Document locationCVS:smete/systems.html; Scott Harrison computer
Document scope: Systems Analysis
Project supervisors Gerd Kortemeyer, Michigan State University;
and Andy Dong, UC-Berkeley
Project implementation Eric Fixler and Scott Harrison
RCS ID $Id: systems.html,v 1.1 2002/07/14 07:46:55 harris41 Exp $

Systems Analysis


I. Introduction
II. Gateway Server
III. Metanetwork #1
IV. Metanetwork #2
V. Inputs and Outputs
VI. Bibliography
VII. Appendix

I. Introduction

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

II. Gateway Server

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

III. Metanetwork #1

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

IV. Metanetwork #2

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

V. Inputs and Outputs

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

VI. Bibliography

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation

VII. Appendix

A. The Multiple Systems

B. The Integration

C. The States of Operation