* determing source build procedure for
  + gd library
  + GD perl module
  + GD Barcode perl module

at things for a bit, I've decided to go with the newer,
more powerful GD-Barcode perl module as opposed to 
the Barcode-Code128 perl module.

These are the installation instructions and sample
png images in case you are interested. These instructions
work for the RedHat-6.2/LON-CAPA development distribution.

wget http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd-1.8.4.tar.gz
tar xzvf gd-1.8.4.tar.gz
wget http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/GD/GD-1.33.tar.gz
tar xzvf GD-1.33.tar.gz
cd GD-1.33
cp patch_gd.pl ../gd-1.8.4
cd ../gd-1.8.4
perl patch_gd.pl
make check
(as root)
make install
cd ../GD-1.33
perl Makefile.PL
Build JPEG support? [y] n
Build FreeType support? [y] n
Build XPM support? [y] n
make test
(as root)
make install
wget http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-module/GD/GD-Barcode-1.13.tar.gz
tar xzvf GD-Barcode-1.13.tar.gz
cd GD-Barcode-1.13
perl Makefile.PL
make test
(as root)
make install

I am going to now calculate the installed files, ownerships, and
permissions, and make part of the LON-CAPA installation
