#!/usr/bin/perl # The Learning Online Network with CAPA # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # # lchtmldir - LONC-CAPA setuid script to: # o If necessary, add a public_html directory # to the specified user home directory. # o Set the permissions according to the authentication type. # # Motivations: # Originally, account creation would create a public_html # directory for unix authorized people only. It is possible to have # Kerberos, internal and locally authorized 'users' which may be authors # and hence need a properly owned an protected public_html directory # to serve as their construction space. # # Author: # Ron Fox # NSCL # Michigan State University8 # East Lansing, MI 48824-1321 # General flow of control: # 1. Validate process state (must be run as www). # 2. Validate parameters: Need two parameters: # o Homedir - Home diretory of user # o Username - Name of the user. # o AuthMode - Authentication mode, can be: # - unix # - internal # - krb4 # - localauth # 3. Untaint the usename and home directory # # 4. As root if necessary, create $Homedir/public_html # 5. Set ownership/permissions according to authentication mode (AuthMode) # - unix - ~owner:www/2775 # - krb4 - ~owner:www/2775 # - internal - www:www/2775 # - local - www:www/2775 # # # Take a few precautions to be sure that we're not vulnerable to trojan # horses and other fine issues: # use strict; $ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/httpd/perl'; delete @ENV{qw{IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV}}; my $DEBUG = 0; # .nonzero -> Debug printing enabled. # If the UID of the running process is not www exit with error. if ($DEBUG) { print("Checking uid...\n"); } my $wwwid = getpwnam('www'); &DisableRoot; if($wwwid != $>) { if ($DEBUG) { print("User ID incorrect. This program must be run as user 'www'\n"); } exit 1; # Exit with error status. } # There must be three 'command line' parameters. The first # is the home directory of the user. # The second is the name of the user. This is only referenced # in code branches dealing with unix mode authentication. # The last is the authentication mode which must be one of unix, internal # krb4 or localauth. # If there is an error in the argument count or countents, we exit with an # error. if ($DEBUG) { print("Checking parameters: \n"); } if(@ARGV != 3) { if($DEBUG) { print("Error: lchtmldir need 3 parameters \n"); } exit 2; } my ($dir,$username,$authentication) = @ARGV; if($DEBUG) { print ("Directory = $dir \n"); print ("User = $username \n"); print ("Authmode = $authentication \n"); } if( $authentication ne "unix:" && $authentication ne "internal:" && $authentication !~ /^krb(4|5):(.*)/ && $authentication ne "localauth:") { if($DEBUG) { print("Invalid authentication parameter: ".$authentication."\n"); print("Should be one of: unix, internal, krb4, localauth\n"); } exit 3; } # Untaint the username. my $match = $username =~ /^(\w+)$/; my $patt = $1; if($DEBUG) { print("Username word match flag = ".$match."\n"); print("Match value = ".$patt."\n"); } my $safeuser = $patt; if($DEBUG) { print("Save username = $safeuser \n"); } if(($username ne $safeuser) or ($safeuser!~/^[A-za-z]/)) { if($DEBUG) { print("User name $username had illegal characters\n"); } exit 4; } #untaint the base directory require that the dir contain only # alphas, / numbers or underscores, and end in /$safeuser $dir =~ /(^([\w\/]+))/; my $dirtry1 = $1; $dir =~ /$\/$safeuser/; my $dirtry2 = $1; if(($dirtry1 ne $dir) or ($dirtry2 ne $dir)) { if ($DEBUG) { print("Directory $dir is not a valid home for $safeuser\n"); } exit 5; } # As root, create the directory. my $fulldir = $dirtry1."/public_html"; if($DEBUG) { print("Full directory path is: $fulldir \n"); } if(!( -e $dirtry1)) { if($DEBUG) { print("User's home directory $dirtry1 does not exist\n"); } if ($authentication eq "unix:") { exit 6; } } &EnableRoot; &System("/bin/mkdir -p $fulldir") unless (-e $fulldir); unless(-e $fulldir."/index.html") { open OUT,">".$fulldir."/index.html"; print OUT< $safeuser

$safeuser Construction Space

The LearningOnline Network with Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach

This is your construction space within LON-CAPA, where you would construct resources which are meant to be used across courses and institutions.

Material within this area can only be seen and edited by $safeuser and designated co-authors. To make it available to students and other instructors, the material needs to be published.

END close OUT; } &System("/bin/chmod 02775 $fulldir"); &System("/bin/chmod 0775 $fulldir"."/index.html"); # Based on the authentiation mode, set the ownership of the directory. if($authentication eq "unix:") { # Unix mode authentication... &System("/bin/chown -R $safeuser".":".$safeuser." ".$fulldir); &JoinGroup($safeuser); } else { # Internal, Kerberos, and Local authentication are for users # who do not have unix accounts on the system. Therefore we # will give ownership of their public_html directories to www:www &System("/bin/chown -R www:www ".$fulldir); } &DisableRoot; exit 0; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Local utility procedures. # These include: # EnableRoot - Start running as root. # DisableRoot- Stop running as root. # JoinGroup - Join www to the specified group. # Turn on as root: sub EnableRoot { if ($wwwid==$>) { ($<,$>)=($>,$<); ($(,$))=($),$(); } else { # root capability is already enabled } if($DEBUG) { print("Enable Root - id = $> $<\n"); } return $>; } sub DisableRoot { if ($wwwid==$<) { ($<,$>)=($>,$<); ($(,$))=($),$(); } else { # root capability is already disabled } if($DEBUG) { print("Disable root: id = ".$>."\n"); } } sub JoinGroup { my $usergroup = shift; my $groups = `/usr/bin/groups www`; # untaint my ($safegroups)=($groups=~/:\s+([\s\w]+)/); $groups=$safegroups; chomp $groups; $groups=~s/^\S+\s+\:\s+//; my @grouplist=split(/\s+/,$groups); my @ugrouplist=grep {!/www|$usergroup/} @grouplist; my $gl=join(',',(@ugrouplist,$usergroup)); if (&System('/usr/sbin/usermod','-G',$gl,'www')) { if($DEBUG) { print "Error. Could not make www a member of the group ". "\"$usergroup\".\n"; } exit 6; } } sub System { my ($command,@args) = @_; if($DEBUG) { print("system: $command with args ".join(' ',@args)."\n"); } system($command,@args); }