# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # definition of tags that give a structure to a document # 2/19 Guy package Apache::structuretags; use strict; use Apache::lonnet; sub BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::structuretags',('block','while','randomlist','problem','web','tex','part','preduedate','postanswerdate','solved','notsolved','startouttext','endouttext')); } sub start_web { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $bodytext=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/web",$$parser[$#$parser]); if ($target eq 'web') { return $bodytext; } return ''; } sub end_web { } sub start_tex { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $bodytext=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/tex",$$parser[$#$parser]); if ($target eq 'tex') { return $bodytext } return ''; } sub end_tex { } sub start_problem { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; #intialize globals $Apache::inputtags::part='0'; @Apache::inputtags::responselist = (); #adeed vars to the scripting enviroment my $expression='$external::part='.$Apache::inputtags::part.';'; &Apache::run::run($expression,$safeeval); my $status; my $datemsg; my $result=&Apache::londefdef::start_html($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { ($status,$datemsg) = &Apache::lonhomework::check_date('0'); push (@Apache::inputtags::status,$status); my $expression='$external::datestatus="'.$status.'";'; $expression.='$external::gradestatus="'.$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.0.solved"}.'";'; &Apache::run::run($expression,$safeeval); if ( $status eq 'CLOSED' ) { my $bodytext=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/problem",$$parser[$#$parser]); if ( $target eq "web" ) { return $result."
Problem is not open to be viewed. The problem $datemsg
"; } } } if ($target eq 'web') { my $args =''; if ( $#$parstack > -1 ) { $args=$$parstack[$#$parstack]; } my $name = &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $name}',$safeeval); if ($name eq '') { $name=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.title'); if ($name eq 'con_lost') { $name = ''; } } $Apache::lonhomework::name=$name; if ($status eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { # create a page header and exit $result.="$name\n \n
". ''; if ($ENV{'request.state'} eq "construct") { $result.='
'; } return $result; } elsif ($status eq 'SHOW_ANSWER' || $status eq 'CANNOT_ANSWER' || $status eq 'CLOSED') { return $result."$name\n\n"; } } if ($target eq 'edit') { $result.='
'; my $temp=&Apache::edit::insertlist($token,$target); &Apache::lonxml::debug("edit gave me $temp"); $result.=$temp; return $result; } return ''; } sub end_problem { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $result=''; my $status=$Apache::inputtags::status['-1']; if ($target eq 'grade' || $target eq'web' ) { if ( $target eq 'grade' && $Apache::inputtags::part eq '0' && $status eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { # if part is zero, no s existed, so we need to the grading &Apache::inputtags::grade; } elsif ($Apache::inputtags::part eq '0') { # if part is zero, no s existed, so we need show the current # grading status $result.= &Apache::inputtags::gradestatus($Apache::inputtags::part); } if ($target eq 'web') { if ($status eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { $result.="\n"; } elsif ($status eq 'SHOW_ANSWER' || $status eq 'CANNOT_ANSWER') { $result.="\n"; } } } if ($target eq 'meta') { if ($Apache::inputtags::part eq '0') { $result=&Apache::response::mandatory_part_meta; } } if ($target eq 'edit') { &Apache::lonxml::debug("in end_problem with $target, edit"); $result='
'; } return $result; } sub start_block { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $code = @$parstack[$#$parstack]; $code =~ s/\"//g; $code .=';return $condition;'; # print "
"; my $result = &Apache::run::run($code,$safeeval); &Apache::lonxml::debug("block :$code: returned :$result:"); if ( ! $result ) { my $skip=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/block",$$parser[$#$parser]); &Apache::lonxml::debug("skipping ahead :$skip: $$parser[$#$parser]"); } return ""; } sub end_block { } sub start_while { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $code = @$parstack[$#$parstack]; $code =~ s/\"//g; $code .=';return $condition;'; push( @Apache::structuretags::whileconds, $code); my $result = &Apache::run::run($code,$safeeval); my $bodytext=$$parser[$#$parser]->get_text("/while"); push( @Apache::structuretags::whilebody, $bodytext); if ( $result ) { &Apache::lonxml::newparser($parser,\$bodytext); } return ""; } sub end_while { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $code = pop @Apache::structuretags::whileconds; my $bodytext = pop @Apache::structuretags::whilebody; my $result = &Apache::run::run($code,$safeeval); if ( $result ) { &Apache::lonxml::newparser($parser,\$bodytext); } return ""; } # # .. # .. # .. # ... # sub start_randomlist { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $body= &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/randomlist",$$parser[$#$parser]); my $b_parser= HTML::TokeParser->new(\$body); my $b_tok; my @randomlist; my $list_item; while($b_tok = $b_parser->get_token() ) { if($b_tok->[0] eq 'S') { # start tag # get content of the tag until matching end tag # get all text upto the matching tag # and push the content into @randomlist $list_item = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text('/'.$b_tok->[1],$b_parser); $list_item = "$b_tok->[4]"."$list_item"."[1]>"; push(@randomlist,$list_item); # print "
START-TAG $b_tok->[1], $b_tok->[4], $list_item"; } if($b_tok->[0] eq 'T') { # text # what to do with text in between tags? # print "TEXT $b_tok->[1]
"; } # if($b_tok->[0] eq 'E') { # end tag, should not happen # print "END-TAG $b_tok->[1]
"; # } } my @idx_arr = (0 .. $#randomlist); &Apache::structuretags::shuffle(\@idx_arr); my $bodytext = ''; for(0 .. $#randomlist) { $bodytext .= "$randomlist[ $idx_arr[$_] ]"; } &Apache::lonxml::newparser($parser,\$bodytext); return ""; } sub shuffle { my $a=shift; my $i; for($i=@$a;--$i;) { my $j=int rand($i+1); next if $i == $j; @$a[$i,$j] = @$a[$j,$i]; } } sub end_randomlist { } sub start_part { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $args =''; if ( $#$parstack > -1 ) { $args=$$parstack[$#$parstack]; } my $id = &Apache::run::run("{$args;".'return $id}',$safeeval); $Apache::inputtags::part=$id; @Apache::inputtags::responselist = (); if ($target eq 'meta') { return &Apache::response::mandatory_part_meta; } else { my ($status,$datemsg) = &Apache::lonhomework::check_date("OPEN_DATE",$id); push (@Apache::inputtags::status,$status); my $expression='$external::datestatus="'.$status.'";'; $expression.='$external::gradestatus="'.$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$id.solved"}.'";'; &Apache::run::run($expression,$safeeval); if ( $status eq 'CLOSED' ) { my $bodytext=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/part",$$parser[$#$parser]); if ( $target eq "web" ) { return "
Part is not open to be viewed. It $datemsg
"; } } } return ''; } sub end_part { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; &Apache::lonxml::debug("in end_part $target "); my $status=$Apache::inputtags::status['-1']; pop @Apache::inputtags::status; if ( $target eq 'meta' ) { return ''; } if ( $target eq 'grade' && $status eq 'CAN_ANSWER') { return &Apache::inputtags::grade; } return &Apache::inputtags::gradestatus($Apache::inputtags::part); } sub start_preduedate { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { if ($Apache::inputtags::status['-1'] ne 'CAN_ANSWER' && $Apache::inputtags::status['-1'] ne 'CANNOT_ANSWER' ) { &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/preduedate",$$parser[$#$parser]); } } return ''; } sub end_preduedate { return ''; } sub start_postanswerdate { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { if ($Apache::inputtags::status['-1'] ne 'SHOW_ANSWER') { &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/postanswerdate",$$parser[$#$parser]); } } return ''; } sub end_postanswerdate { return ''; } sub start_notsolved { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { my $gradestatus=$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.solved"}; &Apache::lonxml::debug("not solved has :$gradestatus:"); if ($gradestatus =~ /^correct/) { &Apache::lonxml::debug("skipping"); &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/notsolved",$$parser[$#$parser]); } } return ''; } sub end_notsolved { return ''; } sub start_solved { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'grade') { my $gradestatus=$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$Apache::inputtags::part.solved"}; if ($gradestatus !~ /^correct/) { &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/solved",$$parser[$#$parser]); } } return ''; } sub end_solved { return ''; } sub start_startouttext { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my @result=(''.''); if ($target eq 'edit' || $target eq 'modified' ) { @result=('','no'); } return (@result); } sub end_startouttext { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $result=''; my $text=''; if ($target eq 'edit') { $text=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("endouttext",$$parser[$#$parser]); $result= &Apache::edit::tag_start("outtext"). &Apache::edit::editfield($token->[1],$text,"Text Block"); } if ($target eq 'modified') { $text=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("endouttext",$$parser['-1']); $result=''.&Apache::edit::modifiedfield(); } return $result; } sub start_endouttext { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq "edit" ) { $result=&Apache::edit::tag_end("outtext"); } if ($target eq "modified") { $result=''; } return $result; } sub end_endouttext { my ($target,$token,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_; my @result=('',''); if ($target eq "edit" || $target eq 'modified') { @result=('','no'); } return (@result); } 1; __END__