# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # mutliple choice style responses # # $Id: radiobuttonresponse.pm,v 1.156 2013/04/25 17:58:32 bisitz Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # package Apache::radiobuttonresponse; use strict; use HTML::Entities(); use Apache::lonlocal; use Apache::lonnet; use Apache::response; use Apache::caparesponse; my $default_bubbles_per_line = 10; my @alphabet = ( 'A' .. 'Z' ); # Foil labels. BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::radiobuttonresponse',('radiobuttonresponse')); } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Generic utility subs. sub bubble_line_count { my ($numfoils, $bubbles_per_line) = @_; my $bubble_lines; $bubble_lines = int($numfoils / $bubbles_per_line); if (($numfoils % $bubbles_per_line) != 0) { $bubble_lines++; } return $bubble_lines; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # XML handlers. sub start_radiobuttonresponse { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result; #when in a radiobutton response use these &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::radiobuttonresponse',('foilgroup','foil','conceptgroup')); push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'radiobuttonresponse'); my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval); %Apache::hint::radiobutton=(); undef(%Apache::response::foilnames); if ($target eq 'meta') { $result=&Apache::response::meta_package_write('radiobuttonresponse'); } elsif ($target eq 'edit' ) { $result.=&Apache::edit::start_table($token) .''.&Apache::lonxml::description($token) .&Apache::loncommon::help_open_topic('Radio_Response_Problems') .'' .''.&mt('Delete?').' ' .&Apache::edit::deletelist($target,$token) .'' .' '.&Apache::edit::end_row() .&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); $result.= &Apache::edit::text_arg('Max Number Of Shown Foils:','max', $token,'4'). &Apache::edit::select_arg('Randomize Foil Order:','randomize', ['yes','no'],$token). &Apache::edit::select_arg('Display Direction:','direction', ['vertical','horizontal'],$token). &Apache::edit::end_row(). &Apache::edit::start_spanning_row()."\n"; } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack, $safeeval,'max', 'randomize','direction'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } elsif ( $target eq 'tex' ) { my $type = &Apache::lonxml::get_param( 'TeXtype', $parstack, $safeeval, undef, 0 ); if ( $type eq '1' ) { $result .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\arabic{enumi}.}'; } elsif ( $type eq 'A' ) { $result .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Alph{enumi}.}'; } elsif ( $type eq 'a' ) { $result .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\alph{enumi}.}'; } elsif ( $type eq 'i' ) { $result .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\roman{enumi}.}'; } else { $result .= ' \renewcommand{\labelenumi}{\Alph{enumi}.}'; } } elsif ( $target eq 'analyze' ) { my $part_id = "$Apache::inputtags::part.$id"; $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"$part_id.type"} = 'radiobuttonresponse'; push (@{ $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"parts"} },$part_id); } return $result; } sub end_radiobuttonresponse { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result; if ( $target eq 'edit' ) { $result = &Apache::edit::end_table(); } &Apache::response::end_response; pop @Apache::lonxml::namespace; &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::radiobuttonresponse',('foilgroup','foil','conceptgroup')); undef(%Apache::response::foilnames); return $result; } %Apache::response::foilgroup=(); sub start_foilgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; %Apache::response::foilgroup=(); $Apache::radiobuttonresponse::conceptgroup=0; &Apache::response::pushrandomnumber(undef,$target); return; } sub storesurvey { my ($style) = @_; if ( !&Apache::response::submitted() ) { return ''; } my $response = $env{'form.HWVAL_'.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1']}; &Apache::lonxml::debug("Here I am!:$response:"); if ( $response !~ /[0-9]+/) { return ''; } my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my @whichfoils=@{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; my %responsehash; $responsehash{$whichfoils[$response]}=$response; my $responsestr=&Apache::lonnet::hash2str(%responsehash); $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}= $responsestr; my %previous=&Apache::response::check_for_previous($responsestr,$part,$id); my $ad; if ($style eq 'anonsurvey') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='ANONYMOUS'; } elsif ($style eq 'anonsurveycred') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='ANONYMOUS_CREDIT'; } elsif ($style eq 'surveycred') { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='SUBMITTED_CREDIT'; } else { $ad=$Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}='SUBMITTED'; } &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response
\n"); return ''; } sub grade_response { my ($answer, $whichfoils, $bubbles_per_line)=@_; if ( !&Apache::response::submitted() ) { return; } my $response; if ($env{'form.submitted'} eq 'scantron') { $response = &Apache::response::getresponse(1,undef, &bubble_line_count(scalar(@{ $whichfoils}), $bubbles_per_line), $bubbles_per_line); } else { $response = $env{'form.HWVAL_'.$Apache::inputtags::response['-1']}; } if ( $response !~ /[0-9]+/) { return; } my $part=$Apache::inputtags::part; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my %responsehash; $responsehash{$whichfoils->[$response]}=$response; my $responsestr=&Apache::lonnet::hash2str(%responsehash); my %previous=&Apache::response::check_for_previous($responsestr, $part,$id); $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}= $responsestr; &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response
\n"); my $ad; if ($response == $answer) { $ad='EXACT_ANS'; } else { $ad='INCORRECT'; } $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awarddetail"}=$ad; &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad); } sub end_foilgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result; my $bubble_lines; my $answer_count; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $bubbles_per_line = &getbubblesnum($part,$id); if ($target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'web' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { my $style = $Apache::lonhomework::type; my $direction = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('direction',$parstack, $safeeval,'-2'); if ( (($style eq 'survey') || ($style eq 'surveycred') || ($style eq 'anonsurvey') || ($style eq 'anonsurveycred')) && ($target ne 'analyze')) { if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $result=&displayallfoils($direction, $target); } elsif ( $target eq 'answer' ) { $result=&displayallanswers(); } elsif ( $target eq 'grade' ) { $result=&storesurvey($style); } $answer_count = scalar(@{$Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'}}); } else { my $name; my $max = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('max',$parstack,$safeeval, '-2'); my $randomize = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('randomize',$parstack, $safeeval,'-2'); my ($answer, @shown) = &whichfoils($max, $randomize); $answer_count = scalar(@shown); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $result=&displayfoils($target, $answer, \@shown, $direction, $bubbles_per_line); } elsif ($target eq 'answer' ) { $result=&displayanswers($answer, \@shown, $bubbles_per_line); } elsif ( $target eq 'grade') { &grade_response($answer, \@shown, $bubbles_per_line); } elsif ( $target eq 'analyze') { my $bubble_lines = &bubble_line_count($answer_count, $bubbles_per_line); &Apache::response::analyze_store_foilgroup(\@shown, ['text','value','location']); my $part_id="$part.$id"; push (@{ $Apache::lonhomework::analyze{"$part_id.options"} }, ('true','false')); } } $Apache::lonxml::post_evaluate=0; } if ($target eq 'web') { &Apache::response::setup_prior_tries_hash(\&format_prior_answer, [\%Apache::response::foilgroup]); } &Apache::response::poprandomnumber(); $bubble_lines = &bubble_line_count($answer_count, $bubbles_per_line); &Apache::lonxml::increment_counter($bubble_lines, "$part.$id"); if ($target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::lonhomework::set_bubble_lines(); } return $result; } sub getbubblesnum { my ($part,$id) = @_; my $bubbles_per_line; my $default_numbubbles = $default_bubbles_per_line; if (($env{'form.bubbles_per_row'} =~ /^\d+$/) && ($env{'form.bubbles_per_row'} > 0)) { $default_numbubbles = $env{'form.bubbles_per_row'}; } $bubbles_per_line = &Apache::response::get_response_param($part."_$id",'numbubbles', $default_numbubbles); return $bubbles_per_line; } sub getfoilcounts { my @names; my $truecnt=0; my $falsecnt=0; my $name; if ( $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} ) { @names= @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } foreach $name (@names) { if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'true') { $truecnt++; } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'false') { $falsecnt++; } } return ($truecnt,$falsecnt); } sub format_prior_answer { my ($mode,$answer,$other_data) = @_; my $foil_data = $other_data->[0]; my %response = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer); my ($name) = keys(%response); return ''. $foil_data->{$name.'.text'}.''; } ## # Return the last survey response. The logic is slightly different than that of # get_last_responses. TODO: See if there are chunks of code betweenthis and # get_last_reponses that are common and can be factored. # # @param $part - Problem part under consideration. # @param $showanswer - True if answers should be shown. # @param $id - Problem id. # # @return hash reference. # @retval reference to the has indexed by answer selection that # indicates the most recent answer. # sub get_last_survey_response { my ($part, $showanswer, $id) = @_; my $newvariation; my $lastresponse; # stringified last response. if ( ( ( $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'randomizetry' ) || ( $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'randomizetry' ) ) && ( $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER' ) ) { if ( $env{ 'form.' . $part . '.rndseed' } ne $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.rndseed"} ) { $newvariation = 1; } } $showanswer = &Apache::response::show_answer(); unless ( ( ( $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurvey' ) || ( $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'anonsurveycred' ) ) && ( defined( $env{'form.grade_symb'} ) ) || ( $newvariation && !$showanswer ) ) { $lastresponse = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}; } my %lastresponse = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($lastresponse); return \%lastresponse; } ## # Removes the names from a foil group that are marked as unused. # # @param $names - reference to the array of names to filter. # # @return arrayref # @retval reference to the filtered array. # sub remove_unused { my ($names) = @_; my @result; foreach my $name (@{$names}) { if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.value'} ne 'unused') { push(@result, $name); } } return \@result; } ## # Displays all foils in a survey type problem for HTML rendition. # TODO: See if there is any logic in this sub that can be shared # with display_foils_html # # @param $names - ref to array of names of the foils to display. # @param $part - Problem part number. # @param $showanswer - If true, show the answers. # @param $lastresponse - Ref to the last response hash. # @param $direction - Display direction of the radiobuttons. # # @return string # @retval HTML required to display the resource in a browser. # sub display_survey_html { my ($names, $part, $showanswer, $lastresponse, $direction) = @_; my $result; # Figure out a few fragments of html that depend onthe # orientation of the radiobuttons: # closing_html - HTML to emit at the end of the resource. # pre_foil - HTML to emit prior to each foil. # post_foil - HTML to emit following each foil. # # The opening HTML is just added to the $result now # # Figuring these outin advance compresses the loop over foils into something # pretty simple: # # NOTE: There's probably a really cool way to do this with style sheets # and picking the selector based on the orientation, if someone wants to puzzle # that out. In that case, probably the whole thing lives in a
and each # foil lives in a

# my ($opening_html, $closing_html, $pre_foil, $post_foil) = &html_direction_fragments($direction); $result = $opening_html; # Different rendering depending on whether answers are shown: # I played with different factorings but this seems the most concise/clear... # although I don't like the $showanswer conditino inside the loop. Other things I tried # - two loops..much longer code..no gain in clarity. # - Using a visitor patttern passing it the rendering code chunklets and # an anonymous hash reference for state data etc. Very cool but # quite a bit more code and quite a bit less clear. my $temp = 0; foreach my $name (@{$names}) { $result .= $pre_foil; if ($showanswer) { my $foiltext = $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.text'}; # Bold the prior response: if (defined($lastresponse->{$name})) { $result .= '' . $foiltext . ''; } else { $result .= $foiltext; } } else { $result .= &html_radiobutton( $part, $Apache::inputtags::response['-1'], $name, $lastresponse, $temp ); } $result .= $post_foil; $temp++; } $result .= $closing_html; return $result; } ## # Generate LaTeX for surveys. # # @param $names - names of the foils to display. # @param $showanswer - flag that is true to display answers. # @param $lastresponse - Reference to a hash the indicates the last response. # @param $direction - Orientation of foils ('horiztonal' or otherwise). # @param $venv - LaTeX name for vertical env. # # @return string # @retval LaTeX rendering of the survey question. sub latex_survey { my ($names, $showanswer, $lastresponse, $direction, $venv) = @_; my $result; if ($showanswer) { $result .= "\\begin{$venv}"; foreach my $name (@{$names}) { $result .= '\item \vskip -2mm '; if ( defined( $lastresponse->{$name} ) ) { $result .= '}'; } $result .= $Apache::response::foilgroup{ $name . '.text' } . ' '; } $result .= "\\end{$venv}"; } elsif ( $env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { $result .= &display_pdf_form($names, $direction, $venv); } else { if ($direction eq 'horizontal') { my @foil_texts = &get_foil_texts($names); $result .= &Apache::caparesponse::make_horizontal_latex_bubbles( $names, \@foil_texts, '$\bigcirc$'); } else { $result .= "\\begin{$venv}"; my $temp = 0; my $i = 0; foreach my $name (@{$names}) { $result .= '\item \vskip -2mm '; if ($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} ne 'yes' or $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] ne 'CAN_ANSWER' ) { $result .= '$\bigcirc$' . $Apache::response::foilgroup{ $name . '.text' } . '\\\\'; #' stupid emacs } $i++; $temp++; $result .= '\vskip 0 mm '; } $result .= "\\end{$venv}"; } } return $result; } ## # Figure out the LaTeX environment in which to wrap the LaTeX vertical output. # # @return string # @retval the environment name. The LaTeX should be wrapped a # \begin{retval} \end{retval} pair. # sub latex_vertical_environment { if ($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes' && $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { return 'itemize'; } else { return 'enumerate'; } } ## # Figure out the key html fragments that depend on the rendering direction: # # @param $direction - 'horizontal' for horizontal direction. # # @return list # @retval (part_start, part_end, foil_start, foil_end) # Where: # - part_start is the HTML to emit at the start of the part. # - part_end is the HTML to emit at the end of the part. # - foil_start is the HTML to emit prior to each foil. # - foil_end is the HTML to emit after each foil # sub html_direction_fragments { my $direction = shift; if ($direction eq 'horizontal') { return ('', '
', '', ''); } else { return ('', '
', '
', ''); } } ## # # Displays all the foils of a problem in a format suitable for # surveys, surveys for credit, anonymous surveys and anonymous surveys for credit. # # @param $direction - Display direction of the choices ('horiztonal' or not). # @param $target - Rendering target. # # @return string # @retval Text that renders for the selected target. # sub displayallfoils{ my ( $direction, $target ) = @_; my $result; &Apache::lonxml::debug("survey style display"); my @names; if ( $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} ) { @names = @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $showanswer = &Apache::response::show_answer(); my $lastresponse = &get_last_survey_response($part, $showanswer, $id); my $used_names = &remove_unused(\@names); if ($target ne 'tex') { $result .= &display_survey_html( $used_names, $part, $showanswer, $lastresponse, $direction ); } else { my $vertical_env = &latex_vertical_environment(); $result .= &latex_survey( $used_names, $showanswer, $lastresponse, $direction, $vertical_env ); } return $result; } sub whichfoils { my ($max,$randomize)=@_; my @truelist; my @falselist; my @whichfalse =(); my ($truecnt,$falsecnt) = &getfoilcounts(); my $count=0; # we will add in 1 of the true statements if ( $max>0 && ($falsecnt+1)>$max) { $count=$max } else { $count=$falsecnt+1; $max=$count; } my $answer=int(&Math::Random::random_uniform() * ($count)); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Count is $count, $answer is $answer"); my @names; if ( $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} ) { @names= @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } if (&Apache::response::showallfoils()) { @whichfalse=@names; } elsif ($randomize eq 'no') { &Apache::lonxml::debug("No randomization"); my $havetrue=0; foreach my $name (@names) { if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'true') { if (!$havetrue ) { push(@whichfalse,$name); $havetrue++; $answer=$#whichfalse; } } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'false') { push (@whichfalse,$name); } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'unused') { } else { &Apache::lonxml::error(&HTML::Entities::encode("No valid value assigned ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}) for foil $name in ",'<>&"')); } } if ((!$havetrue) && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'survey') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'surveycred') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'anonsurvey') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'anonsurveycred')) { &Apache::lonxml::error(&mt('There are no true statements available.').'
'); } } else { my $current=0; &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(%Apache::response::foilgroup); my (%top,%bottom); #first find out where everyone wants to be foreach my $name (@names) { $current++; if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'true') { push (@truelist,$name); if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.location'} eq 'top') { $top{$name}=$current; } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.location'} eq 'bottom') { $bottom{$name}=$current; } } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'false') { push (@falselist,$name); if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.location'} eq 'top') { $top{$name}=$current; } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.location'} eq 'bottom') { $bottom{$name}=$current; } } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'} eq 'unused') { } else { &Apache::lonxml::error(&HTML::Entities::encode("No valid value assigned ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}) for foil $name in ",'<>&"')); } } #pick a true statement my $notrue=0; if (scalar(@truelist) == 0) { $notrue=1; } my $whichtrue = int(&Math::Random::random_uniform() * ($#truelist+1)); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Max is $max, From $#truelist elms, picking $whichtrue"); my (@toplist, @bottomlist); my $topcount=0; my $bottomcount=0; # assign everyone to either toplist/bottomlist or whichfalse # which false is randomized, toplist bottomlist are in order while ((($#whichfalse+$topcount+$bottomcount) < $max-2) && ($#falselist > -1)) { &Apache::lonxml::debug("Have $#whichfalse max is $max"); my $afalse=int(&Math::Random::random_uniform() * ($#falselist+1)); &Apache::lonxml::debug("From $#falselist elms, picking $afalse"); $afalse=splice(@falselist,$afalse,1); &Apache::lonxml::debug("Picked $afalse"); &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(('names'=>\@names)); &Apache::lonhomework::showhash(%top); if ($top{$afalse}) { $toplist[$top{$afalse}]=$afalse; $topcount++; } elsif ($bottom{$afalse}) { $bottomlist[$bottom{$afalse}]=$afalse; $bottomcount++; } else { push (@whichfalse,$afalse); } } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Answer wants $answer"); my $truename=$truelist[$whichtrue]; my $dosplice=1; if (($notrue) && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'survey') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'surveycred') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'anonsurvey') && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'anonsurveycred')) { $dosplice=0; &Apache::lonxml::error(&mt('There are no true statements available.').'
'); } #insert the true statement, keeping track of where it wants to be if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$truename.'.location'} eq 'top' && $dosplice) { $toplist[$top{$truename}]=$truename; $answer=-1; foreach my $top (reverse(@toplist)) { if ($top) { $answer++;} if ($top eq $truename) { last; } } $dosplice=0; } elsif ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$truename.'.location'} eq 'bottom' && $dosplice) { $bottomlist[$bottom{$truename}]=$truename; $answer=-1; foreach my $bot (@bottomlist) { if ($bot) { $answer++;} if ($bot eq $truename) { last; } } $answer+=$topcount+$#whichfalse+1; $dosplice=0; } else { if ($topcount>0 || $bottomcount>0) { my $inc = 1; if (($bottomcount > 0) && ($Apache::lonhomework::type ne 'exam')) { $inc = 2; } $answer=int(&Math::Random::random_uniform() * ($#whichfalse+$inc)) + $topcount; } } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Answer now wants $answer"); #add the top items to the top, bottom items to the bottom for (my $i=0;$i<=$#toplist;$i++) { if ($toplist[$i]) { unshift(@whichfalse,$toplist[$i]) } } for (my $i=0;$i<=$#bottomlist;$i++) { if ($bottomlist[$i]) { push(@whichfalse,$bottomlist[$i]) } } #if the true statement is randomized insert it into the list if ($dosplice) { splice(@whichfalse,$answer,0,$truelist[$whichtrue]); } } &Apache::lonxml::debug("Answer is $answer"); return ($answer,@whichfalse); } ## # Return a list of foil texts given foil names. # # @param $whichfoils - Reference to a list of foil names. # # @return array # @retval foil texts # sub get_foil_texts { my ($whichfoils) = @_; my @foil_texts; foreach my $name (@{$whichfoils}) { push(@foil_texts, $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.text'}); } return @foil_texts; } ## # Generate the HTML for a single html foil. # @param $part - The part for which the response is being generated. # @param $fieldname - The basename of the radiobutton field # @param $name - The foilname. # @param $last_responses - Reference to a hash that holds the most recent # responses. # @param $value - radiobutton value. # # @return text # @retval The generated html. # sub html_radiobutton { my ($part, $fieldname, $name, $last_responses, $value) = @_; my $result=''; return $result; } ## # Return a reference to the last response hash. This hash has exactly # one or zero entries. The one entry is keyed by the foil 'name' of # the prior response # # @param $part - Number of the problem part. # # @return reference to a hash. # @retval see above. # sub get_last_response { my ($part) = @_; my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my ( $lastresponse, $newvariation ); if ((( $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.type"} eq 'randomizetry') || ( $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'randomizetry' ) ) && ( $Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER' ) ) { if ( $env{ 'form.' . $part . '.rndseed' } ne $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.rndseed"} ) { $newvariation = 1; } } unless ($newvariation) { $lastresponse = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.$id.submission"}; } my %lastresponse = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($lastresponse); return \%lastresponse; } ## # Display foils in html rendition.: # # @param $whichfoils - Set of foils to display. # @param $target - Rendition target...there are several html targets. # @param $direction - 'horizontal' if layout is horizontal. # @param $part - Part of the problem that's being displayed. # @param $show_answer- True if answers should be shown. # # @return string # @retval generated html. # sub display_foils_html { my ($whichfoils, $target, $direction, $part, $show_answer) = @_; my $result; # if the answers get shown, we need to label each item as correct or # incorrect. my ($opening_html, $finalclose, $item_pretext, $item_posttext) = &html_direction_fragments($direction); $result .= $opening_html; if ($show_answer) { foreach my $name (@{$whichfoils}) { # If the item gets further surrounded by tags, this # holds the closures for those tages. my $item_closetag = ''; $result .= $item_pretext; # Label each foil as correct or incorrect: if ($Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.value'} eq 'true') { $result .= &mt('Correct:') . ''; $item_closetag .= ''; } else { $result .= &mt('Incorrect'); } # Web rendition encloses the # item text in a label tag as well: if ($target eq 'web') { $result .= '' . $item_closetag; } $result .= $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.text'}; $result .= $item_closetag; $result .= $item_posttext; $result .= "\n"; # make the html a bit more readable. } } else { my $lastresponse = &get_last_response($part); my $item_no = 0; foreach my $name (@{$whichfoils}) { $result .= $item_pretext; $result .= &html_radiobutton( $part, $Apache::inputtags::response[-1], $name, $lastresponse, $item_no ); $result .= $item_posttext; $item_no++; } } $result .= $finalclose; return $result; } ## # Display foils in exam mode for latex # # @param $whichfoils - Reference to an array that contains the foil names to display # @param $bubbles_per_line - Number of bubbles on a line. # @param $direction - Rendering direction 'horizontal' is what we're looking for. # @param $venv - Name of LaTeX environment to use for vertical rendering. # # @return string # @return the latex rendering of the exam problem. # # sub display_latex_exam { my ($whichfoils, $bubbles_per_line, $direction, $venv) = @_; my $result; my $numlines; my $bubble_number = 0; my $line = 0; my $i = 0; if ($direction eq 'horizontal') { # Marshall the display text for each foil and turn things over to # Apache::response::make_horizontal_bubbles: my @foil_texts = &get_foil_texts($whichfoils); $result .= &Apache::caparesponse::make_horizontal_latex_bubbles( $whichfoils, \@foil_texts, '$\bigcirc$'); } else { $result .= '\vskip 2mm \noindent'; # This section puts out the prefix that tells the user # (if necessary) to only choose one bubble in the next n lines # for problems with more than one line worth of bubbles in the grid sheet: my $numitems = scalar( @{$whichfoils} ); $numlines = int( $numitems / $bubbles_per_line ); if ( ( $numitems % $bubbles_per_line ) != 0 ) { $numlines++; } if ( $numlines < 1 ) { $numlines = 1; } if ( $numlines > 1 ) { my $linetext; for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $numlines ; $i++ ) { $linetext .= $Apache::lonxml::counter + $i . ', '; } $linetext =~ s/,\s$//; $result .= '\small {\textbf{' . $linetext . '}} ' . ' {\footnotesize ' . &mt( '(Bubble once in [_1] lines)', $numlines ) . '} \hspace*{\fill} \\\\'; } else { $result .= '\textbf{' . $Apache::lonxml::counter . '}.'; } # Now output the bubbles themselves: foreach my $name (@{$whichfoils}) { if ( $bubble_number >= $bubbles_per_line ) { $line++; $i = 0; $bubble_number = 0; } my $identifier; if ( $numlines > 1 ) { $identifier = $Apache::lonxml::counter + $line; } my $preindent; if ($bubble_number > 0) { $preindent = '\hspace*{3 mm}'; } my $foiltext = $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name . '.text'}; $foiltext =~ s/\\noindent//; # forgive me for I have sinned.. $result .= '{\small \textbf{' . $identifier .$preindent . $alphabet[$i] . '}}$\bigcirc$' . $foiltext . '\\\\'; #' stupid emacs -- it thinks it needs that apostrophe to close the quote $i++; $bubble_number++; } } return $result; } ## # Display latex when exam mode is not on. # # @param $whichfoils - The foils to display # @param $direction - Display direction ('horizontal' is what matters to us). # @param $venv - Vertical env. to use for vertical rendering. # @param $vend - End the vertical environment being used. # # @return string # @retval - The LaTeX rendering of the resource.' # sub display_latex { my ($whichfoils, $direction, $venv) = @_; my $result; # how we render depends on the direction. # Vertical is some kind of list environment determined by vbegin/vend. # Horizontal is a table that is generated by # Apache::caparesponse::make_horizontal_latex_bubbles with an empty string # for the actual bubble text. if ($direction eq 'horizontal') { my @foil_texts = &get_foil_texts($whichfoils); $result .= &Apache::caparesponse::make_horizontal_latex_bubbles( $whichfoils, \@foil_texts, ''); } else { $result .= "\\begin{$venv}"; foreach my $name (@{$whichfoils}) { $result .= '\vspace*{-2 mm}\item ' . $Apache::response::foilgroup{ $name . '.text' }; } $result .= "\\end{$venv}"; } return $result; } ## # Render foils for a PDF form. This is a variant of tex rednering that provides # sufficient markup that the final PDF is a form that can be filled in online, # or offline. # # @param $whichfoils - References an array of foils to display in the order in which # they should be displayed. # @param $direction - Rendering direction. 'horiztonal' means inputs are laid out # horizontally otherwise they are stacked vertically. # @param $venv - Vertical environment in which to wrap the foils. # # @return string # @retval String containing the rendering of the resource. # # TODO: Take into account direction!!! # sub display_pdf_form { my ($whichfoils, $direction, $venv) = @_; my $temp = 0; my $result; $result .= "\\begin{$venv}"; foreach my $name ( @{$whichfoils} ) { my $fieldname = $env{'request.symb'} . '&part_' . $Apache::inputtags::part . '&radiobuttonresponse' . '&HWVAL_' . $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; $result .= '\item[{' . &Apache::lonxml::print_pdf_radiobutton( $fieldname, $temp ) . '}]' . $Apache::response::foilgroup{ $name . '.text' } . "\n"; $temp++; } $result .= "\\end{$venv}"; return $result; } ## # Display selected foils: This is really just a dispatchter to appropriate renderers # # @param $target - Target (e.g. 'tex'...). # @param $answer - True if answers should be shown. # @param $whichfoils - Array of foil selectors that indicate which foils shouild be # rendered, in rendering order. # @param $direction- Rendering direction ('horizontal' is the one we look for, # otherwise foils are rendered one per line vertically. # @param $bubbles_per_line - number of exam bubbles per line. # # @return string # @retval The rendered problem. sub displayfoils { my ($target,$answer,$whichfoils,$direction, $bubbles_per_line)=@_; my $result; my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $solved = $Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$part.solved"}; # Show answers html. if ( ( $target ne 'tex' ) && &Apache::response::show_answer() ) { $result = &display_foils_html( $whichfoils, $target, $direction, $part, 1); # other html } elsif ($target ne 'tex') { $result = &display_foils_html($whichfoils, $target, $direction, $part, 0, 0); # LaTeX rendering: } else { my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1']; my $part = $Apache::inputtags::part; my $numlines; # Decide how to bracket the list of foils: my $vertical_env = &latex_vertical_environment(); # Rendering for latex exams. if ( ( $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam' ) ) { $result .= &display_latex_exam( $whichfoils, $bubbles_per_line, $direction, $vertical_env); $result .= '\vskip 0mm '; } else { # Different rendering for PDF form than for a # 'regular' answer direction is honored in both of those # if ( ($env{'form.pdfFormFields'} eq 'yes') && ($Apache::inputtags::status[-1] eq 'CAN_ANSWER')) { $result .= &display_pdf_form($whichfoils, $direction, $vertical_env); } else { $result .= &display_latex($whichfoils, $direction, $vertical_env ); } $result .= '\vskip 0 mm '; } } return $result; } sub displayallanswers { my @names; if ( $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} ) { @names= @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }; } my $result=&Apache::response::answer_header('radiobuttonresponse'); foreach my $name (@names) { $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('radiobuttonresponse', $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}); } $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('radiobuttonresponse'); return $result; } sub displayanswers { my ($answer, $whichopt, $bubbles_per_line)=@_; my $result; if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam') { my $line = int($answer/$bubbles_per_line); my $correct = ('A'..'Z')[$answer%$bubbles_per_line]; $result .= &Apache::response::answer_header('radiobuttonresponse', $line); $result .= &Apache::response::answer_part('radiobuttonresponse', $correct); } else { $result .= &Apache::response::answer_header('radiobuttonresponse'); } foreach my $name (@{ $whichopt }) { $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('radiobuttonresponse', $Apache::response::foilgroup{$name.'.value'}); } $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('radiobuttonresponse'); return $result; } sub start_conceptgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; $Apache::radiobuttonresponse::conceptgroup=1; %Apache::response::conceptgroup=(); my $result; if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token); $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Concept:','concept',$token,'50'). &Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack, $safeeval,'concept'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_conceptgroup { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; $Apache::radiobuttonresponse::conceptgroup=0; my $result; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::response::pick_foil_for_concept($target, ['value','text','location'], \%Apache::hint::radiobutton, $parstack,$safeeval); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result=&Apache::edit::end_table(); } return $result; } sub insert_conceptgroup { my $result="\n\t\t".&insert_foil()."\n\t\t\n"; return $result; } sub start_foil { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::lonxml::startredirection; if ($target eq 'analyze') { &Apache::response::check_if_computed($token,$parstack,$safeeval,'value'); } } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token); $result.=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Name:','name',$token); $result.=&Apache::edit::select_or_text_arg('Correct Option:','value', ['unused','true','false'], $token); my $randomize=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('randomize',$parstack, $safeeval,'-3'); if ($randomize ne 'no') { $result.=&Apache::edit::select_arg('Location:','location', ['random','top','bottom'],$token); } $result.=&Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack, $safeeval,'value','name', 'location'); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_foil { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $text=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { $text=&Apache::lonxml::endredirection; } if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'analyze') { my $value = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('value',$parstack,$safeeval); if ($value ne 'unused') { my $name = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('name',$parstack,$safeeval); if ($name eq "") { &Apache::lonxml::warning(&mt('Foils without names exist. This can cause problems to malfunction.')); $name=$Apache::lonxml::curdepth; } if (defined($Apache::response::foilnames{$name})) { &Apache::lonxml::error(&mt('Foil name [_1] appears more than once. Foil names need to be unique.',''.$name.'')); } $Apache::response::foilnames{$name}++; my $location =&Apache::lonxml::get_param('location',$parstack, $safeeval); if ( $Apache::radiobuttonresponse::conceptgroup && !&Apache::response::showallfoils() ) { push @{ $Apache::response::conceptgroup{'names'} }, $name; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.value"} = $value; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.text"} = $text; $Apache::response::conceptgroup{"$name.location"} = $location; } else { push @{ $Apache::response::foilgroup{'names'} }, $name; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.value"} = $value; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.text"} = $text; $Apache::response::foilgroup{"$name.location"} = $location; } } } return ''; } sub insert_foil { return ' '; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::radiobuttonresponse =head1 SYNOPSIS Handles multiple-choice style responses. This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project described at http://www.lon-capa.org. =head1 SUBROUTINES =over =item start_radiobuttonresponse() =item bubble_line_count() =item end_radiobuttonresponse() =item start_foilgroup() =item storesurvey() =item grade_response() =item end_foilgroup() =item getfoilcounts() =item format_prior_answer() =item displayallfoils() =item &whichfoils($max,$randomize) Randomizes the list of foils. Respects - each foils desire to be randomized - the existance of Concept groups of foils (select 1 foil from each) - and selects a single correct statement from all possilble true statments - and limits it to a toal of $max foils WARNING: this routine uses the random number generator, it should only be called once per target, otherwise it can cause randomness changes in homework problems. Arguments $max - maximum number of foils to select (including the true one) (so a max of 5 is: 1 true, 4 false) $randomize - whether to randomize the listing of foils, by default will randomize, only if randomize is 'no' will it not Returns $answer - location in the array of the correct answer @foils - array of foil names in to display order =item displayfoils() =item displayallanswers() =item displayanswers() =item start_conceptgroup() =item end_conceptgroup() =item insert_conceptgroup() =item start_foil() =item end_foil() =item insert_foil() =back =cut