Annotation of loncom/build/Makefile.cvs, revision 1.5

1.1       harris41    1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
                      3: # Scott Harrison
1.5     ! harris41    4: # $Id: Makefile.cvs,v 1.4 2002/04/27 17:37:40 harris41 Exp $
1.1       harris41    5: 
                      6: STATDIR="loncom/build/cvsstats"
                      7: STATSUBDIR="cvsstats"
1.5     ! harris41    8: TIMEAGO=7
1.1       harris41    9: 
                     10: help:
                     11: 	@echo "*** You need to specify a valid target ***"
                     12: 	@echo "cvsreport: look at the latest changes over the last week"
                     13: 	@echo "cvscommit: look at the number of commits since the origin of"
                     14: 	@echo "           LON-CAPA archiving"
                     15: 	@echo "linesofcode: look at the number of unique lines of code since"
                     16: 	@echo "           LON-CAPA archiving"
                     17: 	@echo "Information is placed inside CVS:loncom/build/cvsstats"
                     19: cvsreport:
                     20: 	# Header
                     21: 	echo "<h1>Automatically generated CVS report</h1>" > \
                     22: 	../../doc/build/cvsreport.html
                     23: 	# General Date Info
                     24: 	echo "<h1>LON-CAPA Software Changes from `date --date='7 days ago' \
                     25: 	+\"%Y-%m-%d\"` to `date +\"%Y-%m-%d\"`</h1>" >> \
                     26: 	../../doc/build/cvsreport.html
                     27: 	# General Alteration Info
                     28: 	echo "<p>Number of altered files:" >> ../../doc/build/cvsreport.html
                     29: 	cd ../..; cvs log -d ">`date --date='8 days ago' +\"%Y-%m-%d\"`" \
1.4       harris41   30: 	loncom CAPA doc 2>/dev/null | perl \
1.1       harris41   31: 	loncom/build/ | grep '^Working file:' | cut -b15- | \
                     32: 	wc -l >> doc/build/cvsreport.html
                     33: 	# Listing of Altered Files
                     34: 	echo "</p><p>Altered files:</p><p><pre>" >> \
                     35: 	../../doc/build/cvsreport.html
                     36: 	cd ../..; cvs log -d ">`date --date='8 days ago' +\"%Y-%m-%d\"`" \
1.4       harris41   37: 	loncom CAPA doc 2>/dev/null | \
1.1       harris41   38: 	perl loncom/build/ | grep '^Working file:' | cut -b15- \
                     39: 	>> doc/build/cvsreport.html
1.5     ! harris41   40: 	echo "</pre></p>" >> ../constructdoc/devhistory/cvsreport.html
        !            41: 	make -f Makefile.cvs COMPONENT=loncom logentries
        !            42: 	make -f Makefile.cvs COMPONENT=CAPA logentries
        !            43: 	make -f Makefile.cvs COMPONENT=doc logentries
        !            44: 
        !            45: logentries:
        !            46: 	# Log entries for $(COMPONENT)
        !            47: 	echo "<p>Log entries for <b>$(COMPONENT)</b>:</p><pre>" >>\
        !            48: 	../constructdoc/devhistory/cvsreport.html
        !            49: 	cd ../$(COMPONENT); cvs log -d ">`date --date='$(TIMEAGO) days ago' \
        !            50: 	+\"%Y-%m-%d\"`" . 2>/dev/null | perl ../build/ >> \
        !            51: 	../constructdoc/devhistory/cvsreport.html
        !            52: 	echo "</pre></p>" >> ../constructdoc/devhistory/cvsreport.html
1.1       harris41   53: 
                     54: statpage:
1.3       harris41   55: 	install -d $(STATSUBDIR)
1.1       harris41   56: 	echo '<html><title>LON-CAPA Coding Metrics</title>' > $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     57: 	echo '<body bgcolor="#ffffff">' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     58: 	echo '<h1>LON-CAPA Coding Metrics</h1>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     59: 	echo '<br />Compiled as of ' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     60: 	date >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.2       harris41   61: 	echo "<p>The general algorithm for counting lines of code (this excludes blank lines) is <blockquote>cvs -q diff -D'start-date' -D'end-date' -b -B -N | egrep '^> .*[^ \t]' | sed 's/^> //g' | sort | uniq | wc -l</blockquote>&nbsp;</p>" >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     62: 	echo "<p>The general algorithm for counting the number of CVS repository commits (includes additions, deletions, and modifications) is: <blockquote>cvs history -D'start-date' -a -xMAR | wc -l</blockquote>&nbsp;</p>" >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     63: 	echo "<p>Each listing contains two graphs.  One graph relates to the entire LON-CAPA repository.  The other graph relates solely to the *.pm files (perl modules including Apache handlers).</p>" >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     64: 	echo '<br /><a href="#loc">Lines of Code; unique changes per month</a>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     65: 	echo '<br /><a href="#locsum">Lines of Code; aggregate sum of unique changes per month</a>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     66: 	echo '<br /><a href="#commit">Number of commits to software repository per month</a>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     67: 	echo '<br /><a href="#commitsum">Aggregate sum of number of commits to software repository per month</a>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     68: 	echo '<hr /><a name="loc"><h3>Lines of Code</h3>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     69: 	echo 'The first graph displays the number of unique line changes made in the CVS repository per month.  The second graphs displays the number of unique line changes made to *.pm files in the CVS repository per month.' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.1       harris41   70: 	echo '<br /><img src="loc.png" alt="lines of code" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     71: 	echo '<br /><img src="locpm.png" alt="lines of code, perl modules" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.2       harris41   72: 	echo '<hr /><a name="locsum"><h3>Aggregate Lines of Code</h3>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     73: 	echo 'The first graph displays the aggregate number of unique line changes made in the CVS repository per month.  The second graphs displays the aggregate number of unique line changes made to *.pm files in the CVS repository per month.' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.1       harris41   74: 	echo '<br /><img src="locsum.png" alt="aggregate lines of code" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     75: 	echo '<br /><img src="locpmsum.png" alt="aggregate lines of code, perl modules" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.2       harris41   76: 	echo '<hr /><a name="commit"><h3>Commits to Repository</h3>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     77: 	echo 'The first graph displays the number of repository commits (additions, deletions, and modifications) made in the CVS repository per month.  The second graphs displays the number of repository commits involving *.pm files made in the CVS repository per month.' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.1       harris41   78: 	echo '<br /><img src="commit.png" alt="number of commits" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     79: 	echo '<br /><img src="commitpm.png" alt="number of commits, perl modules" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.2       harris41   80: 	echo '<hr /><a name="commitsum"><h3>Aggregate Commits to Repository</h3>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     81: 	echo 'The first graph displays the aggregate number of repository commits (additions, deletions, and modifications) made in the CVS repository per month.  The second graphs displays the aggregate number of repository commits involving *.pm files made in the CVS repository per month.' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
1.1       harris41   82: 	echo '<br /><img src="commitsum.png" alt="aggregate number of commits" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     83: 	echo '<br /><img src="commitpmsum.png" alt="aggregate number of commits, perl modules" />' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     84: 	echo '</body>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     85: 	echo '</html>' >> $(STATSUBDIR)/index.html
                     87: linesofcode:
                     88: 	install -d cvsstats
                     89: 	# for all, and for .pm
                     90: 	# get date array
                     91: 	cd ../..; perl -e ' \
                     92: ($$begindate,$$enddate)=@ARGV;\
                     93: ($$by,$$bm,$$bd)=($$begindate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                     94: ($$ey,$$em,$$ed)=($$enddate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                     95: for ($$y=$$by; $$y<=$$ey; $$y++) {\
                     96:     if ($$y==$$by) {$$m=$$bm;} else {$$m=1;}\
                     97:     if ($$y==$$ey) {$$m2=$$em;} else {$$m2=12;}\
                     98:     for ($$m; $$m<=$$m2; $$m++) {\
                     99: 	printf("$$odate\t%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d\n",$$y,$$m,$$bd) if $$odate; \
                    100: 	$$odate=sprintf("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d",$$y,$$m,$$bd);\
                    101:     }\
                    102: }' 20000101 `date +"%Y%m%d"` |\
                    103: perl -nle '($$d1,$$d2)=split(/\t/);$$loc=`cvs -q diff -D$$d1 -D$$d2 -b -B -N | egrep \"^> .*[^ \t]\" | sed \"s/^> //g\" | sort | uniq | wc -l`;chomp $$loc;$$locsum+=$$loc;print "$$d2\t$$loc\t$$locsum";' > $(STATDIR)/table.txt
                    104: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "lines of code"\nset nokey\nset title "Lines of Code\\nUnique changes per month"\nset output "cvsstats/loc.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/table.txt" using 1:2 with lines' | gnuplot
1.2       harris41  105: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "lines of code"\nset nokey\nset title "Lines of Code\\nAggregate count; Unique changes per month"\nset output "cvsstats/locsum.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/table.txt" using 1:3 with lines' | gnuplot
1.1       harris41  106: 	cd ../..; perl -e ' \
                    107: ($$begindate,$$enddate)=@ARGV;\
                    108: ($$by,$$bm,$$bd)=($$begindate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    109: ($$ey,$$em,$$ed)=($$enddate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    110: for ($$y=$$by; $$y<=$$ey; $$y++) {\
                    111:     if ($$y==$$by) {$$m=$$bm;} else {$$m=1;}\
                    112:     if ($$y==$$ey) {$$m2=$$em;} else {$$m2=12;}\
                    113:     for ($$m; $$m<=$$m2; $$m++) {\
                    114: 	printf("$$odate\t%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d\n",$$y,$$m,$$bd) if $$odate; \
                    115: 	$$odate=sprintf("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d",$$y,$$m,$$bd);\
                    116:     }\
                    117: }' 20000101 `date +"%Y%m%d"` |\
                    118: perl -nle '($$d1,$$d2)=split(/\t/);$$loc=`cvs -q diff -D$$d1 -D$$d2 -b -B -N |\
                    119: perl -e "\@flag=(1);while(<>){if (/RCS file:/) {\@flag=(); pop \@flag; \@flag=(1) if /^RCS file: .*\.pm\,v/;} print if \@flag;}" |\
                    120:  egrep \"^> .*[^ \t]\" | sed \"s/^> //g\" | sort | uniq | wc -l`;chomp $$loc;$$locsum+=$$loc;print "$$d2\t$$loc\t$$locsum";' > $(STATDIR)/tablepm.txt
                    121: # process counts, generate table
                    122: 	# pass table to gnuplot
1.2       harris41  123: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "lines of code"\nset nokey\nset title "Lines of Code, perl modules\\nUnique changes per month"\nset output "cvsstats/locpm.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/tablepm.txt" using 1:2 with lines' | gnuplot
                    124: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "lines of code"\nset nokey\nset title "Lines of Code, perl modules\\nAggregate count; Unique changes per month"\nset output "cvsstats/locpmsum.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/tablepm.txt" using 1:3 with lines' | gnuplot
1.1       harris41  125: 
                    126: cvscommit:
1.2       harris41  127: 	install -d cvsstats
1.1       harris41  128: 	# for all, and for .pm
                    129: 	# get date array
1.2       harris41  130: 	cd ../..; perl -e ' \
                    131: ($$begindate,$$enddate)=@ARGV;\
                    132: ($$by,$$bm,$$bd)=($$begindate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    133: ($$ey,$$em,$$ed)=($$enddate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    134: for ($$y=$$by; $$y<=$$ey; $$y++) {\
                    135:     if ($$y==$$by) {$$m=$$bm;} else {$$m=1;}\
                    136:     if ($$y==$$ey) {$$m2=$$em;} else {$$m2=12;}\
                    137:     for ($$m; $$m<=$$m2; $$m++) {\
                    138: 	printf("$$odate\t%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d\n",$$y,$$m,$$bd) if $$odate; \
                    139: 	$$odate=sprintf("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d",$$y,$$m,$$bd);\
                    140:     }\
                    141: }' 20000101 `date +"%Y%m%d"` |\
                    142: perl -nle '($$d1,$$d2)=split(/\t/);$$cmt1=`cvs history -D$$d1 -a -xMAR | wc -l`;chomp $$cmt1;$$cmt2=`cvs history -D$$d2 -a -xMAR | wc -l`;chomp $$cmt2;$$cmt=$$cmt1-$$cmt2;$$cmtsum+=$$cmt;print "$$d2\t$$cmt\t$$cmtsum";' > $(STATDIR)/ctable.txt
                    143: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "commits"\nset nokey\nset title "Commits\\n(Additions, Deletions, and Modifications)"\nset output "cvsstats/commit.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/ctable.txt" using 1:2 with lines' | gnuplot
                    144: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "commits"\nset nokey\nset title "Commits\\nAggregate count (Additions, Deletions, and Modifications"\nset output "cvsstats/commitsum.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/ctable.txt" using 1:3 with lines' | gnuplot
                    145: 	cd ../..; perl -e ' \
                    146: ($$begindate,$$enddate)=@ARGV;\
                    147: ($$by,$$bm,$$bd)=($$begindate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    148: ($$ey,$$em,$$ed)=($$enddate=~/(\d{4,4})(\d{2,2})(\d{2,2})/);\
                    149: for ($$y=$$by; $$y<=$$ey; $$y++) {\
                    150:     if ($$y==$$by) {$$m=$$bm;} else {$$m=1;}\
                    151:     if ($$y==$$ey) {$$m2=$$em;} else {$$m2=12;}\
                    152:     for ($$m; $$m<=$$m2; $$m++) {\
                    153: 	printf("$$odate\t%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d\n",$$y,$$m,$$bd) if $$odate; \
                    154: 	$$odate=sprintf("%4.4d%2.2d%2.2d",$$y,$$m,$$bd);\
                    155:     }\
                    156: }' 20000101 `date +"%Y%m%d"` |\
                    157: perl -nle '($$d1,$$d2)=split(/\t/);$$cmt1=`cvs history -D$$d1 -a -xMAR | grep "\.pm[[:space:]]" | wc -l`;chomp $$cmt1;$$cmt2=`cvs history -D$$d2 -a -xMAR | grep "\.pm[[:space:]]" | wc -l`;chomp $$cmt2;$$cmt=$$cmt1-$$cmt2;$$cmtsum+=$$cmt;print "$$d2\t$$cmt\t$$cmtsum";' > $(STATDIR)/ctablepm.txt
                    158: # process counts, generate table
1.1       harris41  159: 	# pass table to gnuplot
1.2       harris41  160: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "commits"\nset nokey\nset title "Commits, perl modules\\n(Additions, Deletions, and Modifications)"\nset output "cvsstats/commitpm.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/ctablepm.txt" using 1:2 with lines' | gnuplot
                    161: 	echo -e 'set xdata time\nset timefmt "%Y%m%d"\nset format x "%b %y"\nset xlabel "time"\nset ylabel "commits"\nset nokey\nset title "Commits, perl modules\\nAggregate count (Additions, Deletions, and Modifications)"\nset output "cvsstats/commitpmsum.png"\nset term png color\nplot "cvsstats/ctablepm.txt" using 1:3 with lines' | gnuplot
1.1       harris41  162: 
                    163: clean:
                    164: 	rm -Rf cvsstats

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