#!/usr/bin/perl use Image::Magick; print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "\n"; print "

OUTPUT is in the PDF FILE below

\n"; my ($texfile,$laystyle,$notepslist) = split(/&/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); #if ($notepslist ne '') { # my $image = Image::Magick->new; my $newnotepslist = $notepslist; $newnotepslist =~ s/\.eps/\.gif/; # $image->Read("gif:$newnotepslist"); # $image->Set(page => '+100+200'); $_ = $notepslist; m/\/(\w+\.eps)/; $notepslist = $1; # $image->Write("eps:$notepslist"); # open(EPS,$notepslist) or die "Couldn't open the EPS file: $!"; # undef $/; # my $eps = ; # close EPS; $notepslist = '/home/httpd/prtspool/'.$1; # open(OUT,'>'.$notepslist) or die "Couldn't open the output EPS file: $!"; # print OUT </dev/null 2>/dev/null"); $name_file =~ s/\.tex/\.dvi/; my $new_name_file = $name_file; $new_name_file =~ s/\.dvi/\.ps/; my $comma = "dvips -o $new_name_file"; system("$comma $name_file"); $_ = $new_name_file; m/^(.*)\./; my $tempo_file = $1.'temporar.ps'; my $name_file = $1.'.pdf'; if ($laystyle eq 'album') { $comma = "psnup -2 -s1.0 $new_name_file"; system("$comma $tempo_file"); system("ps2pdf $tempo_file $name_file"); } elsif ($laystyle eq 'book') { system("ps2pdf $new_name_file $name_file"); } print "Your PDF document\n"; print "\n";