# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA - LON-CAPA # Parsed tree node # # Copyright (C) 2014 Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ## # Parsed tree node. ENode.toMathML(hcolors) contains the code for the transformation into MathML. ## package Apache::math_parser::ENode; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Switch 'Perl6'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::CalcException'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Operator'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::ParseException'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QMatrix'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Quantity'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QVector'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QInterval'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QIntervalUnion'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::QSet'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Units'; use enum qw(UNKNOWN NAME NUMBER OPERATOR FUNCTION VECTOR INTERVAL SET SUBSCRIPT); use enum qw(NOT_AN_INTERVAL OPEN_OPEN OPEN_CLOSED CLOSED_OPEN CLOSED_CLOSED); ## # @param {integer} type - UNKNOWN | NAME | NUMBER | OPERATOR | FUNCTION | VECTOR | INTERVAL | SET | SUBSCRIPT # @param {Operator} op - The operator # @param {string} value - Node value as a string, undef for type VECTOR # @param {ENode[]} children - The children nodes, only for types OPERATOR, FUNCTION, VECTOR, INTERVAL, SET, SUBSCRIPT # @param {interval_type} - The interval type, NOT_AN_INTERVAL | OPEN_OPEN | OPEN_CLOSED | CLOSED_OPEN | CLOSED_CLOSED ## sub new { my ($class, $type, $op, $value, $children, $interval_type) = @_; if (!defined $interval_type) { $interval_type = NOT_AN_INTERVAL; } my $self = { _type => $type, _op => $op, _value => $value, _children => $children, _interval_type => $interval_type, }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } # Attribute helpers ## # Node type # @returns {int} UNKNOWN | NAME | NUMBER | OPERATOR | FUNCTION | VECTOR | INTERVAL | SET | SUBSCRIPT ## sub type { my $self = shift; return $self->{_type}; } ## # Operator # @returns {Operator} ## sub op { my $self = shift; return $self->{_op}; } ## # Node value as a string, undef for type VECTOR. # @returns {string} ## sub value { my $self = shift; return $self->{_value}; } ## # The children nodes, only for types OPERATOR, FUNCTION, VECTOR, INTERVAL, SET, SUBSCRIPT # @returns {ENode[]} ## sub children { my $self = shift; return $self->{_children}; } ## # The interval type, NOT_AN_INTERVAL | OPEN_OPEN | OPEN_CLOSED | CLOSED_OPEN | CLOSED_CLOSED # @returns {int} ## sub interval_type { my $self = shift; return $self->{_interval_type}; } ## # Returns the node as a string, for debug # @returns {string} ## sub toString { my ( $self ) = @_; my $s = '('; given ($self->type) { when (UNKNOWN) { $s .= "UNKNOWN"; } when (NAME) { $s .= "NAME"; } when (NUMBER) { $s .= "NUMBER"; } when (OPERATOR) { $s .= "OPERATOR"; } when (FUNCTION) { $s .= "FUNCTION"; } when (VECTOR) { $s .= "VECTOR"; } when (INTERVAL) { $s .= "INTERVAL"; } when (SET) { $s .= "SET"; } when (SUBSCRIPT) { $s .= "SUBSCRIPT"; } } if (defined $self->op) { $s .= " '" . $self->op->id . "'"; } if (defined $self->value) { $s .= " '" . $self->value . "'"; } if (defined $self->{_children}) { $s .= ' ['; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$self->children}); $i++) { $s .= $self->children->[$i]->toString(); if ($i != scalar(@{$self->children}) - 1) { $s .= ','; } } $s .= ']'; } if (defined $self->interval_type) { $s .= " " . $self->interval_type; } $s.= ')'; return $s; } ## # Evaluates the node, returning a quantity or an object from a more complex class using quantities as base components. # Can throw a CalcException if a result cannot be calculated. # @param {CalcEnv} env - Calculation environment. # @returns {Quantity|QVector|QMatrix|QSet|QInterval|QIntervalUnion} ## sub calc { my ( $self, $env ) = @_; given ($self->type) { when (UNKNOWN) { die CalcException->new("Unknown node type: [_1].", $self->value); } when (NAME) { my $name = $self->value; if ($name =~ /^inf$/i) { return Quantity->new(9**9**9); } elsif ($name =~ /^nan$/i) { return Quantity->new(-sin(9**9**9)); } if ($env->unit_mode) { my $cst = $env->getConstant($name); if (defined $cst) { return $cst; } return $env->convertToSI($name); } else { my $q = $env->getVariable($name); if (!defined $q) { my $cst = $env->getConstant($name); if (defined $cst) { return $cst; } die CalcException->new("Variable has undefined value: [_1].", $name); } return $q; } } when (NUMBER) { return Quantity->new($self->value); } when (OPERATOR) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my ($q1, $q2); if (defined $children[0]) { $q1 = $children[0]->calc($env); } if (defined $children[1]) { $q2 = $children[1]->calc($env); } given ($self->value) { when ("+") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '+')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 + $q2); } when ("-") { if (!defined $q2) { if (!$q1->can('qneg')) { die CalcException->new("Negation is not implemented for this type."); } return($q1->qneg()); } else { if (!overload::Method($q1, '-')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 - $q2); } } when ("*") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '*')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 * $q2); } when ("/") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '/')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 / $q2); } when ("^") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '^')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 ^ $q2); } when ("!") { if (!$q1->can('qfact')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return $q1->qfact(); } when ("%") { if (!$q1->isa(Quantity) || !$q2->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return(($q1 / Quantity->new(100)) * $q2); } when (".") { # scalar product for vectors, multiplication for matrices if (!$q1->can('qdot')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1->qdot($children[1]->calc($env))); } when ("`") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '*')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 * $q2); } when ("=") { if (!$q1->can('qeq')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1->qeq($q2, $env->tolerance)); } when ("<") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '<')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 < $q2); } when ("<=") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '<=')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 <= $q2); } when (">") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '>')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 > $q2); } when (">=") { if (!overload::Method($q1, '>=')) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] operator is not implemented for this type.", $self->value); } return($q1 >= $q2); } default { die CalcException->new("Unknown operator: [_1].", $self->value); } } } when (FUNCTION) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $fname = $children[0]->value; if (!defined $children[1]) { die CalcException->new("Missing parameter for function [_1].", $fname); } my ($q1, $q2); if (string_in_array(['pow', 'sqrt', 'abs', 'exp', 'ln', 'log', 'log10', 'factorial', 'mod', 'sgn', 'ceil', 'floor', 'sin', 'cos', 'tan', 'asin', 'acos', 'atan', 'atan2', 'sinh', 'cosh', 'tanh', 'asinh', 'acosh', 'atanh'], $fname)) { $q1 = $children[1]->calc($env); if (!$q1->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] function is not implemented for this type.", $fname); } } if (string_in_array(['pow', 'mod', 'atan2'], $fname)) { if (!defined $children[2]) { die CalcException->new("Missing parameter for function [_1].", $fname); } $q2 = $children[2]->calc($env); if (!$q2->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("The [_1] function is not implemented for this type.", $fname); } } given ($fname) { when ("matrix") { return $self->createVectorOrMatrix($env); } when ("pow") { return $q1->qpow($q2); } when ("sqrt") { return $q1->qsqrt(); } when ("abs") { return $q1->qabs(); } when ("exp") { return $q1->qexp(); } when ("ln") { return $q1->qln(); } when ("log") { return $q1->qln(); } when ("log10") { return $q1->qlog10(); } when ("factorial") { return $q1->qfact(); } when ("mod") { return $q1->qmod($q2); } when ("sgn") { return $q1->qsgn(); } when ("ceil") { return $q1->qceil(); } when ("floor") { return $q1->qfloor(); } when ("sin") { return $q1->qsin(); } when ("cos") { return $q1->qcos(); } when ("tan") { return $q1->qtan(); } when ("asin") { return $q1->qasin(); } when ("acos") { return $q1->qacos(); } when ("atan") { return $q1->qatan(); } when ("atan2") { return $q1->qatan2($q2); } when ("sinh") { return $q1->qsinh(); } when ("cosh") { return $q1->qcosh(); } when ("tanh") { return $q1->qtanh(); } when ("asinh") { return $q1->qasinh(); } when ("acosh") { return $q1->qacosh(); } when ("atanh") { return $q1->qatanh(); } when (["sum","product"]) { if ($env->unit_mode) { die CalcException->new("[_1] cannot work in unit mode.", $fname); } if (scalar(@children) != 5) { die CalcException->new("[_1] should have four parameters.", $fname); } my $var = "".$children[2]->value; if ($var !~ /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*$/) { die CalcException->new("[_1]: wrong variable name", $fname); } if ($var eq "i") { die CalcException->new("[_1]: please use another variable name, i is the imaginary number.", $fname); } my $initial = $env->getVariable($var); my $var_value_1 = $children[3]->value; my $var_value_2 = $children[4]->value; if ($var_value_1 !~ /^[0-9]+$/) { die CalcException->new("[_1]: the third parameter should be an integer", $fname); } if ($var_value_2 !~ /^[0-9]+$/) { die CalcException->new("[_1]: the fourth parameter should be an integer", $fname); } if ($var_value_1 > $var_value_2) { die CalcException->new("[_1]: are you trying to make me loop forever?", $fname); } my $result; for (my $var_value=$var_value_1; $var_value <= $var_value_2; $var_value++) { $env->setVariable($var, $var_value); my $nq = $children[1]->calc($env); if (!$nq->isa(Quantity) && !$nq->isa(QVector) && !$nq->isa(QMatrix)) { die CalcException->new("[_1]: wrong type for a calculated value", $fname); } if (!defined $result) { $result = $nq; } elsif ($fname eq "sum") { $result += $nq; } else { $result *= $nq; } } $env->setVariable($var, $initial); return $result; } when ("binomial") { if (scalar(@children) != 3) { die CalcException->new("[_1] should have two parameters.", $fname); } my $n = $children[1]->calc($env); my $p = $children[2]->calc($env); if (!$n->isa(Quantity) || !$p->isa(Quantity)) { die CalcException->new("Wrong parameter type for function [_1]", $fname); } return $n->qfact() / ($p->qfact() * ($n - $p)->qfact()); } when (["union","intersection"]) { if (!defined $children[2]) { die CalcException->new("Missing parameter for function [_1].", $fname); } my $p1 = $children[1]->calc($env); my $p2 = $children[2]->calc($env); if (!$p1->isa(QSet) && !$p1->isa(QInterval) && !$p1->isa(QIntervalUnion)) { die CalcException->new("Wrong type for function [_1] (should be a set or interval).", $fname); } if ($fname eq "union") { return $p1->union($p2); } else { return $p1->intersection($p2); } } default { die CalcException->new("Unknown function: [_1].",$fname); } } } when (VECTOR) { return $self->createVectorOrMatrix($env); } when (INTERVAL) { my @children = @{$self->children}; if (scalar(@children) != 2) { die CalcException->new("Interval should have two parameters."); } my $qmin = $children[0]->calc($env); my $qmax = $children[1]->calc($env); my ($qminopen, $qmaxopen); given ($self->interval_type) { when (OPEN_OPEN) { $qminopen = 1; $qmaxopen = 1; } when (OPEN_CLOSED) { $qminopen = 1; $qmaxopen = 0; } when (CLOSED_OPEN) { $qminopen = 0; $qmaxopen = 1; } when (CLOSED_CLOSED) { $qminopen = 0; $qmaxopen = 0; } } return QInterval->new($qmin, $qmax, $qminopen, $qmaxopen); } when (SET) { my @t = (); foreach my $child (@{$self->children}) { push(@t, $child->calc($env)); } return QSet->new(\@t); } when (SUBSCRIPT) { die CalcException->new("Subscript cannot be evaluated: [_1].", $self->value); } } } ## # Returns the equation as a string with the Maxima syntax. # @returns {string} ## sub toMaxima { my ( $self, $env ) = @_; given ($self->type) { when (UNKNOWN) { die CalcException->new("Unknown node type: [_1].", $self->value); } when (NAME) { my $name = $self->value; my $cst = $env->getConstant($name); if (defined $cst) { return $cst; } return($name); } when (NUMBER) { if ($self->value eq "i") { return "%i"; } else { return $self->value; } } when (OPERATOR) { my @children = @{$self->children}; given ($self->value) { when ("+") { if ($children[0]->type == SET && $children[1]->type == SET) { return("union(".$children[0]->toMaxima().", ".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } else { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."+".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } } when ("-") { if (!defined $children[1]) { return("(-".$children[0]->toMaxima().")"); } else { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."-".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } } when ("*") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."*".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("/") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."/".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("^") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."^".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("!") { return("factorial(".$children[0]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("%") { return("((".$children[0]->toMaxima()."/100)*".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when (".") { # scalar product for vectors, multiplication for matrices return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima().".".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("`") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."`".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("=") { # NOTE: should we use is(...) to evaluate the expression ? return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."=".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("<") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."<".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when (">") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima().">".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when ("<=") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."<=".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } when (">=") { return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima().">=".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } default { die CalcException->new("Unknown operator: [_1].", $self->value); } } } when (FUNCTION) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $fname = $children[0]->value; given ($fname) { when ("log10") { return "log(".$children[1]->toMaxima().")/log(10)"; } when ("sgn") { return "signum(".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"; } when ("ceil") { return "ceiling(".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"; } default { my $s = $fname."("; for (my $i=1; $itoMaxima(); } $s .= ")"; return($s); } } } when (VECTOR) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $s; if ($children[0]->type == VECTOR) { $s = "matrix("; } else { $s = "["; } for (my $i=0; $itoMaxima(); } if ($children[0]->type == VECTOR) { $s .= ")"; } else { $s .= "]"; } return($s); } when (INTERVAL) { die CalcException->new("Maxima syntax: intervals are not implemented."); # see http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/icp.jsp?arnumber=5959544 # "New Package in Maxima for Single-Valued Interval Computation on Real Numbers" } when (SET) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $s = "{"; for (my $i=0; $itoMaxima(); } $s .= "}"; return($s); } when (SUBSCRIPT) { my @children = @{$self->children}; return("(".$children[0]->toMaxima()."_".$children[1]->toMaxima().")"); } } } ## # Returns the equation as a string with the TeX syntax. # @returns {string} ## sub toTeX { my ( $self ) = @_; given ($self->type) { when (UNKNOWN) { die CalcException->new("Unknown node type: [_1].", $self->value); } when (NAME) { my $name = $self->value; if ($name =~ /^([a-zA-Z]+)([0-9]+)$/) { return($1."_{".$2."}"); } my @greek = ( "alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon", "zeta", "eta", "theta", "iota", "kappa", "lambda", "mu", "nu", "xi", "omicron", "pi", "rho", "sigma", "tau", "upsilon", "phi", "chi", "psi", "omega", "Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma", "Delta", "Epsilon", "Zeta", "Eta", "Theta", "Iota", "Kappa", "Lambda", "Mu", "Nu", "Xi", "Omicron", "Pi", "Rho", "Sigma", "Tau", "Upsilon", "Phi", "Chi", "Psi", "Omega", ); if (string_in_array(\@greek, $name)) { return('\\'.$name); } elsif ($name eq "hbar") { return("\\hbar"); } elsif ($name eq "inf") { return("\\infty"); } elsif ($name eq "minf") { return("-\\infty"); } else { return($name); } } when (NUMBER) { return $self->value; } when (OPERATOR) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $c0 = $children[0]; my $c1 = $children[1]; given ($self->value) { when ("+") { # should we add parenthesis ? We need to check if there is a '-' to the left of c1 my $par = 0; my $first = $c1; while ($first->type == OPERATOR) { if ($first->value eq "-" && scalar(@{$first->children}) == 1) { $par = 1; last; } elsif ($first->value eq "+" || $first->value eq "-" || $first->value eq "*") { $first = $first->children->[0]; } else { last; } } my $s = $c0->toTeX()." + ".$c1->toTeX(); if ($par) { $s = "(".$s.")"; } return $s; } when ("-") { if (!defined $c1) { return("-".$c0->toTeX()); } else { my $s = $c0->toTeX()." - "; my $par = ($c1->type == OPERATOR && ($c1->value eq "+" || $c1->value eq "-")); if ($par) { $s .= "(".$c1->toTeX().")"; } else { $s .= $c1->toTeX(); } return $s; } } when ("*") { my $par = ($c0->type == OPERATOR && ($c0->value eq "+" || $c0->value eq "-")); my $s = $c0->toTeX(); if ($par) { $s = "(".$s.")"; } # should the x operator be visible ? We need to check if there is a number to the left of c1 my $firstinc1 = $c1; while ($firstinc1->type == OPERATOR) { $firstinc1 = $firstinc1->children->[0]; } # ... and if it's an operation between vectors/matrices, the * operator should be displayed # (it is ambiguous otherwise) # note: this will not work if the matrix is calculated, for instance with 2[1;2]*[3;4] if ($c0->type == VECTOR && $c1->type == VECTOR) { $s .= " * "; } elsif ($firstinc1->type == NUMBER) { $s .= " \\times "; } else { $s .= " "; } $par = ($c1->type == OPERATOR && ($c1->value eq "+" || $c1->value eq "-")); if ($par) { $s .= "(".$c1->toTeX().")"; } else { $s .= $c1->toTeX(); } return $s; } when ("/") { # NOTE: cfrac would be better but tth does not handle it return("\\frac{".$c0->toTeX()."}{".$c1->toTeX()."}"); } when ("^") { my $par; if ($c0->type == FUNCTION) { if ($c0->value eq "sqrt" || $c0->value eq "abs" || $c0->value eq "matrix" || $c0->value eq "diff") { $par = 0; } else { $par = 1; } } elsif ($c0->type == OPERATOR) { $par = 1; } else { $par = 0; } if ($par) { return("(".$c0->toTeX().")^{".$c1->toTeX()."}"); } else { return($c0->toTeX()."^{".$c1->toTeX()."}"); } } when ("!") { return($c0->toTeX()." !"); } when ("%") { return($c0->toTeX()." \\% ".$c1->toTeX()); } when (".") { # scalar product for vectors, multiplication for matrices my $par = ($c0->type == OPERATOR && ($c0->value eq "+" || $c0->value eq "-")); my $s = $c0->toTeX(); if ($par) { $s = "(".$s.")"; } $s .= " \\cdot "; $par = ($c1->type == OPERATOR && ($c1->value eq "+" || $c1->value eq "-")); if ($par) { $s .= "(".$c1->toTeX().")"; } else { $s .= $c1->toTeX(); } return $s; } when ("`") { return($c0->toTeX()." \\mathrm{".$c1->toTeX()."}"); } when ("=") { return($c0->toTeX()." = ".$c1->toTeX()); } when ("#") { return($c0->toTeX()." \\not ".$c1->toTeX()); } when ("<") { return($c0->toTeX()." < ".$c1->toTeX()); } when (">") { return($c0->toTeX()." > ".$c1->toTeX()); } when ("<=") { return($c0->toTeX()." \\leq ".$c1->toTeX()); } when (">=") { return($c0->toTeX()." \\geq ".$c1->toTeX()); } default { die CalcException->new("Unknown operator: [_1].", $self->value); } } } when (FUNCTION) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $fname = $children[0]->value; my $c1 = $children[1]; my $c2 = $children[2]; my $c3 = $children[3]; my $c4 = $children[4]; given ($fname) { when ("sqrt") { return "\\sqrt{".$c1->toTeX()."}"; } when ("abs") { return "|".$c1->toTeX()."|"; } when ("exp") { return "\\mathrm{e}^{".$c1->toTeX()."}"; } when ("diff") { if (scalar(@children) == 3) { return "\\frac{d}{d".$c2->toTeX()."} ".$c1->toTeX(); } else { return "\\frac{d^{".$c3->toTeX()."}}{d ".$c2->toTeX(). "^{".$c3->toTeX()."}} ".$c1->toTeX(); } } when ("integrate") { if (scalar(@children) == 3) { return "\\int ".$c1->toTeX()." \\ d ".$c2->toTeX(); } else { return "\\int_{".$c3->toTeX()."}^{".$c4->toTeX()."} ". $c1->toTeX()." \\ d ".$c2->toTeX(); } } when ("sum") { return "\\sum_{".$c2->toTeX()."=".$c3->toTeX(). "}^{".$c4->toTeX()."} ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("product") { return "\\prod_{".$c2->toTeX()."=".$c3->toTeX(). "}^{".$c4->toTeX()."} ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("limit") { if (scalar(@children) < 4) { return "\\lim ".$c1->toTeX(); } elsif (scalar(@children) == 4) { return "\\lim_{".$c2->toTeX()." \\to ".$c3->toTeX(). "}".$c1->toTeX(); } else { return "\\lim_{".$c2->toTeX()." \\to ".$c3->toTeX(). (($c4->value eq "plus") ? "+" : "-"). "}".$c1->toTeX(); } } when ("binomial") { return "\\binom{".$c1->toTeX()."}{".$c2->toTeX()."}"; } when (["union","intersection"]) { if (!defined $children[2]) { die CalcException->new("Missing parameter for function [_1].", $fname); } if ($c1->type != SET && $c1->type != INTERVAL && $c1->type != FUNCTION) { die CalcException->new("Wrong type for function [_1] (should be a set or interval).", $fname); } if ($fname eq "union") { return $c1->toTeX().' \cup '.$c2->toTeX(); } else { return $c1->toTeX().' \cap '.$c2->toTeX(); } } when ("sin") { return "\\sin ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("cos") { return "\\cos ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("tan") { return "\\tan ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("asin") { return "\\arcsin ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("acos") { return "\\arccos ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("atan") { return "\\arctan ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("sinh") { return "\\sinh ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("cosh") { return "\\cosh ".$c1->toTeX(); } when ("tanh") { return "\\tanh ".$c1->toTeX(); } default { my $s = $fname."("; for (my $i=1; $itoTeX(); } $s .= ")"; return($s); } } } when (VECTOR) { my @children = @{$self->children}; # my $s = "\\begin{pmatrix}"; # NOTE: pmatrix would be easier, but tth does not recognize it my $col; if (scalar(@children) == 0) { $col = 0; } elsif ($children[0]->type == VECTOR) { $col = scalar(@{$children[0]->children}); } else { $col = 1; } my $s = "\\left( \\begin{array}{".('c' x $col)."}"; for (my $i=0; $itype == VECTOR) { # matrix for (my $j=0; $jchildren}); $j++) { if ($j != 0) { $s .= " & "; } $s .= $children[$i]->children->[$j]->toTeX(); } } else { # vector $s .= $children[$i]->toTeX(); } } # $s .= "\\end{pmatrix}"; $s .= "\\end{array} \\right)"; return($s); } when (INTERVAL) { my @children = @{$self->children}; if (scalar(@children) != 2) { die CalcException->new("Interval should have two parameters."); } my ($qminopen, $qmaxopen); given ($self->interval_type) { when (OPEN_OPEN) { $qminopen = 1; $qmaxopen = 1; } when (OPEN_CLOSED) { $qminopen = 1; $qmaxopen = 0; } when (CLOSED_OPEN) { $qminopen = 0; $qmaxopen = 1; } when (CLOSED_CLOSED) { $qminopen = 0; $qmaxopen = 0; } } my $s = "\\left"; if ($qminopen) { $s .= "("; } else { $s .= "["; } $s .= $children[0]->toTeX(); $s .= ", "; $s .= $children[1]->toTeX(); $s .= "\\right"; if ($qmaxopen) { $s .= ")"; } else { $s .= "]"; } return($s); } when (SET) { my @children = @{$self->children}; my $s = "\\left\\{ {"; for (my $i=0; $itoTeX(); } $s .= "}\\right\\}"; return($s); } when (SUBSCRIPT) { my @children = @{$self->children}; return($children[0]->toTeX()."_{".$children[1]->toTeX()."}"); } } } ## # Creates a vector or a matrix with this node # @param {CalcEnv} env - Calculation environment. # @returns {QVector|QMatrix} ## sub createVectorOrMatrix { my ( $self, $env ) = @_; my @children = @{$self->children}; my @t = (); # 1d or 2d array of Quantity my $start; if ($self->type == FUNCTION) { $start = 1; } else { $start = 0; } my $nb1; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@children) - $start; $i++) { my $qv = $children[$i+$start]->calc($env); my $nb2; if ($qv->isa(Quantity)) { $nb2 = 1; } else { $nb2 = scalar(@{$qv->quantities}); } if (!defined $nb1) { $nb1 = $nb2; } elsif ($nb2 != $nb1) { die CalcException->new("Inconsistent number of elements in a matrix."); } if ($qv->isa(Quantity)) { $t[$i] = $qv; } else { $t[$i] = []; for (my $j=0; $j < scalar(@{$qv->quantities}); $j++) { $t[$i][$j] = $qv->quantities->[$j]; } } } if (ref($t[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { return QMatrix->new(\@t); } else { return QVector->new(\@t); } } ## # Tests if a string is in an array (using eq) (to avoid using $value ~~ @array) # @param {Array} array - reference to the array of strings # @param {string} value - the string to look for # @returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise ## sub string_in_array { my ($array, $value) = @_; foreach my $v (@{$array}) { if ($v eq $value) { return 1; } } return 0; } 1; __END__