# # Implement a simple queue in terms of a list. # =pod =head1 Queue An object oriented implementation of a queue data structure. queues are first in last out data structures. =head1 Member functions: =cut package Queue; =pod =head2 new Construct a new queue. =cut sub new { my $class = shift; # Class name to bless into. my $self = []; # Our data is a reference to an anon. array. bless($self, $class); # Type this as an object. return $self; } =pod =head2 enqueue Add an element to the tail of the queue. =cut sub enqueue { my $self = shift; # Get object reference. my $item = shift; # Get the item to enqueue... push(@$self, $item); # Push the item to the back of the array. } =pod =head2 dequeue Remove an element from the front of the queue. =cut sub dequeue { my $self = shift; # Get object reference.... return shift @$self; # Remove from the front of the queue. } 1; =pod =head1 Theory The queue is implemented as an array... enqueue is a thinly disguised push, and dequeue is a thinly disguised shift. This is probably quite in efficient for large queues, but should be fine for reasonably sized queues. Note that since Perl is a dynamically typed language, queues can contain objects of any data type and can even be heterogenously typed. =cut