File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / interface /
Revision 1.76: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Thu Apr 7 06:56:23 2005 UTC (19 years, 1 month ago) by albertel
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_1_99_0_tmcc, HEAD
- ENV -> env

    1: #!/usr/bin/perl
    2: # CGI-script to run LaTeX, dvips, ps2ps, ps2pdf etc.
    3: #
    4: # $Id:,v 1.76 2005/04/07 06:56:23 albertel Exp $
    5: #
    6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
    7: #
    8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
    9: #
   10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   13: # (at your option) any later version.
   14: #
   15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
   19: #
   20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
   22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   23: #
   24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
   25: #
   26: #
   27: #
   29: use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl';
   30: use LONCAPA::loncgi;
   31: use File::Path;
   32: use IO::File;
   33: use Image::Magick;
   34: use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
   35: use Apache::lonnet();
   36: use Apache::loncommon;
   37: use Apache::lonlocal;
   39: use strict;
   40: $|=1;
   41: if (! &LONCAPA::loncgi::check_cookie_and_load_env()) {
   42:     print <<END;
   43: Content-type: text/html
   45: <html>
   46: <head><title>Bad Cookie</title></head>
   47: <body>
   48: Your cookie information is incorrect.
   49: </body>
   50: </html>
   51: END
   52:     return;
   53: }
   54:  &Apache::lonlocal::get_language_handle();
   55:  &Apache::loncommon::content_type(undef,'text/html');
   56:  my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Creating PDF','','');
   57:  print $bodytag;
   59:   my $identifier = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'};
   60:   my $texfile = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.file'};
   61:   my $laystyle = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.layout'};
   62:   my $numberofcolumns = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.numcol'};
   63:   my $paper = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.paper'};
   64:   my $selectionmade = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'.selection'};
   65:   my $tableofcontents = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'tableofcontents'};
   66:   my $tableofindex = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'tableofindex'};
   67:   my $advanced_role = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'role'};
   68:   my $number_of_files = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'numberoffiles'}+1;
   69:   my $student_names = $env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'studentnames'};
   70:   my $backref = &Apache::lonnet::unescape($env{'cgi.'.$identifier.'backref'});
   73:   my $adv = $env{'request.role.adv'};
   75:   my @names_pack=();
   76:   if ($student_names=~/_END_/) {  
   77:       @names_pack=split(/_ENDPERSON_/,$student_names);
   78:   }
   80:   my $figfile = $texfile;
   81:   $figfile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.dat/;
   82:   my $duefile = $texfile;
   83:   $duefile =~ s/^([^\.]+printout)[^t]+\.tex/$1\.due/;
   84:   #do we have figures?
   85:   # print "Figure file: $figfile\n";
   86:   if (-e $figfile) {
   87:       # print "$figfile exists\n";
   88:       my %done_conversion;
   89:       my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($figfile) || die "Couldn't open fig file $figfile for reading: $!\n";
   90:       my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
   91:       close $temporary_file;  
   92:       my $noteps;
   93:       my %prog_state;
   94:       if ($adv) { %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin('','Coverting Images to EPS','Picture Conversion Status',$#content_of_file,'inline','80');  }
   95:       foreach my $not_eps (@content_of_file) {
   96: 	  chomp($not_eps);
   97: 	  if ($not_eps ne '') {
   98: 	      # print "Converting $not_eps"; # Debugging.
   99:               my $status_statement='EPS picture for '.$not_eps;
  100: 	      # print "$status_statement\n";
  101: 	      $not_eps=~s|\/\.\/|\/|g;
  102: 	      my $eps_f = $not_eps;
  103: 	      $eps_f =~ s/\.[^.]*$/\.eps/i;
  104: 	      if ($eps_f=~/\/home\/([^\/]+)\/public_html\//) {
  105:                   $eps_f=~s/\/home\/([^\/]+)\/public_html/$1/;
  106: 		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$eps_f;
  107: 	      } elsif ($eps_f=~/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\//) {
  108: 		  $eps_f=~m/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}\/res\/(.+)/;
  109: 		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1;
  110: 	      } elsif ($eps_f=~/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\//) {
  111: 		  $eps_f=~/$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonUsersDir'}\/([^\/]+)\/\w\/\w\/\w\/(.+)/;
  112: 		  $eps_f = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1.'/'.$2;
  113: 	      }
  114: 	      $eps_f  =~ s/ /\_/g; # Spaces are problematic for system commands and LaTeX.
  115: 	      my $path=$eps_f;
  116: 	      $path =~ s/\/([^\/]+)\.eps$//;
  117: 	      # print "Final file path: $path "; # Debugging
  118: 	      File::Path::mkpath($path,0,0777);
  119: 	      $not_eps =~ s/^\s+//;
  120: 	      $not_eps =~ s/\s+$//;
  121: 	      $not_eps =~ s/ /\\ /g;
  122: 	      if ( exists($done_conversion{$not_eps})) { next; }
  123: 	      if ($adv) {
  124: 		  my $prettyname=$not_eps;
  125: 		  $prettyname=~s|/home/([^/]+)/public_html|/priv/$1|;
  126: 		  $prettyname=~s|$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}/|/|;
  127: 		  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,'Converting to EPS '.$prettyname);
  128: 	      }
  129: 	      $done_conversion{$not_eps}=1;
  130: 	      # print "Converting $not_eps -> $eps_f"; # Debugging
  131: 	      system("convert $not_eps $eps_f");
  132:               #check is eps exist in prtspool
  133:               if(not -e $eps_f) {
  134: 		  for (my $i=0;$i<10000;$i++) {
  135: 		      if (-e $eps_f.'.'.$i) {
  136: 			  rename $eps_f.'.'.$i, $eps_f;
  137: 			  last;
  138: 		      }
  139: 		  }
  140: 	      }  
  141: 	  }
  142:       }
  143:       if ($adv) { 
  144: 	  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin('',\%prog_state); 
  145:       }
  146:       unlink($figfile);
  147:   }
  148:   #print "$texfile\n"; #name of the tex file for debugging only   
  149:   my @texfile=($texfile);
  150:   if ($number_of_files>1) {
  151:       @texfile=();
  152:       for (my $i=1;$i<=$number_of_files;$i++) {
  153: 	  my $new_texfile=$texfile;
  154: 	  $new_texfile=~s/\.tex/_$i\.tex/;
  155: 	  push @texfile,$new_texfile;
  156:       } 
  157:   }
  159: my $ind=-1;
  160: my %prog_state;
  161: print "<a href=\"$backref\"><b>Return</b></a> to last resource.<br /><br />";
  162: if ($adv) { %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin('','Print Status','Class Print Status',$number_of_files,'inline','80'); }
  163: print "<br />";
  164: foreach $texfile (@texfile) {
  165:   my $status_statement='';
  166:   my $link_text='download PDF';
  167:   $ind++;
  168:   my @stud_info=split(/_END_/,$names_pack[$ind]);
  169:   my @tempo_array=split(/:/,$stud_info[0]);
  170:   my $name;
  171:   if ($tempo_array[3]) {
  172:       $name=$tempo_array[3];
  173:   } else {
  174:       $name=$tempo_array[0].'@'.$tempo_array[1];
  175:   }
  176:   $link_text='<b>'.$name.'</b>';
  177:   $status_statement.=$name;
  178:   if ($#stud_info>0) {
  179:       @tempo_array=split(/:/,$stud_info[-1]);
  180:       if ($tempo_array[3]) {
  181: 	  $name=$tempo_array[3];
  182:       } else {
  183: 	  $name=$tempo_array[0].'@'.$tempo_array[1];
  184:       }
  185:       $link_text.=' - <b>'.$name.'</b>';
  186:       $status_statement.=' -  '.$name;
  187:   } 
  188:   if ($adv) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',\%prog_state,'Creating PDF for '.$status_statement); }
  189:   if (-e $texfile) {
  190:       $texfile =~ m/^(.*)\/([^\/]+)$/; 
  191:       my $name_file = $2;
  192:       my $path_file = $1.'/';
  193:       chdir $path_file;
  194:       my $dvi_file= $name_file; $dvi_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  195:       &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  196: 			 "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file",
  197: 			 \%prog_state,$dvi_file);
  198:       if ($tableofcontents eq 'yes') {
  199:       &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  200: 			 "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file for table of contents",
  201: 			 \%prog_state,$dvi_file);
  202:       } #to create table of contents
  203:       my $idxname=$name_file;
  204:       $idxname=~s/\.tex$/\.idx/;
  205:       if ($tableofindex eq 'yes') {
  206: 	  &busy_wait_command("makeindex $idxname",
  207: 			     "making index file",
  208: 			     \%prog_state,$idxname);
  209: 	  &busy_wait_command("latex $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  210: 			     "for $status_statement now LaTeXing file for index section",
  211: 			     \%prog_state,$dvi_file);
  212:       } #to create index
  213:       #Do we have a latex error in the log file?
  214:       my $logfilename = $texfile; $logfilename =~ s/\.tex$/\.log/;
  215:       my $temporary_file=IO::File->new($logfilename) || die "Couldn't open log file $logfilename for reading: $!\n";
  216:       my @content_of_file = <$temporary_file>;
  217:       close $temporary_file; 
  218:       my $body_log_file = join(' ',@content_of_file);
  219:       $logfilename =~ s/\.log$/\.html/;
  220:       $temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$logfilename); 
  221:       print $temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_log_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
  222:       if ($body_log_file=~m/!\s+Emergency stop/) {
  223: 	  #LaTeX failed to parse tex file 
  224: 	  print "<h2>LaTeX could not successfully parse your tex file.</h2>";
  225: 	  print "It probably has errors in it.<br />";
  226: 	  my $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART';
  227: 	  my $whereitends = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND';
  228: 	  if ($whereitbegins!=-1 and $whereitends!=-1) {
  229:  	      print "With very high probability this error occured in ".substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26)."<br /><br />";
  230: 	  }
  231: 	  print "Here are the error messages in the LaTeX log file</br><br /><pre>";
  232: 	  my $sygnal = 0;
  233: 	  for (my $i=0;$i<=$#content_of_file;$i++) {
  234: 	      if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/^Runaway argument?/ or $content_of_file[$i]=~m/^!/) {
  235: 		  $sygnal = 1;
  236: 	      } 
  237: 	      if ($content_of_file[$i]=~m/Here is how much of/) {
  238: 		  $sygnal = 0;
  239: 	      } 
  240: 	      if ($sygnal) {
  241: 		  print "$content_of_file[$i]";
  242: 	      }  
  243: 	  }
  244: 	  print "</pre>\n";
  245:           if ($advanced_role) {  
  246:               print "<b><big>The link to ";
  247:               $logfilename=~s/\/home\/httpd//;
  248: 	      print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>";
  249: 	      print "\n";
  250:               #link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire)
  251: 	      my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
  252: 	      my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
  253: 	      close $tex_temporary_file; 
  254: 	      my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
  255: 	      $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
  256: 	      $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); 
  257: 	      print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
  258: 	      print "<br /><br />";
  259: 	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
  260: 	      $texfile=~s/\/home\/httpd//;
  261: 	      print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>";
  262: 	      print "\n";
  263: 	  }
  265:       } elsif ($body_log_file=~m/<inserted text>/) {
  266: 	  my $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>';
  267: 	  print "You are running LaTeX in <b>batch mode</b>.";
  268: 	  while ($whereitbegins != -1) {
  269: 	      my $tempobegin=$whereitbegins;
  270: 	      $whereitbegins = rindex $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCESTART',$whereitbegins;
  271: 	      my $whereitends = index $body_log_file,'STAMPOFPASSEDRESOURCEEND',$whereitbegins;
  272: 	      print "<br />It has found an error in".substr($body_log_file,$whereitbegins+26,$whereitends-$whereitbegins-26)." <br /> and corrected it.\n";
  273: 	      print "Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement neccessary corrections by yourself.\n";
  274: 	      $whereitbegins = index $body_log_file,'<inserted text>',$tempobegin+10;
  275: 	  }
  276: 	  $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  277: 	  my $new_name_file = $name_file;
  278: 	  $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/;
  279: 	  my $papera=$paper;
  280: 	  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
  281: 	  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-t'.$papera;}
  282: 	  my $comma = "dvips $papera -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file";
  283: 	  &busy_wait_command("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  284: 			     "for $status_statement now Converting to PS",
  285: 			     \%prog_state,$new_name_file);
  286: 	  if (-e $new_name_file) {
  287: 	      print "<h1>PDF output file (see link below)</h1>\n";
  288: 	      $new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./;
  289: 	      my $ps_file = my $tempo_file = $1.'';
  290: 	      my $pdf_file = $1.'.pdf';
  291: 	      if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
  292: 		  $comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file";
  293: 		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  294: 				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
  295: 				     \%prog_state,$tempo_file); 
  296: 	      } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
  297: 		  my $papera=$paper;
  298:                   if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
  299: 		  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-p'.$papera;}
  300: 		  $comma = 'pstops '.$papera.' "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"';
  301: 		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  302: 				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
  303: 				     \%prog_state,$tempo_file); 
  305: 	      } else {
  306: 		  $ps_file=$new_name_file;
  307: 	      }	    
  308: 	      &busy_wait_command("ps2pdf $ps_file $pdf_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  309: 				 "for $status_statement now Converting PS to PDF",
  310: 				 \%prog_state, $pdf_file);
  312: 	      my $texlog = $texfile;
  313: 	      my $texaux = $texfile;
  314: 	      my $texdvi = $texfile;
  315: 	      my $texps = $texfile;
  316: 	      $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
  317: 	      $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
  318: 	      $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  319: 	      $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
  320: 	      my @garb = ($texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
  321: #	  unlink @garb;
  322: 	      unlink $duefile;
  323: 	      print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$pdf_file\">Your PDF document</a>";
  324: 	  }
  325: 	  if ($advanced_role) {  
  326: 	      print "<br /><br />";
  327: 	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
  328: 	      $logfilename=~s/\/home\/httpd//;
  329: 	      print "<a href=\"$logfilename\">Your log file </a></big></b>";
  330: 	      print "\n";
  331: 	      #link tooriginal LaTeX file (included according Michael Hamlin desire)
  332: 	      my $tex_temporary_file=IO::File->new($texfile) || die "Couldn't open tex file $texfile for reading: $!\n";
  333: 	      my @tex_content_of_file = <$tex_temporary_file>;
  334: 	      close $tex_temporary_file; 
  335: 	      my $body_tex_file = join(' ',@tex_content_of_file);
  336: 	      $texfile =~ s/\.tex$/aaaaa\.html/;
  337: 	      $tex_temporary_file = IO::File->new('>'.$texfile); 
  338: 	      print $tex_temporary_file '<html><head><title>LOGFILE</title></head><body><pre>'.$body_tex_file.'</pre></body></html>'."\n";
  339: 	      print "<br /><br />";
  340: 	      print "<b><big>The link to ";
  341: 	      $texfile=~s/\/home\/httpd//;
  342: 	      print "<a href=\"$texfile\">Your original LaTeX file </a></big></b>";
  343: 	      print "\n";
  344: 	  }
  345:       } else {
  346: 	  #LaTeX successfully parsed tex file 
  347: 	  $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  348: 	  my $new_name_file = $name_file;
  349: 	  $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/;
  350: 	  my $papera=$paper;
  351: 	  if ($papera eq 'letter') {$papera='';}
  352: 	  if ($papera ne '') {$papera='-t'.$papera;}
  353: 	  my $comma = "dvips $papera -Ppdf -G0 -o $new_name_file";
  354: 	  &busy_wait_command("$comma $name_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  355: 			     "for $status_statement now Converting to PS",
  356: 			     \%prog_state,$new_name_file);
  357: 	  if (-e $new_name_file) {
  358: 	      print "<br />";
  359: 	      $new_name_file =~ m/^(.*)\./;
  360: 	      my $ps_file = my $tempo_file = $1.'';
  361: 	      my $pdf_file = $1.'.pdf';
  362: 	      if ($laystyle eq 'album' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
  363: 		  $comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file";
  364: 		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  365: 				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
  366: 				     \%prog_state,$tempo_file);
  367: 	      } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book' and $numberofcolumns eq '2') {
  368: 		  $papera=~s/t/p/;
  369: 		  $comma = 'pstops '.$papera.' "2:0+1(0.48w,0)"';
  370: 		  &busy_wait_command("$comma $new_name_file $tempo_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  371: 				     "for $status_statement now Modifying PS layout",
  372: 				     \%prog_state,$tempo_file); 
  373: 	      } else {
  374: 		  $ps_file=$new_name_file;
  375: 	      }
  376: 	      my $addtoPSfile={'legal'=>'<< /PageSize [612 1008] >> setpagedevice',
  377:                                'tabloid'=>'<< /PageSize [792 1224] >> setpagedevice',
  378:                                'executive'=>,'<< /PageSize [540 720] >> setpagedevice',
  379:                                'a2'=>'<< /PageSize [1195.02 1690.09] >> setpagedevice',
  380:                                'a3'=>'<< /PageSize [842 1195.02] >> setpagedevice',
  381:                                'a4'=>'<< /PageSize [595.2 842] >> setpagedevice',
  382:                                'a5'=>'<< /PageSize [421.1 595.2] >> setpagedevice',
  383:                                'a6'=>'<< /PageSize [298.75 421.1] >> setpagedevice',
  384: 			   };
  385: 	      if ($paper ne 'letter') {
  386: 		  open(FFH,'<',$ps_file) || die "Couldn't open ps file $ps_file for reading: $!\n";
  387: 		  my $new_ps_file='new'.$ps_file;
  388: 		  open(FFHS,'>',$new_ps_file) || die "Couldn't open new ps file $new_ps_file for reading: $!\n";
  389: 		  print FFHS $addtoPSfile->{$paper}."\n";
  390: 		  while (<FFH>) {
  391: 		      print FFHS $_;
  392: 		  }
  393: 		  close(FFH);
  394: 		  close(FFHS);
  395: 		  $ps_file=$new_ps_file;	  
  396: 	      }
  397: 	      &busy_wait_command("ps2pdf $ps_file $pdf_file 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null",
  398: 				 "for $status_statement now Converting PS to PDF",
  399: 				 \%prog_state,$pdf_file);
  401: 	      my $texlog = $texfile;
  402: 	      my $texaux = $texfile;
  403: 	      my $texdvi = $texfile;
  404: 	      my $texps = $texfile;
  405: 	      $texlog =~ s/\.tex/\.log/;
  406: 	      $texaux =~ s/\.tex/\.aux/;
  407: 	      $texdvi =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/;
  408: 	      $texps =~ s/\.tex/\.ps/;
  409: 	      my @garb = ($texlog,$texaux,$texdvi,$texps);
  410: #	  unlink @garb;
  411: 	      unlink $duefile;
  412: 	      print "<a href=\"/prtspool/$pdf_file\">$link_text - click here to download pdf</a>";
  413: 	      print "\n";
  414: 	  }
  415:       }  
  416:   } else {
  417:       print "LaTeX file $texfile was not created successfully";
  418:   }
  419: }
  420: print "<br />";
  421: if ($number_of_files>1) {
  422:     my $zipfile=$texfile[0];
  423:     $zipfile=~s/\.tex/\.zip/;
  424:     my $statement="zip $zipfile";
  425:     foreach my $file (@texfile) {
  426: 	$file=~s/\.tex/.\pdf/;
  427: 	$statement.=' '.$file; 
  428:     }
  429:     print("<pre>Zip Output:\n");
  430:     system($statement);
  431:     print("</pre>");
  432:     $zipfile=~s/\/home\/httpd//;
  433:     print "<br /> A <a href=\"$zipfile\">ZIP file</a> of all the PDFs.";
  434: }
  435: if ($adv) { &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin('',\%prog_state); }
  437: my $done;
  438: sub REAPER {
  439:     $done=1;
  440: }
  442: sub busy_wait_command {
  443:     my ($command,$message,$progress_win,$output_file)=@_;
  445:     $SIG{CHLD} = \&REAPER;
  446:     $done=0;
  447:     my $pid=open(CMD,"$command |");
  448:     if ($adv) {
  449: 	&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',$progress_win,$message);
  450:     }
  451:     while(!$done) {
  452: 	sleep 1;
  453: 	my $extra_msg;
  454: 	if ($output_file) {
  455: 	    my $size=(stat($output_file))[7];
  456: 	    $extra_msg=", $size bytes generated";
  457: 	}
  458: 	if ($adv) {
  459: 	    &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin('',$progress_win,
  460: 						  $message.$extra_msg);
  461: 	}
  462:     }
  463:     $SIG{CHLD}='IGNORE';
  464:     close(CMD);
  465: }

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