# Categories # cat:column,row:title cat:0,0:none:No category, inline menu cat:1,2:com:Communication cat:1,3:set:My Space cat:2,1:umn:User Management cat:2,2:cmn:Course Management cat:2,3:dom:Domain Management cat:2,4:grd:Grading and Statistics cat:2,5:crc:Course Content cat:1,1:rol:My Roles cat:1,1:rcr:My Courses cat:1,4:cnt:Content Library cat:2,6:oth:Other # # row:col:pro:prt:img:top:bot:act:txt:cat # row-> row of remote to appear on # col-> col of remote to appear on # pro-> when to show the button # prt-> parameter to pro # img-> img for the button # top-> txt for the top row of the remote # bot-> txt for the bottom row of the remote # act-> javascrtip to excute when clicked # txt-> text to display in the extended remote or inline remote # cat-> category that this belongs into (or "none" if in top menus) # # pro = clear clear the button # pro = any any permission level is allowed this button # pro = smp allowed if $ENV{'user.adv'} is undefined # pro = adv allowed if $ENV{'user.adv'} is defined # pro = shc allowed if should use 'course' rather than 'role' # pro = nsc allowed if should not use 'course' rather than 'role' # pro = author prt = rca and user is a co-author # pro = author prt = any # pro = p??? allowed if the user has the permissions given in ??? # course allowed if in course # course_p??? allowed if in course and have permissions # courseenv_???? allowed if in course and course environment key exists # author allowed if an author # tools allowed if user has access to particular user tool (= prt) # editpriv allowed if user has edit privileges for the current resource # retlink there is a valid location to return to # 0 is very top menu line 0:1:any:any::::go('/adm/communicate');:Messages:none 0:2:shc:any::::go('/adm/roles');:Courses:none 0:2:shc:rst::::go('/adm/roles');:Courses:none 0:2:nsc:any::::go('/adm/roles');:Roles:none 0:2:nsc:rcm::::go('/adm/roles');:Roles:none 0:3:any:any::::helpMenu('display');:Help:none 0:4:any:any::::go('/adm/logout');:Logout:none # 15 is primary inline menu 15:1:any:any::::go('/adm/menu');:Main Menu:none # 16 is secondary inline menu # 0