# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # Page Handler # # $Id: lonpage.pm,v 1.32 2002/03/06 15:00:55 matthew Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # # (TeX Content Handler # # YEAR=2000 # 05/29/00,05/30 Gerd Kortemeyer) # 08/30,08/31,09/06,09/14,09/15,09/16,09/19,09/20,09/21,09/23, # 10/02,10/10,10/14,10/16,10/18,10/19,10/31,11/6,11/14,11/16, # YEAR=2001 # 08/13/01,08/30,10/1 Gerd Kortemeyer # 12/16 Scott Harrison # ### package Apache::lonpage; use strict; use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); use Apache::lonnet(); use Apache::loncommon(); use Apache::lonxml(); use HTML::TokeParser; use GDBM_File; # -------------------------------------------------------------- Module Globals my %hash; my @rows; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Euclid gcd sub euclid { my ($e,$f)=@_; my $a; my $b; my $r; if ($e>$f) { $b=$e; $r=$f; } else { $r=$e; $b=$f; } while ($r!=0) { $a=$b; $b=$r; $r=$a%$b; } return $b; } # ------------------------------------------------------------ Build page table sub tracetable { my ($sofar,$rid,$beenhere)=@_; my $further=$sofar; unless ($beenhere=~/\&$rid\&/) { $beenhere.=$rid.'&'; if (defined($hash{'is_map_'.$rid})) { if ((defined($hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}})) && (defined($hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}))) { my $frid=$hash{'map_finish_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}; $sofar= &tracetable($sofar,$hash{'map_start_'.$hash{'src_'.$rid}}, '&'.$frid.'&'); $sofar++; if ($hash{'src_'.$frid}) { my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$frid}); if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { $rows[$sofar].='&'.$frid; } else { $rows[$sofar]=$frid; } } } } } else { $sofar++; if ($hash{'src_'.$rid}) { my $brepriv=&Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$rid}); if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { if (defined($rows[$sofar])) { $rows[$sofar].='&'.$rid; } else { $rows[$sofar]=$rid; } } } } if (defined($hash{'to_'.$rid})) { my $mincond=1; my $next=''; foreach (split(/\,/,$hash{'to_'.$rid})) { my $thiscond= &Apache::lonnet::directcondval($hash{'condid_'.$hash{'undercond_'.$_}}); if ($thiscond>=$mincond) { if ($next) { $next.=','.$_.':'.$thiscond; } else { $next=$_.':'.$thiscond; } if ($thiscond>$mincond) { $mincond=$thiscond; } } } foreach (split(/\,/,$next)) { my ($linkid,$condval)=split(/\:/,$_); if ($condval>=$mincond) { my $now=&tracetable($sofar,$hash{'goesto_'.$linkid},$beenhere); if ($now>$further) { $further=$now; } } } } } return $further; } # ================================================================ Main Handler sub handler { my $r=shift; # ------------------------------------------- Set document type for header only if ($r->header_only) { if ($ENV{'browser.mathml'}) { $r->content_type('text/xml'); } else { $r->content_type('text/html'); } $r->send_http_header; return OK; } my $requrl=$r->uri; # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tie db file if ($ENV{'request.course.fn'}) { my $fn=$ENV{'request.course.fn'}; if (-e "$fn.db") { if (tie(%hash,'GDBM_File',"$fn.db",&GDBM_READER,0640)) { # ------------------------------------------------------------------- Hash tied my $firstres=$hash{'map_start_'.$requrl}; my $lastres=$hash{'map_finish_'.$requrl}; if (($firstres) && ($lastres)) { # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Render page @rows=(); &tracetable(0,$firstres,'&'.$lastres.'&'); if ($hash{'src_'.$lastres}) { my $brepriv= &Apache::lonnet::allowed('bre',$hash{'src_'.$lastres}); if (($brepriv eq '2') || ($brepriv eq 'F')) { $rows[$#rows+1]=''.$lastres; } } # ------------------------------------------------------------ Add to symb list my $i; my %symbhash=(); for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { if ($rows[$i]) { my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); foreach (@colcont) { $symbhash{$hash{'src_'.$_}}=''; } } } &Apache::lonnet::symblist($requrl,%symbhash); # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Page parms my $j; my $lcm=1; my $contents=0; my $nforms=0; my %ssibody=(); my %ssibgcolor=(); my %ssitext=(); my %ssilink=(); my %ssivlink=(); my %ssialink=(); my %metalink=(); my %cellemb=(); my $allscript=''; my $allmeta=''; my $isxml=0; my $xmlheader=''; my $xmlbody=''; # --------------------------------------------- Get SSI output, post parameters for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { if ($rows[$i]) { $contents++; my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); $lcm*=($#colcont+1)/euclid($lcm,($#colcont+1)); foreach (@colcont) { my $src=$hash{'src_'.$_}; $src=~/\.(\w+)$/; $metalink{$_}=$src.'.meta'; $cellemb{$_}=Apache::loncommon::fileembstyle($1); if ($cellemb{$_} eq 'ssi') { # --------------------------------------------------------- This is an SSI cell my $prefix=$_.'_'; my %posthash=('request.prefix' => $prefix); if (($ENV{'form.'.$prefix.'submit'}) || ($ENV{'form.all_submit'})) { foreach (keys %ENV) { if ($_=~/^form.$prefix/) { my $name=$_; $name=~s/^form.$prefix//; $posthash{$name}=$ENV{$_}; } } } my $output=Apache::lonnet::ssi($src,%posthash); my $parser=HTML::TokeParser->new(\$output); my $token; my $thisdir=$src; my $bodydef=0; my $thisxml=0; my @rlinks=(); if ($output=~/\?xml/) { $isxml=1; $thisxml=1; $output=~ /((?:\<(?:\?xml|\!DOC|html)[^\>]*(?:\>|\>\]\>)\s*)+)\]*\>/si; $xmlheader=$1; } while ($token=$parser->get_token) { if ($token->[0] eq 'S') { if ($token->[1] eq 'a') { if ($token->[2]->{'href'}) { $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]= $token->[2]->{'href'}; } } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'img') { $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]= $token->[2]->{'src'}; } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'embed') { $rlinks[$#rlinks+1]= $token->[2]->{'src'}; } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'base') { $thisdir=$token->[2]->{'href'}; } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'body') { $bodydef=1; $ssibgcolor{$_}=$token->[2]->{'bgcolor'}; $ssitext{$_}=$token->[2]->{'text'}; $ssilink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'link'}; $ssivlink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'vlink'}; $ssialink{$_}=$token->[2]->{'alink'}; if ($thisxml) { $xmlbody=$token->[4]; } } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'meta') { if ($token->[4] !~ m:/>$:) { $allmeta.="\n".$token->[4].''; } else { $allmeta.="\n".$token->[4]; } } elsif (($token->[1] eq 'script') && ($bodydef==0)) { $allscript.="\n\n" .$parser->get_text('/script'); } } } if ($output=~/\]*\>(.*)/si) { $output=$1; } $output=~s/\<\/body\>.*//si; if ($output=~/\
]*\>//gsi; $output=~s/\<\/form[^\>]*\>//gsi; $output=~ s/\<((?:input|select|button|textarea)[^\>]+)name\s*\=\s*[\'\"]*([\w\.\:]+)[\'\"]*([^\>]*)\>/\<$1 name="$prefix$2" $3\>/gsi; } $thisdir=~s/\/[^\/]*$//; foreach (@rlinks) { unless (($_=~/^http:\/\//i) || ($_=~/^\//) || ($_=~/^javascript:/i) || ($_=~/^mailto:/i) || ($_=~/^\#/)) { my $newlocation= &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation($thisdir,$_); $output=~s/(\"|\'|\=\s*)$_(\"|\'|\s|\>)/$1$newlocation$2/; } } # -------------------------------------------------- Deal with Applet codebases $output=~s/(\]+)(codebase\=[^\S\>]+)*([^\>]*)\>/$1.($2?$2:' codebase="'.$thisdir.'"').$3.'>'/gei; $ssibody{$_}=$output; # ---------------------------------------------------------------- End SSI cell } } } } unless ($contents) { $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->send_http_header; $r->print('Empty page.'); } else { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Build page # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Send headers if ($isxml) { $r->content_type('text/xml'); $r->send_http_header; $r->print($xmlheader); } else { $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->send_http_header; $r->print(''); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Head $r->print("\n\n".$allmeta); $allscript=~ s/\/\/ BEGIN LON\-CAPA Internal.+\/\/ END LON\-CAPA Internal\s//gs; if ($allscript) { $r->print("\n\n"); } $r->print(&Apache::lonxml::registerurl(1,undef)); $r->print("\n\n"); # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start body if ($isxml) { $r->print($xmlbody); } else { $r->print( ''); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Start form if ($nforms) { $r->print(''); } # ----------------------------------------------------------------- Start table $r->print(''); for ($i=0;$i<=$#rows;$i++) { if ($rows[$i]) { $r->print("\n"); my @colcont=split(/\&/,$rows[$i]); my $avespan=$lcm/($#colcont+1); for ($j=0;$j<=$#colcont;$j++) { my $rid=$colcont[$j]; my $metainfo=''. ''. ''; if ( ($hash{'src_'.$rid}=~/\.(problem|exam|quiz|assess|survey|form)$/) && (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'}))) { my ($mapid,$resid)=split(/\./,$rid); my $symb= &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'map_id_'.$mapid}). '___'.$resid.'___'. &Apache::lonnet::declutter($hash{'src_'.$rid}); $metainfo.= ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''. ''; } $metainfo.='

'; $r->print(''); } $r->print(''); } } $r->print("\n
print(' bgcolor="'. $ssibgcolor{$rid}.'"'); } $r->print('>'.$metainfo.'print(' text="'.$ssitext{$rid}.'"'); } if ($ssilink{$rid}) { $r->print(' link="'.$ssilink{$rid}.'"'); } if ($ssitext{$rid}) { $r->print(' vlink="'.$ssivlink{$rid}.'"'); } if ($ssialink{$rid}) { $r->print(' alink="'.$ssialink{$rid}.'"'); } $r->print('>'.$ssibody{$rid}.''); } elsif ($cellemb{$rid} eq 'img') { $r->print('>'.$metainfo.''); } elsif ($cellemb{$rid} eq 'emb') { $r->print('>'.$metainfo.''); } $r->print('
"); # ---------------------------------------------------------------- Submit, etc. if ($nforms) { $r->print( ''); } $r->print(''.&Apache::lonxml::xmlend()); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- End page } # ------------------------------------------------------------- End render page } else { $r->content_type('text/html'); $r->send_http_header; $r->print('Page undefined.'); } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ Untie hash unless (untie(%hash)) { &Apache::lonnet::logthis("WARNING: ". "Could not untie coursemap $fn (browse)."); } # -------------------------------------------------------------------- All done return OK; # ----------------------------------------------- Errors, hash could no be tied } } } $ENV{'user.error.msg'}="$requrl:bre:0:0:Course not initialized"; return HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::lonpage - Page Handler =head1 SYNOPSIS Invoked by /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf: SetHandler perl-script PerlHandler Apache::lonpage =head1 INTRODUCTION This module renders a .page resource. This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project described at http://www.lon-capa.org. =head1 HANDLER SUBROUTINE This routine is called by Apache and mod_perl. =over 4 =item * set document type for header only =item * tie db file =item * render page =item * add to symb list =item * page parms =item * Get SSI output, post parameters =item * SSI cell rendering =item * Deal with Applet codebases =item * Build page =item * send headers =item * start body =item * start form =item * start table =item * submit element, etc, render page, untie hash =back =head1 OTHER SUBROUTINES =over 4 =item * euclid() : Euclid's method for determining the greatest common denominator. =item * tracetable() : Build page table. =back =cut