# $Id: imagechoice.pm,v 1.11 2006/05/30 12:45:37 www Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/cgi-bin/plot.gif # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # package Apache::imagechoice; use strict; use Apache::Constants qw(:common :http); use Apache::lonnet; use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/'; use LONCAPA; sub deletedata { my ($id)=@_; &Apache::lonnet::delenv("imagechoice\\.$id\\.coords"); } sub closewindow { my ($r,$output,$filename,$needimage,$display)=@_; if ($needimage) { $needimage=""; } my $js=<<"ENDSUBM"; ENDSUBM my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Close Window',$js, {'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF', 'only_body' => 1, 'add_entries' => { onload => 'submitthis();'},}); my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page(); my $js=<<"ENDSUBM"; $start_page

Position Selected

$display $needimage $end_page ENDSUBM } sub storedata { my ($r,$type,$filename,$id)=@_; my (undef,@coords)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); my ($output,$needimage); if ($env{"imagechoice.$id.formwidth"}) { $output.='opener.document.forms.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}.'.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formwidth"}.'.value=document.pickimg.width;'; $needimage=1; } if ($env{"imagechoice.$id.formheight"}) { $output.='opener.document.forms.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}.'.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formheight"}.'.value=document.pickimg.height;'; $needimage=1; } my $display; if ($type eq 'point') { my (undef,$x,$y)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); if ($env{"imagechoice.$id.formx"}) { $output.='opener.document.forms.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}.'.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formx"}.'.value='.$x.';'; $display.="

The X coordinate is $x

\n"; } if ($env{"imagechoice.$id.formy"}) { $output.='opener.document.forms.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}.'.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formy"}.'.value='.$y.';'; $display.="

The Y coordinate is $y

\n"; } } elsif ($type eq 'polygon' or $type eq 'box') { my $coordstr; while (@coords) { $coordstr.='('.shift(@coords).','.shift(@coords).')-'; } chop($coordstr); $display.="

The selected coordinates are $coordstr

\n"; $output.='opener.document.forms.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}.'.'.$env{"imagechoice.$id.formcoord"}.'.value="'.$coordstr.'";'; } if ($display) { $display.="

If this window fails to close you may need to manually replace the old coordinates with the above value.

\n"; } &deletedata($id); &closewindow($r,$output,$filename,$needimage,$display); } sub getcoord { my ($r,$type,$filename,$id)=@_; my $heading='Select Position on Image'; my $nextstage=''; if ($type eq 'box') { my (undef,@coords)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); my $step=scalar(@coords)/2; if ($step == 0) { $heading='Select First Coordinate on Image'; #$nextstage=''; } elsif ($step == 1) { $heading='Select Second Coordinate on Image'; #$nextstage=''; } else { $heading='Select Finish to store selection.'; $nextstage=''; } } elsif ($type eq 'polygon') { $heading='Enter Coordinate or click finish to close Polygon'; $nextstage=''; } elsif ($type eq 'point') { $heading='Click to select a Coordinate or click Finish to store current selection.'; $nextstage=''; } my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Get Coordinates',undef, {'bgcolor' => '#FFFFFF', 'only_body' => 1,}); my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page(); $r->print(<<"END"); $start_page


$end_page END } sub savecoord { my ($id,$type)=@_; if (defined($env{"form.image.x"}) && defined($env{"form.image.y"})) { my $data; if ($type eq 'point') { $data=join(':',(undef,$env{"form.image.x"},$env{"form.image.y"})); } else { $data=join(':',($env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}, $env{"form.image.x"},$env{"form.image.y"})); } &Apache::lonnet::appenv("imagechoice.$id.coords"=>$data); } return int(scalar(split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}))/2); } sub add_obj { my ($x,$id,$type,$args,$extra)=@_; $$x{"cgi.$id.OBJTYPE"}.=$type.':'; my $i=$$x{"cgi.$id.OBJCOUNT"}++; $$x{"cgi.$id.OBJ$i"}=$args; if (defined($extra)) { $$x{"cgi.$id.OBJEXTRA$i"}=$extra; } } sub drawX { my ($data,$imid,$x,$y)=@_; my $length = 6; my $width = 1; my $extrawidth = 2; &add_obj($data,$imid,'LINE', join(':',(($x-$length),($y-$length),($x+$length),($y+$length), "FFFFFF",($width+$extrawidth)))); &add_obj($data,$imid,'LINE', join(':',(($x-$length),($y+$length),($x+$length),($y-$length), "FFFFFF",($width+$extrawidth)))); &add_obj($data,$imid,'LINE', join(':',(($x-$length),($y-$length),($x+$length),($y+$length), "FF0000",($width)))); &add_obj($data,$imid,'LINE', join(':',(($x-$length),($y+$length),($x+$length),($y-$length), "FF0000",($width)))); } sub drawPolygon { my ($data,$id,$imid)=@_; my (undef,@coords)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); my $coordstr; while (@coords) { $coordstr.='('.shift(@coords).','.shift(@coords).')-'; } chop($coordstr); my $width = 1; my $extrawidth = 2; &add_obj($data,$imid,'POLYGON', join(':',("FFFFFF",($width+$extrawidth)),'1'),$coordstr); &add_obj($data,$imid,'POLYGON', join(':',("00FF00",($width)),'1'),$coordstr); } sub drawBox { my ($data,$id,$imid)=@_; my (undef,@coords)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); if (scalar(@coords) < 4) { return ''; } my $width = 1; my $extrawidth = 2; &add_obj($data,$imid,'RECTANGLE', join(':',(@coords,"FFFFFF",($width+$extrawidth)))); &add_obj($data,$imid,'RECTANGLE',join(':',(@coords,"00FF00",$width))); } sub drawimage { my ($r,$type,$filename,$id)=@_; my $imid=&Apache::loncommon::get_cgi_id(); my (undef,@coords)=split(':',$env{"imagechoice.$id.coords"}); if (scalar(@coords) < 2) { return &Apache::lonnet::hreflocation('',$filename); } my %data; $data{"cgi.$imid.BGIMG"}=$filename; my $x=$coords[-2]; my $y=$coords[-1]; &drawX(\%data,$imid,$x,$y); if ($type eq "polygon") { &drawPolygon(\%data,$id,$imid); } if ($type eq "box") { &drawBox(\%data,$id,$imid); } &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%data); return "/adm/randomlabel.png?token=$imid" } sub handler { my ($r)=@_; &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); $r->send_http_header; my %data; my (undef,$id) = split(/=/,$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}); my $filename = &unescape($env{"imagechoice.$id.file"}); my $formname = $env{"imagechoice.$id.formname"}; if ($env{'form.cancel'} eq 'Cancel') { &deletedata($id); &closewindow($r,'',$filename); return OK; } my $type=$env{"imagechoice.$id.type"}; if (defined($env{'form.type'})) { $type=$env{'form.type'}; } my $numcoords=&savecoord($id,$type); my $imurl=&drawimage($r,$type,$filename,$id); if (($env{'form.finish'} eq 'Finish')) { &storedata($r,$type,$imurl,$id); } else { &getcoord($r,$type,$imurl,$id); } return OK; } 1; __END__