LON-CAPA Homework System


<script> Functions

A list of functions that have been written that are available in the Safe space scripting environment inside a problem.

Detailed descriptions of each function and comparison with CAPA.

CAPA Functions LON-CAPA Descriptions Differences (if any)
sin(x), cos(x), tan(x) &sin($x), &cos($x), &tan($x) Trigonometric functions where x is in radians. $x can be a pure number, i.e., you can call &sin(3.1415)  
asin(x), acos(x), atan(x), atan2(y,x) &asin($x), &acos($x), &atan($x), &atan2($y,$x) Inverse trigonometric functions. Return value is in radians. For asin and acos the value of x must be between -1 and 1. The atan2 returns a value between -pi and pi the sign of which is determined by y. $x and $y can be pure numbers  
log(x), log10(x) &log($x), &log10($x) Natural and base-10 logarithm. $x can be a pure number  
exp(x), pow(x,y), sqrt(x) &exp($x), &pow($x,$y), &sqrt($x) Exponential, power and square root, i.e.,ex, xy and /x. $x and $y can be pure numbers  
abs(x), sgn(x) &abs($x), &sgn($x) Abs takes the absolute value of x while sgn(x) returns 1, 0 or -1 depending on the value of x. For x>0, sgn(x) = 1, for x=0, sgn(x) = 0 and for x<0, sgn(x) = -1. $x can be a pure number  
erf(x), erfc(x) &erf($x), &erfc($x) Error function.  erf = 2/sqrt(pi) integral (0,x) et-sq and erfx(x) = 1.0 - erf(x).  $x can be a pure number  
ceil(x), floor(x) &ceil($x), &floor($x) Ceil function returns an integer rounded up whereas floor function returns and integer rounded down. If x is an integer than it returns the value of the integer. $x can be a pure number  
min(...), max(...) &min(...), &max(...) Returns the minimum/ maximum value of a list of arguments if the arguments are numbers. If the arguments are strings then it returns a string sorted according to the ASCII codes  
factorial(n) &factorial($n) Argument (n) must be an integer else it will round down. The largest value for n is 170. $n can be a pure number  
N%M $N%$M N and M are integers and returns the remainder (in integer) of N/M. $N and $M can be pure numbers  
sinh(x), cosh(x), tanh(x) &sinh($x), &cosh($x), &tanh($x) Hyperbolic functions. $x can be a pure number  
asinh(x), acosh(x), atanh(x) &asinh($x), &acosh($x), &atanh($x) Inverse hyperbolic functions. $x can be a pure number  
/DIS($x,"nn") &format($x,"nn") Display or format $x as nn where nn is nF or nE and n is an integer.  The difference is obvious.
Not in CAPA &prettyprint($x,"nn") Display or format $x as nn where nn is nF or nE and n is an integer. In E mode it will attempt to generate a pretty x10^3 rather than a E3 following the number  
roundto(x,n) &roundto($x,$n) Rounds a real number to n decimal points. $x and $n can be pure numbers  
web("a","b","c") or web(a,b,c) &web("a","b","c") or &web($a,$b,$c) Returns either a, b or c depending on the output medium. a is for plain ASCII, b for tex output and c for html output  
html("a") or html(a) &html("a") or &html($a) Output only if the output mode chosen is in html format  
jn(m,x) &j0($x), &j1($x), &jn($m,$x), &jv($y,$x) Bessel functions of the first kind with orders 0, 1 and m respectively. For jn(m,x), m must be an integer whereas for jv(y,x), y is real. $x can be a pure number. $m must be an integer and can be a pure integer number. $y can be a pure real number In CAPA, j0, j1 and jn are contained in one function, jn(m,x) where m takes the value of 0, 1 or 2. jv(y,x) is new to LON-CAPA.
yn(m,x) &y0($x), &y1($x), &yn($m,$x), &yv($y,$x) Bessel functions of the second kind with orders 0, 1 and m respectively. For yn(m,x), m must be an integer whereas for yv(y,x), y is real. $x can be a pure number. $m must be an integer and can be a pure integer number. $y can be a pure real number In CAPA, y0, y1 and yn are contained in one function, yn(m,x) where m takes the value of 0, 1 or 2. yv(y,x) is new to LON-CAPA.
random(l,u,d) &random($l,$u,$d) Returns a uniformly distributed random number between the lower bound, l and upper bound, u in steps of d. $l, $u and $d can be pure numbers In CAPA, all the 3 arguments must be of the same type. However, now you can mix the type
choose(i,...) &choose($i,...) Choose the ith item from the argument list. i must be an integer greater than 0 and the value of i should not exceed the number of items. $i can be a pure integer  
/MAP(seed;w,x,y,z;a,b,c,d) Option 1 - &map($seed,[\$w,\$x,\$y,\$z],[$a,$b,$c,$d]) or
Option 2 - &map($seed,\@mappedArray,[$a,$b,$c,$d])
Option 3 - @mappedArray = &map($seed,[$a,$b,$c,$d])
Option 4 - ($w,$x,$y,$z) = &map($seed,\@a)
where $a='A'
$w, $x, $y, and $z are variables
Assigns to the variables $w, $x, $y and $z the values of the $a, $b, $c and $c (A, B, C and D). The precise value for $w .. depends on the seed. (Option 1 of calling map). In option 2, the values of $a, $b .. are mapped into the array, @mappedArray. The two options illustrate the different grouping. Options 3 and 4 give a consistent way (with other functions) of mapping the items. For each option, the group can be passed as an array, for example, [$a,$b,$c,$d] => \@a. In CAPA, the arguments are divided into three groups separated by a semicolon ;. In LON-CAPA, the separation is done by using [] brackets or using an array @a. Note the backslash (\) before the arguments in the second and third groups.
rmap(seed;a,b,c,d;w,x,y,z) Option 1 - &rmap($seed,[\$w,\$x,\$y,\$z],[$a,$b,$c,$d]) or
Option 2 - &rmap($seed,\@rmappedArray,[$a,$b,$c,$d])
Option 3 - @rmapped_array = &rmap($seed,[$a,$b,$c,$d])
Option 4 - ($w,$x,$y,$z) = &rmap($seed,\@a)
where $a='A'
$w, $x, $y, and $z are variables
The rmap functions does the reverse action of map if the same seed is used in calling map and rmap. In CAPA, the arguments are divided into three groups separated by a semicolon ;. In LON-CAPA, the separation is done by using [] brackets (with create an unamed vector reference) or using an array @a. Note the backslash (\) before the arguments in the second and third groups (Which cause Perl to send to variable locations rather than the variable values, similar to a C pointer).
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA $a=&xmlparse($string) Runs the internal parser over the argument parsing for display. Warning This will result in different strings in different targets. Don't use the results of this function as an answer. New to LON-CAPA
tex(a,b), tex("a","b") &tex($a,$b), &tex("a","b") Returns a if the output mode is in tex otherwise returns b  
var_in_tex(a) &var_in_tex($a) Equivalent to tex("a","")  
to_string(x), to_string(x,y) &to_string($x), &to_string($x,$y) If x is an integer, returns a string. If x is real than the output is a string with format given by y. For example, if x = 12.3456, &to_string(x,".3F") = 12.345 and &to_string(x,".3E") = 1.234E+01.  
capa_id(), class(), section(), set(), problem() &class(), &section() Returns null string, class descriptive name, section number, set number and null string. capa_id(), set() and problem() are no longer used. Currently, they return a null value.
name(), student_number() &name(), &student_number() Return the full name in the following format: lastname, firstname initial. Student_number returns the student 9-alphanumeric string. If undefined, the functions return null.  
open_date(), due_date(), answer_date() &open_date(), &due_date(), &answer_date() Problem open date, due date and answer date. The time is also included in 24-hr format. Output format for time is changed slightly. If pass noon, it displays ..pm else it displays ..am. So 23:59 is displayed as 11:59 pm.
get_seed(), set_seed() Not implemented Get and set the random seed.  
sub_string(a,b,c) &sub_string($a,$b,$c)
perl  substr function. However, note the differences
Retrieve a portion of string a starting from b and length c. For example,  $a = "Welcome to LON-CAPA"; $result=&sub_string($a,4,4); then $result is "come" Perl intrinsic function, substr(string,b,c) starts counting from 0 (as opposed to 1). In the example to the left, substr($a,4,4) returns "ome ".
array[xx] @arrayname
Array is intrinsic in perl. To access a specific element use $arrayname[$n] where $n is the $n+1 element since the array count starts from 0
"xx" can be a variable or a calculation. In LON-CAPA, an array is defined by @arrayname. It is not necessary to specify the dimension of the array. 
array_moments(B,A) @B=&array_moments(@A) Evaluates the moments of an array A and place the result in array B[i] where i = 0 to 4. The contents of B are as follows: B[0] = number of elements, B[1] = mean, B[2] = variance, B[3] = skewness and B[4] = kurtosis. In CAPA, the moments are passed as an array in the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA, the array containing the moments are set equal to the function.
array_max(Name), array_min(Name) &min(@Name), &max(@Name) In LON-CAPA to find the maximum value of an array, use &max(@arrayname)  and to find the minimum value of an array, use &min(@arrayname) Combined with the min and max functions defined earlier.
init_array(Name) undef @name To destroy the contents of an array, use Use perl intrinsic undef function.
random_normal (return_array,item_cnt,seed,av,std_dev) @return_array=&random_normal ($item_cnt,$seed,$av,$std_dev) Generate $item_cnt deviates of normal distribution of average $av and standard deviation $std_dev. The distribution is generated from seed $seed In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_beta (return_array,item_cnt,seed,aa,bb) @return_array=&random_beta ($item_cnt,$seed,$aa,$bb)
NOTE: Both $aa and $bb MUST be greater than 1.0E-37.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of beta distribution. The density of beta is: X^($aa-1) *(1-X)^($bb-1) /B($aa,$bb) for 0<X<1. In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_gamma (return_array,item_cnt,seed,a,r) @return_array=&random_gamma ($item_cnt,$seed,$a,$r)
NOTE: Both $a and $r MUST be positive.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of gamma distribution. The density of gamma is: ($a**$r)/gamma($r) * X**($r-1) * exp(-$a*X). In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_exponential (return_array,item_cnt,seed,av) @return_array=&random_exponential ($item_cnt,$seed,$av)
NOTE: $av MUST be non-negative.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of exponential distribution. In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_poisson (return_array,item_cnt,seed,mu) @return_array=&random_poisson ($item_cnt,$seed,$mu)
NOTE: $mu MUST be non-negative.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of poisson distribution. In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_chi (return_array,item_cnt,seed,df) @return_array=&random_chi ($item_cnt,$seed,$df)
NOTE: $df MUST be positive.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of chi_square distribution with $df degrees of freedom. In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
random_noncentral_chi (return_array,item_cnt,seed,df,nonc) @return_array=&random_noncentral_chi ($item_cnt,$seed,$df,$nonc)
NOTE: $df MUST be at least 1 and $nonc MUST be non-negative.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of noncentral_chi_square distribution with $df degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter $nonc. In CAPA the results are passed as the first argument whereas in LON-CAPA the results are set equal to the function.
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_f ($item_cnt,$seed,$dfn,$dfd)
NOTE: Both $dfn and $dfd MUST be positive.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of F (variance ratio) distribution with degrees of freedom $dfn (numerator) and $dfd (denominator). New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_noncentral_f ($item_cnt,$seed,$dfn,$dfd,$nonc)
NOTE: $dfn must be at least 1, $dfd MUST be positive, and $nonc must be non-negative.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of noncentral F (variance ratio) distribution with degrees of freedom $dfn (numerator) and $dfd (denominator). $nonc is the noncentrality parameter. New to LON-CAPA
NOT DOCUMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_multivariate_normal ($item_cnt,$seed,\@mean,\@covar)
NOTE: @mean should be of length p array of real numbers. @covar should be a length p array of references to length p arrays of real numbers (i.e. a p by p matrix.
Generate $item_cnt deviates of multivariate_normal distribution with mean vector @mean and variance-covariance matrix. Note the backslash before the @mean and @covar arrays.
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_multinomial ($item_cnt,$seed,@p)
NOTE: $item_cnt is rounded with int() and the result must be non-negative. The number of elements in @p must be at least 2.
Returns single observation from multinomial distribution with $item_cnt events classified into as many categories as the length of @p. The probability of an event being classified into category i is given by ith element of @p. The observation is an array with length equal to @p, so when called in a scalar context it returns the length of @p. The sum of the elements of the obervation is equal to $item_cnt. New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_permutation ($item_cnt,@array) Returns @array randomly permuted. New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_uniform ($item_cnt,$seed,$low,$high)
NOTE: $low must be less than or equal to $high.
Generate $item_cnt deviates from a uniform distribution. New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_uniform_integer ($item_cnt,$seed,$low,$high)
NOTE: $low and $high are both passed through int(). $low must be less than or equal to $high.
Generate $item_cnt deviates from a uniform distribution in integers. New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_binomial ($item_cnt,$seed,$nt,$p)
NOTE: $nt is rounded using int() and the result must be non-negative. $p must be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
Generate $item_cnt deviates from the binomial distribution with $nt trials and the probabilty of an event in each trial is $p. New to LON-CAPA
NOT IMPLEMENTED IN CAPA @return_array=&random_negative_binomial ($item_cnt,$seed,$ne,$p)
NOTE: $ne is rounded using int() and the result must be positive. $p must be between 0 and 1 exclusive.
Generate an array of $item_cnt outcomes generated from negative binomial distribution with $ne events and the probabilty of an event in each trial is $p. New to LON-CAPA

<script> Variables

Form internals

Form elements used for homework editing/response

the form is named lonhomework

Viewing a problem (either CSTR or RES space)

Editing a problem (Edit mode)

tagdepth referes to the current value of the xmlparsers tagdepth couter ($Apache::lonxml::currentdepth)

Note: the file edit.pm has many helper functions for creating the standard elements for editing a tag and it's attributes, all of those functions follow these conventions

Guy Albertelli
Last modified: Fri Jul 12 18:59:29 EDT 2002