# # LON-CAPA helpers for cgi-bin scripts # # $Id: loncgi.pm,v 1.16 2018/07/04 16:58:26 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # ############################################# ############################################# =pod =head1 NAME loncgi =head1 SYNOPSIS Provides subroutines for checking a LON-CAPA cookie, loading the user's environment, and retrieving arguments passed in via a CGI's Query String. =head1 Subroutines =over 4 =cut ############################################# ############################################# package LONCAPA::loncgi; use strict; use warnings FATAL=>'all'; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; use CGI qw(:standard); use CGI::Cookie(); use MIME::Types(); use Fcntl qw(:flock); use LONCAPA; use LONCAPA::Configuration(); use GDBM_File; use Apache::lonlocal; my $lonidsdir; BEGIN { my $perlvar=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf'); delete $perlvar->{'lonReceipt'}; $lonidsdir = $perlvar->{'lonIDsDir'}; } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =item check_cookie_and_load_env() Inputs: 1 ( optional). When called from a handler in mod_perl, pass in the request object. Returns: 1 if the user has a LON-CAPA cookie, 0 if not. Side effect: Loads the user's environment into the %env hash if the cookie is correct. =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub check_cookie_and_load_env { my ($r) = @_; my ($hascookie,$handle) = &check_cookie($r); if (($hascookie) && ($handle)) { &transfer_profile_to_env($handle); } return $hascookie; } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =item check_cookie() Inputs: none Array context: Returns: (1,$handle) if the user has a LON-CAPA cookie; (0) if user does not have a LON-CAPA cookie. Scalar context: Returns: 1 if the user has a LON-CAPA cookie and 0 if not. =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub check_cookie { my ($r) = @_; my %cookies; if (ref($r)) { %cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch($r); } else { %cookies = CGI::Cookie->fetch(); } if (keys(%cookies)) { my $name = 'lonID'; my $secure = 'lonSID'; my $linkname = 'lonLinkID'; my $pubname = 'lonPubID'; my $lonid; if (exists($cookies{$secure})) { $lonid=$cookies{$secure}; } elsif (exists($cookies{$name})) { $lonid=$cookies{$name}; } elsif (exists($cookies{$linkname})) { $lonid=$cookies{$linkname}; } elsif (exists($cookies{$pubname})) { $lonid=$cookies{$pubname}; } if ($lonid) { my $handle=&LONCAPA::clean_handle($lonid->value); if ($handle) { if (-l "$lonidsdir/$handle.id") { my $link = readlink("$lonidsdir/$handle.id"); if ((-e $link) && ($link =~ m{^\Q$lonidsdir\E/(.+)\.id$})) { $handle = $1; } } if (-e "$lonidsdir/".$handle.".id") { # valid cookie found if (wantarray) { return (1,$handle); } else { return 1; } } } } } # No valid cookie found if (wantarray) { return (0); } else { return 0; } } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =item transfer_profile_to_env() Load the users environment into the %env hash. Inputs: $handle, the name of the users LON-CAPA cookie. Returns: undef =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub transfer_profile_to_env { my ($handle)=@_; if (tie(my %disk_env,'GDBM_File',"$lonidsdir/$handle.id",&GDBM_READER(), 0640)) { %Apache::lonnet::env = %disk_env; untie(%disk_env); } $Apache::lonnet::env{'user.environment'} = "$lonidsdir/$handle.id"; return undef; } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =item missing_cookie_msg() Inputs: none Returns: HTML for a page indicating cookie information absent. =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub missing_cookie_msg { my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash ( cook => 'Bad Cookie', your => 'Your cookie information is incorrect.', ); return < $lt{'cook'} $lt{'your'} END } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =cgi_getitems() Inputs: $query - the CGI query string (required) $getitems - reference to a hash (required) $possname - permitted names of keys (optional) Returns: nothing Side Effects: populates $getitems hash ref with key => value where each key is the name of the form item in the query string and value is an array of corresponding values. =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub cgi_getitems { my ($query,$getitems,$possnames)= @_; foreach (split(/&/,$query)) { my ($name, $value) = split(/=/,$_); $name = &unescape($name); if (ref($possnames) eq 'ARRAY') { next unless (grep(/^\Q$name\E$/,@{$possnames})); } $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C",hex($1))/eg; push(@{$$getitems{$name}},$value); } return; } ############################################# ############################################# =pod =cgi_header() Inputs: $contenttype - Content Type (e.g., text/html or text/plain) $nocache - Boolean 1 = nocache Returns: HTTP Response headers constructed using CGI.pm =cut ############################################# ############################################# sub cgi_header { my ($contenttype,$nocache) = @_; my $mimetypes = MIME::Types->new; my %headers; if ($contenttype ne '') { if ($mimetypes->type($contenttype) ne '') { $headers{'-type'} = $contenttype; if ($contenttype =~ m{^text/}) { $headers{'-charset'} = 'utf-8'; } } } if ($nocache) { $headers{'-expires'} = 'now'; } if (%headers) { return CGI::header(%headers); } return; } =pod =back =cut 1; __END__