LON-CAPA Apple Share Connectivity Documentation

Scott Harrison

Last updated: 10/26/2000


This file describes issues associated with accessing a LON-CAPA machine through apple shares. This allows Macintosh-type machines to mount portions of the LON-CAPA machine as file space (useful for an instructor).

Latest HOWTO

These are the details for a prim and proper
installation of Appleshares on LON-CAPA machines.
(This also highlights the configuration commands, etc
that must be gone through to set up a LON-CAPA
machine.. another GREAT reason to have a solid interface
to start with).

There do not need to be any installation/update/reconfiguration
interface parameters for this (other than perhaps "provide
Appleshare's/do not provide Appleshare's).

Appletalk on redhat linux 6.2, Sept 14, 2000, Scott Harrison
1. Download netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3-8.i386.rpm
2. rpm -Uvh netatalk-1.4b2+asun2.1.3-8.i386.rpm
3. pay attention to this message
netatalk                    ##################################################
warning: The DDP services appear to be present in /etc/services.
warning: Please check them against services.atalk in the documentation.
4. ddp services exist fine in /etc/services
5. will rely on atalkd's automatic probing to discover appletalk
   interfaces and bind to them (automatically configures atalkd.conf)
6. run this command so that socket interfaces are provided
   /sbin/insmod appletalk
7. edit /etc/atalk/config to disallow papd services (no printing)
   and set ATALK_BGROUND to no since there is a bug
   in /etc/rc.d/init.d/atalk
   also set ATALK_NAME, but it can't have spaces it seems...
   currently, ATALK_NAME will be the LON-CAPA "internal" id
   (msul1, 103l1, msul2, etc
8. add "alias net-pf-5 appletalk" to conf.modules
9. run "depmod -a"
9. make sure /etc/hosts.allow will allow for appletalk service connections
   (ALL: ALL, or preferably; afpd: ALL)
10. run /etc/rc.d/init.d/atalk start