# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA - LON-CAPA # Parser # # Copyright (C) 2014 Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # ## # Equation parser ## package Apache::math_parser::Parser; use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Definitions'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::ENode'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Operator'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::ParseException'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Token'; use aliased 'Apache::math_parser::Tokenizer'; ## # Constructor # @optional {boolean} implicit_operators - assume hidden multiplication and unit operators in some cases (unlike maxima) # @optional {boolean} unit_mode - handle only numerical expressions with units (no variable) ## sub new { my ($class, $implicit_operators, $unit_mode) = @_; if (!defined $implicit_operators) { $implicit_operators = 0; } if (!defined $unit_mode) { $unit_mode = 0; } my $self = { _implicit_operators => $implicit_operators, _unit_mode => $unit_mode, _defs => Definitions->new(), }; $self->{_defs}->define(); bless $self, $class; return $self; } # Attribute helpers ## # Implicit operators ? # @returns {boolean} ## sub implicit_operators { my $self = shift; return $self->{_implicit_operators}; } ## # Unit mode ? # @returns {boolean} ## sub unit_mode { my $self = shift; return $self->{_unit_mode}; } ## # Definitions # @returns {Definitions} ## sub defs { my $self = shift; return $self->{_defs}; } ## # Tokens # @returns {Token[]} ## sub tokens { my $self = shift; return $self->{_tokens}; } ## # Current token # @returns {Token} ## sub current_token { my $self = shift; return $self->{_current_token}; } ## # Current token number # @returns {int} ## sub token_nr { my $self = shift; return $self->{_token_nr}; } ## # Returns the right node at the current token, based on top-down operator precedence. # @param {integer} rbp - Right binding power # @returns {ENode} ## sub expression { my( $self, $rbp ) = @_; my $left; # ENode my $t = $self->current_token; if (! defined $t) { die ParseException->new("Expected something at the end.", $self->tokens->[scalar(@{$self->tokens}) - 1]->to + 1); } $self->advance(); if (! defined $t->op) { $left = ENode->new($t->type, undef, $t->value, undef); } elsif (! defined $t->op->nud) { die ParseException->new("Unexpected operator '[_1]'.", $t->from, $t->from, $t->op->id); } else { $left = $t->op->nud->($t->op, $self); } while (defined $self->current_token && defined $self->current_token->op && $rbp < $self->current_token->op->lbp) { $t = $self->current_token; $self->advance(); $left = $t->op->led->($t->op, $self, $left); } return $left; } ## # Advance to the next token, # expecting the given operator id if it is provided. # Throws a ParseException if a given operator id is not found. # @optional {string} id - Operator id ## sub advance { my ( $self, $id ) = @_; if (defined $id && (!defined $self->current_token || !defined $self->current_token->op || $self->current_token->op->id ne $id)) { if (!defined $self->current_token) { die ParseException->new("Expected '[_1]' at the end.", $self->tokens->[scalar(@{$self->tokens}) - 1]->to + 1, undef, $id); } else { die ParseException->new("Expected '[_1]'.", $self->current_token->from, undef, $id); } } if ($self->token_nr >= scalar(@{$self->tokens})) { $self->{_current_token} = undef; return; } $self->{_current_token} = $self->tokens->[$self->token_nr]; $self->{_token_nr} += 1; } ## # Adds hidden multiplication and unit operators to the token stream ## sub addHiddenOperators { my ( $self ) = @_; my $multiplication = $self->defs->findOperator("*"); my $unit_operator = $self->defs->findOperator("`"); my $in_units = 0; # we check if we are already in the units to avoid adding two ` operators inside my $in_exp = 0; for (my $i=0; $itokens}) - 1; $i++) { my $token = $self->tokens->[$i]; my $next_token = $self->tokens->[$i + 1]; if ($self->unit_mode) { if ($token->value eq "`") { $in_units = 1; } elsif ($in_units) { if ($token->value eq "^") { $in_exp = 1; } elsif ($in_exp && $token->type == Token->NUMBER) { $in_exp = 0; } elsif (!$in_exp && $token->type == Token->NUMBER) { $in_units = 0; } elsif (!$in_exp && $token->type == Token->OPERATOR && index("*/^()", $token->value) == -1) { $in_units = 0; } elsif ($token->type == Token->NAME && $next_token->value eq "(") { $in_units = 0; } } } my $token_type = $token->type; my $next_token_type = $next_token->type; my $token_value = $token->value; my $next_token_value = $next_token->value; if ( ($token_type == Token->NAME && $next_token_type == Token->NAME) || ($token_type == Token->NUMBER && $next_token_type == Token->NAME) || ($token_type == Token->NUMBER && $next_token_type == Token->NUMBER) || ($token_type == Token->NUMBER && string_in_array(["(","[","{"], $next_token_value)) || # ($token_type == Token->NAME && $next_token_value eq "(") || # name ( could be a function call (string_in_array([")","]","}"], $token_value) && $next_token_type == Token->NAME) || (string_in_array([")","]","}"], $token_value) && $next_token_type == Token->NUMBER) || (string_in_array([")","]","}"], $token_value) && $next_token_value eq "(") ) { # support for things like "(1/2) (m/s)" is complex... my $units = ($self->unit_mode && !$in_units && ($token_type == Token->NUMBER || string_in_array([")","]","}"], $token_value)) && ($next_token_type == Token->NAME || (string_in_array(["(","[","{"], $next_token_value) && scalar(@{$self->tokens}) > $i + 2 && $self->tokens->[$i + 2]->type == Token->NAME))); if ($units) { my( $test_token, $index_test); if ($next_token_type == Token->NAME) { $test_token = $next_token; $index_test = $i + 1; } else { # for instance for "2 (m/s)" $index_test = $i + 2; $test_token = $self->tokens->[$index_test]; } if (scalar(@{$self->tokens}) > $index_test + 1 && $self->tokens->[$index_test + 1]->value eq "(") { my @known_functions = ("pow", "sqrt", "abs", "exp", "factorial", "diff", "integrate", "sum", "product", "limit", "binomial", "matrix", "ln", "log", "log10", "mod", "sgn", "ceil", "floor", "sin", "cos", "tan", "asin", "acos", "atan", "atan2", "sinh", "cosh", "tanh", "asinh", "acosh", "atanh"); for (my $j=0; $jvalue eq $known_functions[$j]) { $units = 0; last; } } } } my $new_token; if ($units) { $new_token = Token->new(Token->OPERATOR, $next_token->from, $next_token->from, $unit_operator->id, $unit_operator); } else { $new_token = Token->new(Token->OPERATOR, $next_token->from, $next_token->from, $multiplication->id, $multiplication); } splice(@{$self->{_tokens}}, $i+1, 0, $new_token); } } } ## # Parse the string, returning an ENode tree. # @param {string} text - The text to parse. # @returns {ENode} ## sub parse { my ( $self, $text ) = @_; my $tokenizer = Tokenizer->new($self->defs, $text); @{$self->{_tokens}} = $tokenizer->tokenize(); if (scalar(@{$self->tokens}) == 0) { die ParseException->new("No information found."); } if ($self->implicit_operators) { $self->addHiddenOperators(); } $self->{_token_nr} = 0; $self->{_current_token} = $self->tokens->[$self->token_nr]; $self->advance(); my $root = $self->expression(0); if (defined $self->current_token) { die ParseException->new("Expected the end.", $self->current_token->from); } return $root; } ## # Tests if a string is in an array (using eq) (to avoid using $value ~~ @array) # @param {Array} array - reference to the array of strings # @param {string} value - the string to look for # @returns 1 if found, 0 otherwise ## sub string_in_array { my ($array, $value) = @_; foreach my $v (@{$array}) { if ($v eq $value) { return 1; } } return 0; } 1; __END__