# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # Dynamic plot # # $Id: lonplot.pm,v 1.172 2013/01/31 17:10:38 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA). # # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # package Apache::lonplot; use strict; use warnings FATAL=>'all'; no warnings 'uninitialized'; use Apache::File; use Apache::response; use Apache::lonxml; use Apache::edit; use Apache::lonnet; use LONCAPA; use vars qw/$weboutputformat $version/; BEGIN { &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot',('gnuplot')); # # Determine the version of GNUPLOT $weboutputformat = 'gif'; my $versionstring = `gnuplot --version 2>/dev/null`; ($version) = ($versionstring =~ /^gnuplot ([\d.]+)/); if ($version >= 4) { $weboutputformat = 'png'; } } =pod ## ## Description of data structures: ## ## %plot %key %axis ## -------------------------- ## height title color ## width box xmin ## bgcolor pos xmax ## fgcolor ymin ## transparent ymax ## grid ## border ## font ## align ## ## @labels: $labels[$i] = \%label ## %label: text, xpos, ypos, justify ## ## @curves: $curves[$i] = \%curve ## %curve: name, linestyle, ( function | data ) ## ## $curves[$i]->{'data'} = [ [x1,x2,x3,x4], ## [y1,y2,y3,y4] ] ## ################################################################### ## ## ## Tests used in checking the validitity of input ## ## ## ################################################################### =cut my $max_str_len = 50; # if a label, title, xlabel, or ylabel text # is longer than this, it will be truncated. my %linetypes = # For png use these linetypes. ( solid => 1, dashed => 0 ); my %ps_linetypes = # For ps the line types are different! ( solid => 0, dashed => 7 ); my %linestyles = ( lines => 2, # Maybe this will be used in the future linespoints => 2, # to check on whether or not they have dots => 2, # supplied enough fields points => 2, # to use the given line style. But for steps => 2, # now there are more important things fsteps => 2, # for me to deal with. histeps => 2, errorbars => 3, xerrorbars => [3,4], yerrorbars => [3,4], xyerrorbars => [4,6], boxes => 3, filledcurves => 2, vector => 4 ); my $int_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^\d+$/}; my $real_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^[+-]?\d*\.?\d*([eE][+-]\d+)?$/}; my $pos_real_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~/^[+]?\d*\.?\d*([eE][+-]\d+)?$/}; my $color_test; if ($version < 4.6) { $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~s/^\#/x/;$_[0]=~/^x[\da-fA-F]{6}$/}; } else { $color_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+//g;$_[0]=~s/^x/#/;$_[0]=~/^\#[\da-fA-F]{6}$/}; } my $onoff_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(on|off)$/}; my $key_pos_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(top|bottom|right|left|outside|below| )+$/}; my $sml_test = sub {$_[0]=~/^(\d+|small|medium|large)$/}; my $linestyle_test = sub {exists($linestyles{$_[0]})}; my $words_test = sub {$_[0]=~s/\s+/ /g;$_[0]=~/^([\w~!\@\#\$\%^&\*\(\)-=_\+\[\]\{\}:\;\'<>,\.\/\?\\]+ ?)+$/}; my $arrowhead_test = sub{$_[0]=~/^(nohead|head|heads| )+$/}; my $arrowstyle_test= sub{$_[0]=~/^(filled|empty|nofilled)+$/}; my $degree_test = sub{&$pos_real_test($_[0]) && ($_[0] <= 360.0)}; ################################################################### ## ## ## Attribute metadata ## ## ## ################################################################### my @gnuplot_edit_order = qw/alttag bgcolor fgcolor height width texwidth fontface font texfont transparent grid samples border align plotcolor plottype gridtype lmargin rmargin tmargin bmargin major_ticscale minor_ticscale boxwidth gridlayer fillstyle pattern solid/; my $margin_choices = ['default',0..20]; my %gnuplot_defaults = ( alttag => { default => 'dynamically generated plot', test => $words_test, description => 'Brief description of the plot', edit_type => 'entry', size => '40' }, height => { default => 300, test => $int_test, description => 'Height of image (pixels)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, width => { default => 400, test => $int_test, description => 'Width of image (pixels)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, bgcolor => { default => 'xffffff', test => $color_test, description => 'Background color of image (xffffff)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10', class => 'colorchooser' }, fgcolor => { default => 'x000000', test => $color_test, description => 'Foreground color of image (x000000)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10', class => 'colorchooser' }, transparent => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Transparent image', edit_type => 'onoff' }, grid => { default => 'on', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Display grid', edit_type => 'onoff' }, gridlayer => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Display grid front layer over filled boxes or filled curves', edit_type => 'onoff' }, box_border => { default => 'noborder', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(noborder|border)$/}, description => 'Draw border for boxes', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['border','noborder'] }, border => { default => 'on', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Draw border around plot', edit_type => 'onoff' }, font => { default => '9', test => $sml_test, description => 'Font size to use in web output (pts)', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [['5','5 (small)'],'6','7','8',['9','9 (medium)'],'10',['11','11 (large)'],'12','15'] }, fontface => { default => 'sans-serif', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(sans-serif|serif|classic)$/}, description => 'Type of font to use', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['sans-serif','serif', 'classic'] }, samples => { default => '100', test => $int_test, description => 'Number of samples for non-data plots', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['100','200','500','1000','2000','5000'] }, align => { default => 'middle', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(left|right|middle|center)$/}, description => 'Alignment for image in HTML', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['left','right','middle'] }, texwidth => { default => '93', test => $int_test, description => 'Width of plot when printed (mm)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, texfont => { default => '22', test => $int_test, description => 'Font size to use in TeX output (pts):', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [qw/8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36/], }, plotcolor => { default => 'monochrome', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(monochrome|color|colour)$/}, description => 'Color setting for printing:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [qw/monochrome color colour/], }, pattern => { default => '', test => $int_test, description => 'Pattern value for boxes:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] }, solid => { default => 0, test => $real_test, description => 'The density of fill style for boxes', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, fillstyle => { default => 'empty', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(empty|solid|pattern)$/}, description => 'Filled style for boxes:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['empty','solid','pattern'] }, plottype => { default => 'Cartesian', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(Polar|Cartesian)$/}, description => 'Plot type:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['Cartesian','Polar'] }, gridtype => { default => 'Cartesian', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(Polar|Cartesian|Linear-Log|Log-Linear|Log-Log)$/}, description => 'Grid type:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['Cartesian','Polar','Linear-Log','Log-Linear','Log-Log'] }, lmargin => { default => 'default', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(default|\d+)$/}, description => 'Left margin width (pts):', edit_type => 'choice', choices => $margin_choices, }, rmargin => { default => 'default', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(default|\d+)$/}, description => 'Right margin width (pts):', edit_type => 'choice', choices => $margin_choices, }, tmargin => { default => 'default', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(default|\d+)$/}, description => 'Top margin width (pts):', edit_type => 'choice', choices => $margin_choices, }, bmargin => { default => 'default', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(default|\d+)$/}, description => 'Bottom margin width (pts):', edit_type => 'choice', choices => $margin_choices, }, boxwidth => { default => '', test => $real_test, description => 'Width of boxes, default is auto', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, major_ticscale => { default => '1', test => $real_test, description => 'Size of major tic marks (plot coordinates)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, minor_ticscale => { default => '0.5', test => $real_test, description => 'Size of minor tic mark (plot coordinates)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, ); my %key_defaults = ( title => { default => '', test => $words_test, description => 'Title of key', edit_type => 'entry', size => '40' }, box => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Draw a box around the key?', edit_type => 'onoff' }, pos => { default => 'top right', test => $key_pos_test, description => 'Position of the key on the plot', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['top left','top right','bottom left','bottom right', 'outside','below'] } ); my %label_defaults = ( xpos => { default => 0, test => $real_test, description => 'X position of label (graph coordinates)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, ypos => { default => 0, test => $real_test, description => 'Y position of label (graph coordinates)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, justify => { default => 'left', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(left|right|center)$/}, description => 'justification of the label text on the plot', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['left','right','center'] }, rotate => { default => 0, test => $real_test, description => 'Rotation of label (degrees)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10', } ); my @tic_edit_order = ('location','mirror','start','increment','end', 'minorfreq'); my %tic_defaults = ( location => { default => 'border', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(border|axis)$/}, description => 'Location of major tic marks', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['border','axis'] }, mirror => { default => 'on', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Mirror tics on opposite axis?', edit_type => 'onoff' }, start => { default => '-10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Start major tics at', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, increment => { default => '1.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Place a major tic every', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, end => { default => ' 10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Stop major tics at ', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, minorfreq => { default => '0', test => $int_test, description => 'Number of minor tics per major tic mark', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, rotate => { default => 'off', test => $onoff_test, description => 'Rotate tic label by 90 degrees if on', edit_type => 'onoff' } ); my @axis_edit_order = ('color','xmin','xmax','ymin','ymax','xformat', 'yformat', 'xzero', 'yzero'); my %axis_defaults = ( color => { default => 'x000000', test => $color_test, description => 'Color of grid lines (x000000)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10', class => 'colorchooser' }, xmin => { default => '-10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Minimum x-value shown in plot', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, xmax => { default => ' 10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Maximum x-value shown in plot', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, ymin => { default => '-10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Minimum y-value shown in plot', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, ymax => { default => ' 10.0', test => $real_test, description => 'Maximum y-value shown in plot', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10' }, xformat => { default => 'on', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(on|off|\d+(f|F|e|E))$/}, description => 'X-axis number formatting', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['on', 'off', '2e', '2f'], }, yformat => { default => 'on', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(on|off|\d+(f|F|e|E))$/}, description => 'Y-axis number formatting', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['on', 'off', '2e', '2f'], }, xzero => { default => 'off', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(off|line|thick-line|dotted)$/}, description => 'Show x-zero (y=0) axis', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['off', 'line', 'thick-line', 'dotted'], }, yzero => { default => 'off', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(off|line|thick-line|dotted)$/}, description => 'Show y-zero (x=0) axis', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['off', 'line', 'thick-line', 'dotted'], }, ); my @curve_edit_order = ('color','name','linestyle','linewidth','linetype', 'pointtype','pointsize','limit', 'arrowhead', 'arrowstyle', 'arrowlength', 'arrowangle', 'arrowbackangle' ); my %curve_defaults = ( color => { default => 'x000000', test => $color_test, description => 'Color of curve (x000000)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '10', class => 'colorchooser' }, name => { default => '', test => $words_test, description => 'Name of curve to appear in key', edit_type => 'entry', size => '20' }, linestyle => { default => 'lines', test => $linestyle_test, description => 'Plot with:', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [keys(%linestyles)] }, linewidth => { default => 1, test => $int_test, description => 'Line width (may not apply to all plot styles)', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] }, linetype => { default => 'solid', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(solid|dashed)$/}, description => 'Line type (may not apply to all plot styles)', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['solid', 'dashed'] }, pointsize => { default => 1, test => $pos_real_test, description => 'Point size (may not apply to all plot styles)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, pointtype => { default => 1, test => $int_test, description => 'Point type (may not apply to all plot styles)', edit_type => 'choice', choices => [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] }, limit => { default => 'closed', test => sub {$_[0]=~/^(above|below|closed|x1|x2|y1|y2)$/}, description => 'Point to fill -- for filledcurves', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['above', 'below', 'closed','x1','x2','y1','y2'] }, arrowhead => { default => 'head', test => $arrowhead_test, description => 'Vector arrow head type', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['nohead', 'head', 'heads'] }, arrowstyle => { default => 'filled', test => $arrowstyle_test, description => 'Vector arrow head style', edit_type => 'choice', choices => ['filled', 'empty', 'nofilled'] }, arrowlength => { default => 0.02, test => $pos_real_test, description => "Length of vector arrow (only applies to vector plots)", edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, arrowangle => { default => 10.0, test => $degree_test, description => 'Angle of arrow branches to arrow body (only applies to vector plots)', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' }, arrowbackangle => { default => 90.0, test => $degree_test, descripton => 'Angle of arrow back lines to branches.', edit_type => 'entry', size => '5' } ); ################################################################### ## ## ## parsing and edit rendering ## ## ## ################################################################### undef %Apache::lonplot::plot; my (%key,%axis,$title,$xlabel,$ylabel,@labels,@curves,%xtics,%ytics); my $current_tics; # Reference to the current tick hash sub start_gnuplot { undef(%Apache::lonplot::plot); undef(%key); undef(%axis); undef($title); undef($xlabel); undef($ylabel); undef(@labels); undef(@curves); undef(%xtics); undef(%ytics); # my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot', ('title','xlabel','ylabel','key','axis','label','curve', 'xtics','ytics')); push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'lonplot'); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &get_attributes(\%Apache::lonplot::plot,\%gnuplot_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'GnuPlot'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%gnuplot_defaults, \@gnuplot_edit_order) .&Apache::edit::end_row() .&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%gnuplot_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { # # The color chooser does not prepent x to the color values # Do that here: # foreach my $attribute ('bgcolor', 'fgcolor') { my $value = $token->[2]{$attribute}; if (defined $value && !($value =~ /^x/)) { $token->[2]{$attribute} = 'x' . $value; } } $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_gnuplot { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; pop @Apache::lonxml::namespace; &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot', ('title','xlabel','ylabel','key','axis','label','curve')); my $result = ''; my $randnumber; my $tmpdir =LONCAPA::tempdir(); # Where temporary files live: # need to call rand everytime start_script would evaluate, as the # safe space rand number generator and the global rand generator # are not separate if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'grade' || $target eq 'answer') { $randnumber=int(rand(1000)); } if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &check_inputs(); # Make sure we have all the data we need ## ## Determine filename my $filename = $env{'user.name'}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}. '_'.time.'_'.$$.$randnumber.'_plot'; ## Write the plot description to the file &write_gnuplot_file($tmpdir,$filename,$target); $filename = &escape($filename); ## return image tag for the plot if ($target eq 'web') { $result .= <<"ENDIMAGE"; $Apache::lonplot::plot{'alttag'} ENDIMAGE } elsif ($target eq 'tex') { &Apache::lonxml::debug(" gnuplot wid = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}"); &Apache::lonxml::debug(" gnuplot ht = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}"); #might be inside the safe space, register the URL for later &Apache::lonxml::register_ssi("/cgi-bin/plot.gif?file=$filename.data&output=eps"); $result = "%DYNAMICIMAGE:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'texwidth'}\n"; $result .= '\graphicspath{{'.$tmpdir.'}}'."\n"; $result .= '\includegraphics[width='.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'texwidth'}.' mm]{'.&unescape($filename).'.eps}'; } } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------- xtics sub start_xtics { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &get_attributes(\%xtics,\%tic_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); $current_tics = \%xtics; &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot', 'tic'); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'xtics'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%tic_defaults, \@tic_edit_order); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%tic_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_xtics { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot', 'tic'); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##--------------------------------------------------------------- ytics sub start_ytics { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &get_attributes(\%ytics,\%tic_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); $current_tics = \%ytics; &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot', 'tic'); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'ytics'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%tic_defaults, \@tic_edit_order); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%tic_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_ytics { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot', 'tic'); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##---------------------------------------------------------------- # # Tic handling: # The tag allows users to specify exact Tic positions and labels # for each axis. In this version we only support level 0 tics (major tic). # Each tic has associated with it a position and a label # $current_tics is a reference to the current tick description hash. # We add elements to an array in that has: ticspecs whose elements # are 'pos' - the tick position and 'label' - the tic label. # sub start_tic { my ($target, $token, $tagstack, $parstack, $parser, $safeeval, $style) = @_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { my $tic_location = &Apache::lonxml::get_param('location', $parstack, $safeeval); my $tic_label = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text('/tic', $parser); # Tic location must e a real: if (!&$real_test($tic_location)) { &Apache::lonxml::warning("Tic location: $tic_location must be a real number"); } else { if (!defined $current_tics->{'ticspecs'}) { $current_tics->{'ticspecs'} = []; } my $ticspecs = $current_tics->{'ticspecs'}; push (@$ticspecs, {'pos' => $tic_location, 'label' => $tic_label}); } } return $result; } sub end_tic { return ''; } ##-----------------------------------------------------------------font my %font_properties = ( 'classic' => { face => 'classic', file => 'DejaVuSansMono-Bold', printname => 'Helvetica', tex_no_file => 1, }, 'sans-serif' => { face => 'sans-serif', file => 'DejaVuSans', printname => 'DejaVuSans', }, 'serif' => { face => 'serif', file => 'DejaVuSerif', printname => 'DejaVuSerif', }, ); sub get_font { my ($target) = @_; my ($size, $selected_font); if ( $Apache::lonplot::plot{'font'} =~ /^(small|medium|large)/) { $selected_font = $font_properties{'classic'}; if ( $Apache::lonplot::plot{'font'} eq 'small') { $size = '5'; } elsif ( $Apache::lonplot::plot{'font'} eq 'medium') { $size = '9'; } elsif ( $Apache::lonplot::plot{'font'} eq 'large') { $size = '11'; } else { $size = '9'; } } else { $size = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'font'}; $selected_font = $font_properties{$Apache::lonplot::plot{'fontface'}}; } if ($target eq 'tex' && defined($Apache::lonplot::plot{'texfont'})) { # $selected_font = $font_properties{'classic'}; $size = $Apache::lonplot::plot{'texfont'}; } return ($size, $selected_font); } ##----------------------------------------------------------------- key sub start_key { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &get_attributes(\%key,\%key_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Key'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%key_defaults); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%key_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_key { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } sub parse_label { my ($target,$text) = @_; my $parser=HTML::LCParser->new(\$text); my $result; while (my $token=$parser->get_token) { if ($token->[0] eq 'S') { if ($token->[1] eq 'sub') { $result .= '_{'; } elsif ($token->[1] eq 'sup') { $result .= '^{'; } else { $result .= $token->[4]; } } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'E') { if ($token->[1] eq 'sub' || $token->[1] eq 'sup') { $result .= '}'; } else { $result .= $token->[2]; } } elsif ($token->[0] eq 'T') { $result .= &replace_entities($target,$token->[1]); } } return $result; } # # Note that there are severe restrictions on font selection in the # ps driver now. later in life Gnuplot is supposed to support # utf-8 fonts in the posts script driver. When this happens, # the tex entries with comments that include the word # should be changed to print the correct glyphs rather than some # approximation or fallback of what is intended. my %lookup = ( # Greek alphabet: '(Alpha|#913)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol A}', 'web' => "\x{391}"}, '(Beta|#914)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol B}', 'web' => "\x{392}"}, '(Chi|#935)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol C}', 'web' => "\x{3A7}"}, '(Delta|#916)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol D}', 'web' => "\x{394}"}, '(Epsilon|#917)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol E}', 'web' => "\x{395}"}, '(Phi|#934)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol F}', 'web' => "\x{3A6}"}, '(Gamma|#915)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol G}', 'web' => "\x{393}"}, '(Eta|#919)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol H}', 'web' => "\x{397}"}, '(Iota|#921)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol I}', 'web' => "\x{399}"}, '(Kappa|#922)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol K}', 'web' => "\x{39A}"}, '(Lambda|#923)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol L}', 'web' => "\x{39B}"}, '(Mu|#924)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol M}', 'web' => "\x{39C}"}, '(Nu|#925)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol N}', 'web' => "\x{39D}"}, '(Omicron|#927)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol O}', 'web' => "\x{39F}"}, '(Pi|#928)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol P}', 'web' => "\x{3A0}"}, '(Theta|#920)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol Q}', 'web' => "\x{398}"}, '(Rho|#929)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol R}', 'web' => "\x{3A1}"}, '(Sigma|#931)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol S}', 'web' => "\x{3A3}"}, '(Tau|#932)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol T}', 'web' => "\x{3A4}"}, '(Upsilon|#933)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol U}', 'web' => "\x{3A5}"}, '(Omega|#937)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol W}', 'web' => "\x{3A9}"}, '(Xi|#926)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol X}', 'web' => "\x{39E}"}, '(Psi|#936)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol Y}', 'web' => "\x{3A8}"}, '(Zeta|#918)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol Z}', 'web' => "\x{396}"}, '(alpha|#945)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol a}', 'web' => "\x{3B1}"}, '(beta|#946)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol b}', 'web' => "\x{3B2}"}, '(chi|#967)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol c}', 'web' => "\x{3C7}"}, '(delta|#948)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol d}', 'web' => "\x{3B4}"}, '(epsilon|#949)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol e}', 'web' => "\x{3B5}"}, '(phi|#966)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol f}', 'web' => "\x{3C6}"}, '(gamma|#947)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol g}', 'web' => "\x{3B3}"}, '(eta|#951)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol h}', 'web' => "\x{3B7}"}, '(iota|#953)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol i}', 'web' => "\x{3B9}"}, '(kappa|#954)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol k}', 'web' => "\x{3BA}"}, '(lambda|#955)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol k}', 'web' => "\x{3BB}"}, '(mu|#956)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol m}', 'web' => "\x{3BC}"}, '(nu|#957)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol n}', 'web' => "\x{3BD}"}, '(omicron|#959)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol o}', 'web' => "\x{3BF}"}, '(pi|#960)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol p}', 'web' => "\x{3C0}"}, '(theta|#952)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol q}', 'web' => "\x{3B8}"}, '(rho|#961)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol r}', 'web' => "\x{3C1}"}, '(sigma|#963)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol s}', 'web' => "\x{3C3}"}, '(tau|#964)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol t}', 'web' => "\x{3C4}"}, '(upsilon|#965)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol u}', 'web' => "\x{3C5}"}, '(omega|#969)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol w}', 'web' => "\x{3C9}"}, '(xi|#958)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol x}', 'web' => "\x{3BE}"}, '(psi|#968)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol y}', 'web' => "\x{3C8}"}, '(zeta|#950)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol z}', 'web' => "\x{3B6}"}, '(thetasym|#977)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \165}', 'web' => "\x{3d1}"}, '(upsih|#978)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \241}', 'web' => "\x{3d2}"}, '(piv|#982)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \166}', 'web' => "\x{3d6}"}, # Punctuation: '(quot|#034)' => {'tex' => '\42', 'web' => '\42'}, '(amp|#038)' => {'tex' => '\46', 'web' => '\46'}, '(lt|#060)' => {'tex' => '\74', 'web' => '\74'}, '(gt|#062)' => {'tex' => '\76', 'web' => '\76'}, '#131' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \246}', 'web' => "\x{192}"}, '#132' => {'tex' => '{/Text \271}', 'web' => "\x{201e}"}, '#133' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \274}', 'web'=> "\x{2026}"}, '#134' => {'tex' => '{/Text \262}', 'web' => "\x{2020}"}, '#135' => {'tex' => '{/Text \263}', 'web' => "\x{2021}"}, '#136' => {'tex' => '\\\\^', 'web' => '\\\\^'}, '#137' => {'tex' => '%o', 'web' => "\x{2030}"}, # Per Mille '#138' => {'tex' => 'S', 'web' => "\x{160}"}, # S-Caron '#139' => {'tex' => '<', 'web' => '<'}, '#140' => {'tex' => 'AE', 'web' => "\x{152}"}, # AE ligature '#145' => {'tex' => '\140', 'web' => "\x{2018}"}, '#146' => {'tex' => '\47', 'web' => "\x{2019}"}, '#147' => {'tex' => '\140\140', 'web' => "\x{201c}"}, # Left " '#148' => {'tex' => '\47\47', 'web' => '\\"'}, # Right " '#149' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \267}', 'web' => "\x{2022}"}, '#150' => {'tex' => '{/Text \55}', 'web' => "\x{2013}"}, # en dash '#151' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \55}', 'web' => "\x{2014}"}, # em dash '#152' => {'tex' => '\\\\~', 'web' => '\\\\~'}, '#153' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \324}', 'web' => "\x{2122}"}, # trademark # Accented letters, and other furreign language glyphs. '#154' => {'tex' => 's', 'web' => "\x{161}"}, # small s-caron no ps. '#155' => {'tex' => '>', 'web' => '\76'}, # > '#156' => {'tex' => '{/Text \366}', 'web' => "\x{153}"}, # oe ligature. '#159', => {'tex' => 'Y', 'web' => "\x{178}"}, # Y-umlaut - can't print '(nbsp|#160)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => ' '}, # non breaking space. '(iexcl|#161)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \241}', 'web' => "\x{a1}"}, # inverted ! '(cent|#162)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \242}', 'web' => "\x{a2}"}, # Cent currency. '(pound|#163)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \243}', 'web' => "\x{a3}"}, # GB Pound currency. '(curren|#164)' => {'tex' => '{/ZapfDingbats \161}','web' => "\x{a4}"}, # Generic currency symb. '(yen|#165)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \245}', 'web' => "\x{a5}"}, # Yen currency. '(brvbar|#166)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \174}', 'web' => "\x{a6}"}, # Broken vert bar no print. '(sect|#167)' => {'tex' => '{\247}', 'web' => "\x{a7}"}, # Section symbol. '(uml|#168)' => {'tex' => '{\250}', 'web' => "\x{a8}"}, # 'naked' umlaut. '(copy|#169)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \343}', 'web' => "\x{a9}"}, # Copyright symbol. '(ordf|#170)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \343}', 'web' => "\x{aa}"}, # Feminine ordinal. '(laquo|#171)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \253}', 'web' => "\x{ab}"}, # << quotes. '(not|#172)' => {'tex' => '\254', 'web' => "\x{ac}"}, # Logical not. '(shy|#173)' => {'tex' => '\255', 'web' => "\x{ad}"}, # soft hyphen. '(reg|#174)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \342}', 'web' => "\x{ae}"}, # Registered tm. '(macr|#175)' => {'tex' => '^{\255}', 'web' => "\x{af}"}, # 'naked' macron (overbar). '(deg|#176)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \260}', 'web' => "\x{b0}"}, # Degree symbo..` '(plusmn|#177)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \261}', 'web' => "\x{b1}"}, # +/- symbol. '(sup2|#178)' => {'tex' => '^2', 'web' => "\x{b2}"}, # Superscript 2. '(sup3|#179)' => {'tex' => '^3', 'web' => "\x{b3}"}, # Superscript 3. '(acute|#180)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \222}', 'web' => "\x{b4}"}, # 'naked' acute accent. '(micro|#181)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \155}', 'web' => "\x{b5}"}, # Micro (small mu). '(para|#182)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \266}', 'web' => "\x{b6}"}, # Paragraph symbol. '(middot|#183)' => {'tex' => '\267', 'web' => "\x{b7}"}, # middle dot '(cedil|#184)' => {'tex' => '\233', 'web' => "\x{b8}"}, # 'naked' cedilla. '(sup1|#185)' => {'tex' => '^1', 'web' => "\x{b9}"}, # superscript 1. '(ordm|#186)' => {'tex' => '{\260}', 'web' => "\x{ba}"}, # masculine ordinal. '(raquo|#187)', => {'tex' => '\273', 'web' => "\x{bb}"}, # Right angle quotes. '(frac14|#188)' => {'tex' => '\274', 'web' => "\x{bc}"}, # 1/4. '(frac12|#189)' => {'tex' => '\275', 'web' => "\x{bd}"}, # 1/2. '(frac34|#190)' => {'tex' => '\276', 'web' => "\x{be}"}, # 3/4 '(iquest|#191)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \277}', 'web' => "\x{bf}"}, # Inverted ? '(Agrave|#192)' => {'tex' => '\300', 'web' => "\x{c0}"}, # A Grave. '(Aacute|#193)' => {'tex' => '\301', 'web' => "\x{c1}"}, # A Acute. '(Acirc|#194)' => {'tex' => '\302', 'web' => "\x{c2}"}, # A Circumflex. '(Atilde|#195)' => {'tex' => '\303', 'web' => "\x{c3}"}, # A tilde. '(Auml|#196)' => {'tex' => '\304', 'web' => "\x{c4}"}, # A umlaut. '(Aring|#197)' => {'tex' => '\305', 'web' => "\x{c5}"}, # A ring. '(AElig|#198)' => {'tex' => '\306', 'web' => "\x{c6}"}, # AE ligature. '(Ccedil|#199)' => {'tex' => '\307', 'web' => "\x{c7}"}, # C cedilla '(Egrave|#200)' => {'tex' => '\310', 'web' => "\x{c8}"}, # E Accent grave. '(Eacute|#201)' => {'tex' => '\311', 'web' => "\x{c9}"}, # E acute accent. '(Ecirc|#202)' => {'tex' => '\312', 'web' => "\x{ca}"}, # E Circumflex. '(Euml|#203)' => {'tex' => '\313', 'web' => "\x{cb}"}, # E umlaut. '(Igrave|#204)' => {'tex' => '\314', 'web' => "\x{cc}"}, # I grave accent. '(Iacute|#205)' => {'tex' => '\315', 'web' => "\x{cd}"}, # I acute accent. '(Icirc|#206)' => {'tex' => '\316', 'web' => "\x{ce}"}, # I circumflex. '(Iuml|#207)' => {'tex' => '\317', 'web' => "\x{cf}"}, # I umlaut. '(ETH|#208)' => {'tex' => '\320', 'web' => "\x{d0}"}, # Icelandic Cap eth. '(Ntilde|#209)' => {'tex' => '\321', 'web' => "\x{d1}"}, # Ntilde (enyan). '(Ograve|#210)' => {'tex' => '\322', 'web' => "\x{d2}"}, # O accent grave. '(Oacute|#211)' => {'tex' => '\323', 'web' => "\x{d3}"}, # O accent acute. '(Ocirc|#212)' => {'tex' => '\324', 'web' => "\x{d4}"}, # O circumflex. '(Otilde|#213)' => {'tex' => '\325', 'web' => "\x{d5}"}, # O tilde. '(Ouml|#214)' => {'tex' => '\326', 'web' => "\x{d6}"}, # O umlaut. '(times|#215)' => {'tex' => '\327', 'web' => "\x{d7}"}, # Times symbol. '(Oslash|#216)' => {'tex' => '\330', 'web' => "\x{d8}"}, # O slash. '(Ugrave|#217)' => {'tex' => '\331', 'web' => "\x{d9}"}, # U accent grave. '(Uacute|#218)' => {'tex' => '\332', 'web' => "\x{da}"}, # U accent acute. '(Ucirc|#219)' => {'tex' => '\333', 'web' => "\x{db}"}, # U circumflex. '(Uuml|#220)' => {'tex' => '\334', 'web' => "\x{dc}"}, # U umlaut. '(Yacute|#221)' => {'tex' => '\335', 'web' => "\x{dd}"}, # Y accent acute. '(THORN|#222)' => {'tex' => '\336', 'web' => "\x{de}"}, # Icelandic thorn. '(szlig|#223)' => {'tex' => '\337', 'web' => "\x{df}"}, # German sharfes s. '(agrave|#224)' => {'tex' => '\340', 'web' => "\x{e0}"}, # a accent grave. '(aacute|#225)' => {'tex' => '\341', 'web' => "\x{e1}"}, # a grave. '(acirc|#226)' => {'tex' => '\342', 'web' => "\x{e2}"}, # a circumflex. '(atilde|#227)' => {'tex' => '\343', 'web' => "\x{e3}"}, # a tilde. '(auml|#228)' => {'tex' => '\344', 'web' => "\x{e4}"}, # a umlaut '(aring|#229)' => {'tex' => '\345', 'web' => "\x{e5}"}, # a ring on top. '(aelig|#230)' => {'tex' => '\346', 'web' => "\x{e6}"}, # ae ligature. '(ccedil|#231)' => {'tex' => '\347', 'web' => "\x{e7}"}, # C cedilla '(egrave|#232)' => {'tex' => '\350', 'web' => "\x{e8}"}, # e accent grave. '(eacute|#233)' => {'tex' => '\351', 'web' => "\x{e9}"}, # e accent acute. '(ecirc|#234)' => {'tex' => '\352', 'web' => "\x{ea}" }, # e circumflex. '(euml|#235)' => {'tex' => '\353', 'web' => "\x{eb}"}, # e umlaut. '(igrave|#236)' => {'tex' => '\354', 'web' => "\x{ec}"}, # i grave. '(iacute|#237)' => {'tex' => '\355', 'web' => "\x{ed}"}, # i acute. '(icirc|#238)' => {'tex' => '\356', 'web' => "\x{ee}"}, # i circumflex. '(iuml|#239)' => {'tex' => '\357', 'web' => "\x{ef}"}, # i umlaut. '(eth|#240)' => {'tex' => '\360', 'web' => "\x{f0}"}, # Icelandic eth. '(ntilde|#241)' => {'tex' => '\361', 'web' => "\x{f1}"}, # n tilde. '(ograve|#242)' => {'tex' => '\362', 'web' => "\x{f2}"}, # o grave. '(oacute|#243)' => {'tex' => '\363', 'web' => "\x{f3}"}, # o acute. '(ocirc|#244)' => {'tex' => '\364', 'web' => "\x{f4}"}, # o circumflex. '(otilde|#245)' => {'tex' => '\365', 'web' => "\x{f5}"}, # o tilde. '(ouml|#246)' => {'tex' => '\366', 'web' => "\x{f6}"}, # o umlaut. '(divide|#247)' => {'tex' => '\367', 'web' => "\x{f7}"}, # division symbol '(oslash|#248)' => {'tex' => '\370', 'web' => "\x{f8}"}, # o slashed. '(ugrave|#249)' => {'tex' => '\371', 'web' => "\x{f9}"}, # u accent grave. '(uacute|#250)' => {'tex' => '\372', 'web' => "\x{fa}"}, # u acute. '(ucirc|#251)' => {'tex' => '\373', 'web' => "\x{fb}"}, # u circumflex. '(uuml|#252)' => {'tex' => '\374', 'web' => "\x{fc}"}, # u umlaut. '(yacute|#253)' => {'tex' => '\375', 'web' => "\x{fd}"}, # y acute accent. '(thorn|#254)' => {'tex' => '\376', 'web' => "\x{fe}"}, # small thorn (icelandic). '(yuml|#255)' => {'tex' => '\377', 'web' => "\x{ff}"}, # y umlaut. # Latin extended A entities: '(OElig|#338)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \326}', 'web' => "\x{152}"}, # OE ligature. '(oelig|#339)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \366}', 'web' => "\x{153}"}, # oe ligature. '(Scaron|#352)' => {'tex' => 'S', 'web' => "\x{160}"}, # S caron no printable. '(scaron|#353)' => {'tex' => 's', 'web' => "\x{161}"}, # s caron no printable. '(Yuml|#376)' => {'tex' => 'Y', 'web' => "\x{178}"}, # Y umlaut - no printable. # Latin extended B. '(fnof|#402)' => {'tex' =>'{/Symbol \246}', 'web' => "\x{192}"}, # f with little hook. # Standalone accents: '(circ|#710)' => {'tex' => '^', 'web' => '^'}, # circumflex. '(tilde|#732)' => {'tex' => '~', 'web' => '~'}, # tilde. # General punctuation. We're not able to make a distinction between # the various length spacings in the print version. (e.g. en/em/thin). # the various joiners will be empty strings in the print version too. '(ensp|#8194)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{2002}"}, # en space. '(emsp|#8195)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{2003}"}, # em space. '(thinsp|#8201)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{2009}"}, # thin space. '(zwnj|#8204)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{200c}"}, # Zero width non joiner. '(zwj|#8205)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{200d}"}, # Zero width joiner. '(lrm|#8206)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{200e}"}, # Left to right mark '(rlm|#8207)' => {'tex' => ' ', 'web' => "\x{200f}"}, # right to left mark. '(ndash|#8211)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \55}', 'web' => "\x{2013}"}, # en dash. '(mdash|#8212)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \55}', 'web' => "\x{2014}"}, # em dash. '(lsquo|#8216)' => {'tex' => '{/Text \140}', 'web' => "\x{2018}"}, # Left single quote. '(rsquo|#8217)' => {'tex' => '\47', 'web' => "\x{2019}"}, # Right single quote. '(sbquo|#8218)' => {'tex' => '\54', 'web' => "\x{201a}"}, # Single low-9 quote. '(ldquo|#8220)' => {'tex' => '\42', 'web' => "\x{201c}"}, # Left double quote. '(rdquo|#8221)' => {'tex' => '\42', 'web' => "\x{201d}"}, # Right double quote. '(bdquo|#8222)' => {'tex' => ',', 'web' => "\x{201e}"}, # Double low-9 quote. '(dagger|#8224)' => {'tex' => '+', 'web' => "\x{2020}"}, # Is this a dagger I see before me now? '(Dagger|#8225)' => {'tex' => '\261', 'web' => "\x{2021}"}, # it's handle pointing towards my heart? '(bull|#8226)' => {'tex' => '\267', 'web' => "\x{2022}"}, # Bullet. '(hellep|#8230)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \274}', 'web' => "\x{2026}"}, # Ellipses. '(permil|#8240)' => {'tex' => '%_o', 'web' => "\x{2031}"}, # Per mille. '(prime|#8242)' => {'tex' => '\264', 'web' => "\x{2032}"}, # Prime. '(Prime|#8243)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \262}', 'web' => "\x{2033}"}, # double prime. '(lsaquo|#8249)' => {'tex' => '<', 'web' => "\x{2039}"}, # < quote. '(rsaquo|#8250)' => {'tex' => '\74', 'web' => "\x{203a}"}, # > quote. '(oline|#8254)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \140}', 'web' => "\x{203e}"}, # Overline. '(frasl|#8260)' => {'tex' => '/', 'web' => "\x{2044}"}, # Fraction slash. '(euro|#8364)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \240}', 'web' => "\x{20ac}"}, # Euro currency. # Letter like symbols. '(weierp|#8472)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \303}', 'web' => "\x{2118}"}, # Power set symbol '(image|#8465)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \301}', 'web' => "\x{2111}"}, # Imaginary part '(real|#8476)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \302}', 'web' => "\x{211c}"}, # Real part. '(trade|#8482)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \344}', 'web' => "\x{2122}"}, # trademark symbol. '(alefsym|#8501)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \300}', 'web' => "\x{2135}"}, # Hebrew alef. # Arrows of various types and directions. '(larr|#8592)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \254}', 'web' => "\x{2190}"}, # <-- '(uarr|#8593)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \255}', 'web' => "\x{2191}"}, # up arrow. '(rarr|#8594)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \256}', 'web' => "\x{2192}"}, # --> '(darr|#8595)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \257}', 'web' => "\x{2193}"}, # down arrow. '(harr|#8596)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \253}', 'web' => "\x{2194}"}, # <--> '(crarr|#8629)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \277}', 'web' => "\x{21b5}"}, # corner arrow down and right. '(lArr|#8656)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \334}', 'web' => "\x{21d0}"}, # <== '(uArr|#8657)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \335}', 'web' => "\x{21d1}"}, # Up double arrow. '(rArr|#8658)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \336}', 'web' => "\x{21d2}"}, # ==> '(dArr|#8659)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \337}', 'web' => "\x{21d3}"}, # Down double arrow. '(hArr|#8660)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \333}', 'web' => "\x{21d4}"}, # <==> # Mathematical operators. For some of these we do the best we can in printing. '(forall|#8704)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \42}', 'web' => "\x{2200}"}, # For all. '(part|#8706)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol d}', 'web' => "\x{2202}"}, # partial derivative '(exist|#8707)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \44}', 'web' => "\x{2203}"}, # There exists. '(empty|#8709)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \306}', 'web' => "\x{2205}"}, # Null set. '(nabla|#8711)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \321}', 'web' => "\x{2207}"}, # Gradient e.g. '(isin|#8712)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \316}', 'web' => "\x{2208}"}, # Element of the set. '(notin|#8713)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \317}', 'web' => "\x{2209}"}, # Not an element of '(ni|#8715)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \47}', 'web' => "\x{220b}"}, # Contains as a member '(prod|#8719)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \325}', 'web' => "\x{220f}"}, # Product '(sum|#8721)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \345}', 'web' => "\x{2211}"}, # Sum of. '(minus|#8722)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \55}', 'web' => "\x{2212}"}, # - sign. '(lowast|#8727)' => {'tex' => '*', 'web' => "\x{2217}"}, # * '(radic|#8730)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \326}', 'web' => "\x{221a}"}, # Square root. '(prop|#8733)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \265}', 'web' => "\x{221d}"}, # Proportional to. '(infin|#8734)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \245}', 'web' => "\x{221e}"}, # Infinity. '(ang|#8736)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \320}', 'web' => "\x{2220}"}, # Angle . '(and|#8743)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \331}', 'web' => "\x{2227}"}, # Logical and. '(or|#8744)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \332}', 'web' => "\x{2228}"}, # Logical or. '(cap|#8745)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \307}', 'web' => "\x{2229}"}, # Set intersection. '(cup|#8746)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \310}', 'web' => "\x{222a}"}, # Set union. '(int|8747)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \362}', 'web' => "\x{222b}"}, # Integral. # Some gnuplot guru will have to explain to me why the next three # require the extra slashes... else they print very funkily. '(there4|#8756)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \\\134}', 'web' => "\x{2234}"}, # Therefore triple dots. '(sim|#8764)' => {'tex' => '\\\176', 'web' => "\x{223c}"}, # Simlar to. '(cong|#8773)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \\\100}','web' => "\x{2245}"}, # Congruent to/with. '(asymp|#8776)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \273}', 'web' => "\x{2248}"}, # Asymptotic to. '(ne|#8800)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \271}', 'web' => "\x{2260}"}, # not equal to. '(equiv|#8801)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \272}', 'web' => "\x{2261}"}, # Equivalent to. '(le|8804)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \243}', 'web' => "\x{2264}"}, # Less than or equal to. '(ge|8805)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \263}', 'web' => "\x{2265}"}, # Greater than or equal to '(sub|8834)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \314}', 'web' => "\x{2282}"}, # Subset of. '(sup|8835)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \311}', 'web' => "\x{2283}"}, # Super set of. '(nsub|8836)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \313}', 'web' => "\x{2284}"}, # not subset of. '(sube|8838)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \315}', 'web' => "\x{2286}"}, # Subset or equal. '(supe|8839)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \312}', 'web' => "\x{2287}"}, # Superset or equal '(oplus|8853)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \305}', 'web' => "\x{2295}"}, # O with plus inside '(otimes|8855)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \304}', 'web' => "\x{2297}"}, # O with times. '(perp|8869)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \136}', 'web' => "\x{22a5}"}, # Perpendicular. '(sdot|8901)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \227}', 'web' => "\x{22c5}"}, # Dot operator. # Misc. technical symbols: '(lceil|8698)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \351}', 'web' => "\x{2308}"}, # Left ceiling. '(rceil|8969)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \371}', 'web' => "\x{2309}"}, # Right ceiling. '(lfloor|8970)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \353}', 'web' => "\x{230a}"}, # Left floor. '(rfloor|8971)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \373}', 'web' => "\x{230b}"}, # Right floor. # The gnuplot png font evidently does not have the big angle brackets at # positions 0x2329, 0x232a so use ordinary brackets. '(lang|9001)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \341}', 'web' => '<'}, # Left angle bracket. '(rang|9002)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \361}', 'web' => '>'}, # Right angle bracket. # Gemoetric shapes. '(loz|9674)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \340}', 'web' => "\x{25ca}"}, # Lozenge. # Misc. symbols '(spades|9824)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \252}', 'web' => "\x{2660}"}, '(clubs|9827)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \247}', 'web' => "\x{2663}"}, '(hearts|9829)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \251}', 'web' => "\x{2665}"}, '(diams|9830)' => {'tex' => '{/Symbol \250}', 'web' => "\x{2666}"} ); sub replace_entities { my ($target,$text) = @_; $text =~ s{([_^~\{\}]|\\\\)}{\\\\$1}g; while (my ($re, $replace) = each(%lookup)) { my $repl = $replace->{$target}; $text =~ s/&$re;/$replace->{$target}/g; } $text =~ s{(&)}{\\\\$1}g; return $text; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- title sub start_title { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $title = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/title",$parser,$style); $title=&Apache::run::evaluate($title,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); $title =~ s/\n/ /g; if (length($title) > $max_str_len) { $title = substr($title,0,$max_str_len); } $title = &parse_label($target,$title); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Title'); my $text=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/title",$parser,$style); $result.=&Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/title",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_title { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- xlabel sub start_xlabel { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $xlabel = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/xlabel",$parser,$style); $xlabel=&Apache::run::evaluate($xlabel,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); $xlabel =~ s/\n/ /g; if (length($xlabel) > $max_str_len) { $xlabel = substr($xlabel,0,$max_str_len); } $xlabel = &parse_label($target,$xlabel); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Xlabel'); my $text=&Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/xlabel",$parser,$style); $result.=&Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/xlabel",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_xlabel { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- ylabel sub start_ylabel { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { $ylabel = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/ylabel",$parser,$style); $ylabel = &Apache::run::evaluate($ylabel,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); $ylabel =~ s/\n/ /g; if (length($ylabel) > $max_str_len) { $ylabel = substr($ylabel,0,$max_str_len); } $ylabel = &parse_label($target,$ylabel); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Ylabel'); my $text = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/ylabel",$parser,$style); $result .= &Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/ylabel",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_ylabel { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- label sub start_label { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { my %label; &get_attributes(\%label,\%label_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); my $text = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/label",$parser,$style); $text = &Apache::run::evaluate($text,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); $text =~ s/\n/ /g; $text = substr($text,0,$max_str_len) if (length($text) > $max_str_len); $label{'text'} = &parse_label($target,$text); push(@labels,\%label); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Label'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%label_defaults); my $text = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/label",$parser,$style); $result .= &Apache::edit::end_row(). &Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(). &Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { &Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%label_defaults)); $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/label",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_label { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- curve sub start_curve { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::lonplot',('function','data')); push (@Apache::lonxml::namespace,'curve'); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { my %curve; &get_attributes(\%curve,\%curve_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); push (@curves,\%curve); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Curve'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%curve_defaults, \@curve_edit_order) .&Apache::edit::end_row() .&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row(); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%curve_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { # # Fix up the color attribute as jcolor does not prepend an x # my $value = $token->[2]{'color'}; if (defined $value && !($value =~ /^x/)) { $token->[2]{'color'} = 'x' . $value; } $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_curve { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; pop @Apache::lonxml::namespace; &Apache::lonxml::deregister('Apache::lonplot',('function','data')); if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------ curve function sub start_function { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { if (exists($curves[-1]->{'data'})) { &Apache::lonxml::warning ('Use of the curve function tag precludes use of '. ' the curve data tag. '. 'The curve data tag will be omitted in favor of the '. 'curve function declaration.'); delete $curves[-1]->{'data'} ; } my $function = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/function",$parser, $style); $function = &Apache::run::evaluate($function,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); $function=~s/\^/\*\*/gs; $function=~ s/^\s+//; # Trim leading $function=~ s/\s+$//; # And trailing whitespace. $curves[-1]->{'function'} = $function; } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Gnuplot compatible curve function'); my $text = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/function",$parser,$style); $result .= &Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/function",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_function { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::end_table(); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------ curve data sub start_data { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { if (exists($curves[-1]->{'function'})) { &Apache::lonxml::warning ('Use of the curve function tag precludes use of '. ' the curve data tag. '. 'The curve function tag will be omitted in favor of the '. 'curve data declaration.'); delete($curves[-1]->{'function'}); } my $datatext = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/data",$parser,$style); $datatext=&Apache::run::evaluate($datatext,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]); # Deal with cases where we're given an array... if ($datatext =~ /^\@/) { $datatext = &Apache::run::run('return "'.$datatext.'"', $safeeval,1); } $datatext =~ s/\s+/ /g; # Need to do some error checking on the @data array - # make sure it's all numbers and make sure each array # is of the same length. my @data; if ($datatext =~ /,/) { # comma deliminated @data = split /,/,$datatext; } else { # Assume it's space separated. @data = split / /,$datatext; } for (my $i=0;$i<=$#data;$i++) { # Check that it's non-empty if (! defined($data[$i])) { &Apache::lonxml::warning( 'undefined curve data value. Replacing with '. ' pi/e = 1.15572734979092'); $data[$i] = 1.15572734979092; } # Check that it's a number if (! &$real_test($data[$i]) & ! &$int_test($data[$i])) { &Apache::lonxml::warning( 'Bad curve data value of '.$data[$i].' Replacing with '. ' pi/e = 1.15572734979092'); $data[$i] = 1.15572734979092; } } # complain if the number of data points is not the same as # in previous sets of data. if (($curves[-1]->{'data'}) && ($#data != $#{$curves[-1]->{'data'}->[0]})){ &Apache::lonxml::warning ('Number of data points is not consistent with previous '. 'number of data points'); } push @{$curves[-1]->{'data'}},\@data; } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Comma or space deliminated curve data'); my $text = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text("/data",$parser,$style); $result .= &Apache::edit::editline('',$text,'',60); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { $result.=&Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); $result.=&Apache::edit::modifiedfield("/data",$parser); } return $result; } sub end_data { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::end_table(); } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- axis sub start_axis { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result=''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { &get_attributes(\%axis,\%axis_defaults,$parstack,$safeeval, $tagstack->[-1]); } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result .= &Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token,'Plot Axes'); $result .= &edit_attributes($target,$token,\%axis_defaults, \@axis_edit_order); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args ($token,$parstack,$safeeval,keys(%axis_defaults)); if ($constructtag) { # # Fix up the color attribute since jchooser does not # prepend an x to the color: # my $value = $token->[2]{'color'}; if (defined $value && !($value =~ /^x/)) { $token->[2]{'color'} = 'x' . $value; } $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); } } return $result; } sub end_axis { my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_; my $result = ''; if ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') { } elsif ($target eq 'edit') { $result.=&Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token); } elsif ($target eq 'modified') { } return $result; } ################################################################### ## ## ## Utility Functions ## ## ## ################################################################### ##----------------------------------------------------------- set_defaults sub set_defaults { my ($var,$defaults) = @_; my $key; foreach $key (keys(%$defaults)) { $var->{$key} = $defaults->{$key}->{'default'}; } } ##------------------------------------------------------------------- misc sub get_attributes{ my ($values,$defaults,$parstack,$safeeval,$tag) = @_; foreach my $attr (keys(%{$defaults})) { if ($attr eq 'texwidth' || $attr eq 'texfont') { $values->{$attr} = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($attr,$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1); } else { $values->{$attr} = &Apache::lonxml::get_param($attr,$parstack,$safeeval); } if ($values->{$attr} eq '' | !defined($values->{$attr})) { $values->{$attr} = $defaults->{$attr}->{'default'}; next; } my $test = $defaults->{$attr}->{'test'}; if (! &$test($values->{$attr})) { &Apache::lonxml::warning ($tag.':'.$attr.': Bad value.'.'Replacing your value with : ' .$defaults->{$attr}->{'default'} ); $values->{$attr} = $defaults->{$attr}->{'default'}; } } return ; } ## # Generate tic mark specifications. # # @param type - type of tics (xtics or ytics). # @param spec - Reference to a hash that contains the tic specification. # @param target - 'tex' if hard copy target. # # @return string - the tic specification command. # sub generate_tics { my ($type, $spec, $target) = @_; my $result = ''; if (defined %$spec) { # Major tics: - If there are 'ticspecs' these override any other # specifications: $result .= "set $type $spec->{'location'} "; $result .= ($spec->{'mirror'} eq 'on') ? 'mirror ' : 'nomirror '; if ($spec->{'rotate'} eq 'on') { $result .= ' rotate '; } if (defined $spec->{'ticspecs'}) { $result .= '( '; my @ticspecs; my $ticinfo = $spec->{'ticspecs'}; foreach my $tic (@$ticinfo) { push(@ticspecs, '"' . $tic->{'label'} . '" ' . $tic->{'pos'} ); } $result .= join(', ', (@ticspecs)); $result .= ' )'; } else { $result .= "$spec->{'start'}, "; $result .= "$spec->{'increment'}, "; $result .= "$spec->{'end'} "; } if ($target eq 'tex' ) { $result .= 'font "Helvetica,22"'; } $result .= "\n"; # minor frequency: if ($spec->{'minorfreq'} != 0) { $result .= "set m$type $spec->{'minorfreq'}\n"; } } elsif ($target eq 'tex' ) { $result .= "set $type font " . '"Helvetica,22"' ."\n"; } return $result; } ##------------------------------------------------------- write_gnuplot_file sub write_gnuplot_file { my ($tmpdir,$filename,$target)= @_; my ($fontsize, $font_properties) = &get_font($target); my $gnuplot_input = ''; my $curve; # # Check to be sure we do not have any empty curves my @curvescopy; foreach my $curve (@curves) { if (exists($curve->{'function'})) { if ($curve->{'function'} !~ /^\s*$/) { push(@curvescopy,$curve); } } elsif (exists($curve->{'data'})) { foreach my $data (@{$curve->{'data'}}) { if (scalar(@$data) > 0) { push(@curvescopy,$curve); last; } } } } @curves = @curvescopy; # Collect all the colors my @Colors; push @Colors, $Apache::lonplot::plot{'bgcolor'}; push @Colors, $Apache::lonplot::plot{'fgcolor'}; push @Colors, (defined($axis{'color'})?$axis{'color'}:$Apache::lonplot::plot{'fgcolor'}); foreach $curve (@curves) { push @Colors, ($curve->{'color'} ne '' ? $curve->{'color'} : $Apache::lonplot::plot{'fgcolor'} ); } # set term if ($target eq 'web') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set terminal png enhanced nocrop '; $gnuplot_input .= 'transparent ' if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'transparent'} eq 'on'); $gnuplot_input .= 'font "'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonFontsDir'}. '/'.$font_properties->{'file'}.'.ttf" '; $gnuplot_input .= $fontsize; $gnuplot_input .= ' size '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}.','.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}.' '; $gnuplot_input .= "@Colors\n"; # set output $gnuplot_input .= "set output\n"; } elsif ($target eq 'tex') { $gnuplot_input .= "set term postscript eps enhanced $Apache::lonplot::plot{'plotcolor'} dash "; if (!$font_properties->{'tex_no_file'}) { $gnuplot_input .= 'fontfile "'.$Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonFontsDir'}. '/'.$font_properties->{'file'}.'.pfb" '; } $gnuplot_input .= ' "'.$font_properties->{'printname'}.'" '; $gnuplot_input .= $fontsize; $gnuplot_input .= "\nset output \"".$tmpdir. &unescape($filename).".eps\"\n"; $gnuplot_input .= "set encoding iso_8859_1\n"; # Get access to extended font. } $gnuplot_input .= "set encoding utf8\n"; # cartesian or polar plot? if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'plottype'}) eq 'polar') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set polar'.$/; } else { # Assume Cartesian } # cartesian or polar grid? if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'gridtype'}) eq 'polar') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set grid polar'.$/; } elsif (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'gridtype'}) eq 'linear-log') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set logscale x'.$/; } elsif (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'gridtype'}) eq 'log-linear') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set logscale y'.$/; } elsif (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'gridtype'}) eq 'log-log') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set logscale x'.$/; $gnuplot_input .= 'set logscale y'.$/; } else { # Assume Cartesian } # solid or pattern for boxes? if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'fillstyle'}) eq 'solid') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set style fill solid '. $Apache::lonplot::plot{'solid'}.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'box_border'}.$/; } elsif (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'fillstyle'}) eq 'pattern') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set style fill pattern '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'pattern'}.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'box_border'}.$/; } elsif (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'fillstyle'}) eq 'empty') { } # margin if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'lmargin'}) ne 'default') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set lmargin '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'lmargin'}.$/; } if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'rmargin'}) ne 'default') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set rmargin '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'rmargin'}.$/; } if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'tmargin'}) ne 'default') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set tmargin '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'tmargin'}.$/; } if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'bmargin'}) ne 'default') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set bmargin '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'bmargin'}.$/; } # tic scales if ($version > 4) { $gnuplot_input .= 'set tics scale '. $Apache::lonplot::plot{'major_ticscale'}.', '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'minor_ticscale'}.$/; } else { $gnuplot_input .= 'set ticscale '. $Apache::lonplot::plot{'major_ticscale'}.' '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'minor_ticscale'}.$/; } #boxwidth if (lc($Apache::lonplot::plot{'boxwidth'}) ne '') { $gnuplot_input .= 'set boxwidth '.$Apache::lonplot::plot{'boxwidth'}.$/; } # gridlayer $gnuplot_input .= 'set grid noxtics noytics front '.$/ if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'gridlayer'} eq 'on'); # grid $gnuplot_input .= 'set grid'.$/ if ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'grid'} eq 'on'); # border $gnuplot_input .= ($Apache::lonplot::plot{'border'} eq 'on'? 'set border'.$/ : 'set noborder'.$/ ); # sampling rate for non-data curves $gnuplot_input .= "set samples $Apache::lonplot::plot{'samples'}\n"; # title, xlabel, ylabel # titles my $extra_space_x = ($xtics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' offset 0, -0.5 ' : ''; my $extra_space_y = ($ytics{'location'} eq 'axis') ? ' offset -0.5, 0 ' : ''; if ($target eq 'tex') { $gnuplot_input .= "set title \"$title\" font \"".$font_properties->{'printname'}.",".$fontsize."pt\"\n" if (defined($title)) ; $gnuplot_input .= "set xlabel \"$xlabel\" $extra_space_x font \"".$font_properties->{'printname'}.",".$fontsize."pt\"\n" if (defined($xlabel)); $gnuplot_input .= "set ylabel \"$ylabel\" $extra_space_y font \"".$font_properties->{'printname'}.",".$fontsize."pt\"\n" if (defined($ylabel)); } else { $gnuplot_input .= "set title \"$title\" \n" if (defined($title)) ; $gnuplot_input .= "set xlabel \"$xlabel\" $extra_space_x \n" if (defined($xlabel)); $gnuplot_input .= "set ylabel \"$ylabel\" $extra_space_y \n" if (defined($ylabel)); } # tics $gnuplot_input .= &generate_tics('xtics', \%xtics, $target); $gnuplot_input .= &generate_tics('ytics', \%ytics, $target); # axis if (%axis) { if ($axis{'xformat'} ne 'on') { $gnuplot_input .= "set format x "; if ($axis{'xformat'} eq 'off') { $gnuplot_input .= "\"\"\n"; } else { $gnuplot_input .= "\"\%.".$axis{'xformat'}."\"\n"; } } if ($axis{'yformat'} ne 'on') { $gnuplot_input .= "set format y "; if ($axis{'yformat'} eq 'off') { $gnuplot_input .= "\"\"\n"; } else { $gnuplot_input .= "\"\%.".$axis{'yformat'}."\"\n"; } } $gnuplot_input .= "set xrange \[$axis{'xmin'}:$axis{'xmax'}\]\n"; $gnuplot_input .= "set yrange \[$axis{'ymin'}:$axis{'ymax'}\]\n"; if ($axis{'xzero'} ne 'off') { $gnuplot_input .= "set xzeroaxis "; if ($axis{'xzero'} eq 'line' || $axis{'xzero'} eq 'thick-line') { $gnuplot_input .= "lt -1 "; if ($axis{'xzero'} eq 'thick-line') { $gnuplot_input .= "lw 3 "; } } $gnuplot_input .= "\n"; } if ($axis{'yzero'} ne 'off') { $gnuplot_input .= "set yzeroaxis "; if ($axis{'yzero'} eq 'line' || $axis{'yzero'} eq 'thick-line') { $gnuplot_input .= "lt -1 "; if ($axis{'yzero'} eq 'thick-line') { $gnuplot_input .= "lw 3 "; } } $gnuplot_input .= "\n"; } } # Key if (%key) { $gnuplot_input .= 'set key '.$key{'pos'}.' '; if ($key{'title'} ne '') { $gnuplot_input .= 'title "'.$key{'title'}.'" '; } $gnuplot_input .= ($key{'box'} eq 'on' ? 'box ' : 'nobox ').$/; } else { $gnuplot_input .= 'set nokey'.$/; } # labels my $label; foreach $label (@labels) { $gnuplot_input .= 'set label "'.$label->{'text'}.'" at '. $label->{'xpos'}.','.$label->{'ypos'}; if ($label->{'rotate'} ne '') { $gnuplot_input .= ' rotate by '.$label->{'rotate'}; } $gnuplot_input .= ' '.$label->{'justify'}; if ($target eq 'tex') { $gnuplot_input .=' font "'.$font_properties->{'printname'}.','.$fontsize.'pt"' ; } $gnuplot_input .= $/; } if ($target eq 'tex') { $gnuplot_input .="set size 1,".$Apache::lonplot::plot{'height'}/$Apache::lonplot::plot{'width'}*1.38; $gnuplot_input .="\n"; } # curves # # Each curve will have its very own linestyle. # (This should work just fine in web rendition I think). # The line_xxx variables will hold the elements of the line style. # type (solid/dashed), color, width # my $linestyle_index = 50; my $line_width = ''; my $plots = ''; # If arrows are needed there will be an arrow style for each as well: # my $arrow_style_index = 50; for (my $i = 0;$i<=$#curves;$i++) { $curve = $curves[$i]; my $plot_command = ''; my $plot_type = ''; if ($i > 0) { $plot_type = ', '; } if ($target eq 'tex') { $curve->{'linewidth'} *= 2; } $line_width = $curve->{'linewidth'}; if (exists($curve->{'function'})) { $plot_type .= $curve->{'function'}.' title "'. $curve->{'name'}.'" with '. $curve->{'linestyle'}; } elsif (exists($curve->{'data'})) { # Store data values in $datatext my $datatext = ''; # get new filename my $datafilename = "$tmpdir/$filename.data.$i"; my $fh=Apache::File->new(">$datafilename"); # Compile data my @Data = @{$curve->{'data'}}; my @Data0 = @{$Data[0]}; for (my $i =0; $i<=$#Data0; $i++) { my $dataset; foreach $dataset (@Data) { $datatext .= $dataset->[$i] . ' '; } $datatext .= $/; } # write file print $fh $datatext; close($fh); # generate gnuplot text $plot_type .= '"'.$datafilename.'" title "'. $curve->{'name'}.'" with '. $curve->{'linestyle'}; } my $pointtype = ''; my $pointsize = ''; # Figure out the linestyle: my $lt = $curve->{'linetype'} ne '' ? $curve->{'linetype'} : 'solid'; # Line type defaults to solid. # The mapping of lt -> the actual gnuplot line type depends on the target: if ($target eq 'tex') { $lt = $ps_linetypes{$lt}; } else { $lt = $linetypes{$lt} } my $color = $curve->{'color'}; $color =~ s/^x/#/; # Convert xhex color -> #hex color. if (($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'points') || ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'linespoints') || ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'errorbars') || ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'xerrorbars') || ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'yerrorbars') || ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'xyerrorbars')) { $pointtype =' pointtype '.$curve->{'pointtype'}; $pointsize =' pointsize '.$curve->{'pointsize'}; } elsif ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'filledcurves') { $plot_command.= ' '.$curve->{'limit'}; } elsif ($curve->{'linestyle'} eq 'vector') { # Create the arrow head style add it to # $gnuplot_input..and ensure it gets # Selected in the plot command. $gnuplot_input .= "set style arrow $arrow_style_index "; $gnuplot_input .= ' ' . $curve->{'arrowhead'}; $gnuplot_input .= ' size ' . $curve->{'arrowlength'}; $gnuplot_input .= ','.$curve->{'arrowangle'}; $gnuplot_input .= ',' . $curve->{'arrowbackangle'}; $gnuplot_input .= ' ' . $curve->{'arrowstyle'} . " ls $linestyle_index\n"; $plot_command .= " arrowstyle $arrow_style_index "; $arrow_style_index++; } my $style_command = "set style line $linestyle_index $pointtype $pointsize linetype $lt linewidth $line_width lc rgb '$color'\n"; $gnuplot_input .= $style_command; # The condition below is because gnuplot lumps the linestyle in with the # arrowstyle _sigh_. if ($curve->{'linestyle'} ne 'vector') { $plot_command.= " ls $linestyle_index"; } $plots .= $plot_type . ' ' . $plot_command; $linestyle_index++; # Each curve get a unique linestyle. } $gnuplot_input .= 'plot '.$plots; # Write the output to a file. # &Apache::lonnet::logthis($gnuplot_input); # uncomment to log the gnuplot input. open (my $fh, "> $tmpdir$filename.data"); binmode($fh, ':utf8'); print $fh $gnuplot_input; close($fh); # That's all folks. return ; } #---------------------------------------------- check_inputs sub check_inputs { ## Note: no inputs, no outputs - this acts only on global variables. ## Make sure we have all the input we need: if (! %Apache::lonplot::plot) { &set_defaults(\%Apache::lonplot::plot,\%gnuplot_defaults); } if (! %key ) {} # No key for this plot, thats okay # if (! %axis) { &set_defaults(\%axis,\%axis_defaults); } if (! defined($title )) {} # No title for this plot, thats okay if (! defined($xlabel)) {} # No xlabel for this plot, thats okay if (! defined($ylabel)) {} # No ylabel for this plot, thats okay if ($#labels < 0) { } # No labels for this plot, thats okay if ($#curves < 0) { &Apache::lonxml::warning("No curves specified for plot!!!!"); return ''; } my $curve; foreach $curve (@curves) { if (!defined($curve->{'function'})&&!defined($curve->{'data'})){ &Apache::lonxml::warning("One of the curves specified did not contain any curve data or curve function declarations\n"); return ''; } } } #------------------------------------------------ make_edit sub edit_attributes { my ($target,$token,$defaults,$keys) = @_; my ($result,@keys); if ($keys && ref($keys) eq 'ARRAY') { @keys = @$keys; } else { @keys = sort(keys(%$defaults)); } foreach my $attr (@keys) { # append a ' ' to the description if it doesn't have one already. my $description = $defaults->{$attr}->{'description'}; $description .= ' ' if ($description !~ / $/); if ($defaults->{$attr}->{'edit_type'} eq 'entry') { $result .= &Apache::edit::text_arg ($description,$attr,$token, $defaults->{$attr}->{'size'}, $defaults->{$attr}->{'class'}); } elsif ($defaults->{$attr}->{'edit_type'} eq 'choice') { $result .= &Apache::edit::select_or_text_arg ($description,$attr,$defaults->{$attr}->{'choices'},$token); } elsif ($defaults->{$attr}->{'edit_type'} eq 'onoff') { $result .= &Apache::edit::select_or_text_arg ($description,$attr,['on','off'],$token); } $result .= '
'; } return $result; } ################################################################### ## ## ## Insertion functions for editing plots ## ## ## ################################################################### sub insert_gnuplot { my $result = ''; # plot attributes $result .= "\n{'default'}\""; } $result .= ">"; # Add the components (most are commented out for simplicity) # $result .= &insert_key(); # $result .= &insert_axis(); # $result .= &insert_title(); # $result .= &insert_xlabel(); # $result .= &insert_ylabel(); $result .= &insert_curve(); # close up the $result .= "\n"; return $result; } sub insert_tics { my $result; $result .= &insert_xtics() . &insert_ytics; return $result; } sub insert_xtics { my $result; $result .= "\n {'default'}\" "; } $result .= "/>"; return $result; } sub insert_ytics { my $result; $result .= "\n {'default'}\" "; } $result .= "/>"; return $result; } sub insert_key { my $result; $result .= "\n {'default'}\""; } $result .= " />"; return $result; } sub insert_axis{ my $result; $result .= "\n {'default'}\""; } $result .= " />"; return $result; } sub insert_title { return "\n "; } sub insert_xlabel { return "\n "; } sub insert_ylabel { return "\n "; } sub insert_label { my $result; $result .= "\n "; return $result; } sub insert_curve { my $result; $result .= "\n {'default'}."\""; } $result .= " >"; $result .= &insert_data().&insert_data()."\n "; } sub insert_function { my $result; $result .= "\n "; return $result; } sub insert_data { my $result; $result .= "\n "; return $result; } ##---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Apache::lonplot.pm =head1 SYNOPSIS XML-based plotter of graphs This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project described at http://www.lon-capa.org. =head1 SUBROUTINES (parsing and edit rendering) =over =item start_gnuplot() =item end_gnuplot() =item start_xtics() =item end_xtics() =item start_ytics() =item end_ytics() =item get_font() =item start_key() =item end_key() =item parse_label() =item replace_entities() =item start_title() =item end_title() =item start_xlabel() =item end_xlabel() =item start_ylabel() =item end_label() =item start_curve() =item end_curve() =item start_function() =item end_function() =item start_data() =item end_data() =item start_axis() =item end_axis =back =head1 SUBROUTINES (Utility) =over =item set_defaults() =item get_attributes() =item write_gnuplot_file() =item check_inputs() =item edit_attributes() =back =head1 SUBROUTINES (Insertion functions for editing plots) =over =item insert_gnuplot() =item insert_tics() =item insert_xtics() =item insert_key() =item insert_axis() =item insert_title() =item insert_xlabel() =item insert_ylabel() =item insert_label() =item insert_curve() =item insert_function() =item insert_data() =back =cut