
       8745     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cap\}',
       'cup'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\cup\}',
       8746     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cup\}',
       'int'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\int\}',
       8747     => '\\ensuremath\{\\int\}',
       'conint' => '\\ensuremath\{\\oint\}',
       8750     => '\\ensuremath\{\\oint\}',
       'there4' => '\\ensuremath\{\\therefore\}',
       8756     => '\\ensuremath\{\\therefore\}',
       'becaus' => '\\ensuremath\{\\because\}',
       8757     => '\\ensuremath\{\\because\}',
       8758     => '\\ensuremath\{:\}',
       8759     => '\\ensuremath\{::\}',
       'sim'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\sim\}',
       8764     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sim\}',
       8765     => '\\ensuremath\{\\backsim\}',
       'wreath' => '\\ensuremath\{\\wr\}',
       8768     => '\\ensuremath\{\\wr\}',
       'nsim'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\sim\}',
       8769     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\sim\}',
   #    'asymp'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\asymp\}',  ≈ is actually a different glyph.
       8771     => '\\ensuremath\{\\asymp\}',
       8772     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\asymp\}',
       'cong'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\cong\}',
       8773     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cong\}',
       8775     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ncong\}',
       8778     => '\\ensuremath\{\\approxeq\}',
       8784     => '\\ensuremath\{\\doteq\}',
       8785     => '\\ensuremath\{\\doteqdot\}',
       8786     => '\\ensuremath\{\\fallingdotseq\}',
       8787     => '\\ensuremath\{\\risingdotseq\}',
       8788     => '\\ensuremath\{:=\}',
       8789     => '\\ensuremath\{=:\}',
       8790     => '\\ensuremath\{\\eqcirc\}',
       8791     => '\\ensuremath\{\\circeq\}',
       'wedgeq' => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{\\wedge\}\{=\}\}',
       8792     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{\\wedge\}\{=\}\}',
       8794     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{\\vee\}\{=\}\}',
       8795     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{\\star}\{=\}\}',
       8796     => '\\ensuremath\{\\triangleeq\}',
       8797     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{def\}\{=\}\}',
       8798     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{m\}\{=\}\}',
       8799     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{?\}\{=\}\}',
       'ne'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\neq\}',
       8800     => '\\ensuremath\{\\neq\}',
       'equiv'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\equiv\}',
       8801     => '\\ensuremath\{\\equiv\}',
       8802     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\equiv\}',
       'le'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leq\}',
       8804     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leq\}',
       'ge'     => '\\ensuremath\{\\geq\}',
       8805     => '\\ensuremath\{\\geq\}',
       8806     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leqq\}',
       8807     => '\\ensuremath\{\\geqq\}',
       8810     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ll\}',
       8811     => '\\ensuremath\{\\gg\}',
       'twixt'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\between\}',
       8812     => '\\ensuremath\{\\between\}',
       8813     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\asymp\}',
       8814     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not<\}',
       8815     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not>\}',
       8816     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\leqslant\}',
       8817     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\geqslant\}',
       8818     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lessim\}',
       8819     => '\\ensuremath\{\\gtrsim\}',
       8820     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{<\}\{>\}\}',
       8821     => '\\ensuremath\{\\stackrel\{>\}\{<\}\}',
       8826     => '\\ensuremath\{\\prec\}',
       8827     => '\\ensuremath\{\\succ\}',
       8828     => '\\ensuremath\{\\preceq\}',
       8829     => '\\ensuremath\{\\succeq\}',
       8830     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\prec\}',
       8831     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\succ\}',
       'sub'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\subset\}',
       8834     => '\\ensuremath\{\\subset\}',
       'sup'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\supset\}',
       8835     => '\\ensuremath\{\\supset\}',
       'nsub'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\subset\}',
       8836     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\subset\}',
       8837     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\supset\}',
       'sube'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\subseteq\}',
       8838     => '\\ensuremath\{\\subseteq\}',
       'supe'   => '\\ensuermath\{\\supseteq\}',
       8839     => '\\ensuermath\{\\supseteq\}',
       8840     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nsubseteq\}',
       8841     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nsupseteq\}',
       8842     => '\\ensuremath\{\\subsetneq\}',
       8843     => '\\ensuremath\{\\supsetneq\}',
       8847     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqsubset\}',
       8848     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqsupset\}',
       8849     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqsubseteq\}',
       8850     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqsupseteq\}',
       8851     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqcap\}',
       8852     => '\\ensuremath\{\\sqcup\}',
       'oplus'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\oplus\}',
       8853     => '\\ensuremath\{\\oplus\}',
       8854     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ominus\}',
       'otimes' => '\\ensuremath\{\\otimes\}',
       8855     => '\\ensuremath\{\\otimes\}',
       8856     => '\\ensuremath\{\\oslash\}',
       8857     => '\\ensuremath\{\\odot\}',
       8858     => '\\ensuremath\{\\circledcirc\}',
       8859     => '\\ensuremath\{\\circledast\}',
       8861     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ominus\}', # Close enough for government work.
       8862     => '\\ensuremath\{\\boxplus\}',
       8863     => '\\ensuremath\{\\boxminus\}',
       8864     => '\\ensuremath\{\\boxtimes\}',
       8865     => '\\ensuremath\{\\boxdot\}',
       'vdash'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\vdash\}',
       8866     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vdash\}',
       'dashv'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\dashv\}',
       8867     => '\\ensuremath\{\\dashv\}',
       'perp'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\perp\}',
       8869     => '\\ensuremath\{\\perp\}',
       8871     => '\\ensuremath\{\\models\}',
       8872     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vDash\}',    
       8873     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Vdash\}',
       8874     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Vvdash\}',
       8876     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nvdash\}',
       8877     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nvDash\}',
       8878     => '\\ensuremath\{\\nVdash\}',
       8880     => '\\ensuremath\{\\prec\}',
       8881     => '\\ensuremath\{\\succ\}',
       8882     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vartriangleleft\}',
       8883     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vartriangleright\}',
       8884     => '\\ensuremath\{\\trianglelefteq\}',
       8885     => '\\ensuremath\{\\trianglerighteq\}',
       8891     => '\\ensuremath\{\\veebar\}',
       8896     => '\\ensuremath\{\\land\}',
       8897     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lor\}',
       8898     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cap\}',
       8899     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cup\}',
       8900     => '\\ensuremath\{\\diamond\}',
       'sdot'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\cdot\}',
       8901     => '\\ensuremath\{\\cdot\}',
       8902     => '\\ensuremath\{\\star\}',
       8903     => '\\ensuremath\{\\divideontimes\}',
       8904     => '\\ensuremath\{\\bowtie\}',
       8905     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ltimes\}',
       8906     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rtimes\}',
       8907     => '\\ensuremath\{\\leftthreetimes\}',
       8908     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rightthreetimes\}',
       8909     => '\\ensuremath\{\\simeq\}',
       8910     => '\\ensuremath\{\\curlyvee\}',
       8911     => '\\ensuremath\{\\curlywedge\}',
       8912     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Subset\}',
       8913     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Supset\}',
       8914     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Cap\}',
       8915     => '\\ensuremath\{\\Cup\}',
       8916     => '\\ensuremath\{\\pitchfork\}',
       8918     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lessdot\}',
       8919     => '\\ensuremath\{\\gtrdot\}',
       8920     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lll\}',
       8921     => '\\ensuremath\{\\ggg\}',
       8922     => '\\ensuremath\{\\gtreqless\}',
       8923     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lesseqgtr\}',
       8924     => '\\ensuremath\{\\eqslantless\}',
       8925     => '\\ensuremath\{\\eqslantgtr\}',
       8926     => '\\ensuremath\{\\curlyeqprec\}',
       8927     => '\\ensuremath\{\\curlyeqsucc\}',
       8928     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\preccurlyeq\}',
       8929     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\succurlyeq\}',
       8930     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\sqsupseteq\}',
       8931     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\sqsubseteq\}',
       8938     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\\vartriangleleft\}',
       8939     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\vartriangleright\}',
       8940     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\trianglelefteq\}',
       8941     => '\\ensuremath\{\\not\trianglerighteq\}',
       8942     => '\\ensuremath\{\\vdots\}',
       8960     => '\\ensuremath\{\\varnothing\}',
       'lceil'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\lceil\}',
       8968     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lceil\}',
       'rceil'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\rceil\}',
       8969     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rceil\}',
       'lfloor' => '\\ensuremath\{\\lfloor\}',
       8970     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lfloor\}',
       'rfloor' => '\\ensuremath\{\\rfloor}',
       8971     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rfloor}',
       'lang'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\langle\}',
       9001     => '\\ensuremath\{\\langle\}',
       'rang'   => '\\ensuremath\{\\rangle\}',
       9002     => '\\ensuremath\{\\rangle\}',
       'loz'    => '\\ensuremath\{\\lozenge\}',
       9674     => '\\ensuremath\{\\lozenge\}',
       'spades' => '\\ensuremath\{\\spadesuit\}',
       9824     => '\\ensuremath\{\\spadesuit\}',
       9825     => '\\ensuremath\{\\heartsuit\}',
       9826     => '\\ensuremath\{\\diamondsuit\}',
       'clubs'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\clubsuit\}',
       9827     => '\\ensuremath\{\\clubsuit\}',
       'diams'  => '\\ensuremath\{\\blacklozenge\}',
       9830     => '\\ensuremath\{\\blacklozenge\}'
 };  };
   #  Convert a numerical entity (that does not exist in our hash)
   #  to its UTF-8 equivalent representation.
   #  This allows us to support, to some extent, any entity for which
   #  dvipdf can find a gylph (given that LaTeX is now UTF-8 clean).
   # Parameters:
   #   unicode  - The unicode for the character.  This is assumed to
   #              be a decimal value
   # Returns:
   #   The UTF-8 equiavalent of the value.
   sub entity_to_utf8 {
       my ($unicode) = @_;
       return pack("U", $unicode);
   #  Convert an entity to the corresponding LateX if possible.
   #  If not possible, and the entity is numeric,
   #  the entity is treated like a Unicode character and converted
   #  to UTF-8 which should display as long as dvipdf can find the
   #  appropriate glyph.
   #  The entity is assumed to have already had the 
   #  &# ;  or & ; removed
   # Parameters:
   #   entity    - Name of entity to convert.
   # Returns:
   #  One of the following:
   #   - Latex string that produces the entity.
   #   - UTF-8 equivalent of a numeric entity for which we don't have a latex string.
   #   - ' ' for text entities for which there's no latex equivalent.
   sub entity_to_latex {
       my ($entity) = @_;
       # Try to look up the entity (text or numeric) in the hash:
       my $latex = $entities{$entity};
       if ($latex) {
    return $latex;
       # If the text is purely numeric we can do the UTF-8 conversion:
       if ($entity =~ /^\d$/) {
    return &entity_to_utf8($entity);
       #  Can't do the conversion ...
       return " ";
   #  Convert all the entities in a string.
   #  We locate all the entities, pass them into entity_to_latex and 
   #  and replace occurences in the input string.
   #  The assumption is that there are few entities in any string/document
   #  so this looping is not too bad.  The advantage of looping vs. regexping is
   #  that we now can use lookup tables for the translation in entity_to_latex above.
   # Parameters:
   #   input   - Input string/document
   # Returns
   #   input with entities replaced by latexable stuff (UTF-8 encodings or
   #   latex control strings to produce the entity.
   sub replace_entities {
       my ($input)  = @_;

Removed from v.1.2  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.5

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