File:  [LON-CAPA] / nsdl / harvestsmete /
Revision 1.1: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Thu May 8 16:37:31 2003 UTC (21 years ago) by www
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
SMETE side harvest code for LON-CAPA

    1: #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
    3: #
    4: # - Parse DLESE Metadata
    5: # This program reads a file dlese-identifiers.xml then requests each record and stores in a sub-directory called dlese
    6: #
    7: # Written by Andy Dong <> 11/01/2001
    8: #
   10: use strict;
   11: use Getopt::Std;
   12: use Time::HiRes qw(usleep ualarm gettimeofday tv_interval);
   14: use HTTP::Request;
   15: use LWP::UserAgent;
   17: use XML::Element;
   18: use XML::Parser;
   19: use XML::TreeBuilder;
   21: require OAIvocabulary_v2;
   22: require OAIcataloging_v2;
   24: # -u flag specifies [u]pdate database; otherwise output to STDOUT
   26: my $usage = << "EOT";
   27: Usage: -u
   29:     -u (U)pdate the database
   31:     Without -u it simply prints to STDOUT
   32: EOT
   34: my %args;
   35: getopts('u', \%args) || die $usage;
   37: my $inserted = 0;
   38: my $updated = 0;          
   40: my $useDatabase = 1 if ($args{'u'});
   41: my $dbh;
   43: my $t0 = [gettimeofday];
   45: # Database Configuration
   46: if ( $useDatabase ) {
   47: 	print "Updating the database\n";
   48: 	my $DBI_DSN='dbi:ODBC:mel.odbc';
   49: 	my $DBI_USER='autocataloger';
   50: 	my $DBI_PWD='regolatacotua';
   51: 	$dbh= DBI->connect($DBI_DSN, $DBI_USER, $DBI_PWD, { RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }) || die "Unable to connect to database $DBI_DSN as $DBI_USER\n";;
   52: }
   54: # First parse the dlese-identifiers.xml file to get the list of available records
   55: my $tree = XML::TreeBuilder->new();
   56: $tree->parse_file('dlese-identifiers.xml');
   57: my @identifiers = $tree->find_by_tag_name('identifier');
   59: # Now go grab them and save them to a file
   60: foreach my $identifier (@identifiers) {
   61: 	my $record = $identifier->as_text();
   63: 	my $getrecord_tree = XML::TreeBuilder->new();
   64: 	$getrecord_tree->parse_file("dlese/$record");
   66: 	my $metadata = $getrecord_tree->find_by_tag_name('metadata');
   68: 	# <general>
   69: 	my $general_element = $metadata->find_by_tag_name('general');
   70: 	my $title_element = $general_element->find_by_tag_name('title');
   71: 	my $title = $title_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
   72: 	# Note: DLESE appears to use general.extension.topic for keywords not general.keywords
   73: 	my @keywords_list = ();
   74: 	my @keywords_element = $general_element->find_by_tag_name('topic');
   75: 	foreach my $topics (@keywords_element) {
   76: 		push(@keywords_list,$topics->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text());
   77: 	}
   78: 	my $keywords = join(',',@keywords_list);
   79: 	my $description_element = $general_element->find_by_tag_name('description');
   80: 	my $description = $description_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
   81: 	my $language = $general_element->find_by_tag_name('language')->as_text();
   83: 	# <metametadata>
   84: 	my $metametadata_element = $metadata->find_by_tag_name('metametadata');
   85: 	my $catalog_entry_element = $metametadata_element->find_by_tag_name('accession')->as_text();
   86: 	my ($pub_year,$pub_month,$pub_day) = ( $catalog_entry_element =~ /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})$/ );
   88: 	# <technical>
   89: 	my $technical_element = $metadata->find_by_tag_name('technical');
   90: 	my $location = $technical_element->find_by_tag_name('location')->as_text;
   91: 	my $format_element = $technical_element->find_by_tag_name('format');
   92: 	my $format = $format_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text;
   93: 	if ( $format eq 'text/html' ) {
   94: 		$format = 65;	# text/html
   95: 	} else {
   96: 		$format = 0;	# unknown
   97: 	}
   98: 	my $platform = "5";	# HTML Browser (not specified but construed from metadata)
  100: 	# <lifecycle>
  101: 	my $lifecycle_element=$metadata->find_by_tag_name('lifecycle');
  102: 	my $version= $lifecycle_element->find_by_tag_name('version');
  103: 	my $version_string = $version->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
  104: 	my @contributor_element = $lifecycle_element->find_by_tag_name('contribute');
  106: 	my @author_reg_key = ();
  107: 	my @contact_reg_key = ();
  108: 	my @publisher_reg_key = ();
  109: 	my @other_reg_key = ();
  110: 	my $reg_key;
  111: 	foreach my $contributor_item (@contributor_element) {
  112: 		my $role_element = $contributor_item->find_by_tag_name('role');
  113: 		my $role = $role_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
  114: 		my $role_id;
  115: 		if ( $role eq "Author" ) {
  116: 			$role_id = 8;
  117: 		} elsif ( $role eq "Publisher" ) {
  118: 			$role_id = 9;
  119: 		} elsif ( $role eq "Contact" ) {
  120: 			$role_id = 11;
  121: 		} else {
  122: 			$role_id = 4;
  123: 		}
  124: 		my $centity = $contributor_item->find_by_tag_name('centity');
  125: 		my $role_extension = $centity->find_by_tag_name('extension');
  126: 		my $person_first_name = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('firstname')->as_text();
  127: 		my $person_last_name = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('lastname')->as_text();
  128: 		my $person_middle_name = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('mi')->as_text();
  129: 		my $person_title = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('nametitle')->as_text();
  130: 		my $person_company = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('org')->as_text();
  131: 		my $entity_email_address = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('email')->as_text();
  132: 		my $entity_address = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('adr')->as_text();
  133: 		my $entity_city = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('city')->as_text();
  134: 		my $entity_state = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('state')->as_text();
  135: 		my $entity_postal_code = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('zip')->as_text();
  136: 		my $entity_home_page_url = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('url')->as_text();
  137: 		my $entity_phone = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('tel')->as_text();
  138: 		my $entity_fax = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('fax')->as_text();
  139: 		my $entity_country = $role_extension->find_by_tag_name('country')->as_text();
  141: 		# if there is no $person_first_name, then this is an organization
  142: 		my $object_type;
  143: 		if ( not $person_first_name ) {
  144: 			$object_type = 'organization';
  145: 		} else {
  146: 			$object_type = 'person';
  147: 		}
  148: 		if ( $useDatabase ) {
  149: 			# DLESE
  150: 			my $collection_reg_key = '{CA001C50-77CA-43DC-A761-95207D386EDD}';
  151: 			# Andy Dong
  152: 			my $submitter_key = '{710FE693-46E9-4002-BA94-1BE2E6218CD6}'; # Andy Dong
  153: 			# Does this entity exist
  154: 			if ( $object_type eq 'organization' ) {
  155: 				if ( ! ($reg_key = OAIc_orgexists($dbh,$person_company)) ) {
  156: 					my $success = OAIc_insert_org($dbh,$collection_reg_key,$submitter_key,$entity_email_address,$person_company,$entity_address,$entity_city,$entity_state,$entity_postal_code,$entity_home_page_url,$entity_phone,$entity_fax,$entity_country);
  157: 		                	$reg_key = OAIc_orgexists($dbh,$person_company);
  158: 					printf("Inserted new organization %s\n", $reg_key);
  159: 				}
  160: 			} else {
  161: 				if ( ! ($reg_key = OAIc_personexists($dbh,$entity_email_address)) ) {
  162: 					my $success = OAIc_insert_person_full($dbh,$collection_reg_key,$submitter_key,$person_last_name,$person_first_name,$entity_email_address,$person_company,$person_middle_name,$person_title,$entity_address,$entity_city,$entity_state,$entity_postal_code,$entity_home_page_url,$entity_phone,$entity_fax,$entity_country);
  163: 			                $reg_key = OAIc_personexists($dbh,$entity_email_address);
  164: 					printf("Inserted new person %s\n", $reg_key);
  165: 				}
  166: 			} 
  167: 			# Push author, contact and publisher id into array for insert/update into the database
  168: 			if ( $role_id == 8 ) {
  169: 				push(@author_reg_key,$reg_key);
  170: 			} elsif ( $role_id == 9 ) {
  171: 				push(@publisher_reg_key,$reg_key);
  172: 			} elsif ( $role_id == 11 ) {
  173: 				push(@contact_reg_key,$reg_key);
  174: 			} else {
  175: 				push(@other_reg_key,$reg_key);
  176: 			}
  177: 		} else {
  178: 		printf("Author/Publisher/Contact Information (%d): %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $role_id, $person_first_name, $person_last_name, $person_middle_name, $person_title, $person_company, $entity_email_address, $entity_address, $entity_city, $entity_state, $entity_postal_code, $entity_home_page_url, $entity_phone, $entity_fax, $entity_country);
  179: 		printf("This is a(n) %s.\n", $object_type);
  180: 		}
  181: 	}
  183: 	# <educational>
  184: 	my $educational_element = $metadata->find_by_tag_name('educational');
  185: 	my @learning_context_element = $educational_element->find_by_tag_name('learningcontext');
  186: 	my @learning_context_list = ();
  187: 	foreach my $learning_context_item (@learning_context_element) {
  188: 		push(@learning_context_list,OAIv_findLContext($learning_context_item->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text()));
  189: 	}
  190: 	my $learning_context;
  191: 	if (@learning_context_list) {
  192: 		$learning_context = join(';',@learning_context_list);
  193: 	}
  194: 	my @intendedenduserrole_element = $educational_element->find_by_tag_name('intendedenduserrole');
  195: 	my $intendedenduserrole_id = 0;
  196: 	foreach my $intendedenduserrole_item (@intendedenduserrole_element) {
  197: 		my $intendedenduserrole = $intendedenduserrole_item->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
  198: 		if ($intendedenduserrole eq 'Learner') {
  199: 			$intendedenduserrole_id = 2;
  200: 		} elsif ($intendedenduserrole eq 'Teacher') {
  201: 			$intendedenduserrole_id = 1;
  202: 		}
  203: 	}
  205: 	# <rights>
  206: 	my $rights_element = $metadata->find_by_tag_name('rights');
  207: 	my $cost_element = $rights_element->find_by_tag_name('cost');
  208: 	my $cost = $cost_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
  209: 	# This is version.purchase_license_type_id
  210: 	if ( $cost eq 'No') {
  211: 		$cost= 1;
  212: 	} else {
  213: 		$cost = 3;
  214: 	}
  215: 	my $rights_description_element = $rights_element->find_by_tag_name('description');
  216: 	my $rights_description = $rights_description_element->find_by_tag_name('langstring')->as_text();
  218: 	if ( $useDatabase ) {
  219: 		# General configuration information for DLESE
  220: 		my $image = "";
  221: 		my $submitter_key = '{710FE693-46E9-4002-BA94-1BE2E6218CD6}'; # Andy Dong
  222: 		my $collection = 'Digital Library for Earth System Education';
  223: 		my $collection_reg_key = '{CA001C50-77CA-43DC-A761-95207D386EDD}';
  224: 		my $publisher = 'Digital Library for Earth System Education';
  225: 		push(@publisher_reg_key,'{CA001C50-77CA-43DC-A761-95207D386EDD}');
  226:         	if ( my $general_key = OAIc_loexists($dbh,$title) ) {
  227: #		my $success = OAIc_update_lo_dlese($dbh, $general_key, $title, $language, $description, $image, $pub_month, $pub_year, $keywords, $submitter_key, $publisher, $collection, $format, $platform, $location, $learning_context, $intendedenduserrole_id, $collection_reg_key, $rights_description, $cost);
  228: 		my $success = OAIc_update_lo_dlese($dbh, $general_key, $learning_context, $intendedenduserrole_id, $rights_description, $cost);
  229:                 $updated = $updated + 1;
  230: 		} else { 
  231: 		printf("Inserting new record for %s\n",$title);
  232: 		my $success = OAIc_insert_lo_dlese($dbh, $title, $language, $description, $image, $pub_month, $pub_year, $keywords, $submitter_key, $publisher, $collection, $format, $platform, $location, $learning_context, $intendedenduserrole_id, $collection_reg_key, $rights_description, $cost);
  233: 		my $id = OAIc_loexists($dbh,$title);
  234: 		# INSERT INTO [needs_3_1]..learning_object_contributor
  235: 		# Add author contribution (ct_key=8)                  
  236: 			foreach my $author (@author_reg_key) { 
  237: 			printf("Adding author contribution for %s\n", $author);
  238: 			my $rc = $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO learning_object_contributor (learning_object_id, entity_id, role_id) VALUES (?,?,8)}, undef, $id,$author);
  239: 			}
  240: 		# Add publisher contribution (ct_key=9)
  241: 			foreach my $publisher_id (@publisher_reg_key) {
  242: 			printf("Adding publisher contribution for %s\n", $publisher_id);
  243: 			my $rc = $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO learning_object_contributor (learning_object_id, entity_id, role_id) VALUES (?,?,9)}, undef, $id,$publisher_id);
  244: 			}
  245: 		# Add contact contribution (ct_key=11)
  246: 			foreach my $contact (@contact_reg_key) {
  247: 			printf("Adding contact contribution for %s\n", $contact);
  248: 			my $rc = $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO learning_object_contributor (learning_object_id, entity_id, role_id) VALUES (?,?,11)}, undef, $id, $contact);
  249: 			}
  250: 		# Add other contribution (ct_key=4)
  251: 			foreach my $other (@other_reg_key) {
  252: 			printf("Adding other contribution for %s\n", $other);
  253: 			my $rc = $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO learning_object_contributor (learning_object_id, entity_id, role_id) VALUES (?,?,4)}, undef, $id, $other);
  254: 			}
  255: 		# Add collection contribution (ct_key=12)
  256: 			my $rc = $dbh->do(q{INSERT INTO learning_object_contributor (learning_object_id, entity_id, role_id) VALUES (?,?,12)}, undef, $id, $collection_reg_key);
  257: 			if (!$rc) {
  258: 			$dbh->rollback;
  259: 			$dbh->disconnect;
  260: 			die "Unable to insert new record into learning_object_contributor: $dbh->errstr\n";
  261: 		}
  262:                 $inserted = $inserted + 1;
  263: 		}
  264: 		$dbh->commit;
  265: 		$getrecord_tree->delete;
  266: 	} else {
  267: 	# Print parsed data
  268: 	printf("Title: %s\tKeywords: %s\tDescription: %s\n", $title,$keywords,$description);
  269: 	printf("Publication %d-%d\n", $pub_month, $pub_year);
  270: 	printf("Format: %s\tPlatform: %s\tLocation: %s\n", $format, $platform, $location);
  271: 	printf("Learning Context: %s\tIntended End User Role: %d\n", $learning_context,$intendedenduserrole_id);
  272: 	printf("Cost: %s\tCopyright: %s\n", $cost, substr($rights_description,0,1024));
  273: 	$getrecord_tree->delete;
  274: 	}
  276: }
  278: $tree->delete;
  280: if ( $useDatabase ) {               
  281: 	$dbh->disconnect();
  282: }
  284: printf("Inserted %d records and Updated %d records in %f seconds.\n", $inserted, $updated, tv_interval($t0));
  286: exit 0;

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