File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / localize / localize /
Revision 1.5: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Oct 14 18:36:54 2003 UTC (20 years, 11 months ago) by www
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_1_0, version_2_0_X, version_2_0_99_1, version_2_0_2, version_2_0_1, version_2_0_0, version_1_99_3, version_1_99_2, version_1_99_1_tmcc, version_1_99_1, version_1_99_0_tmcc, version_1_99_0, version_1_3_X, version_1_3_3, version_1_3_2, version_1_3_1, version_1_3_0, version_1_2_X, version_1_2_99_1, version_1_2_99_0, version_1_2_1, version_1_2_0, version_1_1_X, version_1_1_99_5, version_1_1_99_4, version_1_1_99_3, version_1_1_99_2, version_1_1_99_1, version_1_1_99_0, version_1_1_3, version_1_1_2, version_1_1_1, version_1_1_0, version_1_0_99_3, version_1_0_99_2, version_1_0_99_1, version_1_0_99, HEAD

# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# German Localization Lexicon
# $Id:,v 1.5 2003/10/14 18:36:54 www Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

package Apache::localize::he;
use base qw(Apache::localize);

%Lexicon=('_AUTO' => 1,
'char_encoding'=> 'ISO-8859-8-i',
'language_code'=> 'he',

=> 'ñáéáä',

=> 'ùøú',

=> 'òåîñ',

   'User Load'
=> 'òåîñ îùúîù',

=> 'òæøä',

   'Log in'
=> 'ëðéñä ìîòøëú',

=> 'ùí îùúîù',

=> 'ñéñîà',

=> 'áçø',

=> 'äëðñ',

=> 'öôä',

=> 'ìåç ùðä',

=> 'praefe-',

=> 'renzen',

=> 'rolle',

=> 'kurs',

=> 'Kurs',

=> 'Gruppe',

=> 'heute',

   'last week'
=> 'letzte Woche',

   'last month'
=> 'letzten Monat',

   'last three months'
=> 'letzte drei Monate',

   'last six months'
=> 'letzte sechs Monate',

   'last year'
=> 'letztes Jahr',

=> 'Speichern',

=> 'Umbenennen',

=> 'Speichern',

=> 'Fertig',

   'Select User'
=> 'Benutzer auswählen',

   'Select Course'
=> 'Kurs auswählen',

   'Changes will become active for your current session after'
=> 'Änderungen werden für Ihre derzeitige Sitzung aktiv nachdem Sie den Kurs',

   're-initializing course'
=> 'reinitialisiert',

   ', or the next time you log in.'
=> 'haben, oder wenn Sie das nächste Mal einloggen.',

   'Uploaded Document'
=> 'Hochgeladenes Dokument',

   'No content modifications yet.'
=> 'Noch keine Inhaltsänderungen.',

   'Part is not open to be viewed. It'
=> 'Aufgabenteil nicht verfügbar. Er',

'Unable to determine if this resource is open due to network problems. Please try again later.'
=> 'Aufgrund von Netzwerkproblemen kann nicht festgestellt werden, ob dieses Dokument verfügbar ist. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.',

'Note: it can take up to 10 minutes for changes to take effect for all users.'
=> 'Es kann bis zu 10 Minuten dauern, bis die Änderungen für alle Benutzer Effekt haben',

=> 'Sprache',

=> 'Notizen',

=> 'Beschreibung',
   'Create a user or modify the roles and privileges of a user'
=> 'Benutzeraccounts erzeugen und Ändern von Benutzerprivilegien',

   'View course assessment statistics'
=> 'Aufgabenstatistiken erzeugen',

   'Set deadlines and other assessment parameters, as well as modify course environment'
=> 'Setzen von Fälligkeitsdatums und anderen Aufgabenparameters, sowie Ändern der Kursumgebung',

   'New Folder'
=> 'Neuer Ordner',

   'Simple Page'
=> 'Einfache Seite',

   'Simple Problem'
=> 'Einfache Aufgabe',

   'Upload Document'
=> 'Dokument hochladen',

=> 'Suchen',

=> 'Importieren',

   'Main Course Documents'
=> 'Hauptdokumente des Kurses',

   'Supplemental Course Documents'
=> 'Zusätzliche Kursdokumente',

   'Bulletin Board'
=> 'Schwarzes Brett',

   'Special Documents'
=> 'Spezielle Dokumente',

=> 'erstelle',

=> 'noten',

=> 'kommu-',

=> 'nikation',

=> 'liste',

=> 'inhalts-',

=> 'verzeich',

   'Navigate Contents'
=> 'Inhaltsverzeichnis',

   'Announcements and Calendar'
=> 'Bekanntmachungen und Kalender',

=> 'Autor',

   'Change Your Preferences'
=> 'Ändern der Benutzerpräferenzen',

   'Choose the user role'
=> 'Wählen der Benutzerrolle',

=> 'Co-Autor',

   'Communication and Messages'
=> 'Kommunication und Nachrichten',

   'Course Coordinator'
=> 'Kurs Koordinator',

   'Course Statistics and Charts'
=> 'Kursstatistiken und Notenübersicht',

   'Course announcements and my calendar'
=> 'Kursbekanntmachungen und mein Kalender',

   'Create Users, Change User Privileges'
=> 'Erstellen neuer Benutzeraccounts, Ändern von Benutzerprivilegien',

   'Domain Coordinator'
=> 'Domain Koordinator',

   'Enrollment Manager'
=> 'Einschreibungsmanagement',

   'Enter grades from check-out assessment resources'
=> 'Eingeben von Ergebnissen ausgeteilter Examen',

   'Exam Proctor'
=> 'Exam Proktor',

   'Exit LON-CAPA'
=> 'Ausloggen von LON-CAPA',

   'Grades Spreadsheet'
=> 'Benotungs Spreadsheet',

=> 'Benotung',

=> 'Lehrender',

   'Launch Remote Control'
=> 'Fernbedienungsfenster',

   'Main Menu'
=> 'Hauptmenü',

   'Navigate Course Contents'
=> 'Inhaltsverzeichnis',

   'No Role, Cumulative Privileges'
=> 'Keine Rolle, kumulative Privilegien',

   'Return to Last Location'
=> 'Rückkehr zur letzten Seite',

   'Send and receive messages'
=> 'Verschicken und Empfangen von Nachrichten',

   'Set my user preferences'
=> 'Setzen von Benutzerpräferenzen',

=> 'Studierender',

   'Switch to another user role'
=> 'Andere Benutzerrolle wählen',

   'Teaching Assistant'
=> 'Hilfskraft',

   'Use or edit my bookmark collection'
=> 'Benutzen oder editieren meiner Bookmark-Sammlung',

   'User Roles'
=> 'Benutzerrollen',

   'Calculate course grades (Spreadsheet)'
=> 'Noten berechnen (Spreadsheet)',

   'Enter the chatroom for the course'
=> 'Kurs Chatroom',

   'Navigate the table of contents for this course'
=> 'Inhaltsverszeichnis navigieren',

=> 'Kursüberblick',

   'View the course assessment progress chart'
=> 'Notenüberblick',

   'Class Hours'
=> 'Zeit',

   'Course Description'
=> 'Kursbeschreibung',

=> 'Kurspaket',

   'Current Month'
=> 'Dieser Monat',

=> 'Fälligkeitsdaten',

=> 'Fr',

   'Grading Information'
=> 'Benotung',

   'Helproom Hours'
=> 'Hilfe',

   'Instructor Information'
=> 'Information über die Lehrenden',

=> 'Mo',

   'Next Month'
=> 'Nächster Monat',

   'Office Hours'
=> 'Sprechstunden',

=> 'Voraussetzungen',

   'Previous Month'
=> 'Vorhergehender Monat',

=> 'Material',

=> 'Sa',

=> 'Januar',

=> 'Februar',

=> 'März',

=> 'April',

=> 'Mai',

=> 'Juni',

=> 'August',

=> 'September',

=> 'Oktober',

=> 'November',

=> 'Dezember',

=> 'So',

=> 'Buchliste',

=> 'Do',

=> 'Di',

   'Web Links'
=> 'Weblinks',

=> 'Mi',

   'Drop/Add students in this course'
=> 'Einschreibungsliste verwalten',

   'You have entered that answer before'
=> 'Sie hatten diese Antwort bereits eingegeben',

   'A score has been assigned.'
=> 'Eine Note ist vergeben worden',

   'You are correct.'
=> 'Korrekt!',

   'Your receipt is'
=> 'Ihr Nachweis ist',

   'You are excused from the problem.'
=> 'Die Aufgabe ist Ihnen erlassen worden.',

=> 'Inkorrekt.',

   'Some parts were not submitted.'
=> 'Einige Aufgabenteile sind nicht bearbeitet worden.',

   'An error occured while grading your answer.'
=> 'In der Benotung Ihrer Antwort trat ein Fehler auf.',

   'The submitted answer was too long.'
=> 'Ihre Antwort war zu lang.',

   'This question expects a numeric answer.'
=> 'Eine numerische Antwort ist gefragt.',

   'You have provided an invalid ranking'
=> 'Die Rankordnung ist falsch eingeben worden',

   'please refer to'
=> 'schauen Sie nach unter',

   'The filetype extension of the file you uploaded is not allowed.'
=> 'Die Endung des der von Ihnen eingereichten Datei ist nicht erlaubt.',

   'Units incorrect.'
=> 'Einheit inkorrekt.',

   'Only a number required.'
=> 'Nur eine Nummer erwartet.',

   'Units required'
=> 'Einheiten erwartet',

   'Unable to understand formula'
=> 'Die eingebene Formel kann nicht ausgewertet werden',

   'Your submission has been recorded.'
=> 'Ihre Antwort ist gespeichert wordern.',

   'Unknown message'
=> 'Unbekannte Nachricht',

   'Answer Submitted'
=> 'Antwort eingereicht',

=> 'Versuche',

   'Submit Answer'
=> 'Antwort Einreichen',

   'Prepare a printable document'
=> 'Druckbares Dokument erstellen',

   'Go To My First Homework Problem'
=> 'Springe zum ersten Hausübungsproblem',

=> 'Abbrechen',

=> 'Diskussion',

   'New discussion since'
=> 'Neue Diskussion seit',

=> 'Auf Wiedersehen',

=> 'Auswählen',

=> 'Neu initialisieren',

   'Currently selected. '
=> 'Derzeit ausgewählt. ',

   'Switch Server'
=> 'Server wechseln',

   'system wide'
=> 'systemweit',

   'Currently not available'
=> 'Derzeit nicht verfügbar',

   'No role specified'
=> 'Keine bestimmte Rolle',

=> 'Bemerkung',

=> 'Bereich',

   'User Role'
=> 'Benutzerrolle',

=> 'Anfang',

=> 'Ende',

=> 'System',

=> 'Anzeigen',

   "an unknown date"
=> 'zu einem unbekannten Zeitpunkt',

   "an indeterminate date"
=> 'zu einem unbestimmten Zeitpunkt',

   "will open on"
=> "wird verfügbar sein am",

   "is due at"
=> "ist fällig am",

   "was due on"
=> "war fällig am",

   'is closed but you are allowed to view it'
=> "ist geschlossen, kann aber von Ihnen betrachtet werden",

   "Undid changes, Switched"
=> "Änderungen rückgängig gemacht, gewechselt",

   "Unable to undo, unable to switch"
=> "Änderungen konnten nicht rückgängig gemacht werden, nicht umgeschaltet",

   "Unable to make backup"
=> "Konnte keine Sicherheitskopie machen",

   "Saving Modifications to"
=> "Änderungen gespeichert unter",

   "Unable to write to"
=> "Konnte nicht speichern unter",

   "Analyzing a problem"
=> "Aufgabe analysisieren",

=> "XML Editor",

   'Discard Edits and View'
=> 'Änderungen verwerfen und betrachten',

   'Submit Changes'
=> 'Änderungen speichern',

   'Submit Changes and View'
=> 'Änderungen speichern und betrachten',

=> 'Editor',

   ', select a template from the pull-down menu below'
=> ', wählen Sie eine Vorlagen von dem unterstehenden Auswahlmenü',

=> 'rückgängig machen',

=> 'Antwort',

=> 'Häufigkeit',

   'You did not select a template.'
=> 'Sie haben keine Vorlage ausgewählt.',

   'Analyze Progress'
=> 'Fortschritt analysieren',

   'Getting Problem Variants'
=> 'Berechnen von Aufgabenvariationen',

   'last problem'
=> 'letzte Aufgabe',

   "may open later."
=> 'mag zu einame spätern Zeitpunkt verfügbar sein',

   ', and answers will be available on'
=> 'und Antworten werden verfügbar sein am',

   "Select a"
=> "Wählen Sie",

   'Unable to find'
=> 'Konnte nicht gefunden werden',

=> 'Aufgabenteil',

=> 'Dann',

=> 'Erzeugen',

   'is in under construction'
=> 'unter Konstruktion',

   'List of possible answers'
=> 'Liste von Antworten',

'Found no analyzable parts in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'
=> 'Keine analysierbaren Aufgabenteile gefunden, derzeit werden nur numerische, symbolische, und "string" Antworten unterstützt',

   'is not analyzable at this time'
=> 'ist derzeit nicht analysierbar',

=> 'Titel',

=> 'Pfad',

   'New Search'
=> 'Neue Suche',

   'Go Back'
=> 'Zurück',

=> 'Datei',

=> 'Datum',

   'You have no unread messages'
=> 'Sie haben keine ungelesenen Nachrichten',

   'New Messages'
=> 'Neue Nachrichten',

   'View All Messages'
=> 'Alle Nachrichten',

=> 'Seite/Sequenz',

=> 'Seite',

=> 'Sequence',

   'Map contents are not shown in order.'
=> 'Der Inhalt der Seite/Sequenz wird nicht in geordneter Abfolge gezeigt.',

=> 'Leer',

   'could not be copied.'
=> 'konnte nicht kopiert werden.',

   'Back to Directory'
=> 'Zurück zum Verzeichnis',

   'No upload file specified.'
=> 'Keine Datei zum Hochladen angegeben.',

   'The target is an existing directory.'
=> 'Die Zieldatei ist ein existierendes Verzeichnis.',

   'Please use browser "Back" button and pick a filename'
=> 'Bitte benutzen Sie "Zurück" in Ihrem Browsers und geben Sie einen Dateinamen an',

   "You do not have authoring privileges for this resource"
=> "Sie haben keine Schreibberechtigung für diese Datei",

   'Copying file'
=> 'Kopiere Datei',

   'No write permission to user directory, FAIL'
=> 'Keine Schreibberechtigung für dieses Verzeichnis, Abbruch',

=> 'Befehle',

=> 'Name',

=> 'Zustand',

   'Last Modified'
=> 'Zuletzt geändert',

=> 'Ja',

   'Construction Space Directory'
=> 'Konstructionsbereich Verzeichnis',

=> 'Kontaktieren Sie',

   'Store uploaded file as '
=> 'Speichere hochgeladene Datei unter ',

=> 'Suche',

   'Select the Construction Space'
=> 'Wählen Sie den Konstruktionsbereich',

'It is recommended that you use an up-to-date virus scanner before handling this file.'
=> 'Es wird empfohlen, einen aktualisierten Virenscanner zu benutzen.',

   'You have no unread messages'
=> 'Sie haben keine ungelesenen Nachrichten',

   'not displayed'
=> 'nicht angezeigt',

   "Open, no due date"
=> "Verfügbar, kein Fälligkeitsdatum",

   "Uncompleted Homework"
=> "Unerledigte Hausübungen",

   "Show Only Uncompleted Homework"
=> "Zeige nur unerledigte Hausübungen",

   "All homework is currently completed"
=> "Derzeit sind alle Hausübungen erledigt",

   "Go To My First Homework Problem"
=> "Gehe zu meiner ersten Hausübung",

   "Was due"
=> "War fällig",

   "Answer available"
=> "Antwort verfügbar",

   "Excused by instructor"
=> "Vom Lehrenden erlassen",

   "Answer submitted, not yet graded"
=> "Antwort eingereicht, noch nicht benotet",

   "No due date"
=> "Kein Fälligkeitsdatum",

=> 'niemals',

   'Answer submitted'
=> 'Antwort eingereicht',

=> 'Wird verarbeitet',

   'Access and Usage Statistics'
=> 'Zugangs- und Benutzungsstatistiken',

   'Evaluation Comments'
=> 'Beurteilungskommentare',

   'Evaluation Data'
=> 'Beurteilungsdaten',

#SYNC Fri Sep 26 14:41:18 2003
=> 'July',

   'Server Administration'
=> 'Server Administration',

   'System Administration'
=> 'System Administration',

=> 'aboutlon.gif',

=> 'accessbutton.gif',

=> 'userauthentication.gif',

#SYNC Fri Sep 26 16:57:10 2003
   ', and answers will be available on'
=> ', and answers will be available on',

   ', is reserved internally by LON-CAPA.'
=> ', is reserved internally by LON-CAPA.',

   ', or the next time you log in.'
=> ', or the next time you log in.',

   ', select a template from the pull-down menu below'
=> ', select a template from the pull-down menu below',

   'A score has been assigned.'
=> 'A score has been assigned.',

=> 'Abstract',

   'Access and Usage Statistics'
=> 'Access and Usage Statistics',

=> 'Actions',

   'All homework is currently completed'
=> 'All homework is currently completed',

   'An error occured while grading your answer.'
=> 'An error occured while grading your answer.',

   'Analyze Progress'
=> 'Analyze Progress',

   'Analyzing a problem'
=> 'Analyzing a problem',

   'Announcements and Calendar'
=> 'Announcements and Calendar',

=> 'Answer',

   'Answer Submitted'
=> 'Answer Submitted',

   'Answer available'
=> 'Answer available',

   'Answer submitted'
=> 'Answer submitted',

   'Answer submitted, not yet graded'
=> 'Answer submitted, not yet graded',

=> 'April',

=> 'August',

=> 'Author',

   'Back to'
=> 'Back to',

   'Back to Directory'
=> 'Back to Directory',

   'Back to Source'
=> 'Back to Source',

   'Back to Source Directory'
=> 'Back to Source Directory',

   'Became this version on ...'
=> 'Became this version on ...',

   'Browse published resources'
=> 'Browse published resources',

   'Bulletin Board'
=> 'Bulletin Board',

   'Calculate course grades (Spreadsheet)'
=> 'Calculate course grades (Spreadsheet)',

=> 'Cancel',

   'Change Your Preferences'
=> 'Change Your Preferences',

   'Changes will become active for your current session after'
=> 'Changes will become active for your current session after',

   'Choose the course to work on'
=> 'Choose the course to work on',

   'Choose the user role'
=> 'Choose the user role',

   'Class Hours'
=> 'Class Hours',

=> 'Co-Author',

   'Communication and Messages'
=> 'Communication and Messages',

   'Construction Space Directory'
=> 'Construction Space Directory',

=> 'Contact',

   'Copying file'
=> 'Copying file',

=> 'Course',

   'Course Coordinator'
=> 'Course Coordinator',

   'Course Description'
=> 'Course Description',

   'Course Statistics and Charts'
=> 'Course Statistics and Charts',

   'Course announcements and my calendar'
=> 'Course announcements and my calendar',

=> 'Coursepack',

=> 'Create',

   'Create Users, Change User Privileges'
=> 'Create Users, Change User Privileges',

   'Create a new course'
=> 'Create a new course',

   'Create a user or modify the roles and privileges of a user'
=> 'Create a user or modify the roles and privileges of a user',

   'Current Month'
=> 'Current Month',

   'Currently not available'
=> 'Currently not available',

   'Currently selected. '
=> 'Currently selected. ',

   'Customized right of use ...	'
=> 'Customized right of use ...	',

=> 'Date',

=> 'Deadlines',

=> 'December',

   'Delete messages from bulletin boards'
=> 'Delete messages from bulletin boards',

   'Discard Edits and View'
=> 'Discard Edits and View',

=> 'Discussions',

=> 'Display',

=> 'Domain',

   'Domain Coordinator'
=> 'Domain Coordinator',

   'Domain only - use limited to courses in the domain'
=> 'Domain only - use limited to courses in the domain',

=> 'Done',

   'Drop/Add students in this course'
=> 'Drop/Add students in this course',

   'Dynamic Metadata'
=> 'Dynamic Metadata',

=> 'Edit',

   'Edit and view documents included in this course'
=> 'Edit and view documents included in this course',

   'Edit/Modify DOCS'
=> 'Edit/Modify DOCS',

=> 'EditXML',

=> 'Empty',

=> 'End',

   'Enrollment Manager'
=> 'Enrollment Manager',

   'Enter grades from check-out assessment resources'
=> 'Enter grades from check-out assessment resources',

   'Enter my resource construction space'
=> 'Enter my resource construction space',

   'Enter the chatroom for the course'
=> 'Enter the chatroom for the course',

   'Evaluation Comments'
=> 'Evaluation Comments',

   'Evaluation Data'
=> 'Evaluation Data',

   'Exam Proctor'
=> 'Exam Proctor',

   'Excused by instructor'
=> 'Excused by instructor',

   'Exit LON-CAPA'
=> 'Exit LON-CAPA',

=> 'Extent',

=> 'FAIL',

   'Failed to copy source'
=> 'Failed to copy source',

   'Failed to write metadata copy'
=> 'Failed to write metadata copy',

=> 'February',

=> 'File',

   'File copied.'
=> 'File copied.',

   'Finalize Publication'
=> 'Finalize Publication',

   'Found no analyzable parts in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'
=> 'Found no analyzable parts in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.',

=> 'Frequency',

=> 'Fri',

   'Getting Problem Variants'
=> 'Getting Problem Variants',

   'Go Back'
=> 'Go Back',

   'Go To My First Homework Problem'
=> 'Go To My First Homework Problem',

=> 'Goodbye',

   'Grades Spreadsheet'
=> 'Grades Spreadsheet',

=> 'Grading',

   'Grading Information'
=> 'Grading Information',

   'Grant/revoke role of Co-Author'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Co-Author',

   'Grant/revoke role of Domain Coordinator'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Domain Coordinator',

   'Grant/revoke role of Exam Proctor'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Exam Proctor',

   'Grant/revoke role of Instructor'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Instructor',

   'Grant/revoke role of Student'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Student',

   'Grant/revoke role of Superuser'
=> 'Grant/revoke role of Superuser',

=> 'Help',

   'Helproom Hours'
=> 'Helproom Hours',

   'Illegal filename.'
=> 'Illegal filename.',

=> 'Import',

=> 'Incorrect',

=> 'Instructor',

   'Instructor Information'
=> 'Instructor Information',

   'It is recommended that you use an up-to-date virus scanner before handling this file.'
=> 'It is recommended that you use an up-to-date virus scanner before handling this file.',

=> 'January',

=> 'July',

=> 'June',

=> 'Language',

   'Last Modified'
=> 'Last Modified',

   'Launch Remote Control'
=> 'Launch Remote Control',

   'List of possible answers'
=> 'List of possible answers',

=> 'Load',

   'Log in'
=> 'Log in',

   'Main Course Documents'
=> 'Main Course Documents',

   'Main Menu'
=> 'Main Menu',

=> 'Map',

   'Map contents are not shown in order.'
=> 'Map contents are not shown in order.',

=> 'March',

=> 'May',

=> 'Mon',

=> 'Name',

   'Name starting with'
=> 'Name starting with',

   'Navigate Contents'
=> 'Navigate Contents',

   'Navigate Course Contents'
=> 'Navigate Course Contents',

   'Navigate the table of contents for this course'
=> 'Navigate the table of contents for this course',

   'New Folder'
=> 'New Folder',

   'New Messages'
=> 'New Messages',

   'New Search'
=> 'New Search',

   'New discussion since'
=> 'New discussion since',

   'Next Month'
=> 'Next Month',

   'No Role, Cumulative Privileges'
=> 'No Role, Cumulative Privileges',

   'No content modifications yet.'
=> 'No content modifications yet.',

   'No due date'
=> 'No due date',

   'No previous versions published.'
=> 'No previous versions published.',

   'No role specified'
=> 'No role specified',

   'No upload file specified.'
=> 'No upload file specified.',

   'No write permission to'
=> 'No write permission to',

   'No write permission to user directory, FAIL'
=> 'No write permission to user directory, FAIL',

   'Note: it can take up to 10 minutes for changes to take effect for all users.'
=> 'Note: it can take up to 10 minutes for changes to take effect for all users.',

=> 'Notes',

=> 'November',

=> 'October',

   'Office Hours'
=> 'Office Hours',

   'Only a number required.'
=> 'Only a number required.',

   'Open, no due date'
=> 'Open, no due date',

=> 'Page',

=> 'Part',

   'Part is not open to be viewed. It'
=> 'Part is not open to be viewed. It',

=> 'Password',

=> 'Path',

   'Please adjust significant figures.'
=> 'Please adjust significant figures.',

   'Please pick a version to retrieve'
=> 'Please pick a version to retrieve',

   'Please use browser "Back" button and pick a filename'
=> 'Please use browser "Back" button and pick a filename',

   'Prepare a printable document'
=> 'Prepare a printable document',

=> 'Prerequisites',

   'Previous Month'
=> 'Previous Month',

   'Private - visible to author only for testing purposes'
=> 'Private - visible to author only for testing purposes',

   'Private Publication - did not synchronize database'
=> 'Private Publication - did not synchronize database',

=> 'Processing',

   'Public - no authentication or authorization required for use'
=> 'Public - no authentication or authorization required for use',

=> 'Re-Initialize',

=> 'Readings',

=> 'Remark',

=> 'Rename',

   'Retrieval of an old version will overwrite the file currently in construction space'
=> 'Retrieval of an old version will overwrite the file currently in construction space',

   'Retrieve previous versions of'
=> 'Retrieve previous versions of',

   'Retrieve version'
=> 'Retrieve version',

   'Return to Last Location'
=> 'Return to Last Location',

=> 'Rule',

=> 'Sat',

=> 'Save',

   'Saving Modifications to'
=> 'Saving Modifications to',

=> 'Search',

   'Search the contents of this course'
=> 'Search the contents of this course',

   'Search the database of published resources'
=> 'Search the database of published resources',

=> 'Searching',

=> 'Section/Group',

=> 'Select',

   'Select Course'
=> 'Select Course',

   'Select User'
=> 'Select User',

   'Select a'
=> 'Select a',

   'Select the Construction Space'
=> 'Select the Construction Space',

   'Send and receive messages'
=> 'Send and receive messages',

   'Send broadcast and receipt-required email'
=> 'Send broadcast and receipt-required email',

=> 'September',

=> 'Sequence',

=> 'Server',

   'Server Administration'
=> 'Server Administration',

   'Set deadlines and other assessment parameters, as well as modify course environment'
=> 'Set deadlines and other assessment parameters, as well as modify course environment',

   'Set my user preferences'
=> 'Set my user preferences',

   'Show Only Uncompleted Homework'
=> 'Show Only Uncompleted Homework',

   'Show Problem Completeness'
=> 'Show Problem Completeness',

   'Simple Page'
=> 'Simple Page',

   'Simple Problem'
=> 'Simple Problem',

   'Some parts were not submitted.'
=> 'Some parts were not submitted.',

   'Special Documents'
=> 'Special Documents',

=> 'Start',

=> 'Status',

   'Store uploaded file as '
=> 'Store uploaded file as ',

=> 'Student',

=> 'Submit',

   'Submit Answer'
=> 'Submit Answer',

   'Submit Changes'
=> 'Submit Changes',

   'Submit Changes and View'
=> 'Submit Changes and View',

=> 'Sun',

   'Supplemental Course Documents'
=> 'Supplemental Course Documents',

   'Switch Server'
=> 'Switch Server',

   'Switch to another course'
=> 'Switch to another course',

   'Switch to another user role'
=> 'Switch to another user role',

=> 'Syllabus',

=> 'System',

   'System Administration'
=> 'System Administration',

   'System wide - can be used for any courses system wide'
=> 'System wide - can be used for any courses system wide',

   'System wide - open source to all authors'
=> 'System wide - open source to all authors',

   'Teaching Assistant'
=> 'Teaching Assistant',

=> 'Textbook',

   'The extension on this file'
=> 'The extension on this file',

   'The filetype extension of the file you uploaded is not allowed.'
=> 'The filetype extension of the file you uploaded is not allowed.',

   'The submitted answer was too long.'
=> 'The submitted answer was too long.',

   'The target is an existing directory.'
=> 'The target is an existing directory.',

=> 'Then',

   'This question expects a numeric answer.'
=> 'This question expects a numeric answer.',

   'This resource has been marked obsolete by the author(s)'
=> 'This resource has been marked obsolete by the author(s)',

=> 'Thu',

=> 'Title',

=> 'Tries',

=> 'Tue',

   'Unable to determine if this resource is open due to network problems. Please try again later.'
=> 'Unable to determine if this resource is open due to network problems. Please try again later.',

   'Unable to find'
=> 'Unable to find',

   'Unable to make backup'
=> 'Unable to make backup',

   'Unable to understand formula'
=> 'Unable to understand formula',

   'Unable to undo, unable to switch'
=> 'Unable to undo, unable to switch',

   'Unable to write to'
=> 'Unable to write to',

   'Uncompleted Homework'
=> 'Uncompleted Homework',

   'Undid changes, Switched'
=> 'Undid changes, Switched',

   'Units incorrect.'
=> 'Units incorrect.',

   'Units required'
=> 'Units required',

   'Unknown message'
=> 'Unknown message',

   'Unsupported character combination'
=> 'Unsupported character combination',

   'Upload Document'
=> 'Upload Document',

=> 'Uploaded',

   'Uploaded Document'
=> 'Uploaded Document',

   'Use or edit my bookmark collection'
=> 'Use or edit my bookmark collection',

   'User Load'
=> 'User Load',

   'User Role'
=> 'User Role',

   'User Roles'
=> 'User Roles',

=> 'Username',

   'Users with Roles Assigned by'
=> 'Users with Roles Assigned by',

   'View All Messages'
=> 'View All Messages',

   'View course assessment statistics'
=> 'View course assessment statistics',

   'View documents included in this course'
=> 'View documents included in this course',

   'View file'
=> 'View file',

   'View the course assessment progress chart'
=> 'View the course assessment progress chart',

   'Was due'
=> 'Was due',

   'Web Links'
=> 'Web Links',

=> 'Wed',

=> 'Yes',

   'You are correct.'
=> 'You are correct.',

   'You are excused from the problem.'
=> 'You are excused from the problem.',

   'You did not select a template.'
=> 'You did not select a template.',

   'You do not have authoring privileges for this resource'
=> 'You do not have authoring privileges for this resource',

   'You have entered that answer before'
=> 'You have entered that answer before',

   'You have no unread messages'
=> 'You have no unread messages',

   'You have provided an invalid ranking'
=> 'You have provided an invalid ranking',

   'Your receipt is'
=> 'Your receipt is',

   'Your submission has been recorded.'
=> 'Your submission has been recorded.',

=> 'aboutlon.gif',

=> 'accessbutton.gif',

   'an indeterminate date'
=> 'an indeterminate date',

   'an unknown date'
=> 'an unknown date',

=> 'calendar',

=> 'choose',

=> 'commu-',

=> 'contents',

   'could not be copied.'
=> 'could not be copied.',

=> 'course',

=> 'create',

=> 'ences',

=> 'enroll',

=> 'enter',

=> 'grades',

   'is closed but you are allowed to view it'
=> 'is closed but you are allowed to view it',

   'is due at'
=> 'is due at',

   'is in under construction'
=> 'is in under construction',

   'is not analyzable at this time'
=> 'is not analyzable at this time',

   'last month'
=> 'last month',

   'last problem'
=> 'last problem',

   'last six months'
=> 'last six months',

   'last three months'
=> 'last three months',

   'last week'
=> 'last week',

   'last year'
=> 'last year',

   'may open later.'
=> 'may open later.',

=> 'navigate',

=> 'never',

=> 'nication',

   'not displayed'
=> 'not displayed',

   'please refer to'
=> 'please refer to',

=> 'prefer-',

   're-initializing course'
=> 're-initializing course',

=> 'role',

   'system wide'
=> 'system wide',

=> 'today',

=> 'undo',

=> 'untitled',

=> 'userauthentication.gif',

=> 'view',

   'was due on'
=> 'was due on',

   'will open on'
=> 'will open on',

#SYNC Fri Sep 26 17:00:04 2003



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