/* ==================================================================== */ #ifndef CAPA_CGI_H #define CAPA_CGI_H #ifdef CAPA_ARG #undef CAPA_ARG #define CAPA_ARG(x) x #endif /* #ifdef __STDC__ #define CAPA_ARG(x) x #else #define CAPA_ARG(x) () #endif */ #ifdef _MAIN_PROGRAM_ #define GLOBAL_VAR(xx) xx #else #define GLOBAL_VAR(xx) extern xx #endif #define MAX_ENTRIES 10000 /* maximal number of entries in a web page form */ #define DEFAULT_STATUS_LINE_LENGTH 50 #define MAX_PROBLEM_CNT 1024 #define MAX_ANSWER_CHAR 32 #define MAX_CLASS_CHAR 16 /* officially, it is 8, since the account name won't allow */ /* more than 8 characters. */ /* ----------------------------- various mode used in print_quizz() */ #define TRY_SET_MODE 1 #define CHECK_ANSWER_MODE 2 #define VIEW_PREVIOUS_MODE 3 #define TEXT_BUF_SIZE 1 /*(128*1024)*/ #define STATUS_BUF_SIZE 100 /*(32*1024)*/ typedef struct _form_entry { char *name; char *val; } FormEntry_t; typedef struct _student_answer { int a_idx; char *a_str; struct _student_answer *a_next; } StudentAnswer_t; #define M_CHECKIN 1 #define M_TRYSET 2 #define M_CHECKANS 3 #define M_VIEWPREV 4 #define M_VIEWSUMM 5 #define M_EXAMSUMM 6 #define M_QUIZSUMM 7 #define M_TERMSCORE 8 #define LF 10 #define CR 13 /* --------- default parameter values when something mis-specified in capa.config -------- */ #define DEFAULT_HW_W 0.3 #define DEFAULT_QZ_W 0.07 #define DEFAULT_EX_W 0.3 #define DEFAULT_FE_W 0.35 #define DEFAULT_PC_W 0.3 #define DEFAULT_HW_COUNT 12 #define DEFAULT_QZ_COUNT 24 #define DEFAULT_FE_NUMBER 4 /* ============ function prototype in capaCgiUtils.c ===================== */ void getword CAPA_ARG((char *word, char *line, char stop)); char *makeword CAPA_ARG((char *line, char stop)); char *fmakeword CAPA_ARG((FILE *f, char stop, int *cl)); char x2c CAPA_ARG((char *what)); void unescape_url CAPA_ARG((char *url)); void plustospace CAPA_ARG((char *str)); int rind CAPA_ARG((char *s, char c)); int getline CAPA_ARG((char *s, int n, FILE *f)); void send_fd CAPA_ARG((FILE *f, FILE *fd)); int ind CAPA_ARG((char *s, char c)); void escape_shell_cmd CAPA_ARG((char *cmd)); int web_log CAPA_ARG((char *log_str)); /* void file_log CAPA_ARG((char *filename, char *log_str)); */ int w_log_timing CAPA_ARG((char *student_number,int set,int section,char *log_string)); int w_log_attempt CAPA_ARG((char *student_number,int set,char *log_string)); int w_log_submissions CAPA_ARG((char *student_number,int set,char *log_string)); int w_get_input CAPA_ARG(()); void print_mainmenu CAPA_ARG((char *class,char *sn, int pin)); void print_page_header CAPA_ARG((int mode,int num_quest)); void print_quizz CAPA_ARG((char *class_dir, char *c_owner,char *class,char *sn,int pin,int set,int mode)); void print_response CAPA_ARG((char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); void print_inhibited_response CAPA_ARG((char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); void check_user_ans CAPA_ARG((int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); void check_inhibited_user_ans CAPA_ARG((int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); void get_response CAPA_ARG((char pcr,char u_db,int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); void log_user_ans CAPA_ARG((int q_idx,Problem_t *p)); int check_class_get_maxset CAPA_ARG((char *dir_path)); int check_exam_quiz_path CAPA_ARG(()); void print_summary CAPA_ARG((char *class_dir,char *class, char *student_number,int pin,int set)); void print_termscore_page CAPA_ARG((char *class_dir,char *class, char *student_number,int pin,int set,FILE *out)); int get_termscore_params CAPA_ARG((float *hw,float *qw,float *ew,float *fw,float *pw,int *hc,int *qc,int *fs)); int web_getclassdir CAPA_ARG((char **cpath_p, char **cown_p, char *class)); char *c_getpath CAPA_ARG((FILE *f)); void append_qtext CAPA_ARG((char *new_str)); void append_stext CAPA_ARG((char *new_str)); void process_mode CAPA_ARG((int mode)); void process_summary CAPA_ARG((int mode)); void web_printheader CAPA_ARG((FILE*)); void web_printfooter CAPA_ARG((FILE*)); void preserve_last_answer CAPA_ARG((int q_idx,int print)); /* ======================================================================= */ GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_question_txt); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_qchar_cnt); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_qsize); GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_status_txt); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_schar_cnt); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_ssize); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_run_mode); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_start_question); #define ALL_QUESTIONS -1 GLOBAL_VAR(int g_num_questions_per_page); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_inhibit_response); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_prog_name[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_class_fullpath[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); GLOBAL_VAR(FormEntry_t g_entries[MAX_ENTRIES] ); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_student_number[MAX_STUDENT_NUMBER+4]); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_student_name[MAX_NAME_CHAR+1]); GLOBAL_VAR(T_student g_student_data); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_class_name[MAX_CLASS_CHAR]); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_class_fullpath[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_cpath); GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_cowner); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_entered_pin); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_login_set); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_set); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_vset); GLOBAL_VAR(StudentAnswer_t *g_stu_ans_pp[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(StudentAnswer_t *g_last_ans_pp[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); /*GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_student_answer[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_last_answer[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]);*/ GLOBAL_VAR(char g_new_answerdb[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_log_string[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_modified[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_passdue); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_tried[MAX_PROBLEM_CNT]); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_smode); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_skind); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_cwd[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); #ifdef __alpha GLOBAL_VAR(struct timespec g_ats); GLOBAL_VAR(struct timespec g_bts); #endif GLOBAL_VAR(FILE *g_cgi); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_exam_set); GLOBAL_VAR(int g_quiz_set); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_exam_path[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); GLOBAL_VAR(char g_quiz_path[FILE_NAME_LENGTH]); GLOBAL_VAR(char *g_cgibin_path); /* ======================================================================= */ #endif /* CAPA_CGI_H */ 500 Internal Server Error

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator at root@localhost to inform them of the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.

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