Diff for /loncom/localize/localize/pt.pm between versions 1.72 and 1.86

version 1.72, 2014/01/09 14:21:09 version 1.86, 2022/06/11 17:44:48
Line 126  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 126  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'accessbutton.gif'     'accessbutton.gif'
 => 'accessbutton_pt.gif',  => 'accessbutton_pt.gif',
      'Deutsch - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'Deutsch - UTF',
      'English - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'English - UTF',
      'Português - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'Português - UTF',
      'español (castellano) - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'español (castellano) - UTF',
      'français - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'français - UTF',
      'türkçe - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'türkçe - UTF',
      'Русский - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'Русский - UTF',
      'עברית - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'עברית - UTF',
      '日本語 - UTF' # do not translate
   => '日本語 - UTF',
      '简体中文 - UTF' # do not translate
   => '简体中文 - UTF',
      'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'ﺍیﺭﺎﻧی - UTF',
      'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF' # do not translate
   => 'ﺎﻠﻋﺮﺒﻳﺓ - UTF',
      'Swedish Chef - UTF'
   => 'Swedish Chef - UTF',
    'Domain'     'Domain'
 => 'Domínio',  => 'Domínio',
Line 639  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 678  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    "an indeterminate date"     "an indeterminate date"
 => 'data indeterminada',  => 'data indeterminada',
    "will open on"     'will open on [_1]'
 => "irá abrir em",  => 'irá abrir em [_1]',
    "is due at"     'is due at [_1]'
 => "é devido a;",  => 'é devido a; [_1]',
    "was due on"     'was due on [_1], and answers will be available on [_1]'
 => "foi devido a;",  => 'foi devido a; [_1], e respostas estarão disponíveis em [_2]',
    'is closed but you are allowed to view it'     'is closed but you are allowed to view it'
 => "está fechado mas você tem permissão para visualizá-lo",  => "está fechado mas você tem permissão para visualizá-lo",
Line 711  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 750  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    "may open later."     "may open later."
 => 'pode abrir mais tarde.',  => 'pode abrir mais tarde.',
    ', and answers will be available on'  
 => ', e respostas estarão disponíveis em',  
    "Select a"     "Select a"
 => "Selecione um",  => "Selecione um",
Line 735  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 771  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'List of possible answers'     'List of possible answers'
 => 'Lista de respostas possíveis',  => 'Lista de respostas possíveis',
    'Found no analyzable parts in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'     'Found no analyzable responses in this problem. Currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'
 => 'Não foram encontradas partes analisáveis neste problema. Atualmente somente estilos de respostas Numéricas, Fórmulas e Cadeias de Caracteres são suportados.',  => 'Não foram encontradas respostas analisáveis neste problema. Atualmente somente estilos de respostas Numéricas, Fórmulas e Cadeias de Caracteres são suportados.',
    'is not analyzable at this time'     'is not analyzable at this time'
 => 'não é analisável neste momento',  => 'não é analisável neste momento',
Line 1725  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 1761  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Problems Not Contained In A Folder'     'Problems Not Contained In A Folder'
 => 'Problemas não estão contidos em uma pasta',  => 'Problemas não estão contidos em uma pasta',
    'Problems creating new Excel file.  This error has been logged.  Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.'     'Problems occurred in creating the new Excel file.'
 => 'Problemas criando novo arquivo do Excel.  Este erro foi armazenado em log. Por favor, alerte o administrador do LON-CAPA.',  => 'Problemas criando novo arquivo do Excel.',
    'Processing course structure'     'Processing course structure'
 => 'Processando estrutura do curso',  => 'Processando estrutura do curso',
Line 1843  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 1879  use base qw(Apache::localize);
 => 'Enviar Mensagem para Usuário(s)',  => 'Enviar Mensagem para Usuário(s)',
    'Send bubblesheet data to a course'     'Send bubblesheet data to a course'
 => 'Enviar dados bubblesheet para o curso', # 'Enviar dados de Scantron para um curso',  => 'Enviar dados bubblesheet para o curso',
    'Send internal email'     'Send internal email'
 => 'Enviar e-mail interno',  => 'Enviar e-mail interno',
Line 1875  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 1911  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Set an open date'     'Set an open date'
 => 'Configurar uma data de abertura',  => 'Configurar uma data de abertura',
    'Set opening datefor all problems in the course for. . .'     'Set opening date for all problems in the course for. . .'
 => 'Configurar data de abertura de todos os problemas do curso para  . .',  => 'Configurar data de abertura de todos os problemas do curso para  . .',
    'Set the number of tries'     'Set the number of tries'
Line 3598  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 3634  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'All Students'     'All Students'
 => 'All Students',  => 'All Students',
 # tudo Estudantes  # tudo Estudantes
    'All settings which you can change with this Helper can also be changed by going to the PARM screen and clicking on the "Set course environment" button. If you do not have experience coordinating LON-CAPA courses or if you prefer the Helper interface, please click Next ->.'  
 => 'All settings which you can change with this Helper can also be changed by going to the PARM screen and clicking on the "Set course environment" button. If you do not have experience coordinating LON-CAPA courses or if you prefer the Helper interface, please click Next ->.',  
 # tudo settings which you can Alterar with this Ajudaer can also be Alterard Por going Para the Pa.m.scReen and clicking on the "Set  environment" butParan. If you do Nãot have experience cooudineming LON-CAPA s ou if you pRefer the Ajudaer interface, please click Próximo ->.  
    'Allow limited HTML in discussion posts'     'Allow limited HTML in discussion posts'
 => 'Allow limited HTML in discussion posts',  => 'Allow limited HTML in discussion posts',
 # tudoow limited HTML in discussion posts  # tudoow limited HTML in discussion posts
Line 3997  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 4030  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem'     'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem'
 => 'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem',  => 'Found a <*response> outside of a <part> in a <part>ed problem',
 # Found a <*Response> outside de a <Parte> in a <Parte>ed problema  # Found a <*Response> outside de a <Parte> in a <Parte>ed problema
    'Found no analyzable respones in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'  
 => 'Found no analyzable respones in this problem, currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.',  
 # Found Não analyzable Respones in this problema, Correntely only Numerical, Foumula and String Response styles aRe sCiMapa/Sequënciaouted.  
    'Generate messages from a file'     'Generate messages from a file'
 => 'Generate messages from a file',  => 'Generate messages from a file',
 # GeneReme messages De a Arquivo  # GeneReme messages De a Arquivo
Line 4579  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 4609  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Set opening date for all problems in the course for ...'     'Set opening date for all problems in the course for ...'
 => 'Set opening date for all problems in the course for ...',  => 'Set opening date for all problems in the course for ...',
 # Set Abriring deme fou tudo problemas in the  fou ...  # Set Abriring deme fou tudo problemas in the  fou ...
    'Set opening date for all problems in the course for. . .'  
 => 'Set opening date for all problems in the course for. . .',  
 # Set Abriring deme fou tudo problemas in the  fou. . .  
    'Set opening date for the selected folder for ...'     'Set opening date for the selected folder for ...'
 => 'Set opening date for the selected folder for ...',  => 'Set opening date for the selected folder for ...',
 # Set Abriring deme fou the SelecionaRed Pasta fou ...  # Set Abriring deme fou the SelecionaRed Pasta fou ...
Line 4852  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 4879  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'You changed the students id but did not disable the ID change safeguard. The students id will not be changed.'     'You changed the students id but did not disable the ID change safeguard. The students id will not be changed.'
 => 'You changed the students id but did not disable the ID change safeguard. The students id will not be changed.',  => 'You changed the students id but did not disable the ID change safeguard. The students id will not be changed.',
 # You Alterard the Estudantes id but did Nãot disable the ID Alterar safeguard. The Estudantes id will Nãot be Alterard.  # You Alterard the Estudantes id but did Nãot disable the ID Alterar safeguard. The Estudantes id will Nãot be Alterard.
    'Your course is now set up. Please select the Finish Course Initialization button to re-intialize the course with your chosen settings. Remember that all of these settings can be modified in the PARMS screen, by pushing the Course Environment button.'  
 => 'Your course is now set up. Please select the Finish Course Initialization button to re-intialize the course with your chosen settings. Remember that all of these settings can be modified in the PARMS screen, by pushing the Course Environment button.',  
 # Your  is Nãow set Cima. Please Selecionar the Finish  Initializemion butParan Para Re-intialize the  with your chosen settings. Remember them tudo de these settings can be Modificado in the parâmetros scReen, Por pushing the  Environment butParan.  
    'Your request to change the role information for this student was refused. You do not appear to have sufficient authority to change student information.'     'Your request to change the role information for this student was refused. You do not appear to have sufficient authority to change student information.'
 => 'Your request to change the role information for this student was refused. You do not appear to have sufficient authority to change student information.',  => 'Your request to change the role information for this student was refused. You do not appear to have sufficient authority to change student information.',
 # Your Request Para Alterar the sua função umemion fou this Estudante was Refused. You do Nãot appear Para have sufficient authouity Para Alterar Estudante umemion.  # Your Request Para Alterar the sua função umemion fou this Estudante was Refused. You do Nãot appear Para have sufficient authouity Para Alterar Estudante umemion.
Line 5313  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 5337  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Store uploaded file as '     'Store uploaded file as '
 => 'Store uploaded file as ',  => 'Store uploaded file as ',
 # SParaue CarRegado Arquivo as  # SParaue CarRegado Arquivo as
    'Your Version Settings have been Stored'  
 => 'Your Version Settings have been Stored',  
 # Your Versão Settings have been SParaued  
 #Old key: Do NOT generate as standard course  #Old key: Do NOT generate as standard course
    'Do NOT generate as standard community'     'Do NOT generate as standard community'
Line 6744  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 6765  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Affiliation'     'Affiliation'
 => 'Affiliation',  => 'Affiliation',
    'Affliations'     'Affiliations'
 => 'Affliations',  => 'Affiliations',
    'After'     'After'
 => 'After',  => 'After',
Line 6846  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 6867  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'All sections.'     'All sections.'
 => 'All sections.',  => 'All sections.',
    'All settings which you can change with this Helper can also be changed by going to the PARM screen and clicking on the &quot;Set course environment&quot; button. If you do not have experience coordinating LON-CAPA courses or if you prefer the Helper interface, please click &quot;Next&quot;.'  
 => 'All settings which you can change with this Helper can also be changed by going to the PARM screen and clicking on the &quot;Set course environment&quot; button. If you do not have experience coordinating LON-CAPA courses or if you prefer the Helper interface, please click &quot;Next&quot;.',  
    'All types'     'All types'
 => 'All types',  => 'All types',
Line 7545  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 7563  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Available tools'     'Available tools'
 => 'Available tools',  => 'Available tools',
    'Availibility list'     'Availability list'
 => 'Availibility list',  => 'Availability list',
    'Average'     'Average'
 => 'Average',  => 'Average',
Line 7833  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 7851  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Can request creation of unofficial courses'     'Can request creation of unofficial courses'
 => 'Can request creation of unofficial courses',  => 'Can request creation of unofficial courses',
    "Can't find any valid PDF formfields."     "Can't find any valid PDF form fields."
 => "Can't find any valid PDF formfields.",  => "Can't find any valid PDF form fields.",
    'Cancel Request'     'Cancel Request'
 => 'Cancel Request',  => 'Cancel Request',
Line 8400  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 8418  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Cloneable by you'     'Cloneable by you'
 => 'Cloneable by you',  => 'Cloneable by you',
    'Cloneable for'     'Cloneable for [_1]'
 => 'Cloneable for',  => 'Cloneable for [_1]',
    'Cloning course from'     'Cloning course from'
 => 'Cloning course from',  => 'Cloning course from',
Line 9075  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9093  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Course and community creation'     'Course and community creation'
 => 'Course and community creation',  => 'Course and community creation',
    'Course anouncements and my calendar'  
 => 'Course anouncements and my calendar',  
    'Course created'     'Course created'
 => 'Course created',  => 'Course created',
Line 9201  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9216  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to "on"'     'Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to "on"'
 => 'Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to "on"',  => 'Course/Community users can create/upload PDF forms set to "on"',
    'Course/ommunity Creation'  
 => 'Course/ommunity Creation',  
    'CourseID'     'CourseID'
 => 'CourseID',  => 'CourseID',
Line 9447  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9459  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Creator'     'Creator'
 => 'Creator',  => 'Creator',
    'Critical'     'CRITICAL'
 => 'Critical',  => 'CRITICAL',
    'Critical Message'     'Critical Message'
 => 'Critical Message',  => 'Critical Message',
Line 9684  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9696  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Custom role'     'Custom role'
 => 'Custom role',  => 'Custom role',
    'Custom roles'  
 => 'Custom roles',  
    'Custom setting'     'Custom setting'
 => 'Custom setting',  => 'Custom setting',
Line 9696  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9705  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Customized right of use ...'     'Customized right of use ...'
 => 'Customized right of use ...',  => 'Customized right of use ...',
 => 'Customrole',  
    'Cut'     'Cut'
 => 'Cut',  => 'Cut',
Line 9909  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 9915  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Define or Edit Custom Role'     'Define or Edit Custom Role'
 => 'Define or Edit Custom Role',  => 'Define or Edit Custom Role',
    'Defined by [_1] at [_2].'  
 => 'Defined by [_1] at [_2].',  
    'Deg. Diff'     'Deg. Diff'
 => 'Deg. Diff',  => 'Deg. Diff',
Line 10176  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 10179  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Disk space for storage of group portfolio files for:'     'Disk space for storage of group portfolio files for:'
 => 'Disk space for storage of group portfolio files for:',  => 'Disk space for storage of group portfolio files for:',
    'Disk usage [_1] exceeds the quota for this community.'     'Disk usage exceeds the quota for this course.'
 => 'Disk usage [_1] exceeds the quota for this community.',  => 'Disk usage exceeds the quota for this course.',
      'Disk usage now exceeds the quota for this course.'
   => 'Disk usage now exceeds the quota for this course.',
      'Disk usage exceeds the quota for this community.'
   => 'Disk usage exceeds the quota for this community.',
      'Disk usage now exceeds the quota for this community.'
   => 'Disk usage now exceeds the quota for this community.',
    'Display &quot;Submit a bug&quot; link?'     'Display &quot;Submit a bug&quot; link?'
 => 'Display &quot;Submit a bug&quot; link?',  => 'Display &quot;Submit a bug&quot; link?',
Line 10422  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 10434  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    "Don't Show Any Feedback"     "Don't Show Any Feedback"
 => "Don't Show Any Feedback",  => "Don't Show Any Feedback",
    "Don't Show Incorect/Correct Feedback"     "Don't Show Incorrect/Correct Feedback"
 => "Don't Show Incorect/Correct Feedback",  => "Don't Show Incorrect/Correct Feedback",
    "Don't show option list"     "Don't show option list"
 => "Don't show option list",  => "Don't show option list",
Line 10488  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 10500  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Due date: [_1]'     'Due date: [_1]'
 => 'Due date: [_1]',  => 'Due date: [_1]',
    'Duedate'     'Due Date'
 => 'Duedate',  => 'Due Date',
    'Dump Community Documents'     'Dump Community Documents'
 => 'Dump Community Documents',  => 'Dump Community Documents',
Line 10617  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 10629  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Edit the Personal Information Page'     'Edit the Personal Information Page'
 => 'Edit the Personal Information Page',  => 'Edit the Personal Information Page',
    'Edit the meta data'  
 => 'Edit the meta data',  
    'EditXML [_1]'     'EditXML [_1]'
 => 'EditXML [_1]',  => 'EditXML [_1]',
Line 11478  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 11487  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Found [_1] without responses. This resource cannot be published.'     'Found [_1] without responses. This resource cannot be published.'
 => 'Found [_1] without responses. This resource cannot be published.',  => 'Found [_1] without responses. This resource cannot be published.',
    'Found no analyzable responses in this problem. Currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.'  
 => 'Found no analyzable responses in this problem. Currently only Numerical, Formula and String response styles are supported.',  
    'Found no correct answers for grading!'     'Found no correct answers for grading!'
 => 'Found no correct answers for grading!',  => 'Found no correct answers for grading!',
Line 13527  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 13533  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'No changes were made to the existing self-enrollment settings in this course.'     'No changes were made to the existing self-enrollment settings in this course.'
 => 'No changes were made to the existing self-enrollment settings in this course.',  => 'No changes were made to the existing self-enrollment settings in this course.',
    'No cloning for '     'No cloning for [_1]'
 => 'No cloning for ',  => 'No cloning for [_1]',
    'No communication blocks currently saved'     'No communication blocks currently saved'
 => 'No communication blocks currently saved',  => 'No communication blocks currently saved',
Line 13728  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 13734  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'No new dynamic data found.'     'No new dynamic data found.'
 => 'No new dynamic data found.',  => 'No new dynamic data found.',
    'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this [_1].'     'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this course.'
 => 'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this [_1].',  => 'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this course.',
    'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages, or broadcast messages in this [_1].'     'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this community.'
 => 'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages, or broadcast messages in this [_1].',  => 'No notes, face-to-face discussion records, critical messages or broadcast messages in this community.',
    'No notifications sent when an enrollment request needs approval, or has been approved.'     'No notifications sent when an enrollment request needs approval, or has been approved.'
 => 'No notifications sent when an enrollment request needs approval, or has been approved.',  => 'No notifications sent when an enrollment request needs approval, or has been approved.',
Line 14379  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 14385  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'PDF File'     'PDF File'
 => 'PDF File',  => 'PDF File',
    'PDF-Formfields'     'PDF Form Fields'
 => 'PDF-Formfields',  => 'PDF Form Fields',
    'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to'     'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to'
 => 'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to',  => 'Package update alerts to be e-mailed to',
Line 14647  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 14653  use base qw(Apache::localize);
 => 'Please alert a domain coordinator of this situation',  => 'Please alert a domain coordinator of this situation',
    'Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.'     'Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.'
 => 'Please alert your LON-CAPA administrator.',  => 'Por favor, alerte o administrador do LON-CAPA.',
    'Please attempt to login to one of the following servers:'     'Please attempt to login to one of the following servers:'
 => 'Please attempt to login to one of the following servers:',  => 'Please attempt to login to one of the following servers:',
Line 14820  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 14826  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Please upload an UTF8 encoded file to ensure a correct character encoding in your classlist.'     'Please upload an UTF8 encoded file to ensure a correct character encoding in your classlist.'
 => 'Please upload an UTF8 encoded file to ensure a correct character encoding in your classlist.',  => 'Please upload an UTF8 encoded file to ensure a correct character encoding in your classlist.',
    'Please use a different name for the new top level category'     'Please use a different name for the new top level category.'
 => 'Please use a different name for the new top level category',  => 'Please use a different name for the new top level category.',
    "Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate pick course window where you may select the course you wish to enter"     "Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate pick course window where you may select the course you wish to enter"
 => "Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate pick course window where you may select the course you wish to enter",  => "Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate pick course window where you may select the course you wish to enter",
Line 15141  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 15147  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Problems graded correct by the computer are marked with a [_1] symbol.'     'Problems graded correct by the computer are marked with a [_1] symbol.'
 => 'Problems graded correct by the computer are marked with a [_1] symbol.',  => 'Problems graded correct by the computer are marked with a [_1] symbol.',
    'Problems occurred in creating the new Excel file.'  
 => 'Problems occurred in creating the new Excel file.',  
    'Problems occurred in creating the output file.'     'Problems occurred in creating the output file.'
 => 'Problems occurred in creating the output file.',  => 'Problems occurred in creating the output file.',
Line 16422  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 16425  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Selected Resources from entire course'     'Selected Resources from entire course'
 => 'Selected Resources from entire course',  => 'Selected Resources from entire course',
    'Selected Resources from selected folder in course'     'Selected [_1]Resources[_2] from [_3]selected folder[_4] in course'
 => 'Selected Resources from selected folder in course',  => 'Selected [_1]Resources[_2] from [_3]selected folder[_4] in course',
    'Selected [_1]Problems[_2] from current subdirectory [_3]'     'Selected [_1]Problems[_2] from current subdirectory [_3]'
 => 'Selected [_1]Problems[_2] from current subdirectory [_3]',  => 'Selected [_1]Problems[_2] from current subdirectory [_3]',
Line 16659  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 16662  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Sending message to [_1]'     'Sending message to [_1]'
 => 'Sending message to [_1]',  => 'Sending message to [_1]',
    'Sent Messages'     'SENT MESSAGES'
 => 'Sent Messages',  => 'SENT MESSAGES',
    'Separate multiple sections with a comma.'     'Separate multiple sections with a comma.'
 => 'Separate multiple sections with a comma.',  => 'Separate multiple sections with a comma.',
Line 17493  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 17496  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'Submission in grading queue'     'Submission in grading queue'
 => 'Submission in grading queue',  => 'Submission in grading queue',
    'Submission not graded. Use fewer digits.'     'Submission not graded. Use fewer significant figures.'
 => 'Submission not graded. Use fewer digits.',  => 'Submission not graded. Use fewer significant figures.',
    'Submission not graded. Use more digits.'     'Submission not graded. Use more digits.'
 => 'Submission not graded. Use more digits.',  => 'Submission not graded. Use more digits.',
Line 18003  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 18006  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'The following users could not be modified, because an error occurred:'     'The following users could not be modified, because an error occurred:'
 => 'The following users could not be modified, because an error occurred:',  => 'The following users could not be modified, because an error occurred:',
    'The following users could not be reenabled, because an error occurred:'     'The following users could not be re-enabled, because an error occurred:'
 => 'The following users could not be reenabled, because an error occurred:',  => 'The following users could not be re-enabled, because an error occurred:',
    'The following were enrolled in the community:'     'The following were enrolled in the community:'
 => 'The following were enrolled in the community:',  => 'The following were enrolled in the community:',
Line 18092  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 18095  use base qw(Apache::localize);
    'The name of the new file needs to end with an appropriate file extension to indicate the type of file to create.'     'The name of the new file needs to end with an appropriate file extension to indicate the type of file to create.'
 => 'The name of the new file needs to end with an appropriate file extension to indicate the type of file to create.',  => 'The name of the new file needs to end with an appropriate file extension to indicate the type of file to create.',
    'The name: "communities" is a reserved category'     'The name: [_1] is a reserved category.'
 => 'The name: "communities" is a reserved category',  => 'The name: [_1] is a reserved category.',
    'The name: "instcode" is a reserved category'  
 => 'The name: "instcode" is a reserved category',  
    'The nature of the problem is unclear'     'The nature of the problem is unclear'
 => 'The nature of the problem is unclear',  => 'The nature of the problem is unclear',
Line 18533  use base qw(Apache::localize); Line 18533  use base qw(Apache::localize);
 => 'This directory is empty.',  => 'This directory is empty.',
    'This error has been logged.'     'This error has been logged.'
 => 'This error has been logged.',  => 'Este erro foi armazenado em log.',
    'This error occurred on machine [_1]'     'This error occurred on machine [_1]'
 => 'This error occurred on machine [_1]',  => 'This error occurred on machine [_1]',
Line 19530  to access the full message.', Line 19530  to access the full message.',
    'Using the portfolio file list'     'Using the portfolio file list'
 => 'Using the portfolio file list',  => 'Using the portfolio file list',
    'Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement neccessary corrections by yourself.'     'Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement necessary corrections by yourself.'
 => 'Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement neccessary corrections by yourself.',  => 'Usually this correction is valid but you probably need to check the indicated resource one more time and implement necessary corrections by yourself.',
    "Usually this means that your institution's information systems do not list you among the instructional personnel for this course."     "Usually this means that your institution's information systems do not list you among the instructional personnel for this course."
 => "Usually this means that your institution's information systems do not list you among the instructional personnel for this course.",  => "Usually this means that your institution's information systems do not list you among the instructional personnel for this course.",
Line 20094  to access the full message.', Line 20094  to access the full message.',
    'You do not have sufficient privileges to [_1]'     'You do not have sufficient privileges to [_1]'
 => 'You do not have sufficient privileges to [_1]',  => 'You do not have sufficient privileges to [_1]',
    "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future [_1] roles:"     "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future course roles:"
 => "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future [_1] roles:",  => "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future course roles:",
      "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future co-author roles:"
   => "You do not have the authority to change these fields given the user's current set of active/future co-author roles:",
    "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future [_1] roles:"     "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future course roles:"
 => "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future [_1] roles:",  => "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future course roles:",
    'You do not have the authority to modify this users authentification information'     "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future co-author roles:"
 => 'You do not have the authority to modify this users authentification information',  => "You do not have the authority to change this field given the user's current set of active/future co-author roles:",
      'You do not have the authority to modify this users authentication information.'
   => 'You do not have the authority to modify this users authentication information.',
    'You do not have the privileges required to access the shared files space for this group.'     'You do not have the privileges required to access the shared files space for this group.'
 => 'You do not have the privileges required to access the shared files space for this group.',  => 'You do not have the privileges required to access the shared files space for this group.',
Line 20121  to access the full message.', Line 20127  to access the full message.',
    'You have been successfully logged out.'     'You have been successfully logged out.'
 => 'You have been successfully logged out.',  => 'You have been successfully logged out.',
    'You have indicated that the group portfolio should be enabled, but you have set the respository quota to 0 MB.\nThis will prevent any upload of files.\nPlease set a value or disable the repository feature.'     'You have indicated that the group portfolio should be enabled, but you have set the repository quota to 0 MB.\nThis will prevent any upload of files.\nPlease set a value or disable the repository feature.'
 => 'You have indicated that the group portfolio should be enabled, but you have set the respository quota to 0 MB.\nThis will prevent any upload of files.\nPlease set a value or disable the repository feature.',  => 'You have indicated that the group portfolio should be enabled, but you have set the repository quota to 0 MB.\nThis will prevent any upload of files.\nPlease set a value or disable the repository feature.',
    'You have modified your course recently, [_1] may fix this access problem.'     'You have modified your course recently, [_1] may fix this access problem.'
 => 'You have modified your course recently, [_1] may fix this access problem.',  => 'You have modified your course recently, [_1] may fix this access problem.',
Line 20352  to access the full message.', Line 20358  to access the full message.',
    'Your community request was rejected.'     'Your community request was rejected.'
 => 'Your community request was rejected.',  => 'Your community request was rejected.',
    'Your course is now set up. Please select the Save button to re-intialize the course with your chosen settings. Remember that all of these settings can be modified in the PARMS screen (Course Configuration).'  
 => 'Your course is now set up. Please select the Save button to re-intialize the course with your chosen settings. Remember that all of these settings can be modified in the PARMS screen (Course Configuration).',  
    'Your course limit is [_1].'     'Your course limit is [_1].'
 => 'Your course limit is [_1].',  => 'Your course limit is [_1].',
Line 20664  to access the full message.', Line 20667  to access the full message.',
    '[_1]:[_2] responses to [_3] may be too long to fit Excel spreadsheet.'     '[_1]:[_2] responses to [_3] may be too long to fit Excel spreadsheet.'
 => '[_1]:[_2] responses to [_3] may be too long to fit Excel spreadsheet.',  => '[_1]:[_2] responses to [_3] may be too long to fit Excel spreadsheet.',
    '[_1]Ad hoc[_2] roles in domain [_3] --'     '[_1]Ad hoc[_2] roles in domain [_3]'
 => '[_1]Ad hoc[_2] roles in domain [_3] --',  => '[_1]Ad hoc[_2] roles in domain [_3]',
    '[_1]Change[_2] for just [_3]this community[_4] or for [_5]all your courses/communities[_6].'     '[_1]Change[_2] for just [_3]this community[_4] or for [_5]all your courses/communities[_6].'
 => '[_1]Change[_2] for just [_3]this community[_4] or for [_5]all your courses/communities[_6].',  => '[_1]Change[_2] for just [_3]this community[_4] or for [_5]all your courses/communities[_6].',
Line 20700  to access the full message.', Line 20703  to access the full message.',
    '[_1]Official course[_2] in domain: [_3]'     '[_1]Official course[_2] in domain: [_3]'
 => '[_1]Official course[_2] in domain: [_3]',  => '[_1]Official course[_2] in domain: [_3]',
    '[_1]Return[_2] to editing resource.'     '[_1]Return[_2] to resource.'
 => '[_1]Return[_2] to editing resource.',  => '[_1]Return[_2] to resource.',
    '[_1]Select Date[_2]'     '[_1]Select Date[_2]'
 => '[_1]Select Date[_2]',  => '[_1]Select Date[_2]',
Line 20715  to access the full message.', Line 20718  to access the full message.',
    '[_1]Unofficial course[_2] in domain: [_3]'     '[_1]Unofficial course[_2] in domain: [_3]'
 => '[_1]Unofficial course[_2] in domain: [_3]',  => '[_1]Unofficial course[_2] in domain: [_3]',
    '[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3] to view all [_4] LON-CAPA courses and communities.'     '[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3][_4] to view all [_5] LON-CAPA courses and communities.' # _1: <b>, _2: <a>, _3: </a>, _4: </b>, _5: domain desc.
 => '[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3] to view all [_4] LON-CAPA courses and communities.',  => '[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3][_4] to view all [_5] LON-CAPA courses and communities.',
    '[_1]W[_2]ARNING'     '[_1]W[_2]ARNING'
 => '[_1]W[_2]ARNING',  => '[_1]W[_2]ARNING',
Line 20802  to access the full message.', Line 20805  to access the full message.',
    '[quant,_1,yr]'     '[quant,_1,yr]'
 => '[quant,_1,yr]',  => '[quant,_1,yr]',
    'a comma separated list of course sections crosslisted with the current course, with each entry including the institutional course section name followed by a colon and then the (optional) sectionID to be used in LON-CAPA, e.g., fs03ent231001:ent1,fs03bot231001:bot1,fs03zol231002:zol2'     'a comma separated list of course sections crosslisted with the current course, with each entry including the institutional course section name followed by a colon and then the (optional) section ID to be used in LON-CAPA, e.g., fs03ent231001:ent1,fs03bot231001:bot1,fs03zol231002:zol2'
 => 'a comma separated list of course sections crosslisted with the current course, with each entry including the institutional course section name followed by a colon and then the (optional) sectionID to be used in LON-CAPA, e.g., fs03ent231001:ent1,fs03bot231001:bot1,fs03zol231002:zol2',  => 'a comma separated list of course sections crosslisted with the current course, with each entry including the institutional course section name followed by a colon and then the (optional) section ID to be used in LON-CAPA, e.g., fs03ent231001:ent1,fs03bot231001:bot1,fs03zol231002:zol2',
    'a comma separated list of institutional section numbers, each separated by a colon from the (optional) corresponding section ID to be used in LON-CAPA e.g., 001:1,002:2'     'a comma separated list of institutional section numbers, each separated by a colon from the (optional) corresponding section ID to be used in LON-CAPA e.g., 001:1,002:2'
 => 'a comma separated list of institutional section numbers, each separated by a colon from the (optional) corresponding section ID to be used in LON-CAPA e.g., 001:1,002:2',  => 'a comma separated list of institutional section numbers, each separated by a colon from the (optional) corresponding section ID to be used in LON-CAPA e.g., 001:1,002:2',
Line 21591  to access the full message.', Line 21594  to access the full message.',
    'will override current values'     'will override current values'
 => 'will override current values',  => 'will override current values',
    'with Formfields'     'with Form Fields'
 => 'with Formfields',  => 'with Form Fields',
    'with any status'     'with any status'
 => 'with any status',  => 'with any status',
Line 21615  to access the full message.', Line 21618  to access the full message.',
    'with ungraded submissions'     'with ungraded submissions'
 => 'with ungraded submissions',  => 'with ungraded submissions',
    'without Formfields'     'without Form Fields'
 => 'without Formfields',  => 'without Form Fields',
    'you can use an e-mail address to [_1]create an account[_2]'     'you can use an e-mail address to [_1]create an account[_2]'
 => 'you can use an e-mail address to [_1]create an account[_2]',  => 'you can use an e-mail address to [_1]create an account[_2]',

Removed from v.1.72  
changed lines
  Added in v.1.86

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